diff --git a/template/ftp.php b/template/ftp.php
index 242e258..117e112 100644
--- a/template/ftp.php
+++ b/template/ftp.php
@@ -1,63 +1,77 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2019 Valerio Bozzolan
 # Boz Libre Hosting Panel
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 # License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  * This is the template for a single FTP account
  * Called from:
  * 	ftp.php
  * Available variables:
  * 	$domain Domain object
  * 	$ftp FTP object
 // unuseful when load directly
 defined( 'BOZ_PHP' ) or die;
 	<?php template( 'ftp-description' ) ?>
 	<?php if( $ftp ): ?>
 		<?php template( 'ftp-access', [
 			'domain' => $domain,
 			'ftp'    => $ftp,
 		] ) ?>
+		<h3><?= __( "Actions" ) ?></h3>
 		<!-- delete form -->
 		<form method="post">
 			<?php form_action( 'ftp-delete' ) ?>
 			<?= HTML::input( 'hidden', 'ftp_login', $ftp->getFTPLogin() ) ?>
-			<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger"><?= __( "Delete" ) ?></button>
+			<p><button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger"><?= __( "Delete" ) ?></button></p>
 		<!-- /delete form -->
+		<!-- change password form -->
+		<form method="post">
+			<?php form_action( 'ftp-password-reset' ) ?>
+			<?php if( $ftp_password ): ?>
+				<label for="password"><?= __( "Please copy your new password:" ) ?><br />
+				<input type="text" id="password" readonly<?= value( $ftp_password ) ?> />
+			<?php else: ?>
+				<p><button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><?= __( "Generate new password" ) ?></button></p>
+			<?php endif ?>
+		</form>
+		<!-- /change password form -->
 	<?php else: ?>
 		<!-- create form -->
 		<form method="post">
 			<?php form_action( 'ftp-save' ) ?>
 				<label for="ftp-login"><?= __( "FTP login:") ?></label><br />
 				<input type="text" id="ftp-login" name="ftp_login" />
 				<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><?= __( "Create" ) ?></button>
 		<!-- /create form -->
 	<?php endif ?>
diff --git a/www/ftp.php b/www/ftp.php
index 371c57c..d3b36f9 100644
--- a/www/ftp.php
+++ b/www/ftp.php
@@ -1,164 +1,179 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2019 Valerio Bozzolan
 # Boz Libre Hosting Panel
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 # License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  * This is the single FTP account creation/edit page
 // load framework
 require '../load.php';
 // wanted informations
 $domain       = null;
 $ftp          = null;
 $ftp_password = null;
 // URL paramenters (maximum both domain and FTP login, minimum just domain)
 list( $domain_name, $ftp_login ) = url_parts( 2, 1 );
 // eventually retrieve mailforward from database
 if( $ftp_login ) {
 	$ftp = ( new FTPAPI() )
 		->select( [
 		] )
 		->whereDomainName( $domain_name )
 		->whereFTPLogin( $ftp_login )
 	// 404
 	$ftp or PageNotFound::spawn();
 	// recycle the mailforward object that has domain informations
 	$domain = $ftp;
 // eventually retrieve domain from database
 if( ! $domain ) {
 	$domain = ( new DomainAPI() )
 		->select( [
 		] )
 		->whereDomainName( $domain_name )
 	// 404
 	$domain or PageNotFound::spawn();
 if( ! $ftp ) {
 	// to create an FTP user, must edit all FTP users
 	require_permission( 'edit-ftp-all' );
 // save destination action
 if( is_action( 'ftp-save' ) ) {
 	// save source only during creation
 	if( ! $ftp ) {
 		// sanitize data
 		if( !isset( $_POST['ftp_login'] ) || !is_string( $_POST['ftp_login'] ) ) {
 			BadRequest::spawn( __( "missing parameter" ) );
 		// generate the username (must start with domain name)
 		$username = generate_slug( $domain->getDomainName() ) . '_' . $_POST[ 'ftp_login' ];
 		$username = luser_input( $username, 128 );
 		// validate username
 		if( !validate_mailbox_username( $username ) ) {
 			BadRequest::spawn( __( "invalid mailbox name" ) );
 		// check existence
 		$ftp_exists = ( new FTPAPI() )
 			->select( 1 )
 			->whereDomain( $domain )
 			->whereFTPLogin( $username )
 		// die if exists
 		if( $ftp_exists ) {
 			BadRequest::spawn( __( "FTP account already existing" ) );
-		// generate a password and die
+		// generate a random password and die (probably the User will not see it because of the redirect)
 		$ftp_password      = generate_password();
 		$ftp_password_safe = FTP::encryptPassword( $ftp_password );
 		// insert as new row
 		insert_row( 'ftp', [
 			new DBCol( 'domain_ID',    $domain->getDomainID(), 'd' ),
 			new DBCol( 'ftp_login',    $username,              's' ),
 			new DBCol( 'ftp_password', $ftp_password_safe,         's' ),
 		] );
 		// POST/redirect/GET
 		http_redirect( FTP::permalink(
 		), 303 );
+// change password action
+if( $ftp && is_action( 'ftp-password-reset' ) ) {
+	// generate a password and die
+	$ftp_password      = generate_password();
+	$ftp_password_safe = FTP::encryptPassword( $ftp_password );
+	// update its password
+	( new FTPAPI() )
+		->whereFTP( $ftp )
+		->update( [
+			'ftp_password' => $ftp_password_safe,
+		] );
 // delete action
 if( $ftp ) {
 	// action fired when deleting a whole mailforward
 	if( is_action( 'ftp-delete' ) ) {
 		// delete the account
 		( new FTPAPI() )
 			->whereFTP( $ftp )
 		// POST/redirect/GET
 		http_redirect( $domain->getDomainPermalink( true ), 303 );
 // spawn header
 Header::spawn( [
 	'uid' => false,
 	'title-prefix' => __( "FTP user" ),
 	'title' => $ftp
 		? $ftp->getFTPLogin()
 		: __( "create" ),
 	'breadcrumb' => [
 		new MenuEntry( null, $domain->getDomainPermalink(), $domain->getDomainName() ),
 ] );
 // spawn the page content
 template( 'ftp', [
-	'domain'   => $domain,
-	'ftp'      => $ftp,
-	'password' => $ftp_password,
+	'domain'       => $domain,
+	'ftp'          => $ftp,
+	'ftp_password' => $ftp_password,
 ] );
 // spawn the footer