diff --git a/plugin/PlayerSkins/PlayerSkins.php b/plugin/PlayerSkins/PlayerSkins.php index f35a3472c..f702273e2 100644 --- a/plugin/PlayerSkins/PlayerSkins.php +++ b/plugin/PlayerSkins/PlayerSkins.php @@ -1,619 +1,619 @@ The Skis options are: "; $dir = $global['systemRootPath'] . 'plugin/PlayerSkins/skins/'; $names = array(); foreach (glob($dir . '*.css') as $file) { $path_parts = pathinfo($file); $names[] = $path_parts['filename']; } return $desc . "" . implode(" or ", $names) . ""; } public function getName() { return "PlayerSkins"; } public function getUUID() { return "e9a568e6-ef61-4dcc-aad0-0109e9be8e36"; } public function getPluginVersion() { return "1.1"; } public function getEmptyDataObject() { global $global; $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->skin = "avideo"; $obj->playbackRates = "[0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]"; $obj->playerCustomDataSetup = ""; $obj->showSocialShareOnEmbed = true; $obj->showLoopButton = true; $obj->showLogo = false; $obj->showShareSocial = true; $obj->showShareAutoplay = true; $obj->showLogoOnEmbed = false; $obj->showLogoAdjustScale = "0.4"; $obj->showLogoAdjustLeft = "-74px"; $obj->showLogoAdjustTop = "-22px;"; $obj->disableEmbedTopInfo = false; $obj->contextMenuDisableEmbedOnly = false; $obj->contextMenuLoop = true; $obj->contextMenuCopyVideoURL = true; $obj->contextMenuCopyVideoURLCurrentTime = true; $obj->contextMenuCopyEmbedCode = true; $obj->contextMenuShare = true; $obj->playerFullHeight = false; return $obj; } static function getMediaTag($filename, $htmlMediaTag = false) { global $autoPlayURL, $global, $config, $isVideoTypeEmbed, $advancedCustom; $obj = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData('PlayerSkins'); $html = ''; if (empty($htmlMediaTag)) { $video = Video::getVideoFromFileName($filename, true); $vType = Video::getIncludeType($video); $_GET['isMediaPlaySite'] = $video['id']; if (is_object($video['externalOptions'])) { if (!empty($video['externalOptions']->videoStartSeconds)) { $video['externalOptions']->videoStartSeconds = parseDurationToSeconds($video['externalOptions']->videoStartSeconds); } else { $video['externalOptions']->videoStartSeconds = 0; } } else { //_error_log('externalOptions Error '.$video['externalOptions'], AVideoLog::$WARNING); $video['externalOptions'] = new stdClass(); $video['externalOptions']->videoStartSeconds = 0; } $images = Video::getImageFromFilename($filename); if ($vType == 'video') { $htmlMediaTag = ''; } else if ($vType == 'audio') { $htmlMediaTag = ''; } else if ($vType == 'embed') { $disableYoutubeIntegration = false; if (!empty($advancedCustom->disableYoutubePlayerIntegration) || isMobile()) { $disableYoutubeIntegration = true; } $_GET['isEmbedded'] = ""; if (($disableYoutubeIntegration) || ((strpos($video['videoLink'], "youtu.be") == false) && (strpos($video['videoLink'], "youtube.com") == false) && (strpos($video['videoLink'], "vimeo.com") == false))) { $_GET['isEmbedded'] = "e"; $isVideoTypeEmbed = 1; $url = parseVideos($video['videoLink']); if ($config->getAutoplay()) { $url = addQueryStringParameter($url, 'autoplay', 1); } $htmlMediaTag = ""; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; $htmlMediaTag .= '
'; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; $htmlMediaTag .= '
'; } else { // youtube! if ((stripos($video['videoLink'], "youtube.com") != false) || (stripos($video['videoLink'], "youtu.be") != false)) { $_GET['isEmbedded'] = "y"; } else if ((stripos($video['videoLink'], "vimeo.com") != false)) { $_GET['isEmbedded'] = "v"; } $_GET['isMediaPlaySite'] = $video['id']; PlayerSkins::playerJSCodeOnLoad($video['id'], @$video['url']); $htmlMediaTag = ""; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; } } else if ($vType == 'serie') { $isVideoTypeEmbed = 1; $link = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}plugin/PlayLists/embed.php"; $link = addQueryStringParameter($link, 'playlists_id', $video['serie_playlists_id']); $link = addQueryStringParameter($link, 'autoplay', $config->getAutoplay()); $link = addQueryStringParameter($link, 'playlist_index', @$_REQUEST['playlist_index']); $htmlMediaTag = ""; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; $htmlMediaTag .= ''; } $html .= "'; } $col1Classes = 'col-md-2 firstC'; $col2Classes = 'col-md-8 secC'; $col3Classes = 'col-md-2 thirdC'; if ($obj->playerFullHeight) { $col2Classes .= ' text-center playerFullHeight'; } $html .= '
' . $htmlMediaTag . '
'; $html .= showCloseButton() . '
