diff --git a/objects/video.php b/objects/video.php index f6c14d352..faca6c5a4 100644 --- a/objects/video.php +++ b/objects/video.php @@ -1,4538 +1,4538 @@ 'Active', 'k' => 'Active and Encoding', 'i' => 'Inactive', 'e' => 'Encoding', 'x' => 'Encoding Error', 'd' => 'Downloading', 't' => 'Transfering', 'u' => 'Unlisted', 'r' => 'Recording', 'f' => 'FansOnly'); public static $statusActive = 'a'; public static $statusActiveAndEncoding = 'k'; public static $statusInactive = 'i'; public static $statusEncoding = 'e'; public static $statusEncodingError = 'x'; public static $statusDownloading = 'd'; public static $statusTranfering = 't'; public static $statusUnlisted = 'u'; public static $statusRecording = 'r'; public static $statusFansOnly = 'f'; public static $rratingOptions = array('', 'g', 'pg', 'pg-13', 'r', 'nc-17', 'ma'); //ver 3.4 private $youtubeId; public static $typeOptions = array('audio', 'video', 'embed', 'linkVideo', 'linkAudio', 'torrent', 'pdf', 'image', 'gallery', 'article', 'serie', 'image', 'zip', 'notfound', 'blockedUser'); public function __construct($title = "", $filename = "", $id = 0) { global $global; $this->rotation = 0; $this->zoom = 1; if (!empty($id)) { $this->load($id); } if (!empty($title)) { $this->setTitle($title); } if (!empty($filename)) { $this->filename = $filename; } } public function addView($currentTime = 0) { global $global; if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $sql = "UPDATE videos SET views_count = views_count+1, modified = now() WHERE id = ?"; $insert_row = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "i", array($this->id)); if ($insert_row) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->videos_statistics_id = VideoStatistic::create($this->id, $currentTime); $obj->videos_id = $this->id; $this->views_count++; AVideoPlugin::addView($this->id, $this->views_count); return $obj; } die($sql . ' Error : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } public function addSecondsWatching($seconds_watching) { global $global; $seconds_watching = intval($seconds_watching); if(empty($seconds_watching)){ return false; } if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $sql = "UPDATE videos SET total_seconds_watching = total_seconds_watching+{$seconds_watching}, modified = now() WHERE id = ?"; //_error_log($sql."={$this->id}"); return sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "i", array($this->id)); } public function updateViewsCount($total) { global $global; if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $total = intval($total); if ($total < 0) { return false; } $sql = "UPDATE videos SET views_count = {$total}, modified = now() WHERE id = ?"; $insert_row = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "i", array($this->id)); if ($insert_row) { return $insert_row; } die($sql . ' Error : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } public function addViewPercent($percent = 25) { global $global; if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $sql = "UPDATE videos SET views_count_{$percent} = IFNULL(views_count_{$percent}, 0)+1, modified = now() WHERE id = ?"; $insert_row = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "i", array($this->id)); if ($insert_row) { return true; } die($sql . ' Error : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } // allow users to count a view again in case it is refreshed public static function unsetAddView($videos_id) { // allow users to count a view again in case it is refreshed if (!empty($_SESSION['addViewCount'][$videos_id]['time']) && $_SESSION['addViewCount'][$videos_id]['time'] <= time()) { _session_start(); unset($_SESSION['addViewCount'][$videos_id]); } } public function load($id) { $video = self::getVideoLight($id); if (empty($video)) { return false; } foreach ($video as $key => $value) { $this->$key = $value; } } function getLive_transmitions_history_id() { return $this->live_transmitions_history_id; } function setLive_transmitions_history_id($live_transmitions_history_id) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetLive_transmitions_history_id($this->id, $this->live_transmitions_history_id, intval($live_transmitions_history_id)); $this->live_transmitions_history_id = intval($live_transmitions_history_id); } public function getEncoderURL() { return $this->encoderURL; } public function getFilepath() { return $this->filepath; } public function getFilesize() { return intval($this->filesize); } public function setEncoderURL($encoderURL) { if (filter_var($encoderURL, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetEncoderURL($this->id, $this->encoderURL, $encoderURL); $this->encoderURL = $encoderURL; } } public function setFilepath($filepath) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetFilepath($this->id, $this->filepath, $filepath); $this->filepath = $filepath; } public function setFilesize($filesize) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetFilesize($this->id, $this->filesize, $filesize); $this->filesize = intval($filesize); } public function setUsers_id($users_id) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetUsers_id($this->id, $this->users_id, $users_id); $this->users_id = $users_id; } public function getSites_id() { return $this->sites_id; } public function setSites_id($sites_id) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetSites_id($this->id, $this->sites_id, $sites_id); $this->sites_id = $sites_id; } public function getVideo_password() { return trim($this->video_password); } public function setVideo_password($video_password) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetVideo_password($this->id, $this->video_password, $video_password); $this->video_password = trim($video_password); } public function save($updateVideoGroups = false, $allowOfflineUser = false) { global $advancedCustom; global $global; if (!User::isLogged() && !$allowOfflineUser) { _error_log('Video::save permission denied to save'); return false; } if (empty($this->title)) { $this->title = uniqid(); } $this->clean_title = substr($this->clean_title, 0, 187); if (empty($this->clean_title)) { $this->setClean_title($this->title); } $this->clean_title = self::fixCleanTitle($this->clean_title, 1, $this->id); if (empty($this->status)) { $this->status = 'e'; } if (empty($this->type) || !in_array($this->type, self::$typeOptions)) { $this->type = 'video'; } if (empty($this->isSuggested)) { $this->isSuggested = 0; } else { $this->isSuggested = 1; } if (empty($this->categories_id)) { $p = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled("PredefinedCategory"); $category = Category::getCategoryDefault(); $categories_id = $category['id']; if (empty($categories_id)) { $categories_id = 'NULL'; } if ($p) { $this->categories_id = $p->getCategoryId(); } else { $this->categories_id = $categories_id; } if (empty($this->categories_id)) { $this->categories_id = $categories_id; } } // check if category exists $cat = new Category($this->categories_id); if (empty($cat->getName())) { $catDefault = Category::getCategoryDefault(); $this->categories_id = $catDefault['id']; } $this->setTitle($global['mysqli']->real_escape_string(trim($this->title))); $this->description = ($global['mysqli']->real_escape_string($this->description)); if (forbiddenWords($this->title) || forbiddenWords($this->description)) { return false; } if (empty($this->users_id)) { $this->users_id = User::getId(); } $this->next_videos_id = intval($this->next_videos_id); if (empty($this->next_videos_id)) { $this->next_videos_id = 'NULL'; } $this->sites_id = intval($this->sites_id); if (empty($this->sites_id)) { $this->sites_id = 'NULL'; } $this->serie_playlists_id = intval($this->serie_playlists_id); if (empty($this->serie_playlists_id)) { $this->serie_playlists_id = 'NULL'; } if (empty($this->filename)) { $prefix = $this->type; if (empty($prefix)) { $prefix = 'v'; } $paths = self::getNewVideoFilename($prefix); $this->filename = $paths['filename']; } $this->can_download = intval($this->can_download); $this->can_share = intval($this->can_share); $this->only_for_paid = intval($this->only_for_paid); $this->filesize = intval($this->filesize); $this->rate = floatval($this->rate); if (!filter_var($this->videoLink, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $this->videoLink = ''; if ($this->type == 'embed') { $this->type = 'video'; } } if (empty($this->live_transmitions_history_id)) { $this->live_transmitions_history_id = 'NULL'; } if (!empty($this->id)) { if (!$this->userCanManageVideo() && !$allowOfflineUser && !Permissions::canModerateVideos()) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); die('{"error":"3 ' . __("Permission denied") . '"}'); } $sql = "UPDATE videos SET title = '{$this->title}',clean_title = '{$this->clean_title}'," . " filename = '{$this->filename}', categories_id = '{$this->categories_id}', status = '{$this->status}'," . " description = '{$this->description}', duration = '{$this->duration}', type = '{$this->type}', videoDownloadedLink = '{$this->videoDownloadedLink}', youtubeId = '{$this->youtubeId}', videoLink = '{$this->videoLink}', next_videos_id = {$this->next_videos_id}, isSuggested = {$this->isSuggested}, users_id = {$this->users_id}, " . " trailer1 = '{$this->trailer1}', trailer2 = '{$this->trailer2}', trailer3 = '{$this->trailer3}', rate = '{$this->rate}', can_download = '{$this->can_download}', can_share = '{$this->can_share}', only_for_paid = '{$this->only_for_paid}', rrating = '{$this->rrating}', externalOptions = '{$this->externalOptions}', sites_id = {$this->sites_id}, serie_playlists_id = {$this->serie_playlists_id} ,live_transmitions_history_id = {$this->live_transmitions_history_id} , video_password = '{$this->video_password}', " . " encoderURL = '{$this->encoderURL}', filepath = '{$this->filepath}' , filesize = '{$this->filesize}' , modified = now()" . " WHERE id = {$this->id}"; $saved = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql); if ($saved) { $insert_row = $this->id; } } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO videos " . "(title,clean_title, filename, users_id, categories_id, status, description, duration,type,videoDownloadedLink, next_videos_id, created, modified, videoLink, can_download, can_share, only_for_paid, rrating, externalOptions, sites_id, serie_playlists_id,live_transmitions_history_id, video_password, encoderURL, filepath , filesize) values " . "('{$this->title}','{$this->clean_title}', '{$this->filename}', {$this->users_id},{$this->categories_id}, '{$this->status}', '{$this->description}', '{$this->duration}', '{$this->type}', '{$this->videoDownloadedLink}', {$this->next_videos_id},now(), now(), '{$this->videoLink}', '{$this->can_download}', '{$this->can_share}','{$this->only_for_paid}', '{$this->rrating}', '$this->externalOptions', {$this->sites_id}, {$this->serie_playlists_id},{$this->live_transmitions_history_id}, '{$this->video_password}', '{$this->encoderURL}', '{$this->filepath}', '{$this->filesize}')"; $insert_row = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql); } if ($insert_row) { _error_log("Video::save ({$this->title}) Saved id = {$insert_row} "); Category::clearCacheCount(); if (empty($this->id)) { $id = $global['mysqli']->insert_id; $this->id = $id; // check if needs to add the video in a user group $p = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled("PredefinedCategory"); if ($p) { $updateVideoGroups = true; $this->videoGroups = $p->getUserGroupsArray(); } } else { $id = $this->id; } ObjectYPT::deleteCache("getItemprop{$this->id}"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache("getLdJson{$this->id}"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache("getVideoTags{$this->id}"); self::deleteTagsAsync($this->id); if ($updateVideoGroups) { require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/userGroups.php'; // update the user groups UserGroups::updateVideoGroups($id, $this->videoGroups); } // I am not sure what is it for //Video::autosetCategoryType($id); if (!empty($this->old_categories_id)) { //Video::autosetCategoryType($this->old_categories_id); } self::clearCache($this->id); return $id; } _error_log('Video::save Error : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error . " $sql"); return false; } // i would like to simplify the big part of the method above in this method, but won't work as i want. public static function internalAutoset($catId, $videoFound, $audioFound) { global $config; if ($config->currentVersionLowerThen('5.01')) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT type,categories_id FROM `videos` WHERE categories_id = ?;"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($catId)); $fullResult2 = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res != false) { foreach ($fullResult2 as $row) { if ($row['type'] == "audio") { $audioFound = true; } elseif ($row['type'] == "video") { $videoFound = true; } } } if (($videoFound == false) || ($audioFound == false)) { $sql = "SELECT parentId,categories_id FROM `categories` WHERE parentId = ?;"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($catId)); $fullResult2 = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res != false) { foreach ($fullResult2 as $cat) { $sql = "SELECT type,categories_id FROM `videos` WHERE categories_id = ?;"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($cat['parentId'])); $fullResult = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res != false) { foreach ($fullResult as $row) { if ($row['type'] == 'audio') { $audioFound = true; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'video') { $videoFound = true; } } } } } } return array($videoFound, audioFound); } public function setClean_title($clean_title) { if (preg_match("/video-automatically-booked/i", $clean_title) && !empty($this->clean_title)) { return false; } $clean_title = cleanURLName($clean_title); AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetClean_title($this->id, $this->clean_title, $clean_title); $this->clean_title = $clean_title; } public function setDuration($duration) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetDuration($this->id, $this->duration, $duration); $this->duration = $duration; } public function getDuration() { return $this->duration; } public function getIsSuggested() { return $this->isSuggested; } public function setIsSuggested($isSuggested) { if (empty($isSuggested) || $isSuggested === "false") { $new_isSuggested = 0; } else { $new_isSuggested = 1; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetIsSuggested($this->id, $this->isSuggested, $new_isSuggested); $this->isSuggested = $new_isSuggested; } public function setStatus($status) { if (!empty($this->id)) { global $global; if (empty(Video::$statusDesc[$status])) { _error_log("Video::setStatus({$status}) NOT found ", AVideoLog::$WARNING); return false; } _error_log("Video::setStatus({$status}) " . json_encode(debug_backtrace()), AVideoLog::$WARNING); $sql = "UPDATE videos SET status = ?, modified = now() WHERE id = ? "; $res = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, 'si', array($status, $this->id)); if ($global['mysqli']->errno != 0) { die('Error on update Status: (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } self::clearCache($this->id); } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetStatus($this->id, $this->status, $status); $this->status = $status; return $status; } public function setAutoStatus($default = 'a') { global $advancedCustom; if (empty($advancedCustom)) { $advancedCustom = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('CustomizeAdvanced'); } if (!empty($_POST['fail'])) { return $this->setStatus(Video::$statusEncodingError); } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST['overrideStatus'])) { return $this->setStatus($_REQUEST['overrideStatus']); } else { // encoder did not provide a status if (!empty($_REQUEST['keepEncoding'])) { return $this->setStatus(Video::$statusActiveAndEncoding); } else { if ($this->getTitle() !== "Video automatically booked") { if (!empty($advancedCustom->makeVideosInactiveAfterEncode)) { return $this->setStatus(Video::$statusInactive); } elseif (!empty($advancedCustom->makeVideosUnlistedAfterEncode)) { return $this->setStatus(Video::$statusUnlisted); } } else { return $this->setStatus(Video::$statusInactive); } } } } return $this->setStatus($default); } public function setType($type, $force = true) { if ($force || empty($this->type)) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetType($this->id, $this->type, $type, $force); $this->type = $type; } } public function setRotation($rotation) { $saneRotation = intval($rotation) % 360; AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetRotation($this->id, $this->rotation, $saneRotation); if (!empty($this->id)) { global $global; $sql = "UPDATE videos SET rotation = '{$saneRotation}', modified = now() WHERE id = {$this->id} "; $res = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql); if ($global['mysqli']->errno != 0) { die('Error on update Rotation: (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } } $this->rotation = $saneRotation; } public function getRotation() { return $this->rotation; } public function getUsers_id() { return $this->users_id; } public function setZoom($zoom) { $saneZoom = abs(floatval($zoom)); if ($saneZoom < 0.1 || $saneZoom > 10) { die('Zoom level must be between 0.1 and 10'); } if (!empty($this->id)) { global $global; $sql = "UPDATE videos SET zoom = '{$saneZoom}', modified = now() WHERE id = {$this->id} "; $res = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql); if ($global['mysqli']->errno != 0) { die('Error on update Zoom: (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetZoom($this->id, $this->zoom, $saneZoom); $this->zoom = $saneZoom; } public function getZoom() { return $this->zoom; } public static function getUserGroupsCanSeeSQL($tableAlias = '') { global $global; if (Permissions::canModerateVideos()) { return ""; } $obj = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('Subscription'); if ($obj && $obj->allowFreePlayWithAds) { $sql = " AND {$tableAlias}only_for_paid = 0 "; return $sql; } else { $sql = " (SELECT count(id) FROM videos_group_view as gv WHERE gv.videos_id = v.id ) = 0 "; if (User::isLogged()) { require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/userGroups.php'; $userGroups = UserGroups::getUserGroups(User::getId()); $groups_id = array(); foreach ($userGroups as $value) { $groups_id[] = $value['id']; } if (!empty($groups_id)) { $sql = " (({$sql}) OR ((SELECT count(id) FROM videos_group_view as gv WHERE gv.videos_id = v.id AND users_groups_id IN ('" . implode("','", $groups_id) . "') ) > 0)) "; } } return " AND " . $sql; } } public static function getVideo($id = "", $status = "viewable", $ignoreGroup = false, $random = false, $suggestedOnly = false, $showUnlisted = false, $ignoreTags = false, $activeUsersOnly = true) { global $global, $config, $advancedCustom, $advancedCustomUser; if ($config->currentVersionLowerThen('5')) { return false; } $status = str_replace("'", "", $status); $id = intval($id); if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { if (!empty($_GET['tags_id']) && empty($videosArrayId)) { $videosArrayId = VideoTags::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId($_GET['tags_id']); } } _mysql_connect(); $sql = "SELECT u.