diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fd85c60..e2b51f3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,351 +1,353 @@ # Micro Backup script This is a keep it simple and stupid backup script. ## Installation Choose a directory and then clone this repository: ``` git clone URL ``` Example: ``` sudo -i cd /opt git clone https://gitpull.it/source/micro-backup-script/ ``` Please change the URL to point on your own fork (if you have one). ## Configuration Enter in the cloned directory and run: ``` cp backup-instructions-example.conf backup-instructions.conf cp options-example.conf options.conf ``` Then edit these files with your favorite text editor: * `options.conf` * `backup-instructions.conf` ## Usage After you configured the script for your needs, there are no arguments. Just run this: ``` sudo ./backup-everything.sh ``` You can schedule it from your crontab. Example: ``` $ sudo crontab -e # on-site backup at night #m h dom mon dow command 00 1 * * * /opt/micro-backup-script/backup-everything.sh ``` ## Options documentation (`options.conf`) The file `options.conf` is designed to store important options (like `BOX` and `BASE`). The file `options.conf` can be copied from the example called `options-example.conf`. ### Option `BOX` The `BOX` option sets the human name for your local computer. Default: current `hostname`. The `BOX` option is recommended in order to be independent from the hostname and have more stable backup pathnames. The `BOX` option is used to create a directory with the same name. Here 3 examples: ``` BOX=gargantua BOX=my-local-nice-machine BOX=server001.example.com ``` NOTE: The `BOX` option is used to build the final pathname of your on-site backups. See below. ### Option `BASE` The `BASE` option sets the base pathname for on-site backups. Default: `/home/backups` for historical reasons. The `BASE` option is strongly suggested in order to be independent from the system default. The `BASE` option should **not** end with a slash. The `BASE` option should contain a valid filesystem pathname. Here 3 examples: ``` BASE=/var/backups/stark-industries BASE=/mnt/stark-industries BASE=/tmp/test-backups ``` For example if you set `BASE=/var/backups/stark-industries` and `BOX=gargantua`, your on-site backups will be placed in `/var/backups/stark-industries/gargantua`. ### Option `PORCELAIN` The option `PORCELAIN` allows to debug everything and do nothing. It's useful to see what would be done without executing any command. The option `PORCELAIN` accepts an empty value (default) or `1`. When `1` the flag is activated. Here 2 examples: ``` # run all instructions normally (default) PORCELAIN= # do not run any instruction but just print them PORCELAIN=1 ``` The option `PORCELAIN` will skip the following actions when set to `1`: * skip any database dump (avoiding to run `mysqldump`) * skip any data transfer via rsync (adding a `--dry-run') * skip any systemd stop/start command ### Option `NO_DISSERVICE` The option `NO_DISSERVICE` is a flag that can avoid any command related to a systemd service. It's disabled as default. The option `NO_DISSERVICE` is only useful if you use some backup instructions related to systemd and you want to debug them. The option `NO_DISSERVICE` accepts an empty value (default) or `1`. When `1` the flag is activated. Here 2 examples: ``` # run all systemd-related instructions normally (default) NO_DISSERVICE= # do not run any systemd-related instruction NO_DISSERVICE=1 ``` ### Option `HOURS_INTERVAL` The option `HOURS_INTERVAL` can be used to set a desired minimum time window (in hours) between each execution. The option `HOURS_INTERVAL` is particularly effective to mitigate daylight saving issues and race conditions in general. -The option `HOURS_INTERVAL` defaults to `12` hours. It can be disabled setting an empty string. +The option `HOURS_INTERVAL` defaults to `12` hours. + +The option `HOURS_INTERVAL` can be disabled with a value of `0` to always backup everytime you call the script. ## Instructions documentation (`backup-instructions.conf`) The file `backup-instructions.conf` contains the backup commands (which databases should be saved, which pathnames, etc.) The file `backup-instructions.conf` can be copied from an example called `backup-instructions-example.conf`. ### Instruction `backup_path` The instruction `backup_path` instruction does an on-site copy of a directory or a single file. Examples: ``` # save the Unix configuration files backup_path /etc # save all user homes backup_path /home # save a copy of this specific log file backup_path /mnt/something/log.err ``` The data will be saved in a sub-directory of `$BASE/$BOX/daily/files` keeping the original structure. For example the path `/mnt/something/log.err` will be stored under `$BASE/$BOX/daily/files/mnt/something/log.err`. ### Instruction `backup_paths` The instruction `backup_paths` (note it ends with an "s") allows to save multiple pathnames or use Bash globs to capture multiple pathnames. Example: ``` # backup only the log files who start with "Kern" backup_paths /var/log/Kern* # backup these pathnames backup_paths /home/mario /home/wario ``` ### Instruction `backup_last_log_lines` The instruction `backup_last_log_lines` saves the last lines of a long txt file. Example: ``` backup_last_log_lines /var/log/secure ``` ### Instruction `backup_database` The instruction `backup_database` runs a `mysqldump` on a specific database and compress it with `gzip`. The instruction `backup_database` saves the database under `$BASE/$BOX/daily/databases/$DATABASE_NAME.sql.gzip`. Examples: ``` # first, backup a database with a specific name backup_database wordpress_testing # then, backup another database backup_database wordpress_production ``` ### Instruction `backup_every_database` The instruction `backup_every_database` runs a `mysqldump` for every database (but not on the skipped ones). The instruction `backup_every_database` skips as default `information_schema` and `performance_schema` and more databases can be ignored using the instruction `skip_database`. Example: ``` # skip 2 databases skip_database "^BIG_DATABASE_PRODUCTION_ALPHA$" skip_database "^BIG_DATABASE_PRODUCTION_BETA$" # backup all the others backup_every_database ``` ### Instruction `skip_database` The instruction `skip_database` adds another database name from the exclusion list of `backup_every_database`. The instruction `skip_database` accepts only one argument expressed as a regular expression and has no effect if it's executed after `backup_every_database` or without a `backup_every_database` in your instructions. Examples: ``` # skip this specific database skip_database "^BIG_DATABASE_PRODUCTION_ALPHA$" # skip also all databases starting with the prefix 'OLD_' skip_database "$OLD_.*$" # backup all the remaining databases backup_every_database ``` ### Instruction `skip_database_table_data` The instruction `skip_database_table_data` can be used to skip the table data. The system automagically saves that table schema (and table triggers, etc.) in a separate file. The instruction can be used multiple times to specify more tables to be ignored. The instruction must be specified before any `backup_every_database` and before `backup_database` (on that specific database at least). ``` skip_database_table_data DBNAME1 TABLENAME1 skip_database_table_data DBNAME1 TABLENAME2 skip_database_table_data DBNAME2 TABLENAMEANOTHER ``` ### Instruction `backup_service_and_database` The instruction `backup_service_and_database` can be used to stop a service, backup its database, and restart the service. The instruction `backup_service_and_database` does not try to stop a not-running service and does not try to start it if it was not running. If it's not running it just backups the expressed database. Example: ``` backup_service_and_database tomcat9.service WEBAPPDB ``` ### Instruction `backup_phabricator` The instruction `backup_phabricator` puts a Phabricator installation in maintenance mode, then it dumps all its databases, and then it removes maintenance mode. Examples: ``` backup_phabricator /var/www/phabricator DATABASEPREFIX_ ``` ### Instruction `push_path_host` The instruction `push_path_host` sends local files (e.g. `/home/foo`) to a remote host (e.g. `example.com`). Example: ``` push_path_host /home/foo backupuser@example.com:/var/backups/remote-destination ``` The instruction `push_path_host` works running an `rsync` command and connecting to SSH to the remote host. So your local Unix user will run `ssh backupuser@example.com`. So, if it does not work, and if you have no idea how SSH works, just run these and press enter 10 times from your local Unix user: ``` ssh-keygen ssh-copy-id backupuser@example.com ``` If it still does not work and you don't know how to configure SSH or how to use rsync, trust me, RTMF about SSH and rsync. ### Instruction `push_daily_directory` The instruction `push_daily_directory` sends your local daily backup to a remote host (e.g. `example.com`). Example: ``` push_daily_directory backupuser@example.com:/var/backups/remote-destination ``` The instruction `push_daily_directory` internally uses the `push_path_host` passing the pathname `$BASE/$BOX/daily` as first argument. ## Utility `rotate.sh` The utility `rotate.sh` is like logrotate applied to a directory. It's designed to configure backup data retention. The utility `rotate.sh` does not suffer from timezone changes. It has a mechanism to avoid to be launched twice by mistake. The utility `rotate.sh` has this help menu: ``` ./rotate.sh PATH DAYS MAX_ROTATIONS ``` * `PATH`: the directory to be rotated * `DAYS`: the minimum amount of days between each rotation * `MAX_ROTATIONS`: the maximum allowed rotation (the next one will be dropped) The utility `rotate.sh` creates directories named like `PATH` but with a suffix like `.1` and `.2` etc. up to `MAX_ROTATIONS`. The utility `rotate.sh` can be used to rotate a directory (e.g. `/var/backups`) every 1 day up to 30 days and automatically drop older rotations. Example: ``` $ sudo crontab -e # every 1 day at 2:00 rotate my latest backups (/var/backups) for max 30 times # NOTE: this creates /var/backups.