diff --git a/plugin/Gallery/functions.php b/plugin/Gallery/functions.php index b484fbdd5..0ca46a80c 100644 --- a/plugin/Gallery/functions.php +++ b/plugin/Gallery/functions.php @@ -1,675 +1,675 @@

" . $info[1] . ""; } else { echo "{$title}"; } ?>

'; return 0; } $page = $totalPages; $_REQUEST['current'] = $totalPages; } $videos = Video::getAllVideos("viewableNotUnlisted", false, $ignoreGroup); // need to add dechex because some times it return an negative value and make it fails on javascript playlists ?>
" . __("Up") . ""; $mostLess = $mostWord; } else { if (strpos($orderString, $getName . "=ASC")) { $tmpOrderString = substr($orderString, 0, strpos($orderString, $getName . "=ASC")) . $getName . "=DESC" . substr($orderString, strpos($orderString, $getName . "=ASC") + strlen($getName . "=ASC"), strlen($orderString)); } else { $tmpOrderString .= $getName . "=DESC"; } $upDown = "" . __("Down") . ""; $mostLess = $lessWord; } if (substr($tmpOrderString, strlen($tmpOrderString) - 1, strlen($tmpOrderString)) == "&") { $tmpOrderString = substr($tmpOrderString, 0, strlen($tmpOrderString) - 1); } return array($tmpOrderString, $upDown, $mostLess); } function createGallerySection($videos, $crc = "", $get = array(), $ignoreAds = false, $screenColsLarge = 0, $screenColsMedium = 0, $screenColsSmall = 0, $screenColsXSmall = 0) { global $global, $config, $obj, $advancedCustom, $advancedCustomUser; $countCols = 0; $obj = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData("Gallery"); $zindex = 1000; $startG = microtime(true); $program = AVideoPlugin::loadPluginIfEnabled('PlayLists'); foreach ($videos as $value) { // that meas auto generate the channelName if (empty($get) && !empty($obj->filterUserChannel)) { $getCN = array('channelName' => $value['channelName'], 'catName' => @$_GET['catName']); } else { $getCN = $get; } $img_portrait = (@$value['rotation'] === "90" || @$value['rotation'] === "270") ? "img-portrait" : ""; $nameId = User::getNameIdentificationById($value['users_id']); $name = $nameId." " . User::getEmailVerifiedIcon($value['users_id']); // make a row each 6 cols if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsLarge === 0) { echo '
'; } $countCols++; if (!empty($screenColsLarge)) { $obj->screenColsLarge = $screenColsLarge; } if (!empty($screenColsMedium)) { $obj->screenColsMedium = $screenColsMedium; } if (!empty($screenColsSmall)) { $obj->screenColsSmall = $screenColsSmall; } if (!empty($screenColsXSmall)) { $obj->screenColsXSmall = $screenColsXSmall; } $colsClass = "col-lg-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsLarge) . " col-md-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsMedium) . " col-sm-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsSmall) . " col-xs-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsXSmall); $isserie = Video::isSerie($value['id']); $isserieClass = ""; if ($isserie) { $isserieClass = "isserie"; } ?>
thumbsGif = ""; $images->poster = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfound.jpg"; $images->thumbsJpg = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfoundThumbs.jpg"; $images->thumbsJpgSmall = "" . getCDN() . "view/img/notfoundThumbsSmall.jpg"; } if ($value['type'] === 'serie' && !empty($value['serie_playlists_id']) && stripos($images->thumbsJpg, 'notfound') !== false) { $images = PlayList::getRandomImageFromPlayList($value['serie_playlists_id']); } $startG = microtime(true); $imgGif = $images->thumbsGif; $poster = $images->thumbsJpg; ?>
<?php echo $value['title']; ?>" id="thumbsJPG" />

showCategoryTag)) { $iconClass = 'fas fa-folder'; if (!empty($value['iconClass'])) { $iconClass = $value['iconClass']; } $icon = ''; ?> showTags)) { echo implode('', Video::getTagsHTMLLabelArray($value['id'])); } @$timesG[__LINE__] += microtime(true) - $startG; $startG = microtime(true); ?>
doNotDisplayViews)) { if (AVideoPlugin::isEnabledByName('LiveUsers')) { echo getLiveUsersLabelVideo($value['id'], $value['views_count'], "", ""); } else { ?>
Description)) { //$desc = str_replace(array('"', "'", "#", "/", "\\"), array('``', "`", "", "", ""), preg_replace("/\r|\n/", " ", nl2br(trim($value['description'])))); $desc = nl2br(trim($value['description'])); if (!empty($desc)) { $duid = uniqid(); $titleAlert = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('``', "`"), $value['title']); ?>
1) { if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsLarge === 0) { echo ""; } if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsMedium === 0) { echo ""; } if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsSmall === 0) { echo ""; } if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsXSmall === 0) { echo ""; } } } ?>
screenColsLarge === 0) { echo '
'; } $countCols++; if (!empty($screenColsLarge)) { $obj->screenColsLarge = $screenColsLarge; } if (!empty($screenColsMedium)) { $obj->screenColsMedium = $screenColsMedium; } if (!empty($screenColsSmall)) { $obj->screenColsSmall = $screenColsSmall; } if (!empty($screenColsXSmall)) { $obj->screenColsXSmall = $screenColsXSmall; } $colsClass = "col-lg-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsLarge) . " col-md-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsMedium) . " col-sm-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsSmall) . " col-xs-" . (12 / $obj->screenColsXSmall); if (!empty($video['className'])) { $colsClass .= " {$video['className']}"; } $liveNow = '' . __("LIVE NOW") . ''; ?>
<?php echo $video['title'] ?>
showCategoryTag)) { ?>
Description)) { $desc = str_replace(array('"', "'", "#", "/", "\\"), array('``', "`", "", "", ""), preg_replace("/\r|\n/", " ", nl2br(trim($video['description'])))); if (!empty($desc)) { $titleAlert = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('``', "`"), $video['title']); ?>
1) { if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsLarge === 0) { echo ""; } if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsMedium === 0) { echo ""; } if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsSmall === 0) { echo ""; } if ($countCols % $obj->screenColsXSmall === 0) { echo ""; } } if (!empty($video['galleryCallback'])) { $video['galleryCallback'] = addcslashes($video['galleryCallback'], '"'); echo ''; } } ?>

Channel Owner

"; return $countCols; } function canPrintCategoryTitle($title) { global $doNotRepeatCategoryTitle; if (!isset($doNotRepeatCategoryTitle)) { $doNotRepeatCategoryTitle = array(); } if (in_array($title, $doNotRepeatCategoryTitle)) { return false; } $doNotRepeatCategoryTitle[] = $title; return true; } ?>