*, v.*, " . " nv.title as next_title," . " nv.clean_title as next_clean_title," . " nv.filename as next_filename," . " nv.id as next_id," . " c.id as category_id,c.iconClass,c.name as category,c.iconClass, c.clean_name as clean_category,c.description as category_description, v.created as videoCreation, " . " (SELECT count(id) FROM likes as l where l.videos_id = v.id AND `like` = 1 ) as likes, " . " (SELECT count(id) FROM likes as l where l.videos_id = v.id AND `like` = -1 ) as dislikes "; if (User::isLogged()) { $sql .= ", (SELECT `like` FROM likes as l where l.videos_id = v.id AND users_id = '" . User::getId() . "' ) as myVote "; } else { $sql .= ", 0 as myVote "; } $sql .= " FROM videos as v " . "LEFT JOIN categories c ON categories_id = c.id " . "LEFT JOIN users u ON v.users_id = u.id " . "LEFT JOIN videos nv ON v.next_videos_id = nv.id " . " WHERE 1=1 "; if ($activeUsersOnly) { $sql .= " AND u.status = 'a' "; } if (!empty($id)) { $sql .= " AND v.id = '$id' "; } $sql .= AVideoPlugin::getVideoWhereClause(); $sql .= static::getVideoQueryFileter(); if (!$ignoreGroup) { $sql .= self::getUserGroupsCanSeeSQL('v.'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['type'])) { if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'video' || $_SESSION['type'] == 'linkVideo') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'video' OR v.type = 'embed' OR v.type = 'linkVideo')"; } elseif ($_SESSION['type'] == 'audio') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'audio' OR v.type = 'linkAudio')"; } else { $sql .= " AND v.type = '{$_SESSION['type']}' "; } } if (!empty($videosArrayId) && is_array($videosArrayId)) { $sql .= " AND v.id IN ( '" . implode("', '", $videosArrayId) . "') "; } if ($status == "viewable") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus($showUnlisted)) . "')"; } elseif ($status == "viewableNotUnlisted") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus(false)) . "')"; } elseif (!empty($status)) { $sql .= " AND v.status = '{$status}'"; } if (!empty($_GET['catName'])) { $catName = $global['mysqli']->real_escape_string($_GET['catName']); $sql .= " AND (c.clean_name = '{$catName}' OR c.parentId IN (SELECT cs.id from categories cs where cs.clean_name = '{$catName}' ))"; } if (empty($id) && !empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $user = User::getChannelOwner($_GET['channelName']); if (!empty($user['id'])) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$user['id']}' "; } } if (!empty($_GET['search'])) { $_POST['searchPhrase'] = $_GET['search']; } if (!empty($_POST['searchPhrase'])) { - $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title', 'v.description', 'c.name', 'c.description'); + $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title', 'v.description', 'c.name', 'c.description', 'v.id'); if ($advancedCustomUser->videosSearchAlsoSearchesOnChannelName) { $searchFieldsNames[] = 'u.channelName'; } if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { $sql .= " AND ("; $sql .= "v.id IN (select videos_id FROM tags_has_videos LEFT JOIN tags as t ON tags_id = t.id AND t.name LIKE '%{$_POST['searchPhrase']}%' WHERE t.id is NOT NULL)"; $sql .= BootGrid::getSqlSearchFromPost($searchFieldsNames, "OR"); $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title'); $sql .= self::getFullTextSearch($searchFieldsNames, $_POST['searchPhrase']); $sql .= ")"; } else { $sql .= ' AND (1=1 ' . BootGrid::getSqlSearchFromPost($searchFieldsNames); $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title'); $sql .= self::getFullTextSearch($searchFieldsNames, $_POST['searchPhrase']) . ')'; } } if (!$ignoreGroup) { $arrayNotIN = AVideoPlugin::getAllVideosExcludeVideosIDArray(); if (!empty($arrayNotIN) && is_array($arrayNotIN)) { $sql .= " AND v.id NOT IN ( '" . implode("', '", $arrayNotIN) . "') "; } } // replace random based on this $firstClauseLimit = ""; if (empty($id)) { if (empty($random) && !empty($_GET['videoName'])) { $sql .= " AND v.clean_title = '{$_GET['videoName']}' "; } elseif (!empty($random)) { $sql .= " AND v.id != {$random} "; $rand = rand(0, self::getTotalVideos($status, false, $ignoreGroup, $showUnlisted, $activeUsersOnly, $suggestedOnly)); $rand = ($rand - 2) < 0 ? 0 : $rand - 2; $firstClauseLimit = "$rand, "; //$sql .= " ORDER BY RAND() "; } elseif ($suggestedOnly && empty($_GET['videoName']) && empty($_GET['search']) && empty($_GET['searchPhrase'])) { $sql .= " AND v.isSuggested = 1 "; $rand = rand(0, self::getTotalVideos($status, false, $ignoreGroup, $showUnlisted, $activeUsersOnly, $suggestedOnly)); $rand = ($rand - 2) < 0 ? 0 : $rand - 2; $firstClauseLimit = "$rand, "; //$sql .= " ORDER BY RAND() "; } elseif (!empty($_GET['v']) && is_numeric($_GET['v'])) { $vid = intval($_GET['v']); $sql .= " AND v.id = {$vid} "; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY v.Created DESC "; } } if (strpos($sql, 'v.id IN') === false && strpos(strtolower($sql), 'limit') === false) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$firstClauseLimit}1"; } //echo $sql, "
";//exit; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql); $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); // if there is a search, and there is no data and is inside a channel try again without a channel if (!empty($_GET['search']) && empty($video) && !empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $channelName = $_GET['channelName']; unset($_GET['channelName']); $return = self::getVideo($id, $status, $ignoreGroup, $random, $suggestedOnly, $showUnlisted, $ignoreTags, $activeUsersOnly); $_GET['channelName'] = $channelName; return $return; } sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res != false) { require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/userGroups.php'; if (!empty($video)) { $video = self::getInfo($video); } } else { $video = false; } return $video; } public static function getVideoLight($id) { global $global, $config; $id = intval($id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "", array(), true); $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); return $video; } public static function getTotalVideosSizeFromUser($users_id) { global $global, $config; $users_id = intval($users_id); $sql = "SELECT sum(filesize) as total FROM videos WHERE 1=1 "; if (!empty($users_id)) { $sql .= " AND users_id = '$users_id'"; } $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "", array(), true); $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); return intval($video['total']); } public static function getTotalVideosFromUser($users_id) { global $global, $config; $users_id = intval($users_id); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM videos WHERE 1=1 "; if (!empty($users_id)) { $sql .= " AND users_id = '$users_id'"; } $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "", array(), true); $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); return intval($video['total']); } public static function getVideoFromFileName($fileName, $ignoreGroup = false, $ignoreTags = false) { global $global; if (empty($fileName)) { return false; } $parts = explode("/", $fileName); if (!empty($parts[0])) { $fileName = $parts[0]; } $fileName = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($fileName); $sql = "SELECT id FROM videos WHERE filename = ? LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "s", array($fileName)); if ($res != false) { $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if (!empty($video['id'])) { return self::getVideo($video['id'], "", $ignoreGroup, false, false, true, $ignoreTags); } } return false; } public static function getVideoFromFileNameLight($fileName) { global $global; $fileName = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($fileName); if (empty($fileName)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE filename = ? LIMIT 1"; //var_dump($sql, $fileName); $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "s", array($fileName), true); if ($res != false) { $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); return $video; } return false; } public static function getVideoFromCleanTitle($clean_title) { // even increasing the max_allowed_packet it only goes away when close and reopen the connection global $global; $sql = "SELECT id FROM videos WHERE clean_title = ? LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "s", array($clean_title)); $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if (!empty($video) && $res) { return self::getVideo($video['id'], "", true, false, false, true); //$video['groups'] = UserGroups::getVideoGroups($video['id']); } else { return false; } } static function getRelatedMovies($videos_id, $limit = 10) { global $global; $video = self::getVideoLight($videos_id); if (empty($video)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos v WHERE v.id != {$videos_id} AND v.status='a' AND (categories_id = {$video['categories_id']} "; if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { $sql .= " OR ("; $sql .= "v.id IN (select videos_id FROM tags_has_videos WHERE tags_id IN " . " (SELECT tags_id FROM tags_has_videos WHERE videos_id = {$videos_id}))"; $sql .= ")"; } $sql .= ") "; $sql .= AVideoPlugin::getVideoWhereClause(); $sql .= "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$limit} "; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql); $fullData = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); $rows = array(); if ($res != false) { foreach ($fullData as $row) { $row['images'] = self::getImageFromFilename($row['filename']); if (empty($row['externalOptions'])) { $row['externalOptions'] = json_encode(array('videoStartSeconds' => '00:00:00')); } $rows[] = $row; } } else { die($sql . '\nError : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } return $rows; } /** * * @global type $global * @param type $status * @param type $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos you may pass an user ID to filter results * @param type $ignoreGroup * @param type $videosArrayId an array with videos to return (for filter only) * @return boolean */ public static function getAllVideos($status = "viewable", $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos = false, $ignoreGroup = false, $videosArrayId = array(), $getStatistcs = false, $showUnlisted = false, $activeUsersOnly = true, $suggestedOnly = false, $is_serie = null) { global $global, $config, $advancedCustom, $advancedCustomUser; if ($config->currentVersionLowerThen('5')) { return false; } if (!empty($_POST['sort']['suggested'])) { $suggestedOnly = true; } if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { if (!empty($_GET['tags_id']) && empty($videosArrayId)) { TimeLogStart("video::getAllVideos::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId({$_GET['tags_id']})"); $videosArrayId = VideoTags::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId($_GET['tags_id']); TimeLogEnd("video::getAllVideos::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId({$_GET['tags_id']})", __LINE__); } } $status = str_replace("'", "", $status); $sql = "SELECT u.*, v.*, c.iconClass, c.name as category, c.clean_name as clean_category,c.description as category_description, v.created as videoCreation, v.modified as videoModified, " . " (SELECT count(id) FROM likes as l where l.videos_id = v.id AND `like` = 1 ) as likes, " . " (SELECT count(id) FROM likes as l where l.videos_id = v.id AND `like` = -1 ) as dislikes " . " FROM videos as v " . " LEFT JOIN categories c ON categories_id = c.id " . " LEFT JOIN users u ON v.users_id = u.id " . " WHERE 2=2 "; $blockedUsers = self::getBlockedUsersIdsArray(); if (!empty($blockedUsers)) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $blockedUsers) . "') "; } if ($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos === true && !Permissions::canModerateVideos()) { $uid = intval(User::getId()); $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$uid}'"; } elseif (!empty($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos)) { $uid = intval($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos); $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$uid}'"; } elseif (!empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $user = User::getChannelOwner($_GET['channelName']); $uid = intval($user['id']); $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$uid}' "; } if (isset($_REQUEST['is_serie']) && empty($is_serie)) { $is_serie = intval($_REQUEST['is_serie']); } if (isset($is_serie)) { if (empty($is_serie)) { $sql .= " AND v.serie_playlists_id IS NULL "; } else { $sql .= " AND v.serie_playlists_id IS NOT NULL "; } } if (!empty($videosArrayId) && is_array($videosArrayId)) { $sql .= " AND v.id IN ( '" . implode("', '", $videosArrayId) . "') "; } if ($activeUsersOnly) { $sql .= " AND u.status = 'a' "; } $sql .= static::getVideoQueryFileter(); if (!$ignoreGroup) { TimeLogStart("video::getAllVideos::getAllVideosExcludeVideosIDArray"); $arrayNotIN = AVideoPlugin::getAllVideosExcludeVideosIDArray(); if (!empty($arrayNotIN) && is_array($arrayNotIN)) { $sql .= " AND v.id NOT IN ( '" . implode("', '", $arrayNotIN) . "') "; } TimeLogEnd("video::getAllVideos::getAllVideosExcludeVideosIDArray", __LINE__); } if (!$ignoreGroup) { $sql .= self::getUserGroupsCanSeeSQL('v.'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['type'])) { if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'video' || $_SESSION['type'] == 'linkVideo') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'video' OR v.type = 'embed' OR v.type = 'linkVideo')"; } elseif ($_SESSION['type'] == 'videoOnly') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'video')"; } elseif ($_SESSION['type'] == 'audio') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'audio' OR v.type = 'linkAudio')"; } else { $sql .= " AND v.type = '{$_SESSION['type']}' "; } } if ($status == "viewable") { if (User::isLogged()) { $sql .= " AND (v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus($showUnlisted)) . "') OR (v.status='u' AND v.users_id ='" . User::getId() . "'))"; } else { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus($showUnlisted)) . "')"; } } elseif ($status == "viewableNotUnlisted") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus(false)) . "')"; } elseif ($status == "publicOnly") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('a', 'k') AND (SELECT count(id) FROM videos_group_view as gv WHERE gv.videos_id = v.id ) = 0"; } elseif (!empty($status)) { $sql .= " AND v.status = '{$status}'"; } if (!empty($_GET['catName'])) { $catName = $global['mysqli']->real_escape_string($_GET['catName']); $sql .= " AND (c.clean_name = '{$catName}' OR c.parentId IN (SELECT cs.id from categories cs where cs.clean_name = '{$catName}' ))"; } if (!empty($_GET['search'])) { $_POST['searchPhrase'] = $_GET['search']; } if (!empty($_GET['modified'])) { $_GET['modified'] = str_replace("'", "", $_GET['modified']); $sql .= " AND v.modified >= '{$_GET['modified']}'"; } if (!empty($_POST['searchPhrase'])) { - $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title', 'v.description', 'c.name', 'c.description'); + $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title', 'v.description', 'c.name', 'c.description', 'v.id'); if ($advancedCustomUser->videosSearchAlsoSearchesOnChannelName) { $searchFieldsNames[] = 'u.channelName'; } if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { $sql .= " AND ("; $sql .= "v.id IN (select videos_id FROM tags_has_videos LEFT JOIN tags as t ON tags_id = t.id AND t.name LIKE '%{$_POST['searchPhrase']}%' WHERE t.id is NOT NULL)"; $sql .= BootGrid::getSqlSearchFromPost($searchFieldsNames, "OR"); $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title'); $sql .= self::getFullTextSearch($searchFieldsNames, $_POST['searchPhrase']); $sql .= ")"; } else { $sql .= ' AND (1=1 ' . BootGrid::getSqlSearchFromPost($searchFieldsNames); $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title'); $sql .= self::getFullTextSearch($searchFieldsNames, $_POST['searchPhrase']) . ')'; } } $sql .= AVideoPlugin::getVideoWhereClause(); if ($suggestedOnly) { $sql .= " AND v.isSuggested = 1 "; $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND() "; $sort = @$_POST['sort']; unset($_POST['sort']); $sql .= BootGrid::getSqlFromPost(array(), empty($_POST['sort']['likes']) ? "v." : "", "", true); if (strpos(strtolower($sql), 'limit') === false) { $sql .= " LIMIT 60 "; } $_POST['sort'] = $sort; } elseif (!isset($_POST['sort']['trending']) && !isset($_GET['sort']['trending'])) { if (!empty($_POST['sort']['created']) && !empty($_POST['sort']['likes'])) { $_POST['sort']['v.created'] = $_POST['sort']['created']; unset($_POST['sort']['created']); } $sql .