{1..30} where .1 is the most recent and .30 the oldest #m h dom mon dow command 0 2 * * * /opt/micro-backup-script/rotate.sh /var/backups 1 30 ``` The utility `rotate.sh` allows to have longer times between rotations: ``` $ sudo crontab -e 00 1 * * * /opt/my-rotate.sh ``` ``` name=/opt/my-rotate.sh #!/bin/sh # rotate my backups every day for 30 days to have /var/backups.{1..30} # NOTE: this creates /var/backups.{1..30} /opt/micro-backup-script/rotate.sh /var/backups 1 30 # then rotate by oldest backup (/var/backups.30) every week for 10 times # NOTE: this creates /var/backups.30.{1.10} /opt/micro-backup-script/rotate.sh /var/backups.30 7 10 ``` ## License 2020-2024 Valerio Bozzolan, ER Informatica, contributors MIT License https://mit-license.org/ ## Contact For EVERY question, feel free to contact Valerio Bozzolan: https://boz.reyboz.it diff --git a/backup-everything.sh b/backup-everything.sh index 7567ac0..fe9bbb1 100755 --- a/backup-everything.sh +++ b/backup-everything.sh @@ -1,739 +1,763 @@ #!/bin/bash ### # Micro script to backup some stuff # # IMPORTANT: do not edit this file # and see 'backup-instructions.conf' instead! # # This file defines some functions and then it executes # your 'backup-instructions.conf' # # Author: 2020, 2021 Valerio Bozzolan # License: MIT ## # try to proceed even in case of errors (to do not skip any backup) # set -e # current directory MYDIR="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" # load useful stuff . "$MYDIR"/bootstrap.sh # no instructions no party if [ ! -f "$INSTRUCTIONS" ]; then echo "missing instructions expected in $INSTRUCTIONS" exit 1 fi ### # Create a directory with safe permissions if it does not exist # # @param string path Pathname # write_safe_dir_if_unexisting() { local path="$1" # try to create the directory if it does not exists if [ ! -d "$path" ]; then warn "creating missing $path with 750" mkdir --parents "$path" chmod 750 "$path" fi # it must exists now require_existing_dir "$path" } ### # Create a directory for a filename with safe permissions if it does not exist # # @param string path Pathname to a filename # @param int is_file_mode Check if we are in file mode (default: directory mode) # write_safe_basedir_if_unexisting() { # first function argument local path="$1" # extract just the sub-directory local basepath basepath=$(dirname "$path") # create that sub-directory write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$basepath" } ### # Require an existing directory or die # # @param string Directory path # require_existing_dir() { if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then error "unexisting directory $1" exit 1 fi } # create these pathnames if they do not exist write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$BASE" write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$DAILY" write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$DAILY_FILES" write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$DAILY_DATABASES" # create or clean the last log file if [ "$WRITELOG" = 1 ]; then cat /dev/null > "$DAILY_LASTLOG" fi # # Dump and compress a database by its name. # # @param db string Database name # @param spaces string Cosmetic spaces # backup_database() { local db="$1" local spaces="$2" local path="$DAILY_DATABASES"/"$db".sql.gz # Log the most appropriate message. if [ -n "${TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]}" ]; then # The user can ignore some tables. Better to have that information in an explicit way. log "$spaces""dumping database $db (skipping tables: ${TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]})" else log "$spaces""dumping database $db" fi # no database no party if ! $MYSQL "$db" -e exit > /dev/null 2>&1; then warn "$spaces skip unexisting database" return fi # # MySQL dump with table skipper # # Eventually generate something like: # 'mysqldump --ignore-table=DB.table1 --ignore-table=DB.table2' etc. local mysqldump="$MYSQLDUMP" for table in ${TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]}; do mysqldump+=" --ignore-table=$db.$table" done # Perform the operation only if porcelain mode is disabled. if [ "$PORCELAIN" = 1 ]; then # Debug the dump without doing it. log "$spaces [PORCELAIN] $mysqldump $db > $path" else # Perform the dump. $mysqldump "$db" | gzip > "$path" fi # If we ignored some tables, let's also dump the schema of these tables, separately. # So the backup just ignores the data, and not the schema, and tables are easy to be recovered. # So this is just an extra 'mysqldump' with '--no-data'. # We also use '--skip-dump-date' since the schema has possibility to never change, # and so, also the file should be (binary) the same. # So, without dates, we save bytes on your backup storage, and also some transfer bandwidth. for table in ${TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]}; do local path_dump_nodata="$DAILY_DATABASES"/"$db"."$table".nodata.sql.gz local mysqldump_nodata="$MYSQLDUMP --no-data --skip-dump-date" log "$spaces saving schema of table $db.