diff --git a/view/managerVideos_body.php b/view/managerVideos_body.php index 57c417975..20aeb650e 100644 --- a/view/managerVideos_body.php +++ b/view/managerVideos_body.php @@ -1,2227 +1,2230 @@
doNotShowEncoderButton)) { if (!empty($config->getEncoderURL())) { } ?>
doNotShowUploadMP4Button)) { ?> doNotShowEmbedButton)) { ?>
$secondsTotal) { $percent = intval($secondsTotal / $secondsLimit * 100); } else { $percent = 100; } ?> and you have minutes of storage
% of your storage limit used
getDisable_youtubeupload()) { ?> userCanNotChangeCategory) || User::isAdmin()) { ?> userCanNotChangeUserGroup) || User::isAdmin()) { ?> disableVideoSwap) && (empty($advancedCustom->makeSwapVideosOnlyForAdmin) || User::isAdmin())) { ?>
'); ?> '); ?> '); ?> '); ?> '); ?>
disableDownloadVideosList)) { ?>
getDisable_youtubeupload())) { ?>


  1. " . __("Google ID and Key") . ""; ?>
  2. " . __("YouTube Data API") . " v3"; ?>
  3. : objects/youtubeUpload.json.php
  4. :
disableHTMLDescription)) { echo getTinyMCE("inputDescription"); } ?> diff --git a/view/modeYoutube.php b/view/modeYoutube.php index b2f838897..237aed8d2 100644 --- a/view/modeYoutube.php +++ b/view/modeYoutube.php @@ -1,420 +1,420 @@ thumbnails; $poster = $evideo->thumbnails; $imgw = 1280; $imgh = 720; $autoPlaySources = array(); $autoPlayURL = ''; $autoPlayPoster = ''; $autoPlayThumbsSprit = ''; } else { require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/user.php'; require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/category.php'; require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/subscribe.php'; require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/functions.php'; $img = "".getCDN()."view/img/notfound.jpg"; $poster = "".getCDN()."view/img/notfound.jpg"; $imgw = 1280; $imgh = 720; if (!empty($_GET['type'])) { if ($_GET['type'] == 'audio') { $_SESSION['type'] = 'audio'; } else if ($_GET['type'] == 'video') { $_SESSION['type'] = 'video'; } else if ($_GET['type'] == 'pdf') { $_SESSION['type'] = 'pdf'; } else { $_SESSION['type'] = ""; unset($_SESSION['type']); } } else { unset($_SESSION['type']); } session_write_close(); $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 1'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($_GET['playlist_id'])) { $isSerie = 1; if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_GET['playlist_id'])) { $playlist_id = $_GET['playlist_id']; } else if (User::isLogged()) { if ($_GET['playlist_id'] == "favorite") { $playlist_id = PlayList::getFavoriteIdFromUser(User::getId()); } else { $playlist_id = PlayList::getWatchLaterIdFromUser(User::getId()); } } if (!empty($_GET['playlist_index'])) { $playlist_index = $_GET['playlist_index']; } $videosArrayId = PlayList::getVideosIdFromPlaylist($playlist_id); if (empty($videosArrayId)) { videoNotFound(__('Playlist is empty or does not exist')); } $videosPlayList = Video::getAllVideos("viewable", false, false, $videosArrayId, false, true); $videosPlayList = PlayList::sortVideos($videosPlayList, $videosArrayId); $videoSerie = Video::getVideoFromSeriePlayListsId($playlist_id); - + //var_dump($videoSerie, $videosArrayId);exit; unset($_GET['playlist_id']); $isPlayListTrailer = false; $playListObject = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData("PlayLists"); if (!empty($videoSerie)) { $videoSerie = Video::getVideo($videoSerie["id"], "", true); if (!empty($playListObject->showTrailerInThePlayList) && !empty($videoSerie["trailer1"]) && filter_var($videoSerie["trailer1"], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== FALSE) { $videoSerie["type"] = "embed"; $videoSerie["videoLink"] = $videoSerie["trailer1"]; array_unshift($videosPlayList, $videoSerie); array_unshift($videosArrayId, $videoSerie['id']); $isPlayListTrailer = true; } } if (empty($playlist_index) && $isPlayListTrailer && !empty($videoSerie)) { $video = $videoSerie; } else { $vid = new Video("", "", $videosPlayList[$playlist_index]['id']); $_GET['videoName'] = $vid->getClean_title(); $video = Video::getVideo($videosPlayList[$playlist_index]['id'], "viewable", false, false, false, true); } if (!empty($videosPlayList[$playlist_index + 1])) { $autoPlayVideo = Video::getVideo($videosPlayList[$playlist_index + 1]['id'], "viewableNotUnlisted", false, false, false, true); $autoPlayVideo['url'] = $global['webSiteRootURL'] . "playlist/{$playlist_id}/" . ($playlist_index + 1); } else if (!empty($videosPlayList[0])) { $autoPlayVideo = Video::getVideo($videosPlayList[0]['id'], "viewableNotUnlisted", false, false, false, true); $autoPlayVideo['url'] = $global['webSiteRootURL'] . "playlist/{$playlist_id}/0"; } if ($serie = PlayLists::isPlayListASerie($playlist_id)) { setVideos_id($serie['id']); } else if (!empty($videosPlayList[$playlist_index])) { setVideos_id($videosPlayList[$playlist_index]['id']); } } else { $catLink = ""; if (!empty($_GET['catName'])) { $catLink = "cat/{$_GET['catName']}/"; } // add this because if you change the video category the video was not loading anymore $catName = @$_GET['catName']; if (empty($_GET['clean_title']) && (isset($advancedCustom->forceCategory) && $advancedCustom->forceCategory === false)) { $_GET['catName'] = ""; } if (empty($video) && !empty($_REQUEST['v'])) { $video = Video::getVideo($_REQUEST['v'], "viewable", false, false, false, true); //var_dump('Line: '.__LINE__, $_REQUEST['v'], $video);exit; } if (empty($video)) { $video = Video::getVideo("", "viewable", false, false, true, true); } if (empty($video)) { $video = Video::getVideo("", "viewable", false, false, false, true); } if (empty($video)) { $video = AVideoPlugin::getVideo(); } if (!empty($_GET['v']) && (empty($video) || $video['id'] != $_GET['v'])) { $video = false; } if (!empty($video['id'])) { // allow users to count a view again in case it is refreshed Video::unsetAddView($video['id']); // add this because if you change the video category the video was not loading anymore $_GET['catName'] = $catName; $_GET['isMediaPlaySite'] = $video['id']; $obj = new Video("", "", $video['id']); } /* if (empty($_SESSION['type'])) { $_SESSION['type'] = $video['type']; } * */ // $resp = $obj->addView(); $get = array('channelName' => @$_GET['channelName'], 'catName' => @$_GET['catName']); $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 1.1'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($video['next_videos_id'])) { $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 1.2'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); $autoPlayVideo = Video::getVideo($video['next_videos_id']); } else { $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 1.3'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 1.5'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($video['id'])) { $autoPlayVideo = Video::getRandom($video['id']); } //} } $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 1.6'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($autoPlayVideo)) { $autoPlayVideo['creator'] = Video::getCreatorHTML($autoPlayVideo['users_id']); $autoPlayVideo['tags'] = Video::getTags($autoPlayVideo['id'], '
' . humanTiming(strtotime($autoPlayVideo['videoCreation'])) . ''); $autoPlayVideo['url'] = Video::getLink($autoPlayVideo['id'], $autoPlayVideo['clean_title'], false, $get); } } $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 2'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($video)) { $name = User::getNameIdentificationById($video['users_id']); $name = "{$name} " . User::getEmailVerifiedIcon($video['users_id']) . ""; $subscribe = Subscribe::getButton($video['users_id']); $video['creator'] = Video::getCreatorHTML($video['users_id'], '
