diff --git a/admin/event-edit.php b/admin/event-edit.php index 043ade3..86f3259 100644 --- a/admin/event-edit.php +++ b/admin/event-edit.php @@ -1,666 +1,666 @@ . /* * Event edit * * From this page you can create/edit an User and assign some skills/interests etc. */ // load configurations and framework require 'load.php'; // inherit the Conference or specify one $conference_uid = $_GET['conference_uid'] ?? $_POST['conference_uid'] ?? CURRENT_CONFERENCE_UID; // check if the Conference exists $conference = ( new QueryConference() ) ->whereConferenceUID( $conference_uid ) ->queryRow(); // no Conference no party if( !$conference ) { error( "missing conference with UID $conferene_uid" ); die_with_404(); } // retrieve the Event (if existing) $event = null; if( isset( $_GET['id'] ) ) { // no Event no party $event = ( new QueryEvent() ) ->whereConference( $conference ) ->joinConference() ->joinChapter( 'LEFT' ) ->whereEventID( $_GET['id'] ) ->queryRow(); // no Event no party if( !$event ) { die_with_404(); } // no editable no party if( !$event->isEventEditable() ) { missing_privileges(); } } else { // check if there are permissions to add event if( !has_permission( 'add-event' ) ) { missing_privileges(); } } $warning = null; // check if the user submitted a form // check which one if( $_POST ) { // the user is submitting the save form if( is_action( 'save-event' ) ) { $conference_ID = $conference->getConferenceID(); $data = []; $data[] = new DBCol( Event::TITLE, $_POST['title'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::UID, $_POST['uid'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::LANGUAGE, $_POST['language'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::SUBTITLE, $_POST['subtitle'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::START, $_POST['start'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::END, $_POST['end'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::EXTERNAL_URL,$_POST['url'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::ABORTED, $_POST['aborted'], 'd' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Event::IMAGE, $_POST['image'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Chapter::ID, $_POST['chapter'], 'd' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Room::ID, $_POST['room'], 'd' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Track::ID, $_POST['track'], 'd' ); $data[] = new DBCol( Conference::ID, $conference_ID, 'd' ); // for each language save the fields foreach( all_languages() as $lang ) { foreach( Event::fields_i18n() as $i18n_column => $label ) { // generic column name in this language $field = $i18n_column . '_' . $lang->getISO(); // sent column value $value = $_POST[ $field ] ?? null; // prepare to be saved $data[] = new DBCol( $field, $value, 'snull' ); } } // convert empty strings to NULL, if possible foreach( $data as $row ) { $row->promoteNULL(); } if( $event ) { // update the existing Event ( new QueryEvent() ) ->whereEvent( $event ) ->update( $data ); } else { // insert a new Event Event::factory() ->insertRow( $data ); } $id = $event ? $event->getEventID() : last_inserted_ID(); // get the updated Event $event = FullEvent::factory() ->whereInt( Event::ID, $id ) ->queryRow(); // POST-redirect-GET http_redirect( $event->getEventEditURL(), 303 ); } /** * Change the Image */ if( $event && is_action( 'change-image' ) ) { // prepare the image uploader $image = new FileUploader( 'image', [ 'category' => 'image', 'override-filename' => "event-" . $event->getEventUID(), ] ); // prepare the image pathnames $img_url = $event->getConferenceUID() . _ . 'images'; $img_path = ABSPATH . __ . $event->getConferenceUID() . __ . 'images'; // really upload that shitty image somewhere if( $image->fileChoosed() ) { $ok = $image->uploadTo( $img_path, $status, $filename, $ext ); if( $ok ) { // now update ( new QueryEvent() ) ->whereEvent( $event ) ->update( [ 'event_img' => $img_url . "/$filename.$ext", ] ); // POST-redirect-GET http_redirect( $event->getFullEventEditURL(), 303 ); } else { $warning = $image->getErrorMessage(); } } } /* * Add the user */ if( $event && is_action( 'add-user' ) && isset( $_POST['user'] ) ) { // Add user $user = User::factoryFromUID( $_POST['user'] ) ->select( User::ID ) ->queryRow(); if( $user ) { ( new QueryEventUser() ) ->whereEvent( $event ) ->whereUser( $user ) ->delete(); ( new QueryEventUser() )->insertRow( [ new DBCol( Event::ID, $event->getEventID(), 'd' ), new DBCol( User ::ID, $user->getUserID(), 'd' ), new DBCol( EventUser::ORDER, 0, 'd' ), ] ); } } /** * Update an user order */ if( $event && is_action( 'update-user' ) && isset( $_POST['user'] ) ) { $user = User::factoryFromUID( $_POST['user'] ) ->select( User::ID ) ->queryRow(); if( $user ) { if ( !empty( $_POST['delete'] ) ) { // delete user ( new QueryEventUser() ) ->whereEvent( $event ) ->whereUser( $user ) ->delete(); } elseif( isset( $_POST['order'] ) ) { // change order ( new QueryEventUser() ) ->whereEvent( $event ) ->whereUser( $user ) ->update( [ new DBCol( EventUser::ORDER, $_POST['order'], 'd' ) ] ); } } } // post -> redirect -> get (no: it hide errors) // http_redirect( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 303 ); } if( $event ) { Header::spawn( null, [ 'title' => sprintf( __("Modifica %s: %s"), $event->getChapterName(), $event->getEventTitle() ), ] ); } else { Header::spawn( null, [ 'title' => sprintf( __( "Aggiungi %s" ), __( "Evento" ) ), ] ); } ?>