$table" # Perform the operation only if porcelain mode is disabled. if [ "$PORCELAIN" = 1 ]; then log "$spaces [PORCELAIN] $mysqldump_nodata $db $table > $path_dump_nodata" else $mysqldump_nodata "$db" "$table" | gzip > "$path_dump_nodata" fi done } # # Dump and compress some databases # # @param database... string Database names # backup_databases() { local something_done= for database in $@; do something_done=1 backup_database "$database" done if ! [ "$something_done" = 1 ]; then error "Bad usage: backup_databases DATABASE_NAME1 DATABASE_NAME2" error " Have you confused this instruction with this one?" error " backup_every_database" exit 1 fi } # # Dump some databases with a shared prefix # # @param prefix string Database prefix # @param spaces string Cosmetic spaces # backup_databases_prefixed() { local prefix="$1" local spaces="$2" log "$spaces""backup all databases prefixed with: $prefix" databases=$($MYSQL --skip-column-names --execute='SHOW DATABASES' | grep "$prefix") for database in $databases; do backup_database "$database" "$spaces " done } # default databases to be skipped DATABASE_SKIP_LIST=("^information_schema$" "^performance_schema$") # database tables indexed by database name declare -A TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED # # Call this to skip a database # # @param string database Database pattern (Bash regex) # # This should be called before calling backup_every_database. # skip_database() { local db="$1" DATABASE_SKIP_LIST+=( "$db" ) } # # Skip data of a specific database table. # # We will do our best to skip the table schema instead. # This must be called before calling 'backup_every_database' # and also before 'backup_database DBNAME' to have effect. # # To skip multiple tables, just call this method for each table. # # @param string database Database name (exact name) # @param string table Database table (exact name) # @return void # skip_database_table_data() { local db="$1" local table="$2" # Eventually pre-pend a space. Since the tables are just a space-separated string. if [ -n "${TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]}" ]; then TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]+=" " fi # Add the table to be ignored. TABLES_TO_BE_SKIPPED["$db"]+="$table" } # # Backup every single database. That's easy. # backup_every_database() { # backup every damn database databases=$($MYSQL -e 'SHOW DATABASES') for database in $databases; do local do_backup=1 # just skip the information_schema and the performance_schema that cannot be locked for skip_entry in "${DATABASE_SKIP_LIST[@]}"; do if [[ "$database" =~ $skip_entry ]]; then # show a cute message log "skippin database $database matching blacklist" # do not backup this do_backup=0 # do not check other entries break fi done # backup if it does not match the above skip entries if [ "$do_backup" = 1 ]; then backup_database "$database" fi done } # # Backup a database that is used by a service # # The service will be stopped before dumping. # # @param service string Systemd unit file # @param db string Database name # backup_service_and_database() { local service="$1" local db="$2" local is_active= log "start backup service '$service' with database '$db'" # check if the service is running if systemctl is-active "$service" > /dev/null; then is_active=1 fi # eventually stop the service if [ $is_active == 1 ]; then if [ "$NO_DISSERVICE" == 1 ]; then warn " NOT stopping service: $service (to avoid any disservice)" else log " stopping service: $service" if [ "$PORCELAIN" != 1 ]; then systemctl stop "$service" fi fi else log " service already inactive: $service" fi # backup the database now that the service is down backup_database "$db" " " # eventually start again the service if [ $is_active == 1 ]; then if [ "$NO_DISSERVICE" == 1 ]; then warn " NOT starting again service: $service (to avoid any disservice)" else log " starting again service: $service" if [ "$PORCELAIN" != 1 ]; then systemctl start "$service" fi fi fi } # # Backup some databases used by a service # # The service will be stopped before dumping the databases # # @param service string Systemd unit file # @param db... string Database names # backup_service_and_databases() { backup_service_and_database $@ } # # Backup phabricator # # @param path string Phabricator webroot # @param dbprefix string Database prefix # backup_phabricator() { local path="$1" local dbprefix="$2" local repos_full_path="$3" local configset="$path"/bin/config log "backup Phabricator databases" log " set Phabricator read only mode (and wait some time to make it effective)" $configset set cluster.read-only true > /dev/null sleep 5 backup_databases_prefixed "$dbprefix" " " # if specified, backup the repositories if [ -n "$repos_full_path" ]; then log " start Phabricator repositories backup" backup_path "$repos_full_path" else log " skipping repositories (be sure they are under another backup)" fi log " revert Phabricator read only mode" $configset set cluster.read-only false > /dev/null } # # Backup a directory or a filename # # @param path string Pathname to be backupped # @param identifier string Optional identifier of this pathname # backup_path() { local path="$1" local identifier="$2" # create a default identifier if [ -z "$identifier" ]; then identifier="$path" fi # destination directory # note that the identifier may start with a slash but this is good, just