diff --git a/includes/class-QuerySharable.php b/includes/class-QuerySharable.php
index 4ccf235..16ebb62 100644
--- a/includes/class-QuerySharable.php
+++ b/includes/class-QuerySharable.php
@@ -1,124 +1,140 @@
 # Suckless conference
 # Copyright (C) 2020 Valerio Bozzolan
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 // require dependent traits
 class_exists( QueryEvent::class, true );
  * Methods related to a QuerySharable class
 trait QuerySharableTrait {
 	 * Where the Sharable is...
 	 * @param  object $event Sharable
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereSharable( $event ) {
 		return $this->whereSharableID( $event->getSharableID() );
 	 * Where the Sharable ID is...
 	 * @param  int  $id Sharable ID
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereSharableID( $id ) {
 		return $this->whereInt( $this->SHARABLE_ID, $id );
 	 * Where the Sharable has a parent
 	 * @param boolean $has Set to false to have not a parent
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereSharableHasParent( $has = true ) {
 		// it has the parent if it's not NULL
 		$verb = $has ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS';
 		return $this->compare( Sharable::PARENT, $verb, 'NULL' );
 	 * Where the Sharable has not a parent
 	 * @param boolean $has Set to false to have not a parent
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereSharableIsRoot() {
 		return $this->whereSharableHasParent( false );
 	 * Where the Sharable has a parent and it's this one
 	 * @param Sharable $sharable
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereSharableParent( $sharable ) {
-		return $this->whereSharableParentID( $sharable->getSharableParentID() );
+		return $this->whereSharableParentID( $sharable->getSharableID() );
 	 * Where the Sharable has a parent and it's this one
 	 * @param int $id Sharable ID
 	 * @return self
 	public function whereSharableParentID( $id ) {
 		return $this->whereInt( Sharable::PARENT, $id );
+	/**
+	 * Select a field called 'has_sharable_children'
+	 *
+	 * @return self
+	 */
+	public function selectSharableHasChildren( $alias = 'sharable_has_children' ) {
+		// check if it exists another Sharable with this row as its parent
+		$temp_subquery_alias = 'sharable_children';
+		$subquery = ( new QuerySharable( null, $temp_subquery_alias ) )
+			->equals( $temp_subquery_alias . DOT . Sharable::PARENT, Sharable::ID_ )
+			->getQuery();
+		return $this->select( "EXISTS( $subquery ) $alias");
+	}
  * Utility used to Query a Sharable.
 class QuerySharable extends Query {
 	use QuerySharableTrait;
 	use QueryEventTrait;
 	 * Univoque Event ID column name
 	 * @var
 	protected $EVENT_ID = 'sharable.event_ID';
 	 * Constructor
 	 * @param DB     $db    Database or NULL for the default one
 	 * @param string $alias Table alias
-	public function __construct() {
+	public function __construct( $db = null, $alias = true ) {
 		// initialize Query
 		// select default table
-		$this->from( Sharable::T );
+		$this->fromAlias( Sharable::T, $alias );
 		// select default result class name
 		$this->defaultClass( Sharable::class );
diff --git a/includes/class-Sharable.php b/includes/class-Sharable.php
index 87d1bfa..662f43d 100644
--- a/includes/class-Sharable.php
+++ b/includes/class-Sharable.php
@@ -1,268 +1,285 @@
 # Linux Day 2016 - Construct a database sharable
 # Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Valerio Bozzolan, Linux Day Torino website contributors
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 trait SharableTrait {
 	 * Get the sharable ID
 	 * @return int
 	public function getSharableID() {
 		return $this->nonnull( Sharable::ID );
 	 * Check if this Sharable has a parent
 	 * See https://gitpull.it/T557
 	 * @return boolean
-	public function hasParentSharable() {
+	public function hasSharableParent() {
 		return $this->has( Sharable::PARENT );
 	 * Get the ID of the parent Sharable (if any)
 	 * See https://gitpull.it/T557
 	 * @return mixed
-	public function getParentSharableID() {
+	public function getSharableParentID() {
 		return $this->get( Sharable::PARENT );
 	 * Get the localized sharable title
 	 * @param $args array Title arguments like 'prop'
 	 * @return string
 	public function getSharableTitle( $args = [] ) {
 		$sharable_title = $this->get( Sharable::TITLE );
 		if( ! isset( $sharable_title ) ) {
 			return $this->getDefaultSharableTitle( $args );
 		return __( $sharable_title );
 	 * Retrieve something usable as a title
 	 * @param $args array Title arguments like 'prop'
 	 * @return string
 	public function getDefaultSharableTitle( $args = [] ) {
 		$sharable_type = $this->get( Sharable::TYPE );
 		if( $sharable_type === 'youtube' ) {
 			if( isset( $args['prop'] ) && $args['prop'] ) {
 				return sprintf( __("il %s"), __("video esterno") );
 			} else {
 				return __("video esterno");
 		$sharable_path = $this->get( Sharable::PATH );
 		// Get filename from "/asd/asd/asd/(filename)"
 		$i = 0;
 		while( strpos( $sharable_path, _, $i ) !== false ) {
 		return substr( $sharable_path, $i );
 	 * Is it an image?