= BootGrid::getSqlFromPost(array(), empty($_POST['sort']['likes']) ? "v." : "", "", true); } else { unset($_POST['sort']['trending'], $_GET['sort']['trending']); $rows = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['current']) && $_REQUEST['current'] == 1) { $rows = VideoStatistic::getVideosWithMoreViews($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos, $showUnlisted, $suggestedOnly); } $ids = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $ids[] = $row['id']; } if (!empty($ids)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(v.id, '" . implode(",", $ids) . "') DESC, likes DESC "; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY likes DESC "; } $sql .= ObjectYPT::getSqlLimit(); } if (strpos(strtolower($sql), 'limit') === false) { if (!empty($_GET['limitOnceToOne'])) { $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; unset($_GET['limitOnceToOne']); } else { $_REQUEST['rowCount'] = getRowCount(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['rowCount'])) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$_REQUEST['rowCount']}"; } else { _error_log("getAllVideos without limit " . json_encode(debug_backtrace())); if (empty($global['limitForUnlimitedVideos'])) { $global['limitForUnlimitedVideos'] = 100; } if ($global['limitForUnlimitedVideos'] > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$global['limitForUnlimitedVideos']}"; } } } } //echo $sql;//exit; //_error_log("getAllVideos($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos , $ignoreGroup , ". json_encode($videosArrayId).")" . $sql); $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql); $fullData = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); // if there is a search, and there is no data and is inside a channel try again without a channel if (!empty($_GET['search']) && empty($fullData) && !empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $channelName = $_GET['channelName']; unset($_GET['channelName']); $return = self::getAllVideos($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos, $ignoreGroup, $videosArrayId, $getStatistcs, $showUnlisted, $activeUsersOnly, $suggestedOnly); $_GET['channelName'] = $channelName; return $return; } sqlDAL::close($res); $videos = array(); if ($res != false) { require_once 'userGroups.php'; TimeLogStart("video::getAllVideos foreach"); foreach ($fullData as $row) { $row = self::getInfo($row, $getStatistcs); $videos[] = $row; } $rowCount = getRowCount(); $tolerance = $rowCount / 100; if ($tolerance < 0.2) { $tolerance = 0.2; } else if ($tolerance > 2) { $tolerance = 2; } TimeLogEnd("video::getAllVideos foreach", __LINE__, $tolerance); //$videos = $res->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); } else { $videos = false; die($sql . '\nError : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } return $videos; } private static function getInfo($row, $getStatistcs = false) { $name = "_getVideoInfo_{$row['id']}"; $cache = ObjectYPT::getSessionCache($name, 3600); if (!empty($cache)) { $externalOptions = $cache->externalOptions; $obj = object_to_array($cache); if (!empty($externalOptions)) { if (is_object($externalOptions)) { $obj['externalOptions'] = $externalOptions; } else if (is_string($externalOptions)) { $obj['externalOptions'] = _json_decode($externalOptions); } $obj['externalOptions'] = json_encode($obj['externalOptions']); } if (empty($obj['externalOptions'])) { $obj['externalOptions'] = json_encode(array('videoStartSeconds' => '00:00:00')); } return $obj; } $row = cleanUpRowFromDatabase($row); if (!self::canEdit($row['id'])) { if (!empty($row['video_password'])) { $row['video_password'] = 1; } else { $row['video_password'] = 0; } } if ($getStatistcs) { TimeLogStart("video::getInfo getStatistcs"); $previewsMonth = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime("-30 days")); $previewsWeek = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime("-7 days")); $today = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'); $row['statistc_all'] = VideoStatistic::getStatisticTotalViews($row['id']); $row['statistc_today'] = VideoStatistic::getStatisticTotalViews($row['id'], false, date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $today); $row['statistc_week'] = VideoStatistic::getStatisticTotalViews($row['id'], false, $previewsWeek, $today); $row['statistc_month'] = VideoStatistic::getStatisticTotalViews($row['id'], false, $previewsMonth, $today); $row['statistc_unique_user'] = VideoStatistic::getStatisticTotalViews($row['id'], true); TimeLogEnd("video::getInfo getStatistcs", __LINE__, 0.5); } TimeLogStart("video::getInfo otherInfo"); $otherInfocachename = "otherInfo{$row['id']}"; $otherInfo = object_to_array(ObjectYPT::getCache($otherInfocachename), 600); if (empty($otherInfo)) { $otherInfo = array(); $otherInfo['category'] = xss_esc_back($row['category']); $otherInfo['groups'] = UserGroups::getVideoGroups($row['id']); $otherInfo['tags'] = self::getTags($row['id']); $otherInfo['title'] = UTF8encode($row['title']); $otherInfo['description'] = UTF8encode($row['description']); $otherInfo['descriptionHTML'] = self::htmlDescription($otherInfo['description']); //$otherInfo['relatedVideos'] = self::getRelatedMovies($row['id']); if (empty($row['filesize'])) { $otherInfo['filesize'] = Video::updateFilesize($row['id']); } ObjectYPT::setCache($otherInfocachename, $otherInfo); } foreach ($otherInfo as $key => $value) { $row[$key] = $value; } $row['hashId'] = idToHash($row['id']); $row['link'] = self::getLinkToVideo($row['id'], $row['clean_title']); $row['embedlink'] = self::getLinkToVideo($row['id'], $row['clean_title'], true); $row['progress'] = self::getVideoPogressPercent($row['id']); $row['isFavorite'] = self::isFavorite($row['id']); $row['isWatchLater'] = self::isWatchLater($row['id']); $row['favoriteId'] = self::getFavoriteIdFromUser(User::getId()); $row['watchLaterId'] = self::getWatchLaterIdFromUser(User::getId()); $row['total_seconds_watching_human'] = seconds2human($row['total_seconds_watching']); $row['views_count_short'] = number_format_short($row['views_count']); if (empty($row['externalOptions'])) { $row['externalOptions'] = json_encode(array('videoStartSeconds' => '00:00:00')); } TimeLogEnd("video::getInfo otherInfo", __LINE__, 0.5); TimeLogStart("video::getInfo getAllVideosArray"); $row = array_merge($row, AVideoPlugin::getAllVideosArray($row['id'])); TimeLogEnd("video::getInfo getAllVideosArray", __LINE__); ObjectYPT::setCache($name, $row); return $row; } public static function htmlDescription($description) { if (strip_tags($description) != $description) { return $description; } else { return nl2br(textToLink(htmlentities($description))); } } public static function isFavorite($videos_id) { if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("PlayLists")) { return PlayList::isVideoOnFavorite($videos_id, User::getId()); } return false; } public static function isSerie($videos_id) { $v = new Video("", "", $videos_id); return !empty($v->getSerie_playlists_id()); } public static function isWatchLater($videos_id) { if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("PlayLists")) { return PlayList::isVideoOnWatchLater($videos_id, User::getId()); } return false; } public static function getFavoriteIdFromUser($users_id) { if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("PlayLists")) { return PlayList::getFavoriteIdFromUser($users_id); } return false; } public static function getWatchLaterIdFromUser($users_id) { if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("PlayLists")) { return PlayList::getWatchLaterIdFromUser($users_id); } return false; } public static function updateFilesize($videos_id) { global $config; if ($config->currentVersionLowerThen('8.5')) { return false; } TimeLogStart("Video::updateFilesize {$videos_id}"); ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); // 5 set_time_limit(300); $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); $filename = $video->getFilename(); if (empty($filename) || !($video->getType() == "video" || $video->getType() == "audio" || $video->getType() == "zip" || $video->getType() == "image")) { //_error_log("updateFilesize: Not updated, this filetype is ".$video->getType()); return false; } $filesize = getUsageFromFilename($filename); if (empty($filesize)) { $obj = AVideoPlugin::getObjectDataIfEnabled("DiskUploadQuota"); if (!empty($obj->deleteVideosWith0Bytes)) { try { _error_log("updateFilesize: DELETE videos_id=$videos_id filename=$filename filesize=$filesize"); return $video->delete(); } catch (Exception $exc) { _error_log("updateFilesize: ERROR " . $exc->getTraceAsString()); return false; } } } if ($video->getFilesize() == $filesize) { //_error_log("updateFilesize: No need to update videos_id=$videos_id filename=$filename filesize=$filesize"); return $filesize; } $video->setFilesize($filesize); TimeLogEnd("Video::updateFilesize {$videos_id}", __LINE__); if ($video->save(false, true)) { _error_log("updateFilesize: videos_id=$videos_id filename=$filename filesize=$filesize"); Video::clearCache($videos_id); return $filesize; } else { _error_log("updateFilesize: ERROR videos_id=$videos_id filename=$filename filesize=$filesize"); return false; } } /** * Same as getAllVideos() method but a lighter query * @global type $global * @global type $config * @param type $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos * @return boolean */ public static function getAllVideosLight($status = "viewable", $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos = false, $showUnlisted = false, $suggestedOnly = false) { global $global, $config; if ($config->currentVersionLowerThen('5')) { return false; } $status = str_replace("'", "", $status); $sql = "SELECT v.* " . " FROM videos as v " . " WHERE 1=1 "; $blockedUsers = self::getBlockedUsersIdsArray(); if (!empty($blockedUsers)) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $blockedUsers) . "') "; } if ($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos === true && !Permissions::canModerateVideos()) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '" . User::getId() . "'"; } elseif (!empty($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos)) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$showOnlyLoggedUserVideos}'"; } if ($status == "viewable") { if (User::isLogged()) { $sql .= " AND (v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus($showUnlisted)) . "') OR (v.status='u' AND v.users_id ='" . User::getId() . "'))"; } else { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus($showUnlisted)) . "')"; } } elseif ($status == "viewableNotUnlisted") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus(false)) . "')"; } elseif (!empty($status)) { $sql .= " AND v.status = '{$status}'"; } if (!empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $user = User::getChannelOwner($_GET['channelName']); $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$user['id']}' "; } $sql .= AVideoPlugin::getVideoWhereClause(); if ($suggestedOnly) { $sql .= " AND v.isSuggested = 1 "; $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND() "; } if (strpos(strtolower($sql), 'limit') === false) { if (empty($global['limitForUnlimitedVideos'])) { $global['limitForUnlimitedVideos'] = empty($global['rowCount']) ? 1000 : $global['rowCount']; } if ($global['limitForUnlimitedVideos'] > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$global['limitForUnlimitedVideos']}"; } } //echo $sql; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql); $fullData = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); // if there is a search, and there is no data and is inside a channel try again without a channel if (!empty($_GET['search']) && empty($fullData) && !empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $channelName = $_GET['channelName']; unset($_GET['channelName']); $return = self::getAllVideosLight($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos, $showUnlisted, $suggestedOnly); $_GET['channelName'] = $channelName; return $return; } sqlDAL::close($res); $videos = array(); if ($res != false) { foreach ($fullData as $row) { if (empty($row['filesize'])) { $row['filesize'] = Video::updateFilesize($row['id']); } $videos[] = $row; } //$videos = $res->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); } else { $videos = false; die($sql . '\nError : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } return $videos; } public static function getTotalVideos($status = "viewable", $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos = false, $ignoreGroup = false, $showUnlisted = false, $activeUsersOnly = true, $suggestedOnly = false) { global $global, $config, $advancedCustomUser; if ($config->currentVersionLowerThen('5')) { return false; } if (!empty($_POST['sort']['suggested'])) { $suggestedOnly = true; } $status = str_replace("'", "", $status); $cn = ""; if (!empty($_GET['catName'])) { $cn .= ", c.clean_name as cn"; } if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { if (!empty($_GET['tags_id']) && empty($videosArrayId)) { TimeLogStart("video::getAllVideos::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId({$_GET['tags_id']})"); $videosArrayId = VideoTags::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId($_GET['tags_id']); TimeLogEnd("video::getAllVideos::getAllVideosIdFromTagsId({$_GET['tags_id']})", __LINE__); } } $sql = "SELECT v.users_id, v.type, v.id, v.title,v.description, c.name as category {$cn} " . "FROM videos v " . "LEFT JOIN categories c ON categories_id = c.id " . " LEFT JOIN users u ON v.users_id = u.id " . " WHERE 1=1 "; $blockedUsers = self::getBlockedUsersIdsArray(); if (!empty($blockedUsers)) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $blockedUsers) . "') "; } if ($activeUsersOnly) { $sql .= " AND u.status = 'a' "; } $sql .= static::getVideoQueryFileter(); if (!$ignoreGroup) { $sql .= self::getUserGroupsCanSeeSQL('v.'); } if (!empty($videosArrayId) && is_array($videosArrayId)) { $sql .= " AND v.id IN ( '" . implode("', '", $videosArrayId) . "') "; } if ($status == "viewable") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus($showUnlisted)) . "')"; } elseif ($status == "viewableNotUnlisted") { $sql .= " AND v.status IN ('" . implode("','", Video::getViewableStatus(false)) . "')"; } elseif (!empty($status)) { $sql .= " AND v.status = '{$status}'"; } if ($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos === true && !Permissions::canModerateVideos()) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '" . User::getId() . "'"; } elseif (is_int($showOnlyLoggedUserVideos)) { $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$showOnlyLoggedUserVideos}'"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['is_serie'])) { $is_serie = intval($_REQUEST['is_serie']); if (empty($is_serie)) { $sql .= " AND v.serie_playlists_id IS NULL "; } else { $sql .= " AND v.serie_playlists_id IS NOT NULL "; } } if (!empty($_GET['catName'])) { $catName = $global['mysqli']->real_escape_string($_GET['catName']); $sql .= " AND c.clean_name = '{$catName}'"; } if (!empty($_SESSION['type'])) { if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'video') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'video' OR v.type = 'embed' OR v.type = 'linkVideo')"; } elseif ($_SESSION['type'] == 'audio') { $sql .= " AND (v.type = 'audio' OR v.type = 'linkAudio')"; } else { $sql .= " AND v.type = '{$_SESSION['type']}' "; } } if (!$ignoreGroup) { $arrayNotIN = AVideoPlugin::getAllVideosExcludeVideosIDArray(); if (!empty($arrayNotIN) && is_array($arrayNotIN)) { $sql .= " AND v.id NOT IN ( '" . implode("', '", $arrayNotIN) . "') "; } } if (!empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $user = User::getChannelOwner($_GET['channelName']); $uid = intval($user['id']); $sql .= " AND v.users_id = '{$uid}' "; } $sql .= AVideoPlugin::getVideoWhereClause(); if (!empty($_POST['searchPhrase'])) { - $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title', 'v.description', 'c.name', 'c.description'); + $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title', 'v.description', 'c.name', 'c.description', 'v.id'); if ($advancedCustomUser->videosSearchAlsoSearchesOnChannelName) { $searchFieldsNames[] = 'u.channelName'; } if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoTags")) { $sql .= " AND ("; $sql .= "v.id IN (select videos_id FROM tags_has_videos LEFT JOIN tags as t ON tags_id = t.id AND t.name LIKE '%{$_POST['searchPhrase']}%' WHERE t.id is NOT NULL)"; $sql .= BootGrid::getSqlSearchFromPost($searchFieldsNames, "OR"); $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title'); $sql .= self::getFullTextSearch($searchFieldsNames, $_POST['searchPhrase']); $sql .= ")"; } else { $sql .= ' AND (1=1 ' . BootGrid::getSqlSearchFromPost($searchFieldsNames); $searchFieldsNames = array('v.title'); $sql .= self::getFullTextSearch($searchFieldsNames, $_POST['searchPhrase']) . ')'; } } if ($suggestedOnly) { $sql .