diff --git a/includes/class-FullEvent.php b/includes/class-FullEvent.php
index bdf8abd..8b0bc50 100644
--- a/includes/class-FullEvent.php
+++ b/includes/class-FullEvent.php
@@ -1,237 +1,254 @@
 # Linux Day 2016 - Construct a database event (full of relations)
 # Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Valerio Bozzolan, Ludovico Pavesi, Linux Day Torino
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 trait FullEventTrait {
 	public function hasEventStandardURL() {
 		return $this->has( Conference::UID ) &&
 		       $this->has( Event     ::UID ) &&
 		       $this->has( Chapter   ::UID );
 	 * Check if the Event has a permalink
 	 * @return bool
 	public function hasEventPermalink() {
 		return $this->hasEventExternalURL() || $this->hasEventStandardURL();
 	 * Get the Event standard URL
 	 * The standard URL is the opposite of the external URL.
 	 * @param  boolean $absolute
 	 * @return string
 	public function getEventStandardURL( $absolute = null ) {
 		return FullEvent::permalink(
 	 * Get the Event URL
 	 * @param boolean $absolute Set to true to force an absolute URL
 	 * @return string
 	public function getEventURL( $absolute = false ) {
 		if( $this->hasEventStandardURL() ) {
 			return $this->getEventStandardURL( $absolute );
 		// is this is an external Event, is easy-peasy
 		if( $this->hasEventExternalURL() ) {
 			return $this->getEventExternalURL();
 		return '#';
 	 * Create a Query to find the next Event in the same Room
 	 * @return Query
-	public function factoryNextFullEvent() {
+	public function factoryNextFullEvent( $args = [] ) {
 		$date = $this->getEventEnd( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
-		return $this->factoryFullEventInSameContext()
+		return $this->factoryFullEventInSameContext( $args )
 			->whereStr( 'event_start', $date, '>=' )
 			->orderBy(  'event_start', 'ASC' );
 	 * Create a Query to find the previous Event in the same Room
 	 * @return Query
-	public function factoryPreviousFullEvent( $compare = '<=' ) {
+	public function factoryPreviousFullEvent( $args = [] ) {
 		$date = $this->getEventStart( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
-		return $this->factoryFullEventInSameContext()
+		return $this->factoryFullEventInSameContext( $args )
 			->whereStr( 'event_end', $date, '<=' )
 			->orderBy(  'event_end', 'DESC' );
+	/**
+	 * Check the FullEvents happening in the meanwhile of another Event
+	 *
+	 * @return Query
+	 */
+	public function factoryMeanwhileFullEvent() {
+		return ( new QueryEvent() )
+			->joinConference()
+			->joinTrackChapterRoom()
+			->whereEventMeanwhile( $this );
+	}
 	 * Get the edit URL for this FullEvent
 	 * @deprecated
 	 * @param  boolean $absolute Flag to require an absolute URL
 	 * @return string
 	public function getFullEventEditURL( $absolute = false ) {
 		return $this->getEventEditURL( $absolute );
-	private function factoryFullEventInSameContext() {
-		return FullEvent::factory()
-			->whereInt( 'event.conference_ID', $this->getConferenceID() )
-			->whereInt( 'event.room_ID',       $this->getRoomID() );
+	private function factoryFullEventInSameContext( $args = [] ) {
+		$query = FullEvent::factory()
+			->whereConference( $this );
+		if( empty( $args['whatever-room'] ) || !$args['whatever-room'] ) {
+			$query->whereRoom( $this );
+		}
+		return $query;
  * An Event with all the bells and whistles
 class FullEvent extends Event {
 	use FullEventTrait;
 	use ConferenceTrait;
 	use LocationTrait;
 	use ChapterTrait;
 	use RoomTrait;
 	use TrackTrait;
 	public function __construct() {
 	 * Query constructor
 	 * @return Query
 	public static function factory() {
 		return ( new QueryEvent() )
 			->select( Conference::fields() )
 			->select( Event     ::fields() )
 			->select( Track     ::fields() )
 			->select( Chapter   ::fields() )
 			->select( Room      ::fields() )
 			->defaultClass( __CLASS__ );
 	static function factoryByConference( $conference_ID ) {
 		return self::factory()
 			->whereInt( Event::CONFERENCE_, $conference_ID );
 	 * @deprecate Use self::factoryFromConferenceAndUID() instead
 	static function factoryByConferenceAndUID( $conference_ID, $event_uid ) {
 		$event_uid = Event::sanitizeUID( $event_uid );
 		return self::factoryByConference( $conference_ID )
 			->whereStr( Event::UID, $event_uid );
 	 * Factory from a Conference object and the Event UID
 	 * @param object $conference
 	 * @param string $event_uid
 	 * @return Query
 	public static function factoryFromConferenceAndEventUID( $conference, $event_uid ) {
 		$event_uid =  Event::sanitizeUID( $event_uid );
 		$conference_ID = $conference->getConferenceID();
 		return self::factoryByConference( $conference_ID )
 			->whereStr( Event::UID, $event_uid );
 	static function queryByConferenceAndUID( $conference_ID, $event_uid ) {
 		return self::factoryByConferenceAndUID( $conference_ID, $event_uid )
 	static function factoryByUser( $user_ID ) {
 		return self::factory()
 			->from(     EventUser::T                  )
 			->equals(   EventUser::EVENT_, Event::ID_ )
 			->whereInt( EventUser::USER_,  $user_ID   )
 			->orderBy(  EventUser::ORDER              );
 	static function factoryByConferenceChapter( $conference_ID, $chapter_ID ) {
 		return self::factoryByConference( $conference_ID )
 			->whereInt( Event::CHAPTER_, $chapter_ID );
 	 * Get an absolute FullEvent permalink
 	 * @param $conference_uid string Conference UID
 	 * @param $event_uid string Event UID
 	 * @param $chapter_uid string Chapter UID
 	 * @param $absolute string Force an absolute URL
 	 * @param $format string Permalink in printf format. Arguments: 1 Conference UID, 2 Event UID, 3 Chapter UID
 	 * @param $jass_i18n_support Check if the Conference has I18n support
 	 * @return string
 	public static function permalink( $conference_uid, $event_uid, $chapter_uid, $absolute = false, $format = null, $has_i18n_support = true ) {
 		// eventually take a default format
 		if( !$format ) {
 			$format = PERMALINK_EVENT;
 		// make the permalink
 		$url = sprintf( $format, $conference_uid, $event_uid, $chapter_uid );
 		// adapt the URL for our needs
 		$url = site_page( $url, $absolute );
 		// eventually append I18N query string
 		if( $has_i18n_support ) {
 			$url = keep_url_in_language( $url );
 		return $url;