diff --git a/plugin/Live/standAloneFiles/restreamer.json.php b/plugin/Live/standAloneFiles/restreamer.json.php index 3a7f51d46..cf8a4dc8c 100644 --- a/plugin/Live/standAloneFiles/restreamer.json.php +++ b/plugin/Live/standAloneFiles/restreamer.json.php @@ -1,266 +1,267 @@ m3u8 = $argv[1]; $robj->restreamsDestinations = array($argv[2]); $robj->users_id = 'commandline'; } $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->error = true; $obj->msg = ""; $obj->streamerURL = $streamerURL; $obj->token = $robj->token; $obj->pid = array(); $obj->logFile = str_replace('{users_id}', $robj->users_id, $logFile); if (empty($robj->restreamsDestinations) || !is_array($robj->restreamsDestinations)) { $obj->msg = "There are no restreams Destinations"; error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR {$obj->msg}"); die(json_encode($obj)); } error_log("Restreamer.json.php Found " . count($robj->restreamsDestinations) . " destinations: " . json_encode($robj->restreamsDestinations)); -// check the token -if (empty($obj->token)) { - $obj->msg = "Token is empty"; - error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR {$obj->msg}"); - die(json_encode($obj)); -} -if(!$isCommandLine){ +if(!$isCommandLine){ + // check the token + if (empty($obj->token)) { + $obj->msg = "Token is empty"; + error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR {$obj->msg}"); + die(json_encode($obj)); + } + $verifyTokenURL = "{$obj->streamerURL}plugin/Live/verifyToken.json.php?token={$obj->token}"; error_log("Restreamer.json.php verifying token {$verifyTokenURL}"); $arrContextOptions=array( "ssl"=>array( "verify_peer"=>false, "verify_peer_name"=>false, ), ); $content = file_get_contents($verifyTokenURL, false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions)); error_log("Restreamer.json.php verification respond content {$content}"); $json = _json_decode($content); if (empty($json)) { $obj->msg = "Could not verify token"; error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR {$obj->msg} ({$verifyTokenURL}) "); die(json_encode($obj)); } else if (!empty($json->error)) { $obj->msg = "Token is invalid"; error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR {$obj->msg} ({$verifyTokenURL}) " . json_encode($json)); die(json_encode($obj)); } } error_log("Restreamer.json.php token is correct"); ignore_user_abort(true); ob_start(); header("Connection: close"); @header("Content-Length: " . ob_get_length()); ob_end_flush(); flush(); if (empty($separateRestreams)) { error_log("Restreamer.json.php all in one command "); $obj->pid[] = startRestream($robj->m3u8, $robj->restreamsDestinations, $obj->logFile); } else { error_log("Restreamer.json.php separateRestreams " . count($robj->restreamsDestinations)); foreach ($robj->restreamsDestinations as $key => $value) { sleep(0.5); $obj->pid[] = startRestream($robj->m3u8, array($value), str_replace(".log", "_{$key}.log", $obj->logFile)); } } $obj->error = false; error_log("Restreamer.json.php finish " . json_encode($obj)); die(json_encode($obj)); function clearCommandURL($url) { return preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z:.\/_&?=-]/i', "", $url); } function startRestream($m3u8, $restreamsDestinations, $logFile, $tries = 1) { global $ffmpegBinary; if (empty($restreamsDestinations)) { error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR empty restreamsDestinations"); return false; } $m3u8 = clearCommandURL($m3u8); killIfIsRunning($m3u8); if($tries === 1){ sleep(3); } if (!isURL200($m3u8, true)) { if ($tries > 20) { error_log("Restreamer.json.php tried too many times, we could not find your stream URL"); return false; } error_log("Restreamer.json.php URL ($m3u8) is NOT ready. trying again ({$tries})"); sleep($tries); return startRestream($m3u8, $restreamsDestinations, $logFile, $tries + 1); } /* $command = "ffmpeg -i {$m3u8} "; foreach ($restreamsDestinations as $value) { $value = clearCommandURL($value); $command .= ' -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -f flv "' . $value . '" '; } * */ if (count($restreamsDestinations) > 1) { //$command = "{$ffmpegBinary} -re -i \"{$m3u8}\" "; $command = "{$ffmpegBinary} -re -rw_timeout 15000000 -i \"{$m3u8}\" "; foreach ($restreamsDestinations as $value) { if(!isOpenSSLEnabled() && preg_match("/rtpms:/i", $value)){ error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR #1 FFMPEG openssl is not enabled, ignoring $value "); continue; } $value = clearCommandURL($value); $command .= ' -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -acodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -preset veryfast -f flv "' . $value . '" '; } } else { if(!isOpenSSLEnabled() && preg_match("/rtpms:/i", $restreamsDestinations[0])){ error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR #2 FFMPEG openssl is not enabled, ignoring {$restreamsDestinations[0]} "); }else{ //$command = "ffmpeg -re -i \"{$m3u8}\" -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -acodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -f flv \"{$restreamsDestinations[0]}\""; $command = "{$ffmpegBinary} -re -rw_timeout 15000000 -i \"{$m3u8}\" -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 -acodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -preset veryfast -f flv \"{$restreamsDestinations[0]}\""; } } if(empty($command) || !preg_match("/-f flv/i", $command)){ error_log("Restreamer.json.php ERROR command is empty "); }else{ error_log("Restreamer.json.php startRestream, check the file ($logFile) for the log"); make_path($logFile); file_put_contents($logFile, $command . PHP_EOL); exec('nohup ' . $command . ' 2>> ' . $logFile . ' > /dev/null &'); error_log("Restreamer.json.php startRestream finish"); } return true; } $isOpenSSLEnabled = null; function isOpenSSLEnabled() { global $isOpenSSLEnabled, $ffmpegBinary; if(isset($isOpenSSLEnabled)){ return $isOpenSSLEnabled; } exec("{$ffmpegBinary} 2>&1", $output, $return_var); foreach ($output as $value) { if (preg_match("/configuration:.*--enable-openssl/i", $value)) { $isOpenSSLEnabled = true; return $isOpenSSLEnabled; } } $isOpenSSLEnabled = false; return $isOpenSSLEnabled; } function whichffmpeg() { exec("which ffmpeg 2>&1", $output, $return_var); return @$output[0]; } function getProcess($m3u8){ $m3u8 = clearCommandURL($m3u8); global $ffmpegBinary; exec("ps -ax 2>&1", $output, $return_var); //error_log("Restreamer.json.php:getProcess ". json_encode($output)); foreach ($output as $value) { $pattern = "/^([0-9]+).*".replaceSlashesForPregMatch($ffmpegBinary).".*".replaceSlashesForPregMatch($m3u8)."/i"; //error_log("Restreamer.json.php:getProcess {$pattern}"); if (preg_match($pattern, trim($value), $matches)) { return $matches; } } return false; } function killIfIsRunning($m3u8){ $process = getProcess($m3u8); error_log("Restreamer.json.php killIfIsRunning checking if there is a process running for {$m3u8} "); if(!empty($process)){ error_log("Restreamer.json.php killIfIsRunning there is a process running for {$m3u8} ". json_encode($process)); $pid = intval($process[1]); if(!empty($pid)){ error_log("Restreamer.json.php killIfIsRunning killing {$pid} "); exec("kill -9 {$pid} 2>&1", $output, $return_var); sleep(1); } return true; }else{ error_log("Restreamer.json.php killIfIsRunning there is not a process running for {$m3u8} "); } return false; } function replaceSlashesForPregMatch($str){ return str_replace('/', '.', $str); }