= " AND v.isSuggested = 1 "; } $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql); $numRows = sqlDal::num_rows($res); sqlDAL::close($res); // if there is a search, and there is no data and is inside a channel try again without a channel if (!empty($_GET['search']) && empty($numRows) && !empty($_GET['channelName'])) { $channelName = $_GET['channelName']; unset($_GET['channelName']); $return = self::getTotalVideos($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos, $ignoreGroup, $showUnlisted, $activeUsersOnly, $suggestedOnly); $_GET['channelName'] = $channelName; return $return; } return $numRows; } public static function getTotalVideosInfo($status = "viewable", $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos = false, $ignoreGroup = false, $videosArrayId = array()) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->likes = 0; $obj->disLikes = 0; $obj->views_count = 0; $obj->total_minutes = 0; $videos = static::getAllVideos($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos, $ignoreGroup, $videosArrayId); foreach ($videos as $value) { $obj->likes += intval($value['likes']); $obj->disLikes += intval($value['dislikes']); $obj->views_count += intval($value['views_count']); $obj->total_minutes += intval(parseDurationToSeconds($value['duration']) / 60); } return $obj; } public static function getTotalVideosInfoAsync($status = "viewable", $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos = false, $ignoreGroup = false, $videosArrayId = array(), $getStatistcs = false) { global $global, $advancedCustom; $path = getCacheDir() . "getTotalVideosInfo/"; make_path($path); $cacheFileName = "{$path}_{$status}_{$showOnlyLoggedUserVideos}_{$ignoreGroup}_" . implode($videosArrayId) . "_{$getStatistcs}"; $return = array(); if (!file_exists($cacheFileName)) { if (file_exists($cacheFileName . ".lock")) { return array(); } file_put_contents($cacheFileName . ".lock", 1); $total = static::getTotalVideosInfo($status, $showOnlyLoggedUserVideos, $ignoreGroup, $videosArrayId, $getStatistcs); file_put_contents($cacheFileName, json_encode($total)); unlink($cacheFileName . ".lock"); return $total; } $return = _json_decode(file_get_contents($cacheFileName)); if (time() - filemtime($cacheFileName) > cacheExpirationTime()) { // file older than 1 min $command = ("php '{$global['systemRootPath']}objects/getTotalVideosInfoAsync.php' " . " '$status' '$showOnlyLoggedUserVideos' '$ignoreGroup', '" . json_encode($videosArrayId) . "', " . " '$getStatistcs', '$cacheFileName'"); //_error_log("getTotalVideosInfoAsync: {$command}"); exec($command . " > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &"); } return $return; } public static function getViewableStatus($showUnlisted = false) { $viewable = array('a', 'k', 'f'); if ($showUnlisted) { $viewable[] = "u"; } $videos_id = getVideos_id(); if (!empty($videos_id)) { $post = $_POST; if (self::isOwner($videos_id) || Permissions::canModerateVideos()) { $viewable[] = "u"; } $_POST = $post; } return $viewable; } public static function getVideoConversionStatus($filename) { global $global; require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/user.php'; if (!User::isLogged()) { die("Only logged users can upload"); } $object = new stdClass(); foreach (self::$types as $value) { $progressFilename = self::getStoragePathFromFileName($filename) . "progress_{$value}.txt"; $content = @url_get_contents($progressFilename); $object->$value = new stdClass(); if (!empty($content)) { $object->$value = self::parseProgress($content); } else { } if (!empty($object->$value->progress) && !is_numeric($object->$value->progress)) { $video = self::getVideoFromFileName($filename); //var_dump($video, $filename); if (!empty($video)) { $object->$value->progress = self::$statusDesc[$video['status']]; } } $object->$value->filename = $progressFilename; } return $object; } private static function parseProgress($content) { //get duration of source $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->duration = 0; $obj->currentTime = 0; $obj->progress = 0; //var_dump($content);exit; preg_match("/Duration: (.*?), start:/", $content, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { $rawDuration = $matches[1]; //rawDuration is in 00:00:00.00 format. This converts it to seconds. $ar = array_reverse(explode(":", $rawDuration)); $duration = floatval($ar[0]); if (!empty($ar[1])) { $duration += intval($ar[1]) * 60; } if (!empty($ar[2])) { $duration += intval($ar[2]) * 60 * 60; } //get the time in the file that is already encoded preg_match_all("/time=(.*?) bitrate/", $content, $matches); $rawTime = array_pop($matches); //this is needed if there is more than one match if (is_array($rawTime)) { $rawTime = array_pop($rawTime); } //rawTime is in 00:00:00.00 format. This converts it to seconds. $ar = array_reverse(explode(":", $rawTime)); $time = floatval($ar[0]); if (!empty($ar[1])) { $time += intval($ar[1]) * 60; } if (!empty($ar[2])) { $time += intval($ar[2]) * 60 * 60; } if (!empty($duration)) { //calculate the progress $progress = round(($time / $duration) * 100); } else { $progress = 'undefined'; } $obj->duration = $duration; $obj->currentTime = $time; $obj->progress = $progress; } return $obj; } public function delete($allowOfflineUser = false) { if (!$allowOfflineUser && !$this->userCanManageVideo()) { return false; } global $global; if (!empty($this->id)) { $this->removeNextVideos($this->id); $this->removeTrailerReference($this->id); $this->removeCampaign($this->id); $video = self::getVideoLight($this->id); $sql = "DELETE FROM videos WHERE id = ?"; } else { return false; } $resp = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "i", array($this->id)); if ($resp == false) { _error_log('Error (delete on video) : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); return false; } else { $this->removeVideoFiles(); } return $resp; } public function removeVideoFiles() { $filename = $this->getFilename(); if (empty($filename)) { return false; } $aws_s3 = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('AWS_S3'); $bb_b2 = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('Blackblaze_B2'); $ftp = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('FTP_Storage'); $YPTStorage = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('YPTStorage'); if (!empty($aws_s3)) { $aws_s3->removeFiles($filename); } if (!empty($bb_b2)) { $bb_b2->removeFiles($filename); } if (!empty($ftp)) { $ftp->removeFiles($filename); } if (!empty($YPTStorage) && !empty($this->getSites_id())) { $YPTStorage->removeFiles($filename, $this->getSites_id()); } $this->removeFiles($filename); self::deleteThumbs($filename); } private function removeNextVideos($videos_id) { if (!$this->userCanManageVideo()) { return false; } global $global; if (!empty($videos_id)) { $sql = "UPDATE videos SET next_videos_id = NULL WHERE next_videos_id = ?"; sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "s", array($videos_id)); } else { return false; } return true; } private function removeTrailerReference($videos_id) { if (!$this->userCanManageVideo()) { return false; } global $global; if (!empty($videos_id)) { $videoURL = self::getLink($videos_id, '', true); $sql = "UPDATE videos SET trailer1 = '' WHERE trailer1 = ?"; sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "s", array($videoURL)); $sql = "UPDATE videos SET trailer2 = '' WHERE trailer2 = ?"; sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "s", array($videoURL)); $sql = "UPDATE videos SET trailer3 = '' WHERE trailer3 = ?"; sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "s", array($videoURL)); } else { return false; } return true; } private function removeCampaign($videos_id) { if (ObjectYPT::isTableInstalled('vast_campaigns_has_videos')) { if (!empty($this->id)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM vast_campaigns_has_videos "; $sql .= " WHERE videos_id = ?"; $global['lastQuery'] = $sql; return sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "i", array($videos_id)); } } return false; } private function removeFiles($filename) { if (empty($filename)) { return false; } global $global; $file = self::getStoragePath() . "original_{$filename}"; $this->removeFilePath($file); $files = self::getStoragePath() . "{$filename}"; $this->removeFilePath($files); } private function removeFilePath($filePath) { if (empty($filePath)) { return false; } // Streamlined for less coding space. $files = glob("{$filePath}*"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if (is_dir($file)) { self::rrmdir($file); } else { @unlink($file); } } } } private static function rrmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $object)) { self::rrmdir($dir . "/" . $object); } else { unlink($dir . "/" . $object); } } } rmdir($dir); } } public function setDescription($description) { global $global, $advancedCustom; if (empty($advancedCustom->disableHTMLDescription)) { $articleObj = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData('Articles'); $configPuri = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($configPuri); if (empty($articleObj->allowAttributes)) { $configPuri->set('HTML.AllowedAttributes', array('a.href', 'a.target', 'a.title', 'a.title', 'img.src', 'img.width', 'img.height')); // remove all attributes except a.href $configPuri->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', array('_blank')); } if (empty($articleObj->allowAttributes)) { $configPuri->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array()); // remove all CSS } $configPuri->set('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty', true); // remove empty elements $pure = $purifier->purify($description); $parts = explode("", $pure); if (!empty($parts[1])) { $parts = explode("", $parts[1]); } $new_description = $parts[0]; } else { $new_description = strip_tags(br2nl($description)); } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetDescription($this->id, $this->description, $new_description); //$new_description= preg_replace('/[\xE2\x80\xAF\xBA\x96]/', '', $new_description); if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $new_description = mb_convert_encoding($new_description, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); } $this->description = $new_description; //var_dump($this->description, $description, $parts);exit; } public function setCategories_id($categories_id) { if (!Category::userCanAddInCategory($categories_id)) { return false; } // to update old cat as well when auto.. if (!empty($this->categories_id)) { $this->old_categories_id = $this->categories_id; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetCategories_id($this->id, $this->categories_id, $categories_id); $this->categories_id = $categories_id; } public static function getCleanDuration($duration = "") { if (empty($duration)) { if (!empty($this) && !empty($this->duration)) { $durationParts = explode(".", $this->duration); } else { return "00:00:00"; } } else { $durationParts = explode(".", $duration); } if (empty($durationParts[0])) { return "00:00:00"; } else { $duration = $durationParts[0]; $durationParts = explode(':', $duration); if (count($durationParts) == 1) { return '0:00:' . static::addZero($durationParts[0]); } elseif (count($durationParts) == 2) { return '0:' . static::addZero($durationParts[0]) . ':' . static::addZero($durationParts[1]); } return $duration; } } private static function addZero($str) { if (intval($str) < 10) { return '0' . intval($str); } return $str; } public static function getItemPropDuration($duration = '') { $duration = static::getCleanDuration($duration); $parts = explode(':', $duration); $duration = 'PT' . intval($parts[0]) . 'H' . intval($parts[1]) . 'M' . intval($parts[2]) . 'S'; if ($duration == "PT0H0M0S") { $duration = "PT0H0M1S"; } return $duration; } public static function getItemDurationSeconds($duration = '') { if ($duration == "EE:EE:EE") { return 0; } $duration = static::getCleanDuration($duration); $parts = explode(':', $duration); return intval($parts[0] * 60 * 60) + intval($parts[1] * 60) + intval($parts[2]); } public static function getDurationFromFile($file) { global $global; // get movie duration HOURS:MM:SS.MICROSECONDS if (!file_exists($file)) { _error_log('{"status":"error", "msg":"getDurationFromFile ERROR, File (' . $file . ') Not Found"}'); return "EE:EE:EE"; } // Initialize getID3 engine $getID3 = new getID3; // Analyze file and store returned data in $ThisFileInfo $ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($file); return static::getCleanDuration(@$ThisFileInfo['playtime_string']); } public static function getResolution($file) { global $videogetResolution; if (!isset($videogetResolution)) { $videogetResolution = array(); } if (isset($videogetResolution[$file])) { return $videogetResolution[$file]; } if ( AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("Blackblaze_B2") || AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("AWS_S3") || AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("FTP_Storage") || AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("YPTStorage") || !file_exists($file)) { $videogetResolution[$file] = 0; return 0; } global $global; if (preg_match("/.m3u8$/i", $file) && AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName('VideoHLS') && method_exists(new VideoHLS(), 'getHLSHigestResolutionFromFile')) { $videogetResolution[$file] = VideoHLS::getHLSHigestResolutionFromFile($file); } else { $getID3 = new getID3; $ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($file); $videogetResolution[$file] = intval(@$ThisFileInfo['video']['resolution_y']); } return $videogetResolution[$file]; } public static function getHLSDurationFromFile($file) { $plugin = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled("VideoHLS"); if (empty($plugin)) { return 0; } return VideoHLS::getHLSDurationFromFile($file); } public function updateHLSDurationIfNeed() { $plugin = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled("VideoHLS"); if (empty($plugin)) { return false; } return VideoHLS::updateHLSDurationIfNeed($this); } public function updateDurationIfNeed($fileExtension = ".mp4") { global $global; $source = self::getSourceFile($this->filename, $fileExtension, true); $file = $source['path']; if (!empty($this->id) && $this->duration == "EE:EE:EE" && file_exists($file)) { $this->duration = Video::getDurationFromFile($file); _error_log("Duration Updated: " . json_encode($this)); $sql = "UPDATE videos SET duration = ?, modified = now() WHERE id = ?"; $res = sqlDAL::writeSql($sql, "si", array($this->duration, $this->id)); return $this->id; } else { _error_log("Do not need update duration: "); return false; } } public function getFilename() { return $this->filename; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getVideoDownloadedLink() { return $this->videoDownloadedLink; } public function setVideoDownloadedLink($videoDownloadedLink) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetVideoDownloadedLink($this->id, $this->videoDownloadedLink, $videoDownloadedLink); $this->videoDownloadedLink = $videoDownloadedLink; } public static function isLandscape($pathFileName) { global $config; // get movie duration HOURS:MM:SS.MICROSECONDS if (!file_exists($pathFileName)) { echo '{"status":"error", "msg":"isLandscape ERROR, File (' . $pathFileName . ') Not Found"}'; return true; } eval('$cmd="' . $config->getExiftool() . '";'); $resp = true; // is landscape by default exec($cmd . ' 2>&1', $output, $return_val); if ($return_val !== 0) { $resp = true; } else { $w = 1; $h = 0; $rotation = 0; foreach ($output as $value) { preg_match("/Image Size.*:[^0-9]*([0-9]+x[0-9]+)/i", $value, $match); if (!empty($match)) { $parts = explode("x", $match[1]); $w = $parts[0]; $h = $parts[1]; } preg_match("/Rotation.*:[^0-9]*([0-9]+)/i", $value, $match); if (!empty($match)) { $rotation = $match[1]; } } if ($rotation == 0) { if ($w > $h) { $resp = true; } else { $resp = false; } } else { if ($w < $h) { $resp = true; } else { $resp = false; } } } //var_dump($cmd, $w, $h, $rotation, $resp);exit; return $resp; } public function userCanManageVideo() { global $advancedCustomUser; if (Permissions::canAdminVideos()) { return true; } if (empty($this->users_id) || !User::canUpload()) { return false; } // if you not admin you can only manager yours video $users_id = $this->users_id; if ($advancedCustomUser->userCanChangeVideoOwner) { $video = new Video("", "", $this->id); // query again to make sure the user is not changing the owner $users_id = $video->getUsers_id(); } if ($users_id != User::getId()) { return false; } return true; } public function getVideoGroups() { return $this->videoGroups; } public function setVideoGroups($userGroups) { if (is_array($userGroups)) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetVideoGroups($this->id, $this->videoGroups, $userGroups); $this->videoGroups = $userGroups; } } /** * * @param type $user_id * text * label Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger */ public static function getTags($video_id, $type = "") { global $advancedCustom, $videos_getTags; if (empty($videos_getTags)) { $videos_getTags = array(); } $name = "{$video_id}_{$type}"; if (!empty($videos_getTags[$name])) { return $videos_getTags[$name]; } $videos_getTags[$name] = self::getTags_($video_id, $type); return $videos_getTags[$name]; } public static function getTagsHTMLLabelArray($video_id) { global $_getTagsHTMLLabelArray; if (!isset($_getTagsHTMLLabelArray)) { $_getTagsHTMLLabelArray = array(); } if (isset($_getTagsHTMLLabelArray[$video_id])) { return $_getTagsHTMLLabelArray[$video_id]; } $tags = Video::getTags($video_id); $_getTagsHTMLLabelArray[$video_id] = array(); foreach ($tags as $value2) { if (empty($value2->label) || ($value2->label !== __("Paid Content") && $value2->label !== __("Group") && $value2->label !