 	 * @return bool
 	public function isSharableImage() {
 		return $this->isSharableType( 'image' );
 	 * Is it a video?
 	 * @return bool
 	public function isSharableVideo() {
 		return $this->isSharableType( 'video' );
 	 * Is it a document?
 	 * @return bool
 	public function isSharableDocument() {
 		return $this->isSharableType( 'document' );
 	 * Is it an iframe (like a YouTube video?)
 	 * @return bool
 	public function isSharableIframe() {
 		return $this->isSharableType( 'youtube' );
 	 * Is it of a certain type?
 	 * @param $type string
 	 * @return bool
 	private function isSharableType( $type ) {
 		return $this->get( Sharable::TYPE ) === $type;
 	 * It can be downloaded?
 	 * @return bool
 	public function isSharableDownloadable() {
 		return ! $this->isSharableIframe();
 	 * @TODO: $base = ROOT is wrong and should be $absolute = false
 	function getSharablePath( $base = ROOT ) {
 		$type = $this->get( Sharable::TYPE );
 		$path = $this->get( Sharable::PATH );
 		if( 'youtube' === $type ) {
 			return "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={$path}";
 		return site_page( $path, $base );
 	 * Get the MIME type
 	 * @return string|null
 	public function getSharableMIME() {
 		return $this->get( Sharable::MIME );
 	 * Get the license
 	 * @return License
 	public function getSharableLicense() {
 		return license( $this->get( Sharable::LICENSE ) );
 	 * Normalize a Sharable object
 	protected function normalizeSharable() {
 			Event   ::ID
  * A Sharable is an attachment related to a Talk
 class Sharable extends Queried {
 	use SharableTrait;
 	 * Database table name
 	const T = 'sharable';
 	 * Sharable ID column
 	const ID = 'sharable_ID';
 	 * Sharable title column
 	const TITLE = 'sharable_title';
 	 * Sharable type column
 	const TYPE = 'sharable_type';
 	 * Sharable path column
 	const PATH = 'sharable_path';
 	 * Sharable mime type column
 	const MIME = 'sharable_mimetype';
 	 * Sharable license column
 	const LICENSE = 'sharable_license';
 	 * Name of the parent sharable_ID column
 	 * See https://gitpull.it/T557
 	const PARENT = 'sharable_parent';
 	 * Sharable univoque ID
 	const ID_ = self::T . DOT . self::ID;
 	 * Sharable event ID
 	const EVENT_ = self::T . DOT . Event::ID;
 	 * Constructor
 	public function __construct() {
 	 * Factory by an event
 	 * @param $event_ID int Event ID
 	 * @return Query
 	public static function factoryByEvent( $event_ID ) {
 		return ( new QuerySharable )
 			->whereEventID( $event_ID );
+	/**
+	 * All basic fields
+	 *
+	 * @return array
+	 */
+	public static function fields() {
+		return [
+			self::ID_,
+			self::TITLE,
+			self::TYPE,
+			self::PATH,
+			self::MIME,
+			self::LICENSE,
+			self::PARENT,
+		];
+	}