don't care dest="$DAILY_FILES/$identifier" # tell were the backup will go if [ "$path" = "$identifier" ]; then log "backup $path" else log "backup $path with identifier $identifier" fi # check if the path exists if [ -e "$path" ]; then # check if it's a directory if [ -d "$path" ]; then # this is a directory # eventually create the destination if it does not exist write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$dest" # backup this # force the source to end with a slash in order to copy the files inside the directory $RSYNC "$path/" "$dest" else # this is a filename # eventually create the base destination if it does not exist write_safe_basedir_if_unexisting "$dest" # backup this filename $RSYNC "$path" "$dest" fi else # no path no party warn " path not found: $path" fi } # # Backup last lines of a filename and compress them # # @param path string Pathname to be backupped # @param identifier string Optional identifier of this pathname (it's considered a file) # @param lines string Lines to be saved # backup_last_log_lines() { local path="$1" local identifier="$2" local lines="$3" # create a default identifier if [ -z "$identifier" ]; then identifier="$path" fi # default lines if [ -z "$lines" ]; then lines="$BACKUP_LAST_LOG_LINES" fi # destination directory # note that the identifier may start with a slash but this is good, just don't care dest="$DAILY_FILES/$identifier" # tell were the backup will go if [ "$path" = "$identifier" ]; then log "backup $path last $lines log lines" else log "backup $path last $lines log lines with identifier $identifier" fi # check if the path exists if [ -e "$path" ]; then # this is a filename # eventually create the base destination if it does not exist write_safe_basedir_if_unexisting "$dest" # backup this file tail -n "$lines" "$path" > "$dest" log "compressing $dest" gzip --force "$dest" else # no path no party warn " path not found: $path" fi } # # Backup some filenames ending with whatever # # @param path[...] string Pathname to be backupped # backup_paths() { # pathnames local paths="$@" # process every pathname for path in $paths; do # backup every single pathname backup_path "$path" done } ## # Validate the backup host arguments # # validate_backup_host_args() { # function parameters local port="$3" # no host no party if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then error "Bad usage: backup_host REMOTE_HOST:REMOTE_PATH IDENTIFIER [PORT]" exit 1 fi # tell what we will do if [ "$port" = "22" ]; then log "backup $1 in $2" else log "backup $1 (:$port) in $2" fi } ## # Backup another host directory via rsync # # @param string Rsync host # @param string Rsync path to a directory # @param string Rsync host port # backup_host_dir() { # function parameters local hostlink="$1" local identifier="$2" local port="$3" # eventually set default rsync port if [ -z "$port" ]; then port=22 fi # validate the arguments validate_backup_host_args "$hostlink" "$identifier" "$port" # destination path local dest="$BASE/$identifier" # create the destination if it does not exist write_safe_dir_if_unexisting "$dest" # backup everything # force the source to end with a slash to just copy the files inside it $RSYNC_REMOTE --rsh="ssh -p $port" "$hostlink/" "$dest" } ## # Backup another host directory via rsync # # @param string Rsync host # @param string Rsync path to a directory # push_path_host() { # function parameters local source="$1" local hostlink="$2" local port="$3" # eventually set default rsync port if [ -z "$port" ]; then port=22 fi # validate the arguments and print message validate_backup_host_args "$source" "$hostlink" "$port" # backup everything # force the source to end with a slash to just copy the files inside it $RSYNC_REMOTE --rsh="ssh -p $port" "$source" "$hostlink" } ## # Push some pathnames into an host # # @param string Rsync host # @param string Rsync port # @param string... Rsync path to some directories # push_host_port_paths() { # function parameters local hostlink="$1" local port="$2" # strip the first two arguments shift shift local path="" # process every pathname while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do path="$1" shift # backup every single pathname push_path_host "$path" "$hostlink" "$port" done } ## # Push the local "daily/" directory into a remote host # # @param string Rsync host # @param string Rsync path to a directory # push_daily_directory() { # function parameters local hostlink="$1" local port="$2" push_path_host "$DAILY/" "$hostlink" "$port" } ## # Backup another host file via rsync # # @param string hostlink Rsync source host and pathname e.g. ravotti94:/tmp/asd.txt # @param string identifier Rsync destination directory # backup_host_file() { # function parameters local hostlink="$1" local identifier="$2" local port="$3" # filename local filename= filename=$(basename "$hostlink") # eventually set default rsync port if [ -z "$port" ]; then port=22 fi # validate the arguments validate_backup_host_args "$hostlink" "$identifier" "$port" # destination path local dest="$BASE/$identifier/$filename" # create the destination directory if it does not exist