== __("Plugin"))) { continue; } $tooltip = ''; if (!empty($value2->tooltip)) { $icon = $value2->text; if (!empty($value2->tooltipIcon)) { $icon = $value2->tooltipIcon; } $tooltip = ' data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . htmlentities($icon . ' ' . $value2->tooltip) . '" data-html="true"'; } $_getTagsHTMLLabelArray[$video_id][] = '' . $value2->text . ''; } return $_getTagsHTMLLabelArray[$video_id]; } public static function getTags_($video_id, $type = "") { global $advancedCustom, $advancedCustomUser; if (empty($advancedCustom)) { $advancedCustomUser = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData("CustomizeUser"); } if (empty($advancedCustom)) { $advancedCustom = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData("CustomizeAdvanced"); } $currentPage = getCurrentPage(); $rowCount = getRowCount(); $_REQUEST['current'] = 1; $_REQUEST['rowCount'] = 1000; $video = new Video("", "", $video_id); $tags = array(); if (empty($type) || $type === "paid") { $objTag = new stdClass(); $objTag->label = __("Paid Content"); if (!empty($advancedCustom->paidOnlyShowLabels)) { if (!empty($video->getOnly_for_paid())) { $objTag->type = "warning"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = $advancedCustom->paidOnlyLabel; } else { $objTag->type = "success"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = $advancedCustom->paidOnlyFreeLabel; } } else { $ppv = AVideoPlugin::getObjectDataIfEnabled("PayPerView"); if ($video->getStatus() === self::$statusFansOnly) { $objTag->type = "warning"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = __("Fans Only"); } elseif ($advancedCustomUser->userCanProtectVideosWithPassword && !empty($video->getVideo_password())) { $objTag->type = "danger"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = __("Password Protected"); } elseif (!empty($video->getOnly_for_paid())) { $objTag->type = "warning"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = $advancedCustom->paidOnlyLabel; } elseif ($ppv && PayPerView::isVideoPayPerView($video_id)) { if (!empty($ppv->showPPVLabel)) { $objTag->type = "warning"; $objTag->text = "PPV"; $objTag->tooltip = __("Pay Per View"); } else { $objTag->type = "warning"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = __("Private"); } } elseif (!Video::isPublic($video_id)) { $objTag->type = "warning"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = __("Private"); } else { $objTag->type = "success"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = $advancedCustom->paidOnlyFreeLabel; } } $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } /** a = active i = inactive e = encoding x = encoding error d = downloading u = unlisted */ if (empty($type) || $type === "status") { $objTag = new stdClass(); $objTag->label = __("Status"); $status = $video->getStatus(); $objTag->text = __(Video::$statusDesc[$status]); switch ($status) { case Video::$statusActive: $objTag->type = "success"; break; case Video::$statusActiveAndEncoding: $objTag->type = "success"; break; case Video::$statusInactive: $objTag->type = "warning"; break; case Video::$statusEncoding: $objTag->type = "info"; break; case Video::$statusDownloading: $objTag->type = "info"; break; case Video::$statusUnlisted: $objTag->type = "info"; break; case Video::$statusRecording: $objTag->type = "danger isRecording isRecordingIcon"; break; default: $objTag->type = "danger"; break; } $objTag->text = $objTag->text; $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } if (empty($type) || $type === "userGroups") { $groups = UserGroups::getVideoGroups($video_id); $objTag = new stdClass(); $objTag->label = __("Group"); if (empty($groups)) { $status = $video->getStatus(); if ($status == 'u') { $objTag->type = "info"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = __("Unlisted"); $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } else { //$objTag->type = "success"; //$objTag->text = __("Public"); } } else { foreach ($groups as $value) { $objTag = new stdClass(); $objTag->label = __("Group"); $objTag->type = "info"; $objTag->text = ''; $objTag->tooltip = $value['group_name']; $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } } } if (empty($type) || $type === "category") { require_once 'category.php'; $sort = null; if (!empty($_POST['sort']['title'])) { $sort = $_POST['sort']; unset($_POST['sort']); } $category = Category::getCategory($video->getCategories_id()); if (!empty($sort)) { $_POST['sort'] = $sort; } $objTag = new stdClass(); $objTag->label = __("Category"); if (!empty($category)) { $objTag->type = "default"; $objTag->text = $category['name']; $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } } if (empty($type) || $type === "source") { $url = $video->getVideoDownloadedLink(); $parse = parse_url($url); $objTag = new stdClass(); $objTag->label = __("Source"); if (!empty($parse['host'])) { $objTag->type = "danger"; $objTag->text = $parse['host']; $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } else { $objTag->type = "info"; $objTag->text = __("Local File"); $tags[] = $objTag; $objTag = new stdClass(); } } $array2 = AVideoPlugin::getVideoTags($video_id); if (is_array($array2)) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $array2); } //var_dump($tags); $_REQUEST['current'] = $currentPage; $_REQUEST['rowCount'] = $rowCount; return $tags; } public static function deleteTagsAsync($video_id) { global $global; if (empty($video_id)) { return false; } $name = "getVideoTags{$video_id}"; ObjectYPT::deleteCache($name); _session_start(); unset($_SESSION['getVideoTags'][$video_id]); $path = getCacheDir() . "getTagsAsync/"; if (!is_dir($path)) { return false; } $cacheFileName = "{$path}_{$video_id}_"; $files = glob("{$cacheFileName}*"); foreach ($files as $file) { unlink($file); } } public static function getTagsAsync($video_id, $type = "video") { global $global, $advancedCustom; $path = getCacheDir() . "getTagsAsync/"; make_path($path); $cacheFileName = "{$path}_{$video_id}_{$type}"; $return = array(); if (!file_exists($cacheFileName)) { if (file_exists($cacheFileName . ".lock")) { return array(); } file_put_contents($cacheFileName . ".lock", 1); $total = static::getTags_($video_id, $type); file_put_contents($cacheFileName, json_encode($total)); unlink($cacheFileName . ".lock"); return $total; } $return = _json_decode(file_get_contents($cacheFileName)); if (time() - filemtime($cacheFileName) > 300) { // file older than 1 min $command = ("php '{$global['systemRootPath']}objects/getTags.php' '$video_id' '$type' '{$cacheFileName}'"); //_error_log("getTags: {$command}"); exec($command . " > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &"); } return (array) $return; } public function getCategories_id() { return $this->categories_id; } public function getType() { return $this->type; } public static function fixCleanTitle($clean_title, $count, $videoId, $original_title = "") { global $global; if (empty($original_title)) { $original_title = $clean_title; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE clean_title = '{$clean_title}' "; if (!empty($videoId)) { $sql .= " AND id != {$videoId} "; } $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "", array(), true); $cleanTitleExists = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($cleanTitleExists != false) { return self::fixCleanTitle($original_title . "-" . $count, $count + 1, $videoId, $original_title); } return $clean_title; } /** * * @global type $global * @param type $videos_id * @param type $users_id if is empty will use the logged user * @return boolean */ public static function isOwner($videos_id, $users_id = 0) { global $global; if (empty($users_id)) { $users_id = User::getId(); if (empty($users_id)) { return false; } } $video_owner = self::getOwner($videos_id); if ($video_owner) { if ($video_owner == $users_id) { return true; } } return false; } public static function isOwnerFromCleanTitle($clean_title, $users_id = 0) { global $global; $video = self::getVideoFromCleanTitle($clean_title); return self::isOwner($video['id'], $users_id); } /** * * @global type $global * @param type $videos_id * @param type $users_id if is empty will use the logged user * @return boolean */ public static function getOwner($videos_id) { global $global; $sql = "SELECT users_id FROM videos WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($videos_id)); $videoRow = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res) { if ($videoRow != false) { return $videoRow['users_id']; } } else { $videos = false; die($sql . '\nError : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } return false; } /** * * @param type $videos_id * @param type $users_id if is empty will use the logged user * @return boolean */ public static function canEdit($videos_id, $users_id = 0) { if (empty($videos_id)) { return false; } if (empty($users_id)) { $users_id = User::getId(); if (empty($users_id)) { return false; } } $user = new User($users_id); if (empty($user)) { return false; } if ($user->getIsAdmin()) { return true; } if (Permissions::canAdminVideos()) { return true; } return self::isOwner($videos_id, $users_id); } public static function getRandom($excludeVideoId = false) { return static::getVideo("", "viewable", false, $excludeVideoId); } public static function getVideoQueryFileter() { global $global; $sql = ""; if (!empty($_GET['playlist_id'])) { require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/playlist.php'; $ids = PlayList::getVideosIdFromPlaylist($_GET['playlist_id']); if (!empty($ids)) { $sql .= " AND v.id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ") "; } } return $sql; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getClean_title() { return $this->clean_title; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function getExistingVideoFile() { $source = self::getHigestResolutionVideoMP4Source($this->getFilename(), true); if (empty($source)) { _error_log("getExistingVideoFile:: resources are empty " . $this->getFilename()); return false; } $size = filesize($source['path']); if ($size <= 20) {// it is a dummy file $url = $source['url']; _error_log("getExistingVideoFile:: dummy file, download it " . json_encode($source)); $filename = getTmpDir("getExistingVideoFile") . md5($url); copyfile_chunked($url, $filename); wget($url, $filename); return $filename; } return $source['path']; } public function getTrailer1() { return $this->trailer1; } public function getTrailer2() { return $this->trailer2; } public function getTrailer3() { return $this->trailer3; } public function getRate() { return $this->rate; } public function setTrailer1($trailer1) { if (filter_var($trailer1, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $new_trailer1 = $trailer1; } else { $new_trailer1 = ""; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetTrailer1($this->id, $this->trailer1, $new_trailer1); $this->trailer1 = $new_trailer1; } public function setTrailer2($trailer2) { if (filter_var($trailer2, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $new_trailer2 = $trailer2; } else { $new_trailer2 = ""; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetTrailer2($this->id, $this->trailer2, $new_trailer2); $this->trailer2 = $new_trailer2; } public function setTrailer3($trailer3) { if (filter_var($trailer3, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $new_trailer3 = $trailer3; } else { $new_trailer3 = ""; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetTrailer3($this->id, $this->trailer3, $new_trailer3); $this->trailer3 = $new_trailer3; } public function setRate($rate) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetRate($this->id, $this->rate, floatval($rate)); $this->rate = floatval($rate); } public function getYoutubeId() { return $this->youtubeId; } public function setYoutubeId($youtubeId) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetYoutubeId($this->id, $this->youtubeId, $youtubeId); $this->youtubeId = $youtubeId; } public function setTitle($title) { if ($title === "Video automatically booked" && !empty($this->title)) { return false; } $new_title = strip_tags($title); if (strlen($new_title) > 190) { $new_title = substr($new_title, 0, 187) . '...'; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetTitle($this->id, $this->title, $new_title); $this->title = $new_title; } public function setFilename($filename, $force = false) { if ($force || empty($this->filename)) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetFilename($this->id, $this->filename, $filename, $force); $this->filename = $filename; } else { _error_log('setFilename: fail ' . $filename . " {$this->id}"); } return $this->filename; } public function getNext_videos_id() { return $this->next_videos_id; } public function setNext_videos_id($next_videos_id) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetNext_videos_id($this->id, $this->next_videos_id, $next_videos_id); $this->next_videos_id = $next_videos_id; } public function queue($types = array()) { global $config; if (!User::canUpload()) { return false; } global $global; $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->error = true; $target = $config->getEncoderURL() . "queue"; $postFields = array( 'user' => User::getUserName(), 'pass' => User::getUserPass(), 'fileURI' => $global['webSiteRootURL'] . "videos/original_{$this->getFilename()}", 'filename' => $this->getFilename(), 'videos_id' => $this->getId(), "notifyURL" => "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}" ); if (empty($types) && AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName("VideoHLS")) { $postFields['inputHLS'] = 1; } elseif (!empty($types)) { foreach ($types as $key => $value) { $postFields[$key] = $value; } } _error_log("SEND To QUEUE: ($target) " . json_encode($postFields)); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $target); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); $r = curl_exec($curl); $obj->response = $r; if ($errno = curl_errno($curl)) { $error_message = curl_strerror($errno); //echo "cURL error ({$errno}):\n {$error_message}"; $obj->msg = "cURL error ({$errno}):\n {$error_message}"; } else { $obj->error = false; } _error_log("QUEUE CURL: ($target) " . json_encode($obj)); curl_close($curl); return $obj; } public function getVideoLink() { return $this->videoLink; } public function setVideoLink($videoLink) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetVideoLink($this->id, $this->videoLink, $videoLink); $this->videoLink = $videoLink; } public function getCan_download() { return $this->can_download; } public function getCan_share() { return $this->can_share; } public function setCan_download($can_download) { $new_can_download = (empty($can_download) || $can_download === "false") ? 0 : 1; AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetCan_download($this->id, $this->can_download, $new_can_download); $this->can_download = $new_can_download; } public function setCan_share($can_share) { $new_can_share = (empty($can_share) || $can_share === "false") ? 0 : 1; AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetCan_share($this->id, $this->can_share, $new_can_share); $this->can_share = $new_can_share; } public function getOnly_for_paid() { return $this->only_for_paid; } public function setOnly_for_paid($only_for_paid) { $new_only_for_paid = (empty($only_for_paid) || $only_for_paid === "false") ? 0 : 1; AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetOnly_for_paid($this->id, $this->only_for_paid, $new_only_for_paid); $this->only_for_paid = $new_only_for_paid; } /** * * @param type $filename * @param type $type * @return type .jpg .gif .webp _thumbs.jpg _Low.mp4 _SD.mp4 _HD.mp4 */ public static function getSourceFile($filename, $type = ".jpg", $includeS3 = false) { global $global, $advancedCustom, $videosPaths, $VideoGetSourceFile; //if(!isValidFormats($type)){ //return array(); //} self::_moveSourceFilesToDir($filename); $paths = self::getPaths($filename); if ($type == '_thumbsSmallV2.jpg' && empty($advancedCustom->usePreloadLowResolutionImages)) { return array('path' => $global['systemRootPath'] . 'view/img/loading-gif.png', 'url' => getCDN() . 'view/img/loading-gif.png'); } $cacheName = md5($filename . $type . $includeS3); if (0 && isset($VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName]) && is_array($VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName])) { if (!preg_match("/token=/", $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName]['url'])) { return $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName]; } } // check if there is a webp image if ($type === '.gif' && (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || get_browser_name($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) !== 'Safari')) { $path = "{$paths['path']}{$filename}.webp"; if (file_exists($path)) { $type = ".webp"; } } if (empty($videosPaths[$filename][$type][intval($includeS3)])) { $aws_s3 = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('AWS_S3'); $bb_b2 = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('Blackblaze_B2'); $ftp = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('FTP_Storage'); if (!empty($aws_s3)) { $aws_s3_obj = $aws_s3->getDataObject(); if (!empty($aws_s3_obj->useS3DirectLink)) { $includeS3 = true; } } elseif (!empty($bb_b2)) { $bb_b2_obj = $bb_b2->getDataObject(); if (!empty($bb_b2_obj->useDirectLink)) { $includeS3 = true; } } elseif (!empty($ftp)) { $includeS3 = true; } $token = ""; $secure = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('SecureVideosDirectory'); if ((preg_match("/.*\\.mp3$/", $type) || preg_match("/.*\\.mp4$/", $type) || preg_match("/.*\\.webm$/", $type) || $type == ".m3u8" || $type == ".pdf" || $type == ".zip")) { $vars = array(); if (!empty($secure)) { $vars[] = $secure->getToken($filename); } if (!empty($vars)) { $token = "?" . implode("&", $vars); } } $paths = self::getPaths($filename); $source = array(); $source['path'] = $paths['path'] . "{$filename}{$type}"; if ($type == ".m3u8") { $source['path'] = self::getStoragePath() . "{$filename}/index{$type}"; } $cleanFileName = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($filename); $video = Video::getVideoFromFileNameLight($cleanFileName); if (empty($video)) { _error_log("Video::getSourceFile($filename, $type, $includeS3) ERROR video not found ($cleanFileName)"); $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName] = false; return false; } $canUseCDN = canUseCDN($video['id']); if (!empty($video['sites_id']) && (preg_match("/.*\\.mp3$/", $type) || preg_match("/.*\\.mp4$/", $type) || preg_match("/.*\\.webm$/", $type) || $type == ".m3u8" || $type == ".pdf" || $type == ".zip") && @filesize($source['path']) < 20) { $site = new Sites($video['sites_id']); $siteURL = getCDNOrURL($site->getUrl(), 'CDN_YPTStorage', $video['sites_id']); $source['url'] = "{$siteURL}{$paths['relative']}{$filename}{$type}{$token}"; if ($type == ".m3u8") { $source['url'] = "{$siteURL}videos/{$filename}/index{$type}{$token}"; } } elseif (!empty($advancedCustom->videosCDN) && $canUseCDN) { $advancedCustom->videosCDN = rtrim($advancedCustom->videosCDN, '/') . '/'; $source['url'] = "{$advancedCustom->videosCDN}{$paths['relative']}{$filename}{$type}{$token}"; if ($type == ".m3u8") { $source['url'] = "{$advancedCustom->videosCDN}videos/{$filename}/index{$type}{$token}"; } } else { $source['url'] = getCDN() . "{$paths['relative']}{$filename}{$type}{$token}"; if ($type == ".m3u8") { $source['url'] = getCDN() . "videos/{$filename}/index{$type}{$token}"; } } /* need it because getDurationFromFile */ if ($includeS3 && ($type == ".mp4" || $type == ".webm" || $type == ".mp3" || $type == ".ogg" || $type == ".pdf" || $type == ".zip")) { if (file_exists($source['path']) && filesize($source['path']) < 1024) { if (!empty($aws_s3)) { $source = $aws_s3->getAddress("{$filename}{$type}"); $source['url'] = replaceCDNIfNeed($source['url'], 'CDN_S3'); } elseif (!empty($bb_b2)) { $source = $bb_b2->getAddress("{$filename}{$type}"); $source['url'] = replaceCDNIfNeed($source['url'], 'CDN_B2'); } elseif (!empty($ftp)) { $source = $ftp->getAddress("{$filename}{$type}"); $source['url'] = replaceCDNIfNeed($source['url'], 'CDN_FTP'); } } } if (!file_exists($source['path']) || ($type !