getConferenceURL(), esc_html( $conference->getConferenceTitle() ) . icon( 'home', 'left' ) ) ?>

hasEventPermalink() ): ?>

getEventURL(), // text __( "Vedi" ) . icon( 'account_box', 'left' ) ) ?>

get( Event::TITLE ) ); } ?> />
get( Event::UID ) ); } ?> />
get( Event::SUBTITLE ) ); } ?> />
get( Event::EXTERNAL_URL ) ); } ?> />
get( Event::LANGUAGE ) ); } ?> />
getEventStart()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ); } elseif( isset( $_GET['start'] ) ) { echo value( $_GET['start'] ); } ?> />
getEventEnd()->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ); } elseif( isset( $_GET['end'] ) ) { echo value( $_GET['end'] ); } ?> />

$label ): ?>

getISO() ?>
get( Event::IMAGE ) ); } ?>/ > hasEventImage() ): ?> <?= esc_attr( $event->getEventTitle() ) ?>

factoryUserByEvent() ->select( [ User::UID, EventUser::ORDER, ] ) ->defaultClass( EventUser::class ) ->orderBy( EventUser::ORDER ) ->queryGenerator(); ?> valid() ): ?>

$user ): ?>
getUserUID() ) ?> />
getEventUserOrder() ) ?>" />

getUserEditURL(), sprintf( __( "Modifica %s" ), __( "Utente" ) ) ) ?>

. require 'load.php'; $user = null; if( isset( $_GET['uid'] ) ) { $user = User::factoryFromUID( @ $_GET['uid'] ) ->queryRow(); if( !$user ) { die( "not found" ); } if( !$user->hasPermissionToEditUser() ) { error_die( "Can't edit user" ); } } else { if( !has_permission( 'edit-users' ) ) { error_die( "Can't create user" ); } } // register form submit action if( is_action( 'save-user' ) ) { // avoid spaces if( $_POST['email'] ) { $_POST['email'] = luser_input( $_POST['email'], 32 ); } // generate Gravatar if( $_POST['email'] ) { $_POST['gravatar'] = md5( $_POST['email'] ); } // prepare data sent via POST $data = []; $data[] = new DBCol( User::NAME, $_POST['name'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::SURNAME, $_POST['surname'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::UID, $_POST['uid'], 's' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::EMAIL, $_POST['email'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::WEBSITE, $_POST['site'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::IMAGE, $_POST['image'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::GRAVATAR, $_POST['gravatar'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::FACEBOOK, $_POST['facebook'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::LINKEDIN, $_POST['linkedin'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::GITHUB, $_POST['github'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::TWITTER, $_POST['twitter'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::META_WIKI, $_POST['metawiki'], 'snull' ); $data[] = new DBCol( User::LOVED_LICENSE, $_POST['lovelicense'], 'snull' ); // for each language save the biography foreach( all_languages() as $lang ) { // generic column name in this language $field = sprintf( 'user_bio_%s', $lang->getISO() ); // sent column value $value = $_POST[ $field ] ?? null; // prepare to be saved $data[] = new DBCol( $field, $value, 'snull' ); } // promote empty strings to null foreach( $data as $row ) { $row->promoteNULL(); } if( $user ) { // update existing user User::factoryByID( $user->getUserID() ) ->update( $data ); } else { // insert a new User User::factory() ->insertRow( $data ); } $id = $user ? $user->getUserID() : last_inserted_ID(); $user = User::factoryByID( $id ) ->queryRow(); // POST -> redirect -> GET - http_redirect( $user->getUserEditURL(), 303 ); + http_redirect( $user->getUserEditURL() ); } /** * Change the Image */ if( $user && is_action( 'change-image' ) ) { // prepare the image uploader $image = new FileUploader( 'image', [ 'category' => 'image', 'override-filename' => "user-" . $user->getUserUID(), ] ); // prepare the image pathnames $img_url = LATEST_CONFERENCE_UID . _ . 'images'; $img_path = ABSPATH . __ . LATEST_CONFERENCE_UID . __ . 'images'; // really upload that shitty image somewhere if( $image->fileChoosed() ) { $ok = $image->uploadTo( $img_path, $status, $filename, $ext ); if( $ok ) { // now update ( new QueryUser() ) ->whereUser( $user ) ->update( [ 'user_image' => $img_url . "/$filename.$ext", ] ); // POST-redirect-GET - http_redirect( $user->getUserEditURL(), 303 ); + http_redirect( $user->getUserEditURL() ); } else { die( $image->getErrorMessage() ); } } } // register action to create a Skill if( is_action( 'create-skill' ) && isset( $_POST['skill_title'], $_POST['skill_type'] ) ) { // generate a Skill UID $skill_uid = generate_slug( $_POST['skill_title'], 32 ); // check if already exists $skill = ( new QuerySkill() ) ->whereSkillUID( $skill_uid ) ->queryRow(); // create the Skill if( !$skill ) { ( new QuerySkill() ) ->insertRow( [ 'skill_uid' => $skill_uid, 'skill_title' => $_POST['skill_title'], 'skill_type' => $_POST['skill_type'], ] ); } } // register action to edit an existing Skill if( isset( $_POST['skill_uid'], $_POST['skill_score'] ) ) { // find existing Skill $skill = Skill::factoryFromUID( $_POST['skill_uid'] ) ->queryRow(); // eventually create the Skill if( !$skill ) { ( new QuerySkill() ) ->insertRow( [ 'skill_uid' => $_POST['skill_uid'], ] ); // retrieve last inserted Skill $skill = ( new QuerySkill() ) ->whereSkillID( last_inserted_ID() ) ->queryRow(); } // query the UserSkill $query_userskill = ( new QueryUserSkill() ) ->whereUser( $user ) ->whereSkill( $skill ); // eventually change an existing skill if( is_action( 'change-skill' ) ) { // delete the Skill or just update? if( isset( $_POST['skill_delete'] ) ) { $query_userskill->delete(); } else { // update the score $query_userskill->update( [ 'skill_score' => (int)$_POST['skill_score'], ] ); } } // eventually add a skill if( is_action( 'add-skill' ) ) { // eventually delete $query_userskill->delete(); // then add the skill ( new QueryUserSkill() ) ->insertRow( [ 'user_ID' => $user->getUserID(), 'skill_ID' => $skill->getSkillID(), 'skill_score' => $_POST['skill_score'], ] ); } } // register action to delete the user if( $user && is_action( 'delete-user' ) ) { // delete the user from the database - User::factory() - ->whereInt( 'user_ID', $user->getUserID() ) + ( new QueryUser() ) + ->whereUser( $user ) ->delete(); // POST -> redirect -> GET - http_redirect( $user->getUserEditURL(), 303 ); + http_redirect( $user->getUserEditURL() ); } Header::spawn( null, [ 'title' => $user ? sprintf( __("Modifica %s"), $user->getUserFullname() ) : __( "Aggiungi Utente" ) , ] ); ?>