' . humanTiming(strtotime($video['videoCreation'])) . ''); $obj = new Video("", "", $video['id']); // Don't need because have an embedded video on this page // $resp = $obj->addView(); } if (!empty($video) && $video['type'] == "video") { $poster = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}videos/{$video['filename']}.jpg"; } else { $poster = "".getCDN()."view/img/audio_wave.jpg"; } if (!empty($video)) { $source = Video::getSourceFile($video['filename']); if (($video['type'] !== "audio") && ($video['type'] !== "linkAudio") && !empty($source['url'])) { $img = $source['url']; $data = getimgsize($source['path']); $imgw = $data[0]; $imgh = $data[1]; } else if ($video['type'] == "audio") { $img = "".getCDN()."view/img/audio_wave.jpg"; } $type = 'video'; if ($video['type'] === 'pdf') { $type = 'pdf'; } else if ($video['type'] === 'zip') { $type = 'zip'; } else if ($video['type'] === 'article') { $type = 'article'; } $images = Video::getImageFromFilename($video['filename'], $type); $poster = isMobile() ? $images->thumbsJpg : $images->poster; if (!empty($images->posterPortrait) && basename($images->posterPortrait) !== 'notfound_portrait.jpg' && basename($images->posterPortrait) !== 'pdf_portrait.png' && basename($images->posterPortrait) !== 'article_portrait.png') { $img = $images->posterPortrait; $data = getimgsize($source['path']); $imgw = $data[0]; $imgh = $data[1]; } else { $img = isMobile() ? $images->thumbsJpg : $images->poster; } } else { $poster = "".getCDN()."view/img/notfound.jpg"; } $objSecure = AVideoPlugin::getObjectDataIfEnabled('SecureVideosDirectory'); $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 3'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); if (!empty($autoPlayVideo) && !empty($autoPlayVideo['filename'])) { $autoPlaySources = getSources($autoPlayVideo['filename'], true); $autoPlayURL = $autoPlayVideo['url']; $autoPlayPoster = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}videos/{$autoPlayVideo['filename']}.jpg"; $autoPlayThumbsSprit = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}videos/{$autoPlayVideo['filename']}_thumbsSprit.jpg"; } else { $autoPlaySources = array(); $autoPlayURL = ''; $autoPlayPoster = ''; $autoPlayThumbsSprit = ""; } if (empty($_GET['videoName']) && !empty($video)) { $_GET['videoName'] = $video['clean_title']; } if(!empty($_GET['videoName'])){ $v = Video::getVideoFromCleanTitle($_GET['videoName']); } if (empty($v) && empty($videosPlayList[$playlist_index]['id'])) { videoNotFound(""); } else { $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 4'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); AVideoPlugin::getModeYouTube($v['id']); $modeYouTubeTimeLog['Code part 5'] = microtime(true) - $modeYouTubeTime; $modeYouTubeTime = microtime(true); } } // video not found if (empty($video)) { /* $img = "".getCDN()."view/img/this-video-is-not-available.jpg"; $poster = "".getCDN()."view/img/this-video-is-not-available.jpg"; $imgw = 1280; $imgh = 720; unset($_SESSION['type']); session_write_close(); $video = array(); $video['id'] = 0; $video['type'] = 'notfound'; $video['rotation'] = 0; $video['videoLink'] = ""; $video['title'] = __("Video Not Available"); $video['clean_title'] = "video-not-available"; $video['description'] = ""; $video['duration'] = ""; $video['creator'] = ""; $video['likes'] = ""; $video['dislikes'] = ""; $video['category'] = "embed"; $video['views_count'] = 0; $video['filename'] = ""; header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', true, 404); * */ videoNotFound('The video is not available'); } $metaDescription = " {$video['id']}"; // make sure the title tag does not have more then 70 chars $titleTag = $video['title']; $titleTag = (strlen($titleTag) > 50) ? (substr($titleTag, 0, 48) . " …") : $titleTag; $titleTag .= getSEOComplement(array("allowedTypes" => array("audio", "video", "pdf"))) . $config->getPageTitleSeparator() . $config->getWebSiteTitle(); $titleTag = (strlen($titleTag) > 70) ? (substr($titleTag, 0, 68) . " …") : $titleTag; if (!empty($video['users_id']) && User::hasBlockedUser($video['users_id'])) { $video['type'] = "blockedUser"; } ?> <?php echo $titleTag; ?> showChannelBannerOnModeYoutube)) { ?>

! videoNotFoundText->value) ? __("We have not found any videos or audios to show") : $advancedCustom->videoNotFoundText->value; ?>.
disableYoutubePlayerIntegration || isMobile(); if ((isset($_GET['isEmbedded'])) && ($disableYoutubeIntegration == false)) { if ($_GET['isEmbedded'] == "y") { ?> $value) { if ($value > 0.5) { echo "*** "; } echo "{$key} = {$value} seconds \n"; } echo "\n -->"; ?>