== ".m3u8" && !is_dir($source['path']) && (filesize($source['path']) < 1000 && filesize($source['path']) != 10))) { if ($type != "_thumbsV2.jpg" && $type != "_thumbsSmallV2.jpg" && $type != "_portrait_thumbsV2.jpg" && $type != "_portrait_thumbsSmallV2.jpg") { $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName] = array('path' => false, 'url' => false); //if($type=='.jpg'){echo '----'.PHP_EOL;var_dump($type, $source);echo '----'.PHP_EOL;}; //echo PHP_EOL.'---'.PHP_EOL;var_dump($source, $type, !file_exists($source['path']), ($type !== ".m3u8" && !is_dir($source['path']) && (filesize($source['path']) < 1000 && filesize($source['path']) != 10)));echo PHP_EOL.'+++'.PHP_EOL; return $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName]; } } $videosPaths[$filename][$type][intval($includeS3)] = $source; } else { $source = $videosPaths[$filename][$type][intval($includeS3)]; } if (substr($type, -4) === ".jpg" || substr($type, -4) === ".png" || substr($type, -4) === ".gif" || substr($type, -4) === ".webp") { $x = uniqid(); if (file_exists($source['path'])) { $x = filemtime($source['path']).filectime($source['path']); } elseif (!empty($video)) { $x = strtotime($video['modified']); } $source['url'] .= "?cache={$x}"; } //ObjectYPT::setCache($name, $source); $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName] = $source; return $VideoGetSourceFile[$cacheName]; } private static function _moveSourceFilesToDir($videoFilename) { $videoFilename = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($videoFilename); if (preg_match('/^(hd|low|sd|(res[0-9]{3,4}))$/', $videoFilename)) { return false; } $paths = self::getPaths($videoFilename); $lock = "{$paths['path']}.move_v1.lock"; if (file_exists($lock)) { return true; } $videosDir = self::getStoragePath(); make_path($paths['path']); $files = _glob($videosDir, '/' . $videoFilename . '[._][a-z0-9_]+/i'); //var_dump($paths['path'], is_dir($paths['path']), $files);exit; foreach ($files as $oldname) { if (is_dir($oldname)) { continue; } $newname = str_replace($videosDir, $paths['path'], $oldname); rename($oldname, $newname); } return file_put_contents($lock, time()); } public static function getPaths($videoFilename, $createDir = false) { global $global, $__getPaths; if (!isset($__getPaths)) { $__getPaths = array(); } if (!empty($__getPaths[$videoFilename])) { return $__getPaths[$videoFilename]; } $cleanVideoFilename = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($videoFilename); $videosDir = self::getStoragePath(); if (is_dir("{$videosDir}{$videoFilename}")) { $path = addLastSlash("{$videosDir}{$videoFilename}"); //} else if (preg_match('/index\.m3u8$/', $videoFilename)) { // $path = addLastSlash($videosDir); } else { $path = addLastSlash("{$videosDir}{$cleanVideoFilename}"); } $path = fixPath($path); if ($createDir) { make_path(addLastSlash($path)); } $relative = addLastSlash("videos/{$cleanVideoFilename}"); $url = getCDN() . "{$relative}"; $__getPaths[$videoFilename] = array('filename' => $cleanVideoFilename, 'path' => $path, 'url' => $url, 'relative' => $relative); return $__getPaths[$videoFilename]; } public static function getPathToFile($videoFilename, $createDir = false) { $videosDir = self::getStoragePath(); $videoFilename = str_replace($videosDir, '', $videoFilename); $paths = Video::getPaths($videoFilename, $createDir); if (preg_match('/index.m3u8$/', $videoFilename)) { $paths['path'] = rtrim($paths['path'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $videoFilename = str_replace($paths['filename'], '', $videoFilename); } return "{$paths['path']}{$videoFilename}"; } public static function getURLToFile($videoFilename, $createDir = false) { $videosDir = self::getStoragePath(); $videoFilename = str_replace($videosDir, '', $videoFilename); $paths = Video::getPaths($videoFilename, $createDir); return "{$paths['url']}{$videoFilename}"; } public static function getURLToFileIfExists($videoFilename) { $paths = Video::getPaths($videoFilename); if (!file_exists("{$paths['path']}{$videoFilename}")) { return false; } return "{$paths['url']}{$videoFilename}"; } public static function getNewVideoFilename($prefix = '', $time = '') { $uid = substr(uniqid(), -4); if (empty($time)) { $time = time(); } $prefix = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $prefix); if (empty($prefix)) { $prefix = 'v'; } $date = date('ymdHis', $time); $videoFilename = strtolower("{$prefix}_{$date}_{$uid}"); return self::getPaths($videoFilename); } public static function isNewVideoFilename($filename) { $filename = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($filename); return preg_match('/_([0-9]{12})_([0-9a-z]{4})$/i', $filename); } public static function getNewVideoFilenameWithPrefixFromFilename($filename) { $video = self::getVideoFromFileNameLight($filename); if (empty($video)) { return self::getNewVideoFilename(); } return self::getNewVideoFilename($video['type']); } public static function updateDirectoryFilename($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { _error_log('Video::updateDirectoryFilename directory not found ' . "[{$directory}]"); return false; } $video = self::getVideoFromFileNameLight($directory); if (empty($video)) { _error_log('Video::updateDirectoryFilename video not found for directory ' . "[{$directory}]"); return false; } if (isAnyStorageEnabled()) { $newFilename = self::getPaths($video['filename']); $id = $video['id']; } else { $newFilename = self::getNewVideoFilename($video['type'], strtotime($video['created'])); $v = new Video('', '', $video['id']); $v->setFilename($newFilename['filename'], true); $id = $v->save(false, true); } if ($id) { $renamed = rename($directory, $newFilename['path']); if (empty($renamed)) { // rename dir fail rollback _error_log('Video::updateDirectoryFilename rename dir fail, we will rollback changes ' . "[olddir={$directory}] [newdir={$newFilename['path']}]"); $v = new Video('', '', $video['id']); $v->setFilename($video['filename'], true); $id = $v->save(false, true); return false; } else { _error_log('Video::updateDirectoryFilename video folder renamed from ' . "[olddir={$directory}] [newdir={$newFilename['path']}]"); self::updateFilesInDirectoryFilename($newFilename['path']); } } return array('videos_id' => $video['id'], 'filename' => $newFilename['filename'], 'oldDir' => $directory, 'newDir' => $newFilename['path']); } public static function updateFilesInDirectoryFilename($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { _error_log('Video::updateFilesInDirectoryFilename directory not found ' . "[{$directory}]"); return false; } $video = self::getVideoFromFileNameLight($directory); if (empty($video)) { _error_log('Video::updateFilesInDirectoryFilename video not found for directory ' . "[{$directory}]"); return false; } $newFilename = $video['filename']; $files = glob("{$directory}*.{jpg,png,gif,webp,vtt,srt,mp4,webm,mp3,ogg,notfound}", GLOB_BRACE); _error_log('Video::updateFilesInDirectoryFilename total files found ' . count($files)); foreach ($files as $value) { $oldFilename = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($value); $newFilenamePath = str_replace($oldFilename, $newFilename, $value); $renamed = rename($value, $newFilenamePath); if (empty($renamed)) { // rename dir fail rollback _error_log('Video::updateFilesInDirectoryFilename rename file fail ' . "[olddir={$value}] [newdir={$newFilenamePath}]"); } else { _error_log('Video::updateFilesInDirectoryFilename video file renamed from ' . "[olddir={$value}] [newdir={$newFilenamePath}]"); } } } public function getVideoIdHash() { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->videos_id = $this->id; return encryptString(json_encode($obj)); } public static function getVideoIdFromHash($hash) { $string = decryptString($hash); if (!empty($string)) { $json = json_decode($string); if (!empty($json) && !empty($json->videos_id)) { return $json->videos_id; } } return false; } public static function getCleanFilenameFromFile($filename) { global $global; if (empty($filename)) { return ""; } $filename = fixPath($filename); $filename = str_replace(getVideosDir(), '', $filename); if (preg_match('/videos[\/\\\]([^\/\\\]+)[\/\\\].*index.m3u8$/', $filename, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } $search = array('_Low', '_SD', '_HD', '_thumbsV2', '_thumbsSmallV2', '_thumbsSprit', '_roku', '_portrait', '_portrait_thumbsV2', '_portrait_thumbsSmallV2', '_spectrum', '_tvg', '.notfound'); if (!empty($global['langs_codes_values_withdot']) && is_array($global['langs_codes_values_withdot'])) { $search = array_merge($search, $global['langs_codes_values_withdot']); } if (empty($global['avideo_resolutions']) || !is_array($global['avideo_resolutions'])) { $global['avideo_resolutions'] = array(240, 360, 480, 540, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160); } foreach ($global['avideo_resolutions'] as $value) { $search[] = "_{$value}"; $search[] = "res{$value}"; } $cleanName = str_replace($search, '', $filename); $path_parts = pathinfo($cleanName); if (empty($path_parts['extension'])) { //_error_log("Video::getCleanFilenameFromFile could not find extension of ".$filename); if (!empty($path_parts['filename'])) { return $path_parts['filename']; } else { return $filename; } } else if (strlen($path_parts['extension']) > 4) { return $cleanName; } else if ($path_parts['filename'] == 'index' && $path_parts['extension'] == 'm3u8') { $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $cleanName); if (!empty($parts[0])) { return $parts[0]; } return $parts[1]; } else { return $path_parts['filename']; } } public static function getSpecificResolution($filename, $desired_resolution) { $filename = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($filename); $cacheName = "getSpecificResolution($filename)"; $return = ObjectYPT::getCache($cacheName, 0); if (!empty($return)) { return object_to_array($return); } $name0 = "Video:::getSpecificResolution($filename)"; TimeLogStart($name0); $name1 = "Video:::getSpecificResolution::getVideosURL_V2($filename)"; TimeLogStart($name1); $sources = getVideosURL_V2($filename); if (!is_array($sources)) { _error_log("Video:::getSpecificResolution::getVideosURL_V2($filename) does not return an array " . json_encode($sources)); return array(); } TimeLogEnd($name1, __LINE__); $return = array(); foreach ($sources as $key => $value) { if ($value['type'] === 'video') { $parts = explode("_", $key); $resolution = intval(@$parts[1]); if (empty($resolution)) { $name2 = "Video:::getSpecificResolution::getResolution({$value["path"]})"; TimeLogStart($name2); $resolution = self::getResolution($value["path"]); TimeLogEnd($name2, __LINE__); } if (!isset($return['resolution']) || $resolution == $desired_resolution) { $return = $value; $return['resolution'] = $resolution; $return['resolution_text'] = getResolutionText($return['resolution']); $return['resolution_label'] = getResolutionLabel($return['resolution']); $return['resolution_string'] = trim($resolution . "p {$return['resolution_label']}"); } } } TimeLogEnd($name0, __LINE__); ObjectYPT::setCache($cacheName, $return); return $return; } public static function getHigestResolution($filename) { global $global; $filename = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($filename); $cacheName = "getHigestResolution($filename)"; $return = ObjectYPT::getCache($cacheName, 0); if (!empty($return)) { return object_to_array($return); } $name0 = "Video:::getHigestResolution($filename)"; TimeLogStart($name0); $name1 = "Video:::getHigestResolution::getVideosURL_V2($filename)"; TimeLogStart($name1); $sources = getVideosURL_V2($filename); if (!is_array($sources)) { _error_log("Video:::getHigestResolution::getVideosURL_V2($filename) does not return an array " . json_encode($sources)); return array(); } TimeLogEnd($name1, __LINE__); $return = array(); foreach ($sources as $key => $value) { if ($value['type'] === 'video') { $parts = explode("_", $key); $resolution = intval(@$parts[1]); if (empty($resolution)) { $name2 = "Video:::getHigestResolution::getResolution({$value["path"]})"; TimeLogStart($name2); $resolution = self::getResolutionFromFilename($value["path"]); // this is faster if ($resolution && empty($global['onlyGetResolutionFromFilename'])) { _error_log("Video:::getHigestResolution:: could not get the resolution from file name [{$value["path"]}], trying a slower method"); $resolution = self::getResolution($value["path"]); } TimeLogEnd($name2, __LINE__); } if (!isset($return['resolution']) || $resolution > $return['resolution']) { $return = $value; $return['resolution'] = $resolution; $return['resolution_text'] = getResolutionText($return['resolution']); $return['resolution_label'] = getResolutionLabel($return['resolution']); $return['resolution_string'] = trim($resolution . "p {$return['resolution_label']}"); } } } TimeLogEnd($name0, __LINE__); ObjectYPT::setCache($cacheName, $return); return $return; } public static function getResolutionFromFilename($filename) { $resolution = false; if (preg_match("/_([0-9]+).(mp4|webm)/i", $filename, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1])) { $resolution = intval($matches[1]); } } elseif (preg_match('/res([0-9]+)\/index.m3u8/i', $filename, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1])) { $resolution = intval($matches[1]); } } //var_dump($filename, $resolution);exit; return $resolution; } public static function getHigestResolutionVideoMP4Source($filename, $includeS3 = false) { global $global; $types = array('', '_HD', '_SD', '_Low'); $resolutions = $global['avideo_resolutions']; rsort($resolutions); foreach ($resolutions as $value) { $types[] = "_{$value}"; } foreach ($types as $value) { $source = self::getSourceFile($filename, $value . ".mp4", $includeS3); if (!empty($source['url'])) { return $source; } } return false; } public static function getHigherVideoPathFromID($videos_id) { global $global; if (empty($videos_id)) { return false; } $paths = self::getVideosPathsFromID($videos_id); $types = array(0, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 'HD', 'SD', 'Low', 540, 480, 360, 240); if (!empty($paths['mp4'])) { foreach ($types as $value) { if (!empty($paths['mp4'][$value])) { if (is_string($paths['mp4'][$value])) { return $paths['mp4'][$value]; } else { return $paths['mp4'][$value]["url"]; } } } } if (!empty($paths['webm'])) { foreach ($types as $value) { if (!empty($paths['webm'][$value])) { if (is_string($paths['webm'][$value])) { return $paths['webm'][$value]; } else { return $paths['webm'][$value]["url"]; } } } } if (!empty($paths['m3u8'])) { if (!empty($paths['m3u8'])) { if (is_string($paths['m3u8']["url"])) { return $paths['m3u8']["url"]; } elseif (is_string($paths['m3u8'][$value])) { return $paths['m3u8'][$value]; } else { return $paths['m3u8'][$value]["url"]; } } } if (!empty($paths['mp3'])) { return $paths['mp3']; } return false; } public static function getVideosPathsFromID($videos_id) { if (empty($videos_id)) { return false; } $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); return self::getVideosPaths($video->getFilename(), true); } public static function getVideosPaths($filename, $includeS3 = false) { global $global; $types = array('', '_Low', '_SD', '_HD'); foreach ($global['avideo_resolutions'] as $value) { $types[] = "_{$value}"; } $videos = array(); $plugin = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled("VideoHLS"); if (!empty($plugin)) { $videos = VideoHLS::getSourceFile($filename, $includeS3); } foreach ($types as $value) { $source = self::getSourceFile($filename, $value . ".mp4", $includeS3); if (!empty($source['url'])) { $videos['mp4'][str_replace("_", "", $value)] = $source['url']; } } foreach ($types as $value) { $source = self::getSourceFile($filename, $value . ".webm", $includeS3); if (!empty($source['url'])) { $videos['webm'][str_replace("_", "", $value)] = $source['url']; } } $source = self::getSourceFile($filename, ".pdf", $includeS3); if (!empty($source['url'])) { $videos['pdf'] = $source['url']; } $source = self::getSourceFile($filename, ".zip", $includeS3); if (!empty($source['url'])) { $videos['zip'] = $source['url']; } $source = self::getSourceFile($filename, ".mp3", $includeS3); if (!empty($source['url'])) { $videos['mp3'] = $source['url']; } return $videos; } public static function getStoragePath() { global $global; $path = "{$global['systemRootPath']}videos" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $path; } public static function getStoragePathFromFileName($filename) { $cleanFileName = self::getCleanFilenameFromFile($filename); $path = self::getStoragePath() . "{$cleanFileName}/"; make_path($path); return $path; } public static function getStoragePathFromVideosId($videos_id) { $v = new Video("", "", $videos_id); return self::getStoragePathFromFileName($v->getFilename()); } public static function getImageFromFilename($filename, $type = "video", $async = false) { global $advancedCustom; // I dont know why but I had to remove it to avoid ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG header_remove('Set-Cookie'); if (!