getUserURL(), __( "Vedi" ) . icon('account_box', 'left') ) ?>

get( User::NAME ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::SURNAME ) ) : '' ?> />
getUserUID() ) : '' ?> />
getUserEmail() ) : '' ?> />
hasUserGravatar() ? value( $user->getUserGravatarUID() ) : '' ?> />
get( User::WEBSITE ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::FACEBOOK ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::TWITTER ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::LINKEDIN ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::GITHUB ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::IMAGE ) ) : '' ?> />
get( User::META_WIKI ) ) : '' ?> />
hasUserLovelicense() ) { echo $user->getUserLovelicense()->getLink(); } ?>
getISO() ) ?>

getHuman() ) ?> getISO() === 'it' ): ?>

Legacy description translated by the community:

factoryUserSkills() ->queryGenerator(); ?> valid() ): ?>

getSkillPhrase() ?>

. trait UserTrait { /** * Get the user ID * * @return int */ public function getUserID() { return $this->nonnull( User::ID ); } /** * Get the user UID * * @return string */ public function getUserUID() { return $this->get( User::UID ); } /** * Get the user e-mail * * @return string */ public function getUserEmail() { return $this->get( User::EMAIL ); } /** * Check if the user is public * * @return bool */ public function isUserPublic() { return $this->get( User::IS_PUBLIC ); } /** * Check if I can see this user * * @return bool */ public function isUserVisible() { return $this->isUserPublic() || $this->isUserMyself(); } /** * Get the user full name * * @return string */ public function getUserFullname() { return trim( sprintf( __("%s %s"), $this->get( User::NAME ), $this->get( User::SURNAME ) ) ); } /** * Get the name that should be displayed * * @return string */ public function getUserDisplayName() { return $this->getUserFullname(); } /** * Get the User URL * * The User URL is based on the CURRENT_CONFERENCE_UID. * * @param boolean $absolute Set to true to force an absolute URL * @return string */ public function getUserURL( $absolute = false ) { $url = sprintf( PERMALINK_USER, CURRENT_CONFERENCE_UID, $this->getUserUID() ); $url = site_page( $url, $absolute ); return keep_url_in_language( $url ); } function getUserLink( $base = null, $html_class = null) { $name = $this->getUserFullname(); return HTML::a( $this->getUserURL( $base ), esc_html( $name ), sprintf( __("Profilo utente di %s"), $name ), $html_class ); } /** * Check if the User has a Gravatar image * * @return int */ public function hasUserGravatar() { return $this->has( User::GRAVATAR ) || $this->has( User::EMAIL ); } /** * Get the md5 of the E-mail * * @return string|null */ public function getUserGravatarUID() { return $this->get( User::GRAVATAR ); } /** * Check if the User has an image * * @return boolean */ public function hasUserImage() { return $this->has( User::IMAGE ) || $this->has( User::GRAVATAR ); } /** * Get the URL of the user image * * @param int $size Suggested width * @param boolean $absolute Set true to force an absolute URL * @return string */ public function getUserImage( $size = 256, $absolute = false ) { $image = $this->get( User::IMAGE ); if( ! $image ) { $image = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . $this->getUserGravatarUID() . '?s=' . $size; } return site_page( $image, $absolute ); } /** * It has an user bio? * * @return bool */ public function hasUserBio() { return null !== $this->get('user_bio'); } function getUserBio() { return $this->get('user_bio'); } function getUserBioHTML($args = []) { return Markdown::parse( __( $this->getUserBIO() ), $args); } /** * Check if the user is somehow social * * @return bool */ public function isUserSocial() { foreach( User::allSocialFields() as $field ) { if( $this->has( $field ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the user Facebook profile URL * * @return string URL */ public function getUserFacebruck() { return 'https://facebook.com/' . $this->get( User::FACEBOOK ); } /** * Get the user Google+ profile URL * * @return string URL */ public function getUserGuggolpluz() { return 'https://plus.google.com/' . $this->get( User::GOOGLE_PLUS ); } /** * Get the user Twitter profile URL * * @return string URL */ public function getUserTuitt() { return 'https://twitter.com/' . $this->get( User::TWITTER ); } /** * Get the user Linkedin profile