write_safe_basedir_if_unexisting "$dest" # backup everything # force the source to end with a slash to just copy the files inside it $RSYNC_REMOTE --rsh="ssh -p $port" "$hostlink" "$dest" } # -# Send a date to a Zabbix item +# Send a string value to a Zabbix item using Zabbix Sender # # This will be done only if Zabbix is installed. # # The Zabbix item must be of type "Zabbix trapper" # # If the "zabbix_sender" command is not installed, nothing will be done. # # Item definition: # - Type: Zabbix trapper -# - Unit: unixtime -# - Type: Numeric # -zabbix_sender_date_if_installed() { +# @param string zabbix_item_key +# @param string value +# +zabbix_sender_value_if_installed() { local zabbix_item_key="$1" + local value="$2" # check if Zabbix sender is already installed if which zabbix_sender > /dev/null; then - local current_time - current_time="$(date +%s)" - # note that the Zabbix sender can fail # note that the Zabbix output is unuseful # if you have problems, remove this part: > /dev/null if zabbix_sender \ --config /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf \ --key "$zabbix_item_key" \ - --value "$current_time" > /dev/null; then + --value "$value" > /dev/null; then - log "sent Zabbix value for key $zabbix_item_key" + log "sent Zabbix value $zabbix_item_key = $value" else error "fail sending Zabbix value for key $zabbix_item_key - exit status: $?" fi fi } +# +# Send the current timestamp to a Zabbix item using Zabbix sender +# +# This will be done only if Zabbix is installed. +# +# The Zabbix item must be of type "Zabbix trapper" +# +# If the "zabbix_sender" command is not installed, nothing will be done. +# +# Item definition: +# - Type: Zabbix trapper +# - Unit: unixtime +# - Type: Numeric +# +# @param string zabbix_item_key +# +zabbix_sender_date_if_installed() { + local zabbix_item_key="$1" + zabbix_sender_value_if_installed "$zabbix_item_key" "$(date +%s)" +} + # do not proceed if not enough time passed since last execution # this avoids daylight saving time change problems # this also avoids race conditions when starting parallel executions by mistake -if [ -n "$DAILY_STARTTIME" ] && [ -n "$HOURS_INTERVAL" ]; then - if ! are_enough_hours_passed "$DAILY_STARTTIME" "$HOURS_INTERVAL"; then - warn "doing nothing: last backup was too recent: last-now $(date +%s)-$(< "$DAILY_STARTTIME") - expected at least HOURS_INTERVAL: $HOURS_INTERVAL" - exit 0 - fi +if ! are_enough_hours_passed "$DAILY_STARTTIME" "$HOURS_INTERVAL"; then + warn "doing nothing: last backup was too recent: last-now $(date +%s)-$(< "$DAILY_STARTTIME") - expected at least HOURS_INTERVAL: $HOURS_INTERVAL" + exit 0 fi # Remember when we started. # This also avoids race confitions on daylight saving changes # or other unexpecteyd and potentially dangerous parallel executions. # An example race condition may happen if the backup script does not conclude # before the next crontab call. write_timestamp "$DAILY_STARTTIME" +# Share the option HOURS_INTERVAL. +# This is useful to have triggers based on this preference. +# So, for example, you can normally have an alarm if your host have not received a backup in 3 days. +# But, if this server has weekly backups, no need to alarm that soon. +zabbix_sender_value_if_installed "micro_backup_opt_interval_h" "$HOURS_INTERVAL" + log "init backup in $DAILY" # try to record when we started -zabbix_sender_date_if_installed micro_backup_date_start +zabbix_sender_date_if_installed "micro_backup_date_start" . "$INSTRUCTIONS" # try to record when we concluded -zabbix_sender_date_if_installed micro_backup_date_stop +zabbix_sender_date_if_installed "micro_backup_date_stop" log "backup successfully concluded" # remember the last successfully concluded backup timestamp write_timestamp "$DAILY_LASTTIME" diff --git a/options-example.conf b/options-example.conf index 2d2d9c6..41efe52 100644 --- a/options-example.conf +++ b/options-example.conf @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ # # Generic options for 'micro-backup-script' # # See: # https://gitpull.it/source/micro-backup-script/ # # Notes: # If you have not an options.conf then copy it from options-example.conf # # This file is loaded after 'bootstrap.sh' ####################################################################### # please uncomment and set here your hostname or something like that #BOX=my-important-server # eventually change the place where you want to put backups (no trailing slash) #BASE=/home/backups # uncomment this if your script may be executed often (daily?) but you only want # a weekly backup. -#HOURS_INTERVAL=128 +#HOURS_INTERVAL=150 # eventually uncomment these if you have custom mysql commands to be root #MYSQL="mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" #MYSQLDUMP="mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" # uncomment to set custom flags on local copies with rsync (e.g. verbose mode) #RSYNC="$RSYNC --verbose" # uncomment to set custom bandwidth in KBps and other flags in remote copies with rsyncs # Note: remote copy already use compression so NO need to add here again #RSYNC_REMOTE="$RSYNC_REMOTE --bwlimit=900" # eventually uncomment to avoid any disservice (e.g. avoid systemctl stop/start) #NO_DISSERVICE=1 # eventually uncomment to test things and do nothing #PORCELAIN=1 diff --git a/templates/Zabbix 4.0 boz micro backup script.xml b/templates/Zabbix 4.0 boz micro backup script.