$async) { return self::getImageFromFilename_($filename, $type); } else { return self::getImageFromFilenameAsync($filename, $type); } } public static function getPoster($videos_id) { $images = self::getImageFromID($videos_id); if (!empty($images->poster)) { return $images->poster; } if (!empty($images->posterPortrait)) { return $images->poster; } return false; } public static function getRokuImage($videos_id) { global $global; $images = self::getImageFromID($videos_id); $imagePath = $images->posterLandscapePath; if (empty($imagePath) || !file_exists($imagePath)) { $imagePath = $images->posterLandscapeThumbs; } if (empty($imagePath) || !file_exists($imagePath)) { $imagePath = $images->poster; } $rokuImage = str_replace(".jpg", "_roku.jpg", $imagePath); if (convertImageToRoku($images->posterLandscapePath, $rokuImage)) { return str_replace($global['systemRootPath'], $global['webSiteRootURL'], $rokuImage); } return "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfound.jpg"; } public static function clearImageCache($filename, $type = "video") { $cacheFileName = "getImageFromFilename_" . $filename . $type . (get_browser_name() == 'Safari' ? "s" : ""); return ObjectYPT::deleteCache($cacheFileName); } public static function getImageFromFilename_($filename, $type = "video") { if (empty($filename)) { return array(); } global $_getImageFromFilename_; if (empty($_getImageFromFilename_)) { $_getImageFromFilename_ = array(); } $cacheFileName = "getImageFromFilename_" . $filename . $type . (get_browser_name() == 'Safari' ? "s" : ""); if (!empty($_getImageFromFilename_[$cacheFileName])) { $obj = $_getImageFromFilename_[$cacheFileName]; } else { $cache = ObjectYPT::getCache($cacheFileName, 0); if (!empty($cache)) { return $cache; } global $global, $advancedCustom; /* $name = "getImageFromFilename_{$filename}{$type}_"; $cached = ObjectYPT::getCache($name, 86400);//one day if(!empty($cached)){ return $cached; } * */ $obj = new stdClass(); $gifSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, ".gif"); $gifPortraitSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_portrait.gif"); $jpegSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, ".jpg"); $jpegPortraitSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_portrait.jpg"); $jpegPortraitThumbs = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_portrait_thumbsV2.jpg"); $jpegPortraitThumbsSmall = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_portrait_thumbsSmallV2.jpg"); $thumbsSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_thumbsV2.jpg"); $thumbsSmallSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_thumbsSmallV2.jpg"); $spectrumSource = self::getSourceFile($filename, "_spectrum.jpg"); if (empty($jpegSource)) { return array(); } $obj->poster = $jpegSource['url']; $obj->posterPortrait = $jpegPortraitSource['url']; $obj->posterPortraitPath = $jpegPortraitSource['path']; $obj->posterPortraitThumbs = $jpegPortraitThumbs['url']; $obj->posterPortraitThumbsSmall = $jpegPortraitThumbsSmall['url']; $obj->thumbsGif = $gifSource['url']; $obj->gifPortrait = $gifPortraitSource['url']; $obj->thumbsJpg = $thumbsSource['url']; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = $thumbsSmallSource['url']; $obj->spectrumSource = $spectrumSource['url']; $obj->posterLandscape = $jpegSource['url']; $obj->posterLandscapePath = $jpegSource['path']; $obj->posterLandscapeThumbs = $thumbsSource['url']; $obj->posterLandscapeThumbsSmall = $thumbsSmallSource['url']; if (file_exists($gifSource['path'])) { $obj->thumbsGif = $gifSource['url']; } if (file_exists($jpegPortraitSource['path'])) { // create thumbs if (!file_exists($jpegPortraitThumbs['path']) && filesize($jpegPortraitSource['path']) > 1024) { _error_log("Resize JPG {$jpegPortraitSource['path']}, {$jpegPortraitThumbs['path']}"); if (!empty($advancedCustom->useFFMPEGToGenerateThumbs)) { im_resizeV3($jpegPortraitSource['path'], $jpegPortraitThumbs['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthPortrait, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightPortrait); } else { im_resizeV2($jpegPortraitSource['path'], $jpegPortraitThumbs['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthPortrait, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightPortrait); } } // create thumbs if (!file_exists($jpegPortraitThumbsSmall['path']) && filesize($jpegPortraitSource['path']) > 1024) { _error_log("Resize JPG {$jpegPortraitSource['path']}, {$jpegPortraitThumbsSmall['path']}"); if (!empty($advancedCustom->useFFMPEGToGenerateThumbs)) { im_resizeV3($jpegPortraitSource['path'], $jpegPortraitThumbsSmall['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthPortrait, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightPortrait); } else { im_resizeV2($jpegPortraitSource['path'], $jpegPortraitThumbsSmall['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthPortrait, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightPortrait, 5); } } } else { if ($type == "article") { $obj->posterPortrait = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/article_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitPath = "{$global['systemRootPath']}view/img/article_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbs = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/article_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbsSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/article_portrait.png"; } elseif ($type == "pdf") { $obj->posterPortrait = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/pdf_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitPath = "{$global['systemRootPath']}view/img/pdf_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbs = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/pdf_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbsSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/pdf_portrait.png"; } /* else if ($type == "image") { $obj->posterPortrait = "".getCDN()."view/img/image_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitPath = "{$global['systemRootPath']}view/img/image_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbs = "".getCDN()."view/img/image_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbsSmall = "".getCDN()."view/img/image_portrait.png"; } */ elseif ($type == "zip") { $obj->posterPortrait = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/zip_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitPath = "{$global['systemRootPath']}view/img/zip_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbs = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/zip_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbsSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/zip_portrait.png"; } else { $obj->posterPortrait = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfound_portrait.jpg"; $obj->posterPortraitPath = "{$global['systemRootPath']}view/img/notfound_portrait.png"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbs = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfound_portrait.jpg"; $obj->posterPortraitThumbsSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfound_portrait.jpg"; } } if (file_exists($jpegSource['path'])) { $obj->poster = $jpegSource['url']; $obj->thumbsJpg = $thumbsSource['url']; // create thumbs if (!file_exists($thumbsSource['path']) && filesize($jpegSource['path']) > 1024) { _error_log("Resize JPG {$jpegSource['path']}, {$thumbsSource['path']}"); if (!empty($advancedCustom->useFFMPEGToGenerateThumbs)) { im_resizeV3($jpegSource['path'], $thumbsSource['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthLandscape, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightLandscape); } else { im_resizeV2($jpegSource['path'], $thumbsSource['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthLandscape, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightLandscape); } } // create thumbs if (!file_exists($thumbsSmallSource['path']) && filesize($jpegSource['path']) > 1024) { _error_log("Resize Small JPG {$jpegSource['path']}, {$thumbsSmallSource['path']}"); if (!empty($advancedCustom->useFFMPEGToGenerateThumbs)) { im_resizeV3($jpegSource['path'], $thumbsSmallSource['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthLandscape, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightLandscape); } else { im_resizeV2($jpegSource['path'], $thumbsSmallSource['path'], $advancedCustom->thumbsWidthLandscape, $advancedCustom->thumbsHeightLandscape, 5); } } } else { if ($type == "article") { $obj->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/article.png"; $obj->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/article.png"; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/article.png"; } elseif ($type == "pdf") { $obj->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/pdf.png"; $obj->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/pdf.png"; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/pdf.png"; } elseif ($type == "image") { $obj->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/image.png"; $obj->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/image.png"; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/image.png"; } elseif ($type == "zip") { $obj->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/zip.png"; $obj->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/zip.png"; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/zip.png"; } elseif (($type !== "audio") && ($type !== "linkAudio")) { if (file_exists($spectrumSource['path'])) { $obj->poster = $spectrumSource['url']; $obj->thumbsJpg = $spectrumSource['url']; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = $spectrumSource['url']; } else { $obj->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfound.jpg"; $obj->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfoundThumbs.jpg"; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfoundThumbsSmall.jpg"; } } else { $obj->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/audio_wave.jpg"; $obj->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/audio_waveThumbs.jpg"; $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/audio_waveThumbsSmall.jpg"; } } if (empty($obj->thumbsJpg)) { $obj->thumbsJpg = $obj->poster; } if (empty($obj->thumbsJpgSmall)) { $obj->thumbsJpgSmall = $obj->poster; } //ObjectYPT::setCache($name, $obj); if (!empty($advancedCustom->disableAnimatedGif)) { $obj->thumbsGif = false; } ObjectYPT::setCache($cacheFileName, $obj); $_getImageFromFilename_[$cacheFileName] = $obj; } return $obj; } public static function getImageFromFilenameAsync($filename, $type = "video") { global $global, $advancedCustom; $return = array(); $path = getCacheDir() . "getImageFromFilenameAsync/"; make_path($path); $cacheFileName = "{$path}_{$filename}_{$type}"; if (!file_exists($cacheFileName)) { if (file_exists($cacheFileName . ".lock")) { return array(); } file_put_contents($cacheFileName . ".lock", 1); $total = static::getImageFromFilename_($filename, $type); file_put_contents($cacheFileName, json_encode($total)); unlink($cacheFileName . ".lock"); return $total; } $return = _json_decode(file_get_contents($cacheFileName)); if (time() - filemtime($cacheFileName) > cacheExpirationTime()) { // file older than 1 min $command = ("php '{$global['systemRootPath']}objects/getImageFromFilenameAsync.php' '$filename' '$type' '{$cacheFileName}'"); //_error_log("getImageFromFilenameAsync: {$command}"); exec($command . " > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &"); } return $return; } public static function getImageFromID($videos_id, $type = "video") { $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); return self::getImageFromFilename($video->getFilename()); } public function getViews_count() { return intval($this->views_count); } public static function get_clean_title($videos_id) { global $global; $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($videos_id)); $videoRow = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res != false) { if ($videoRow != false) { return $videoRow['clean_title']; } } else { $videos = false; die($sql . '\nError : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } return false; } public static function get_id_from_clean_title($clean_title) { global $global; $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE clean_title = ? LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "s", array($clean_title)); $videoRow = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if ($res != false) { if ($videoRow != false) { return $videoRow['id']; } } else { $videos = false; die($sql . '\nError : (' . $global['mysqli']->errno . ') ' . $global['mysqli']->error); } return false; } public function getChannelName() { return User::_getChannelName($this->getUsers_id()); } public function getChannelLink() { return User::getChannelLink($this->getUsers_id()); } /** * * @global type $global * @param type $videos_id * @param type $clean_title * @param type $embed * @param type $type URLFriendly or permalink * @return String a web link */ public static function getLinkToVideo($videos_id, $clean_title = "", $embed = false, $type = "URLFriendly", $get = array()) { global $global, $advancedCustomUser, $advancedCustom; if (!empty($_GET['evideo'])) { $v = self::decodeEvideo(); if (!empty($v['video']['videoLink'])) { if ($embed) { return parseVideos($v['video']['videoLink'], $advancedCustom->embedAutoplay, $advancedCustom->embedLoop, $advancedCustom->embedStartMuted, $advancedCustom->embedShowinfo, $advancedCustom->embedControls->value); } else { return $v['video']['videoLink']; } } } if (!is_object($advancedCustomUser)) { $advancedCustomUser = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('CustomizeUser'); } if (empty($videos_id) && !empty($clean_title)) { $videos_id = self::get_id_from_clean_title($clean_title); } $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); if ($advancedCustomUser->addChannelNameOnLinks) { $get['channelName'] = $video->getChannelName(); } unset($get['v'], $get['videoName'], $get['videoName'], $get['isMediaPlaySite'], $get['parentsOnly']); $get_http = http_build_query($get); if (empty($get_http)) { $get_http = ""; } else { $get_http = "?{$get_http}"; } if ($type == "URLFriendly") { $cat = ""; if (!empty($_GET['catName'])) { $cat = "cat/{$_GET['catName']}/"; } if (empty($clean_title)) { $clean_title = $video->getClean_title(); } $clean_title = urlencode($clean_title); $subDir = "video"; $subEmbedDir = "videoEmbed"; if ($video->getType() == 'article') { $subDir = "article"; $subEmbedDir = "articleEmbed"; } if (!empty($advancedCustom->makeVideosIDHarderToGuess)) { $encryptedVideos_id = '.' . idToHash($videos_id); $videos_id = $encryptedVideos_id; } if ($embed) { if (empty($advancedCustom->useVideoIDOnSEOLinks)) { $url = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}{$subEmbedDir}/{$clean_title}{$get_http}"; } else { $url = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}{$subEmbedDir}/{$videos_id}/{$clean_title}{$get_http}"; } return parseVideos($url, $advancedCustom->embedAutoplay, $advancedCustom->embedLoop, $advancedCustom->embedStartMuted, $advancedCustom->embedShowinfo, $advancedCustom->embedControls->value); } else { if (empty($advancedCustom->useVideoIDOnSEOLinks)) { return "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}{$cat}{$subDir}/{$clean_title}{$get_http}"; } else { return "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}{$subDir}/{$videos_id}/{$clean_title}{$get_http}"; } } } else { if (!empty($advancedCustom->makeVideosIDHarderToGuess)) { $encryptedVideos_id = '.' . idToHash($videos_id); $videos_id = $encryptedVideos_id; } if ($embed) { $url = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}vEmbed/{$videos_id}{$get_http}"; return parseVideos($url, $advancedCustom->embedAutoplay, $advancedCustom->embedLoop, $advancedCustom->embedStartMuted, $advancedCustom->embedShowinfo, $advancedCustom->embedControls->value); } else { return "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}v/{$videos_id}{$get_http}"; } } } public static function getPermaLink($videos_id, $embed = false, $get = array()) { return self::getLinkToVideo($videos_id, "", $embed, "permalink", $get); } public static function getURLFriendly($videos_id, $embed = false, $get = array()) { return self::getLinkToVideo($videos_id, "", $embed, "URLFriendly", $get); } public static function getPermaLinkFromCleanTitle($clean_title, $embed = false, $get = array()) { return self::getLinkToVideo("", $clean_title, $embed, "permalink", $get); } public static function getURLFriendlyFromCleanTitle($clean_title, $embed = false, $get = array()) { return self::getLinkToVideo("", $clean_title, $embed, "URLFriendly", $get); } public static function getLink($videos_id, $clean_title, $embed = false, $get = array()) { global $advancedCustom; if (!empty($advancedCustom->usePermalinks)) { $type = "permalink"; } else { $type = "URLFriendly"; } return self::getLinkToVideo($videos_id, $clean_title, $embed, $type, $get); } public static function getTotalVideosThumbsUpFromUser($users_id, $startDate, $endDate) { global $global; $sql = "SELECT id from videos WHERE users_id = ? "; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($users_id)); $videoRows = sqlDAL::fetchAllAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); $r = array('thumbsUp' => 0, 'thumbsDown' => 0); if ($res != false) { foreach ($videoRows as $row) { $values = array($row['id']); $format = "i"; $sql = "SELECT id from likes WHERE videos_id = ? AND `like` = 1 "; if (!empty($startDate)) { $sql .= " AND `created` >= ? "; $format .= "s"; $values[] = $startDate; } if (!empty($endDate)) { $sql .= " AND `created` <= ? "; $format .= "s"; $values[] = $endDate; } $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, $format, $values); $countRow = sqlDAL::num_rows($res); sqlDAL::close($res); $r['thumbsUp'] += $countRow; $format = ""; $values = array(); $sql = "SELECT id from likes WHERE videos_id = {$row['id']} AND `like` = -1 "; if (!empty($startDate)) { $sql .= " AND `created` >= ? "; $format .= "s"; $values[] = $startDate; } if (!empty($endDate)) { $sql .= " AND `created` <= ? "; $format .= "s"; $values[] = $endDate; } $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, $format, $values); $countRow = sqlDAL::num_rows($res); sqlDAL::close($res); $r['thumbsDown'] += $countRow; } } return $r; } public static function deleteThumbs($filename, $doNotDeleteSprit = false) { if (empty($filename)) { return false; } global $global; $filePath = Video::getPathToFile($filename); // Streamlined for less coding space. $files = glob("{$filePath}*_thumbs*.jpg"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { if ($doNotDeleteSprit && strpos($file, '_thumbsSprit.jpg') !