URL * * @return string URL */ public function getUserLinkeddon() { return 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/' . $this->get( User::LINKEDIN ); } /** * Get the user GitHub profile URL * * @return string URL */ public function getUserGithubbo() { return 'https://github.com/' . $this->get( User::GITHUB ); } /** * Get the user Wikimedia Meta-wiki URL * * @return string */ public function getUserMetaWikiURL() { $username = $this->get( User::META_WIKI ); $username = str_replace( ' ', '_', $username ); return sprintf( 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:%s', $username ); } /** * Get the edit URL to this user * * @return string */ public function getUserEditURL() { - $url = http_build_get_query( '2016/user-edit.php', [ + return User::editURL( [ 'uid' => $this->getUserUID(), ] ); - return site_page( $url ); } /** * Can you edit this user? * * @return bool */ public function hasPermissionToEditUser() { if( has_permission('edit-users') ) { return true; } if( has_permission('edit-account') && $this->isUserMyself() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Is this user myself? * * @return bool */ public function isUserMyself() { return is_logged() && get_user()->getUserID() === $this->getUserID(); } /** * Check if the User has a loved license * * @return */ public function hasUserLovelicense() { return $this->has( User::LOVED_LICENSE ); } /** * Get the User loved license * * @return License */ public function getUserLovelicense() { return license( $this->get( User::LOVED_LICENSE ) ); } function factoryUserSkills() { return UserSkill::factorySkillByUser( $this->getUserID() ); } function factoryUserEvents() { return FullEvent::factoryByUser( $this->getUserID() ); } /** * Normalize a User object */ protected function normalizeUser() { $this->integers( User::ID ); $this->booleans( User::IS_PUBLIC, User::IS_ACTIVE ); } } class User extends Sessionuser { use UserTrait; /** * Name column */ const NAME = 'user_name'; /** * Aristocratic title column */ const ARISTOCRATIC_TITLE = 'user_title'; /** * ID column */ const SURNAME = 'user_surname'; /** * He/she public column */ const IS_PUBLIC = 'user_public'; /** * Image column */ const IMAGE = 'user_image'; /** * E-mail */ const EMAIL = 'user_email'; /** * Gravatar column */ const GRAVATAR = 'user_gravatar'; /** * RSS column */ const RSS = 'user_rss'; /** * Facebook username column */ const FACEBOOK = 'user_fb'; /** * Linkedin username column */ const LINKEDIN = 'user_lnkd'; /** * Google+ username column */ const GOOGLE_PLUS = 'user_googl'; /** * Twitter username */ const TWITTER = 'user_twtr'; /** * GitHub username */ const GITHUB = 'user_github'; /** * Personal website column */ const WEBSITE = 'user_site'; /** * Loved license column */ const LOVED_LICENSE = 'user_lovelicense'; /** * Biography column */ const BIO = 'user_bio'; /** * Username in Meta-wiki */ const META_WIKI = 'user_metawiki'; /** * Complete ID column name */ const ID_ = self::T . DOT . self::ID; /** * Maximum UID length */ const MAXLEN_UID = 64; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->normalizeUser(); } /** * Get all the user social fields * * @return array */ public static function allSocialFields() { return [ User::RSS, User::FACEBOOK, User::LINKEDIN, User::GOOGLE_PLUS, User::TWITTER, User::GITHUB, User::META_WIKI, ]; } /** * Factory users by an event * * @param $event_ID int * @return Query */ public static function factoryByEvent( $event_ID ) { return self::factory() ->from('event_user') ->equals('event_user.user_ID', 'user.user_ID') ->whereInt('event_user.event_ID', $event_ID ); } /** * Generate the appropriate SELECT for the User Bio * * @return string */ public static function BIO_L10N() { return i18n_coalesce( 'user_bio', 'user_bio_%s' ); } /** * Get all the public User fields * * @return array */ public static function fields() { return [ self::ID, self::UID, self::GRAVATAR, self::NAME, self::SURNAME, self::IMAGE, self::WEBSITE, self::LOVED_LICENSE, self::BIO_L10N(), ]; } + /** + * Get the edit URL to an User + * + * @param array $args Arguments for the edit page + * @param boolean $absolute Flag to require an absolute URL + * @return string + */ + public static function editURL( $args = [], $absolute = false ) { + $url = site_page( ADMIN_BASE_URL . '/user-edit.php', $absolute ); + return http_build_get_query( $url, $args ); + } }