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdd7cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/Zabbix 4.0 boz micro backup script.xml @@ -0,0 +1,612 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<zabbix_export> + <version>4.0</version> + <date>2024-01-31T06:59:45Z</date> + <groups> + <group> + <name>ER</name> + </group> + </groups> + <templates> + <template> + <template>Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux active</template> + <name>Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux active</name> + <description>Monitor whenever the micro-backup-script was executed and when it was concluded.</description> + <groups> + <group> + <name>ER</name> + </group> + </groups> + <applications/> + <items> + <item> + <name>ER backup date duration</name> + <type>15</type> + <snmp_community/> + <snmp_oid/> + <key>micro_backup_date_duration</key> + <delay>5h</delay> + <history>90d</history> + <trends>365d</trends> + <status>0</status> + <value_type>0</value_type> + <allowed_hosts/> + <units>s</units> + <snmpv3_contextname/> + <snmpv3_securityname/> + <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel> + <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol> + <snmpv3_authpassphrase/> + <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol> + <snmpv3_privpassphrase/> + <params>last("micro_backup_date_stop")-last("micro_backup_date_start")</params> + <ipmi_sensor/> + <authtype>0</authtype> + <username/> + <password/> + <publickey/> + <privatekey/> + <port/> + <description/> + <inventory_link>0</inventory_link> + <applications/> + <valuemap/> + <logtimefmt/> + <preprocessing/> + <jmx_endpoint/> + <timeout>3s</timeout> + <url/> + <query_fields/> + <posts/> + <status_codes>200</status_codes> + <follow_redirects>1</follow_redirects> + <post_type>0</post_type> + <http_proxy/> + <headers/> + <retrieve_mode>0</retrieve_mode> + <request_method>0</request_method> + <output_format>0</output_format> + <allow_traps>0</allow_traps> + <ssl_cert_file/> + <ssl_key_file/> + <ssl_key_password/> + <verify_peer>0</verify_peer> + <verify_host>0</verify_host> + <master_item/> + </item> + <item> + <name>ER backup date start</name> + <type>2</type> + <snmp_community/> + 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ER Micro Backup Script for Linux normal</template> + <name>Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux normal</name> + <description>Monitor whenever the micro-backup-script was executed and when it was concluded.</description> + <groups> + <group> + <name>ER</name> + </group> + </groups> + <applications/> + <items> + <item> + <name>ER backup date duration</name> + <type>15</type> + <snmp_community/> + <snmp_oid/> + <key>micro_backup_date_duration</key> + <delay>5h</delay> + <history>90d</history> + <trends>365d</trends> + <status>0</status> + <value_type>3</value_type> + <allowed_hosts/> + <units>s</units> + <snmpv3_contextname/> + <snmpv3_securityname/> + <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel> + <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol> + <snmpv3_authpassphrase/> + <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol> + <snmpv3_privpassphrase/> + <params>last("micro_backup_date_stop")-last("micro_backup_date_start")</params> + <ipmi_sensor/> + <authtype>0</authtype> + <username/> + <password/> + <publickey/> + <privatekey/> + <port/> + <description/> + <inventory_link>0</inventory_link> + <applications/> + <valuemap/> + <logtimefmt/> + <preprocessing/> + <jmx_endpoint/> + <timeout>3s</timeout> + <url/> + <query_fields/> + <posts/> + <status_codes>200</status_codes> + <follow_redirects>1</follow_redirects> + <post_type>0</post_type> + <http_proxy/> + <headers/> + <retrieve_mode>0</retrieve_mode> + <request_method>0</request_method> + <output_format>0</output_format> + <allow_traps>0</allow_traps> + <ssl_cert_file/> + <ssl_key_file/> + <ssl_key_password/> + <verify_peer>0</verify_peer> + <verify_host>0</verify_host> + <master_item/> + </item> + <item> + <name>ER backup date start</name> + <type>2</type> + <snmp_community/> + <snmp_oid/> + <key>micro_backup_date_start</key> + <delay>0</delay> + <history>90d</history> + <trends>365d</trends> + <status>0</status> + <value_type>3</value_type> + <allowed_hosts/> + <units>unixtime</units> + <snmpv3_contextname/> + 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stop</name> + <type>2</type> + <snmp_community/> + <snmp_oid/> + <key>micro_backup_date_stop</key> + <delay>0</delay> + <history>90d</history> + <trends>365d</trends> + <status>0</status> + <value_type>3</value_type> + <allowed_hosts/> + <units>unixtime</units> + <snmpv3_contextname/> + <snmpv3_securityname/> + <snmpv3_securitylevel>0</snmpv3_securitylevel> + <snmpv3_authprotocol>0</snmpv3_authprotocol> + <snmpv3_authpassphrase/> + <snmpv3_privprotocol>0</snmpv3_privprotocol> + <snmpv3_privpassphrase/> + <params/> + <ipmi_sensor/> + <authtype>0</authtype> + <username/> + <password/> + <publickey/> + <privatekey/> + <port/> + <description/> + <inventory_link>0</inventory_link> + <applications/> + <valuemap/> + <logtimefmt/> + <preprocessing/> + <jmx_endpoint/> + <timeout>3s</timeout> + <url/> + <query_fields/> + <posts/> + <status_codes>200</status_codes> + <follow_redirects>1</follow_redirects> + <post_type>0</post_type> + <http_proxy/> + <headers/> + <retrieve_mode>0</retrieve_mode> + 