== false) { continue; } @unlink($file); } } ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "article"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "pdf"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "video"); Video::clearImageCache($filename); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "article"); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "pdf"); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "audio"); clearVideosURL($filename); return true; } public static function deleteGifAndWebp($filename) { if (empty($filename)) { return false; } global $global; $filePath = Video::getPathToFile($filename); @unlink("{$filePath}.gif"); @unlink("{$filePath}.webp"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "article"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "pdf"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "video"); Video::clearImageCache($filename); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "article"); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "pdf"); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "audio"); clearVideosURL($filename); return true; } public static function clearCache($videos_id) { _error_log("Video:clearCache($videos_id)"); $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); $filename = $video->getFilename(); if (empty($filename)) { _error_log("Video:clearCache filename not found"); return false; } self::deleteThumbs($filename, true); ObjectYPT::deleteCache("otherInfo{$videos_id}"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename); ObjectYPT::deleteCache("getVideosURL_V2$filename"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "article"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "pdf"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache($filename . "video"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache(md5($filename . ".m3u8")); ObjectYPT::deleteCache(md5($filename . ".mp4")); ObjectYPT::deleteCache(md5($filename . ".m3u81")); ObjectYPT::deleteCache(md5($filename . ".mp41")); ObjectYPT::deleteCache("getSourceFile($filename)1"); ObjectYPT::deleteCache("getSourceFile($filename)0"); Video::clearImageCache($filename); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "article"); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "pdf"); Video::clearImageCache($filename, "audio"); Video::deleteTagsAsync($videos_id); clearVideosURL($filename); AVideoPlugin::deleteVideoTags($videos_id); ObjectYPT::setLastDeleteALLCacheTime(); return true; } public static function clearCacheFromFilename($fileName) { if ($fileName == '.zip') { return false; } _error_log("Video:clearCacheFromFilename($fileName)"); $video = self::getVideoFromFileNameLight($fileName); if (empty($video['id'])) { return false; } return self::clearCache($video['id']); } public static function getVideoPogress($videos_id, $users_id = 0) { if (empty($users_id)) { if (!User::isLogged()) { return 0; } $users_id = User::getId(); } return VideoStatistic::getLastVideoTimeFromVideo($videos_id, $users_id); } public static function getLastVideoTimePosition($videos_id, $users_id = 0) { return self::getVideoPogress($videos_id, $users_id); } public static function getVideoPogressPercent($videos_id, $users_id = 0) { $lastVideoTime = self::getVideoPogress($videos_id, $users_id); if (empty($lastVideoTime)) { return array('percent' => 0, 'lastVideoTime' => 0); } // start incremental search and save $sql = "SELECT duration FROM `videos` WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "i", array($videos_id)); $row = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); if (empty($row) || empty($row['duration'])) { return array('percent' => 0, 'lastVideoTime' => 0); } $duration = parseDurationToSeconds($row['duration']); if (empty($duration)) { return array('percent' => 0, 'lastVideoTime' => 0); } if ($lastVideoTime > $duration) { return array('percent' => 100, 'lastVideoTime' => $lastVideoTime); } return array('percent' => ($lastVideoTime / $duration) * 100, 'lastVideoTime' => $lastVideoTime); } public function getRrating() { return $this->rrating; } public function setRrating($rrating) { $rrating = strtolower($rrating); if (!in_array($rrating, self::$rratingOptions)) { $rrating = ''; } AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetRrating($this->id, $this->rrating, $rrating); $this->rrating = $rrating; } public static function getVideoType($filename) { global $_getVideoType; if (!isset($_getVideoType)) { $_getVideoType = array(); } if (isset($_getVideoType[$filename])) { return $_getVideoType[$filename]; } $obj = new stdClass(); $paths = self::getVideosPaths($filename); $obj->mp4 = !empty($paths['mp4']) ? true : false; $obj->webm = !empty($paths['webm']) ? true : false; $obj->m3u8 = !empty($paths['m3u8']) ? true : false; $obj->pdf = !empty($paths['pdf']) ? true : false; $obj->mp3 = !empty($paths['mp3']) ? true : false; $_getVideoType[$filename] = $obj; return $obj; } public static function getVideoTypeLabels($filename) { $obj = self::getVideoType($filename); $labels = ""; if (empty($obj->mp4) && empty($obj->webm) && empty($obj->m3u8) && empty($obj->pdf) && empty($obj->mp3)) { return 'Other'; } if ($obj->mp4) { $labels .= 'MP4'; } if ($obj->webm) { $labels .= 'Webm'; } if ($obj->m3u8) { $labels .= 'HLS'; } if ($obj->pdf) { $labels .= 'PDF'; } if ($obj->mp3) { $labels .= 'MP3'; } return $labels; } /** * Based on Roku Type * @param type $filename * @return string */ public static function getVideoTypeText($filename) { $obj = self::getVideoType($filename); $labels = ""; if (empty($obj->mp4) && empty($obj->webm) && empty($obj->m3u8) && empty($obj->pdf) && empty($obj->mp3)) { return __('Other'); } if ($obj->mp4) { return 'MP4'; } if ($obj->webm) { return 'WEBM'; } if ($obj->m3u8) { return 'HLS'; } if ($obj->pdf) { return 'PDF'; } if ($obj->mp3) { return 'MP3'; } return $labels; } public static function isPublic($videos_id) { // check if the video is not public $rows = UserGroups::getVideoGroups($videos_id); if (empty($rows)) { return true; } return false; } public static function userGroupAndVideoGroupMatch($users_id, $videos_id) { if (empty($videos_id)) { return false; } $ppv = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled("PayPerView"); if ($ppv) { $ppv->userCanWatchVideo($users_id, $videos_id); } // check if the video is not public $rows = UserGroups::getVideoGroups($videos_id); if (empty($rows)) { return true; } if (empty($users_id)) { return false; } $rowsUser = UserGroups::getUserGroups(User::getId()); if (empty($rowsUser)) { return false; } foreach ($rows as $value) { foreach ($rowsUser as $value2) { if ($value['id'] === $value2['id']) { return true; } } } return false; } public function getExternalOptions() { return $this->externalOptions; } public function setExternalOptions($externalOptions) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetExternalOptions($this->id, $this->externalOptions, $externalOptions); $this->externalOptions = $externalOptions; } public function setVideoStartSeconds($videoStartSeconds) { $externalOptions = _json_decode($this->getExternalOptions()); AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetVideoStartSeconds($this->id, $this->videoStartSeconds, $videoStartSeconds); $externalOptions->videoStartSeconds = intval($videoStartSeconds); $this->setExternalOptions(json_encode($externalOptions)); } public function setVideoEmbedWhitelist($embedWhitelist) { $externalOptions = _json_decode($this->getExternalOptions()); $externalOptions->embedWhitelist = $embedWhitelist; $this->setExternalOptions(json_encode($externalOptions)); } public function getVideoEmbedWhitelist() { $externalOptions = _json_decode($this->getExternalOptions()); if (empty($externalOptions->embedWhitelist)) { return ''; } return $externalOptions->embedWhitelist; } static public function getEmbedWhitelist($videos_id) { $v = new Video('', '', $videos_id); return $v->getVideoEmbedWhitelist(); } public function getSerie_playlists_id() { return $this->serie_playlists_id; } public function setSerie_playlists_id($serie_playlists_id) { AVideoPlugin::onVideoSetSerie_playlists_id($this->id, $this->serie_playlists_id, $serie_playlists_id); $this->serie_playlists_id = $serie_playlists_id; } public static function getVideoFromSeriePlayListsId($serie_playlists_id) { global $global, $config; $serie_playlists_id = intval($serie_playlists_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE serie_playlists_id = '$serie_playlists_id' LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlDAL::readSql($sql, "", array(), true); $video = sqlDAL::fetchAssoc($res); sqlDAL::close($res); return $video; } /** * if will show likes, comments, share, etc * @return boolean */ public static function showYoutubeModeOptions() { global $video; if (!empty($_GET['evideo'])) { $v = self::decodeEvideo(); if (empty($v['video']['views_count'])) { return false; } else { return true; } } if (empty($video) || $video['type'] === 'notfound') { return false; } return true; } public static function decodeEvideo() { $evideo = false; if (!empty($_GET['evideo'])) { $evideo = _json_decode(decryptString($_GET['evideo'])); } $video = array(); if (!empty($evideo)) { $video['id'] = 0; $video['type'] = 'embed'; $video['rotation'] = 0; $video['videoLink'] = $evideo->videoLink; $video['title'] = $evideo->title; $video['clean_title'] = preg_replace('/[!#$&\'()*+,\\/:;=?@[\\] ]+/', '-', trim(strtolower(cleanString($evideo->title)))); if (empty($evideo->description) && !empty($evideo->videos_id)) { $divId = uniqid(); $video['description'] = '
'; } else { $video['description'] = @$evideo->description; } $video['duration'] = @$evideo->duration; $video['creator'] = @$evideo->creator; $video['likes'] = ""; $video['dislikes'] = ""; $video['category'] = "embed"; $video['views_count'] = intval(@$evideo->views_count); } return array('evideo' => $evideo, 'video' => $video); } private static function getBlockedUsersIdsArray($users_id = 0) { if (empty($users_id)) { $users_id = intval(User::getId()); } if (empty($users_id)) { return array(); } if (!User::isLogged()) { return array(); } $report = AVideoPlugin::getDataObjectIfEnabled("ReportVideo"); if (empty($report)) { return array(); } return ReportVideo::getAllReportedUsersIdFromUser($users_id); } public static function getIncludeType($video) { $vType = $video['type']; if ($vType == 'linkVideo') { if (!preg_match('/m3u8/', $video['videoLink'])) { $vType = isHTMLPage($video['videoLink']) ? 'embed' : 'video'; } else { $vType = 'video'; } } elseif ($vType == 'live') { $vType = '../../plugin/Live/view/liveVideo'; } elseif ($vType == 'linkAudio') { $vType = 'audio'; } if (!in_array($vType, Video::$typeOptions)) { $vType = 'video'; } return $vType; } private static function getFullTextSearch($columnsArray, $search, $connection = "OR") { global $global; $search = $global['mysqli']->real_escape_string(xss_esc($search)); if (empty($columnsArray) || empty($search)) { return ""; } $sql = "("; $matches = array(); foreach ($columnsArray as $value) { $matches[] = " (MATCH({$value}) AGAINST ('{$search}' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE)) "; } $sql .= implode(" OR ", $matches); $sql .= ")"; return "{$connection} {$sql}"; } public static function getChangeVideoStatusButton($videos_id) { $video = new Video('', '', $videos_id); $status = $video->getStatus(); $activeBtn = ''; $inactiveBtn = ''; $unlistedBtn = ''; return "{$activeBtn}{$inactiveBtn}{$unlistedBtn}"; } static function canVideoBePurchased($videos_id) { global $global; $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->plugin = ''; $obj->buyURL = ''; $obj->canVideoBePurchased = false; // check for Subscription plugin if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName('Subscription')) { $sub = new Subscription(); $plans = $sub->getPlansFromVideo($videos_id); if (!empty($plans)) { $obj->plugin = 'Subscription'; $obj->buyURL = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}plugin/Subscription/showPlans.php?videos_id={$videos_id}"; $obj->canVideoBePurchased = true; return $obj; } } // check for PPV plugin if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName('PayPerView')) { if (PayPerView::isVideoPayPerView($videos_id) || $obj->onlyPlayVideosWithPayPerViewActive) { $url = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}plugin/PayPerView/page/buy.php"; if (isSerie()) { $redirectUri = getSelfURI(); } else { $redirectUri = getRedirectToVideo($videos_id); } if (!empty($redirectUri)) { $url = addQueryStringParameter($url, 'redirectUri', $redirectUri); } $url = addQueryStringParameter($url, 'videos_id', $videos_id); $obj->plugin = 'PayPerView'; $obj->buyURL = $url; $obj->canVideoBePurchased = true; return $obj; } } // check for fansSubscription if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName('FansSubscriptions')) { if (FansSubscriptions::hasPlansFromVideosID($videos_id)) { $url = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}plugin/FansSubscriptions/View/buy.php"; if (isSerie()) { $redirectUri = getSelfURI(); } else { $redirectUri = getRedirectToVideo($videos_id); } if (!empty($redirectUri)) { $url = addQueryStringParameter($url, 'redirectUri', $redirectUri); } $url = addQueryStringParameter($url, 'videos_id', $videos_id); $obj->plugin = 'FansSubscriptions'; $obj->buyURL = $url; $obj->canVideoBePurchased = true; return $obj; } } return false; } static function getCreatorHTML($users_id, $html = '', $small=false) { global $global; if($small){ $template = $global['systemRootPath'] . 'view/videoCreatorSmall.html'; }else{ $template = $global['systemRootPath'] . 'view/videoCreator.html'; } $content = local_get_contents($template); $name = User::getNameIdentificationById($users_id); $search = array( '{photo}', '{channelLink}', '{name}', '{icon}', '{subscriptionButton}', '{html}'); $replace = array( User::getPhoto($users_id), User::getChannelLink($users_id), strip_tags($name), User::getEmailVerifiedIcon($users_id), Subscribe::getButton($users_id), $html ); $btnHTML = str_replace($search, $replace, $content); return $btnHTML; } static function getVideosListItem($videos_id, $divID='', $style='') { global $global, $advancedCustom; $get = array(); $get = array('channelName' => @$_GET['channelName'], 'catName' => @$_GET['catName']); if(empty($divID)){ $divID = "divVideo-{$videos_id}"; } $objGallery = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData("Gallery"); $program = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('PlayLists'); $template = $global['systemRootPath'] . 'view/videosListItem.html'; $templateContent = file_get_contents($template); $value = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $link = Video::getLink($value['id'], $value['clean_title'], "", $get); if (!empty($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] > 1) { $link = addQueryStringParameter($link, 'page', $_GET['page']); } $title = $value['title']; $images = Video::getImageFromFilename($value['filename'], $value['type']); if (!is_object($images)) { $images = new stdClass(); $images->thumbsGif = ""; $images->poster = getCDN() . "view/img/notfound.jpg"; $images->thumbsJpg = getCDN() . "view/img/notfoundThumbs.jpg"; $images->thumbsJpgSmall = getCDN() . "view/img/notfoundThumbsSmall.jpg"; } $imgJPGLow = $images->thumbsJpgSmall; $imgJPGHight = $images->thumbsJpg; $imgGif = $images->thumbsGif; $imgGifHTML = ''; if (!empty($images->posterPortrait) && basename($images->posterPortrait) !== 'notfound_portrait.jpg' && basename($images->posterPortrait) !== 'pdf_portrait.png' && basename($images->posterPortrait) !== 'article_portrait.png') { $imgGif = $images->gifPortrait; $imgJPGHight = $images->posterPortrait; } if (!empty($imgGif)) { $imgGifHTML = ''; } $timeHTML = ''; if (isToShowDuration($value['type'])) { $timeHTML = ''; } $loggedUserHTML = ''; if (User::isLogged() && !empty($program)) { $value['favoriteId'] = self::getFavoriteIdFromUser(User::getId()); $value['watchLaterId'] = self::getWatchLaterIdFromUser(User::getId()); if (!empty($value['isWatchLater'])) { $watchLaterBtnAddedStyle = ""; $watchLaterBtnStyle = "display: none;"; } else { $watchLaterBtnAddedStyle = "display: none;"; $watchLaterBtnStyle = ""; } if (!empty($value['isFavorite'])) { $favoriteBtnAddedStyle = ""; $favoriteBtnStyle = "display: none;"; } else { $favoriteBtnAddedStyle = "display: none;"; $favoriteBtnStyle = ""; } $loggedUserHTML = '
'; $loggedUserHTML .= ' '; $loggedUserHTML .= ''; $loggedUserHTML .= '
'; $loggedUserHTML .= ' '; $loggedUserHTML .= ' '; $loggedUserHTML .= '
'; } $progress = self::getVideoPogressPercent($value['id']);; $category = new Category($value['categories_id']); $categoryLink = $category->getLink(); $categoryIcon = $category->getIconClass(); $category = $category->getName(); $tagsHTML = ''; $tagsWhitelist = array(__("Paid Content"), __("Group"), __("Plugin")); if (!empty($objGallery->showTags) && !empty($value['tags']) && is_array($value['tags'])) { foreach ($value['tags'] as $value2) { if (!empty($value2->label) && in_array($value2->label, $tagsWhitelist)) { $tagsHTML .= '' . $value2->text . ''; } } } $viewsHTML = ''; if (empty($advancedCustom->doNotDisplayViews)) { if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName('LiveUsers')) { $viewsHTML = '
' . getLiveUsersLabelVideo($value['id'], $value['views_count']) . '
'; } else { $viewsHTML = '
' . number_format($value['views_count'], 0) . '
'; } } $creator = self::getCreatorHTML($value['users_id'], '', true); $search = array( '{style}', '{divID}', '{link}', '{title}', '{imgJPGLow}', '{imgJPGHight}', '{imgGifHTML}', '{timeHTML}', '{loggedUserHTML}', '{progress}', '{categoryLink}', '{categoryIcon}', '{category}', '{tagsHTML}', '{viewsHTML}', '{creator}'); $replace = array( $style, $divID, $link, $title, $imgJPGLow, $imgJPGHight, $imgGifHTML, $timeHTML, $loggedUserHTML, $progress, $categoryLink, $categoryIcon, $category, $tagsHTML, $viewsHTML, $creator ); $btnHTML = str_replace( $search, $replace, $templateContent); return $btnHTML; } function getTotal_seconds_watching() { return $this->total_seconds_watching; } function setTotal_seconds_watching($total_seconds_watching) { $this->total_seconds_watching = $total_seconds_watching; } } } // just to convert permalink into clean_title if (!empty($_GET['v']) && empty($_GET['videoName'])) { $_GET['videoName'] = Video::get_clean_title($_GET['v']); }