diff --git a/watch.php b/watch.php index f097aa6..fef4375 100755 --- a/watch.php +++ b/watch.php @@ -1,197 +1,197 @@ #!/usr/bin/php . // require some basic functions require 'functions.php'; // register some inline options $opts = getopt( '', [ 'config:', 'category:', 'wiki:', 'to:', 'strip-base', ] ); // config file $CONFIG_FILE = $opts['config'] ?? 'config.php'; // config file $CATEGORY = $opts['category'] ?? null; // wiki identifier $WIKI_UID = $opts['wiki'] ?? null; // comma separated list of additional destination emails $TO_RAW_LIST = $opts['to'] ?? ''; // eventually strip page title prefixes from the mail body // to just have 'Something Title' from 'Project:Pages/Page Collection/Something Title' $STRIP_BASE = isset( $opts['strip-base'] ); // no wiki no party if( !$WIKI_UID ) { echo "Please set a --wiki=identifier\n"; exit( 1 ); } // no category no party if( !$CATEGORY ) { echo "Please set a --category=Name\n"; exit( 1 ); } // read the configuration require $CONFIG_FILE; use web\MediaWikis; // check if the wiki exists $wiki = MediaWikis::findFromUID( $WIKI_UID ); if( !$wiki ) { echo "Missing wiki with identifier $WIKI_UID\n"; exit( 1 ); } // merge the base email addresses with the specified ones (if any) $TO = $CONFIGS['BASE_RECIPIENTS'] ?? []; if( $TO_RAW_LIST ) { $to_additionals = explode( ',', $TO_RAW_LIST ); foreach( $to_additionals as $to_additional ) { $TO[] = $to_additional; } } // avoid duplicates added by mistake array_unique( $TO ); // validate each email address foreach( $TO as $to ) { if( !filter_var( $to, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) ) { echo "The email address '$to' is considered not valid\n"; exit( 2 ); } } // no addresses no party if( !$TO ) { echo "Please specify at least one --to=email@example.com\n"; } // parse the category title $category_object = $wiki->createTitleParsing( $CATEGORY ); // cache file $CACHE_FILE = $CONFIGS['DIR_CACHE'] . '/' . $CATEGORY; // content of the cache $cache = @json_decode( @file_get_contents( $CACHE_FILE, true ), true ); $cache = $cache ?? []; // pages never seen before $unseen = []; // query the category members $queries = $wiki->createQuery( [ 'action' => 'query', 'list' => 'categorymembers', 'cmtitle' => $CATEGORY, ] ); // for each API continuation foreach( $queries as $query ) { $members = $query->query->categorymembers ?? null; foreach( $members as $member ) { // well $pageid = $member->pageid; $title = $member->title; // first time? save if( !isset( $cache[ $pageid ] ) ) { // this is a new page! $unseen[] = $title; // let's remember it $cache[ $pageid ] = [ 'title' => $title, ]; } // save the last seen date $cache[ $pageid ][ 'lastseen' ] = time(); } } if( $unseen ) { // get the body of the email $body = file_get_contents( $CONFIGS['BODY' ] ); // build a markdown list of the unseen pages $unseen_list = []; foreach( $unseen as $title ) { // eventually strip the title prefix if( $STRIP_BASE ) { $title = basename( $title ); } // prepare a cute page body $title_object = $wiki->createTitleParsing( $title ); $title_url = $title_object->getURL(); - $unseen_list[] = "* $title"; - $unseen_list[] = "* $title_url"; + $unseen_list[] = $title; + $unseen_list[] = $title_url; $unseen_list[] = ''; } // one per line please $unseen_list_txt = implode( "\n", $unseen_list ); // replace arguments in the mail body $body = sprintf( $body, // $1%s $unseen_list_txt, // %2$s $CATEGORY, // %3$s $category_object->getURL(), // %4$s $CONFIGS['ORIGIN'] ); // replace arguments in the mail subject $subject = sprintf( $CONFIGS['SUBJECT'], $CATEGORY ); // send the email to the recipients send_email( $subject, $body, $TO ); } // save the results file_put_contents( $CACHE_FILE, json_encode( $cache, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ) );