diff --git a/includes/class-QueryEvent.php b/includes/class-QueryEvent.php
index 5f0b2bf..a9d6df1 100644
--- a/includes/class-QueryEvent.php
+++ b/includes/class-QueryEvent.php
@@ -1,189 +1,184 @@
 # Linux Day Torino website - classes
 # Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, 2020 Valerio Bozzolan, Linux Day Torino
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 // load dependent traits
 class_exists( QueryConference::class, true );
 class_exists( QueryChapter   ::class, true );
 class_exists( QueryTrack     ::class, true );
 class_exists( QueryRoom      ::class, true );
  * Methods for a QueryEvent class
 trait QueryEventTrait {
 	use QueryConferenceTrait;
 	 * Where the Event is...
 	 * @param  object $event Event
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereEvent( $event ) {
 		return $this->whereEventID( $event->getEventID() );
 	 * Where the Event ID is...
 	 * @param  int  $id Event ID
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereEventID( $id ) {
 		return $this->whereInt( $this->EVENT_ID, $id );
 	 * Where the Event UID is this one
 	 * @param  string $uid Event UID
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereEventUID( $uid ) {
 		return $this->whereStr( Event::UID, $uid );
 	 * Starting from an Event search the nearby Events happening in the same moment
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereEventMeanwhile( $event ) {
 		return $this->whereInt( 'event.event_ID', $event->getEventID(), '!=' )
 		            ->whereStr( 'event_start', $event->getEventEnd(   'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), '<=' )
 		            ->whereStr( 'event_end',   $event->getEventStart( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), '>=' );
 	 * Where the Event is editable by me
 	public function whereEventIsEditable() {
 		throw new Exception( "to be implemented" );
  * Class able to query a FullEvent.
 class QueryEvent extends Query {
 	use QueryEventTrait;
 	use QueryChapterTrait;
 	use QueryTrackTrait;
 	use QueryRoomTrait;
 	 * Univoque Event ID column name
 	 * @var
 	protected $EVENT_ID = 'event.event_ID';
 	 * Univoque Chapter ID column name
 	 * @var
 	protected $CHAPTER_ID = 'event.chapter_ID';
 	 * Univoque Conference ID column name
 	 * Used from ConferenceTrait#joinConference()
 	 * @var
 	protected $CONFERENCE_ID = 'event.conference_ID';
 	 * Univoque Track ID column name
 	 * @var
 	protected $TRACK_ID = 'event.track_ID';
 	 * Univoque Room ID column name
 	 * @var
 	protected $ROOM_ID = 'event.room_ID';
 	 * Constructor
 	public function __construct() {
 		$this->from( Event::T );
 		$this->defaultClass( FullEvent::class );
 	 * Limit to a certain User
 	 * @deprecated
 	 * @param $user User
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereUser( $user ) {
 		return $this->joinEventUser()
 		            ->whereInt( EventUser::USER_, $user->getUserID() );
 	 * Join Events to User IDs
 	 * You can call it multiple time safely.
 	 * @return self
 	public function joinEventUser() {
 		if( empty( $this->joinedEventUser ) ) {
 			$this->from(   EventUser::T                  );
 			$this->equals( EventUser::EVENT_, Event::ID_ );
 			$this->joinedEventUser = true;
 		return $this;
 	 * Join Events and their Track, Chapter and Room (can be NULL).
 	 * You can call it multiple time safely.
 	 * @return self
 	public function joinTrackChapterRoom() {
 		if( empty( $this->joinedTrackChapterRoom ) ) {
-			$this->from(   Room::T )
-			     ->equals( Room::ID_,    Event::ROOM_ );
-			$this->from(   Track::T )
-			     ->equals( Track::ID_,   Event::TRACK_ );
-			$this->from(   Chapter::T )
-			     ->equals( Chapter::ID_, Event::CHAPTER_ );
+			$this->joinRoom(    'LEFT' );
+			$this->joinTrack(   'LEFT' );
+			$this->joinChapter( 'LEFT' );
 			$this->joinedTrackChapterRoom = true;
 		return $this;