diff --git a/tools/wikidata-review-contributor.php b/tools/wikidata-review-contributor.php
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/wikidata-review-contributor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Valerio Bozzolan, Ferdinando Traversa
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// exit if not CLI
+$argv or exit( 1 );
+// load the framework
+require __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
+// used classes from boz-mw
+use \cli\Log;
+use \cli\Input;
+use \cli\Opts;
+use \wm\Wikidata;
+use \mw\API\PageMatcher;
+use \cli\ConfigWizard;
+use \cli\ParamFlag;
+// load configuration or create it
+ConfigWizard::requireOrCreate( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );
+// register all CLI parameters
+$opts = new Opts( [
+	new ParamFlag( 'help', 'h', "Show this help and quit" ),
+] );
+// check if the software is interactive or not
+// command line arguments
+$arguments = Opts::unnamedArguments();
+if( count( $arguments ) < 2 ) {
+	help( [ "Please specify both the SPARQL file and the user name to blame" ] );
+// take the SPARQL file pathname
+$sparql_file = array_shift( $arguments );
+// user names to blame
+$user_names = $arguments;
+// no file no party
+if( !file_exists( $sparql_file ) ) {
+	help( [ sprintf(
+		"The file '%s' does not exist",
+		$sparql_file
+	) ] );
+// read the SPARQL query
+$sparql_query = file_get_contents( $sparql_file );
+if( !$sparql_query ) {
+	help( [ sprintf(
+		"Obtained a non-empty SPARQL query from the file '%s'",
+		$sparql_file
+	) ] );
+// show the help
+$show_help = $opts->getArg( 'help' );
+if( $show_help ) {
+	help();
+// activate Wikidata power and login
+$wikidata = Wikidata::instance();
+// login to download more infos
+// an array of item IDs
+$ids = [];
+// some stats
+$founds          = 0;
+$allcontribs     = 0;
+$lastcontribdate = '';
+// exec the query and store the item IDs
+$rows = $wikidata->querySPARQL( $sparql_query );
+foreach( $rows as $row ) {
+	$item = $row->item ?? null;
+	// no item no party
+	if( !$item ) {
+		Log::error( "the query does not return any 'item' column - probably you forgot to SELECT the '?item'" );
+		exit( 2 );
+	}
+	$ids[] = basename( $item->value );
+Log::info( "Starting looking for contributions" );
+// and now the magic begins - looks for usercontribs
+// https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Busercontribs
+$requests = $wikidata->createQuery( [
+	'action'  => 'query',
+	'list'    => 'usercontribs',
+	'ucuser'  => $user_names,
+	'ucprop'  => ['ids', 'title', 'timestamp'],
+	'ucdir'   => 'newer',
+	'uclimit' => 'max',
+] );
+foreach( $requests as $request ) {
+	// loop the contributions
+	$contribs = $request->query->usercontribs;
+	foreach( $contribs as $contrib ) {
+		$timestamp = $contrib->timestamp;
+		$revid     = $contrib->revid;
+		// check if this is a known page
+		if( in_array( $contrib->title, $ids, true ) ) {
+			Log::info( "$timestamp - https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?diff=$revid" );
+			$founds++;
+			// allow to pause the script
+			if( $INTERACTIVE ) {
+				Input::ask( "press ENTER" );
+			}
+		}
+		$allcontribs++;
+		$lastcontribdate = $contrib->timestamp;
+	}
+	Log::info( "Last date: $lastcontribdate (total $allcontribs)" );
+// riepilogue
+Log::info( "RIEPILOGUE"                                  );
+Log::info( "  Read contributions:      $allcontribs"     );
+Log::info( "  Last contribution read:  $lastcontribdate" );
+Log::info( "  Total founds:            $founds"          );
+if( !$founds ) {
+	Log::error( "Sorry, no results found!" );
+ * Print an help message
+ *
+ * @param array $errors
+ */
+function help( $errors = [] ) {
+	global $argv, $opts;
+	echo "Usage:\n {$argv[ 0 ]} FILE.sparql USER_NAME\n";
+	echo "Allowed OPTIONS:\n";
+	foreach( $opts->getParams() as $param ) {
+		$commands = [];
+		if( $param->hasLongName() ) {
+			$commands[] = '--' . $param->getLongName();
+		}
+		if( $param->hasShortName() ) {
+			$commands[] = '-' . $param->getShortName();
+		}
+		$command = implode( ' ', $commands );
+		if( $command && ! $param->isFlag() ) {
+			$command .= $param->isValueOptional()
+				? '=[VALUE]'
+				: '=VALUE';
+		}
+		printf( ' % -20s ', $command );
+		if( $param->hasDescription() ) {
+			echo ' ' . $param->getDescription();
+		}
+		echo "\n";
+	}
+	foreach( $errors as $msg ) {
+		echo "\nError: $msg";
+	}
+	echo "\n";
+	// quit the program
+	exit( $errors ? 1 : 0 );