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<inventory_link>0</inventory_link> + <applications/> + <valuemap/> + <logtimefmt/> + <preprocessing/> + <jmx_endpoint/> + <timeout>3s</timeout> + <url/> + <query_fields/> + <posts/> + <status_codes>200</status_codes> + <follow_redirects>1</follow_redirects> + <post_type>0</post_type> + <http_proxy/> + <headers/> + <retrieve_mode>0</retrieve_mode> + <request_method>0</request_method> + <output_format>0</output_format> + <allow_traps>0</allow_traps> + <ssl_cert_file/> + <ssl_key_file/> + <ssl_key_password/> + <verify_peer>0</verify_peer> + <verify_host>0</verify_host> + <master_item/> + </item> + </items> + <discovery_rules/> + <httptests/> + <macros/> + <templates/> + <screens/> + </template> + </templates> + <triggers> + <trigger> + <expression>{Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux active:micro_backup_date_stop.nodata(3d)}=1</expression> + <recovery_mode>0</recovery_mode> + <recovery_expression/> + <name>Backup signal was not received for too much days</name> + <correlation_mode>0</correlation_mode> + <correlation_tag/> + <url/> + <status>0</status> + <priority>4</priority> + <description>To troubleshoot, enter in the server and try manually running this: + +/root/scripts/micro-backup-script/backup-everything.sh + +Verify if the zabbix_sender command is installed. + +Verify if the Hostname= is correctly set in /etc/zabbix/zabbix-agent.conf</description> + <type>0</type> + <manual_close>0</manual_close> + <dependencies> + <dependency> + <name>Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for some minutes</name> + <expression>{Template OS Linux Active:agent.ping.nodata({$ER_ZABBIX_AGENTD_UNREACH_TIME})}=1</expression> + <recovery_expression/> + </dependency> + </dependencies> + <tags/> + </trigger> + <trigger> + <expression>{Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux normal:micro_backup_date_stop.nodata(3d)}=1</expression> + <recovery_mode>0</recovery_mode> + <recovery_expression/> + <name>Backup signal was not received for too much days</name> + <correlation_mode>0</correlation_mode> + <correlation_tag/> + <url/> + <status>0</status> + <priority>4</priority> + <description>To troubleshoot, enter in the server and try manually running this: + +/root/scripts/micro-backup-script/backup-everything.sh + +Verify if the zabbix_sender command is installed. + +Verify if the Hostname= is correctly set in /etc/zabbix/zabbix-agent.conf</description> + <type>0</type> + <manual_close>0</manual_close> + <dependencies> + <dependency> + <name>Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for some minutes</name> + <expression>{Template OS Linux:agent.ping.nodata({$ER_ZABBIX_AGENTD_UNREACH_TIME})}=1</expression> + <recovery_expression/> + </dependency> + </dependencies> + <tags/> + </trigger> + </triggers> + <graphs> + <graph> + <name>ER Backup</name> + <width>900</width> + <height>200</height> + <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin> + <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax> + <show_work_period>1</show_work_period> + <show_triggers>1</show_triggers> + <type>0</type> + <show_legend>1</show_legend> + <show_3d>0</show_3d> + <percent_left>0.0000</percent_left> + <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right> + <ymin_type_1>1</ymin_type_1> + <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1> + <ymin_item_1>0</ymin_item_1> + <ymax_item_1>0</ymax_item_1> + <graph_items> + <graph_item> + <sortorder>0</sortorder> + <drawtype>3</drawtype> + <color>2774A4</color> + <yaxisside>0</yaxisside> + <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc> + <type>0</type> + <item> + <host>Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux active</host> + <key>micro_backup_date_duration</key> + </item> + </graph_item> + </graph_items> + </graph> + <graph> + <name>ER Backup</name> + <width>900</width> + <height>200</height> + <yaxismin>0.0000</yaxismin> + <yaxismax>100.0000</yaxismax> + <show_work_period>1</show_work_period> + <show_triggers>1</show_triggers> + <type>0</type> + <show_legend>1</show_legend> + <show_3d>0</show_3d> + <percent_left>0.0000</percent_left> + <percent_right>0.0000</percent_right> + <ymin_type_1>1</ymin_type_1> + <ymax_type_1>0</ymax_type_1> + <ymin_item_1>0</ymin_item_1> + <ymax_item_1>0</ymax_item_1> + <graph_items> + <graph_item> + <sortorder>0</sortorder> + <drawtype>3</drawtype> + <color>2774A4</color> + <yaxisside>0</yaxisside> + <calc_fnc>2</calc_fnc> + <type>0</type> + <item> + <host>Template ER Micro Backup Script for Linux normal</host> + <key>micro_backup_date_duration</key> + </item> + </graph_item> + </graph_items> + </graph> + </graphs> +</zabbix_export>