'; return $html; } public function getHeadCode() { if (isWebRTC()) { return ''; } global $global, $config, $video; $obj = $this->getDataObject(); $css = ""; $js = ""; if (isLive()) { $js .= ""; } if (isVideo() || !empty($_GET['videoName']) || !empty($_GET['u']) || !empty($_GET['evideo']) || !empty($_GET['playlists_id'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['autoplay'])) { $js .= ""; } else if (self::isAutoplayEnabled()) { $js .= ""; } else { $js .= ""; } $js .= ""; if (!empty($obj->skin)) { $url = "plugin/PlayerSkins/skins/{$obj->skin}.css"; $css .= ""; } if ($obj->showLoopButton && isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar()) { $css .= ""; } $css .= ""; $css .= ""; if ($obj->showLogoOnEmbed && isEmbed() || $obj->showLogo) { $logo = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}" . $config->getLogo(true); $css .= ""; } if ($obj->showShareSocial && CustomizeUser::canShareVideosFromVideo(@$video['id'])) { $css .= ""; } if ($obj->showShareAutoplay && isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar()) { $css .= ""; } } $url = urlencode(getSelfURI()); $oembed = ''; $oembed .= ''; return $js . $css . $oembed; } public function getFooterCode() { if (isWebRTC()) { return ''; } global $global, $config, $getStartPlayerJSWasRequested, $video, $url, $title; $js = ""; $obj = $this->getDataObject(); if (!empty($_GET['videoName']) || !empty($_GET['u']) || !empty($_GET['evideo']) || !empty($_GET['playlists_id'])) { if (empty($obj->showLoopButton) && empty($playerSkinsObj->contextMenuLoop)) { $js .= ""; } if ($obj->showLogoOnEmbed && isEmbed() || $obj->showLogo) { $title = $config->getWebSiteTitle(); $url = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}{$config->getLogo(true)}"; $js .= ""; PlayerSkins::getStartPlayerJS(file_get_contents("{$global['systemRootPath']}plugin/PlayerSkins/logo.js")); //$js .= ""; } if ($obj->showShareSocial && CustomizeUser::canShareVideosFromVideo(@$video['id'])) { $social = getSocialModal(@$video['id'], @$url, @$title); PlayerSkins::getStartPlayerJS(file_get_contents("{$global['systemRootPath']}plugin/PlayerSkins/shareButton.js")); //$js .= ""; $js .= $social['html']; $js .= ""; } if ($obj->showShareAutoplay && isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar()) { PlayerSkins::getStartPlayerJS(file_get_contents("{$global['systemRootPath']}plugin/PlayerSkins/autoplayButton.js")); } } if (isAudio()) { $videos_id = getVideos_id(); $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $spectrumSource = Video::getSourceFile($video['filename'], "_spectrum.jpg"); if (!empty($spectrumSource["path"])) { $onPlayerReady = "startAudioSpectrumProgress('{$spectrumSource["url"]}');"; self::prepareStartPlayerJS($onPlayerReady); } } if (!empty($getStartPlayerJSWasRequested) || isVideo()) { $js .= ""; $js .= ""; } return $js; } static function getDataSetup($str = "") { global $video, $disableYoutubeIntegration, $global; $obj = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData('PlayerSkins'); $dataSetup = array(); $dataSetup[] = "errorDisplay: false"; if (isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar() && !empty($obj->playbackRates)) { $dataSetup[] = "'playbackRates':{$obj->playbackRates}"; } if (isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar() && (isset($_GET['isEmbedded'])) && ($disableYoutubeIntegration == false) && !empty($video['videoLink'])) { if ($_GET['isEmbedded'] == "y") { $dataSetup[] = "techOrder:[\"youtube\"]"; $dataSetup[] = "sources:[{type: \"video/youtube\", src: \"{$video['videoLink']}\"}]"; $dataSetup[] = "youtube:{customVars: {wmode: \"transparent\", origin: \"{$global['webSiteRootURL']}\"}}"; } else if ($_GET['isEmbedded'] == "v") { $dataSetup[] = "techOrder:[\"vimeo\"]"; $dataSetup[] = "sources:[{type: \"video/vimeo\", src: \"{$video['videoLink']}\"}]"; $dataSetup[] = "vimeo:{customVars: {wmode: \"transparent\", origin: \"{$global['webSiteRootURL']}\"}}"; } } $pluginsDataSetup = AVideoPlugin::dataSetup(); if (!empty($pluginsDataSetup)) { $dataSetup[] = $pluginsDataSetup; } if (!empty($dataSetup)) { return ",{" . implode(",", $dataSetup) . "{$str}{$obj->playerCustomDataSetup}}"; } return ""; } // this function was modified, maybe removed in the future static function getStartPlayerJS($onPlayerReady = "", $getDataSetup = "", $noReadyFunction = false) { global $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady, $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup; global $getStartPlayerJSWasRequested; self::prepareStartPlayerJS($onPlayerReady, $getDataSetup); //var_dump('getStartPlayerJSWasRequested', debug_backtrace()); $getStartPlayerJSWasRequested = true; //return '/* getStartPlayerJS $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady = "' . count($prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady) . '", $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup = "' . count($prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup) . '", $onPlayerReady = "' . $onPlayerReady . '", $getDataSetup = "' . $getDataSetup . '" */'; return '/* getStartPlayerJS $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady = "' . count($prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady) . '", $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup = "' . count($prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup) . '" */'; } static function addOnPlayerReady($onPlayerReady) { return self::getStartPlayerJS($onPlayerReady); } static function getStartPlayerJSCode($noReadyFunction = false, $currentTime = 0) { if (isWebRTC()) { return ''; } global $config, $global, $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady, $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup, $IMAADTag; $obj = AVideoPlugin::getObjectData('PlayerSkins'); $js = ""; if (empty($currentTime) && isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar()) { $currentTime = self::getCurrentTime(); } if (!empty($global['doNotLoadPlayer'])) { return ''; } if (empty($prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady)) { $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady = array(); } if (empty($prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup)) { $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup = array(); } if (empty($noReadyFunction)) { $js .= "var originalVideo; var adTagOptions; var _adTagUrl = '{$IMAADTag}'; var player; " . "$(document).ready(function () {"; } $js .= " originalVideo = $('#mainVideo').clone(); /* prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady = " . count($prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady) . ", prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup = " . count($prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup) . " */ if (typeof player === 'undefined') { player = videojs('mainVideo'" . (self::getDataSetup(implode(" ", $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup))) . "); "; if (!empty($IMAADTag) && isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar()) { $js .= "adTagOptions = {id: 'mainVideo', adTagUrl: '{$IMAADTag}', autoPlayAdBreaks:false}; player.ima(adTagOptions);"; $js .= "setInterval(function(){ fixAdSize(); }, 300); // first time it's clicked. var startEvent = 'click';"; if (isMobile()) { $js .= "// Remove controls from the player on iPad to stop native controls from stealing // our click var contentPlayer = document.getElementById('content_video_html5_api'); if (contentPlayer && (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) && contentPlayer.hasAttribute('controls')) { contentPlayer.removeAttribute('controls'); } // Initialize the ad container when the video player is clicked, but only the if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) { startEvent = 'touchend'; }"; } $js .= " player.on('adsready', function () { console.log('reloadAds adIsReady '); player.ima.setAdBreakReadyListener(function() {console.log('Ads playAdBreak()');player.ima.playAdBreak();}); });player.on('ads-ad-started', function () { console.log('ads-ad-started'); });player.on('ads-manager', function (a) { console.log('ads-manager', a); });player.on('ads-manager', function (a) { console.log('ads-loader', a); });player.on('ads-manager', function (a) { console.log('ads-request', a); });player.one(startEvent, function () {player.ima.initializeAdDisplayContainer();});"; } $js .= "} player.ready(function () {"; $js .= "var err = this.error(); if (err && err.code) { $('.vjs-error-display').hide(); $('#mainVideo').find('.vjs-poster').css({'background-image': 'url({$global['webSiteRootURL']}plugin/Live/view/Offline.jpg)'}); } " . implode(PHP_EOL, $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady) . " playerPlayIfAutoPlay({$currentTime}); }); player.persistvolume({ namespace: 'AVideo' });"; if ($obj->showLoopButton && isVideoPlayerHasProgressBar()) { $js .= file_get_contents($global['systemRootPath'] . 'plugin/PlayerSkins/loopbutton.js'); } $js .= file_get_contents($global['systemRootPath'] . 'plugin/PlayerSkins/fixCurrentSources.js'); if (empty($noReadyFunction)) { $js .= "});"; } //var_dump('getStartPlayerJSWasRequested', debug_backtrace()); $getStartPlayerJSWasRequested = true; return $js; } static private function getCurrentTime() { $currentTime = 0; if (isset($_GET['t'])) { $currentTime = intval($_GET['t']); } else { $videos_id = getVideos_id(); if (!empty($videos_id)) { $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $progress = Video::getVideoPogressPercent($videos_id); if (!empty($progress) && !empty($progress['lastVideoTime'])) { $currentTime = intval($progress['lastVideoTime']); } else if (!empty($video['externalOptions'])) { $json = _json_decode($video['externalOptions']); if (!empty($json->videoStartSeconds)) { $currentTime = intval(parseDurationToSeconds($json->videoStartSeconds)); } else { $currentTime = 0; } } $maxCurrentTime = parseDurationToSeconds($video['duration']); if ($maxCurrentTime <= $currentTime + 5) { $currentTime = 0; } } } return $currentTime; } static function setIMAADTag($tag) { global $IMAADTag; $IMAADTag = $tag; } static function playerJSCodeOnLoad($videos_id, $nextURL = "") { $js = ""; $videos_id = intval($videos_id); if (empty($videos_id)) { return false; } $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); if (!empty($video) && empty($nextURL)) { if (!empty($video->getNext_videos_id())) { $next_video = Video::getVideo($video->getNext_videos_id()); if (!empty($next_video['id'])) { $nextURL = Video::getURLFriendly($next_video['id'], isEmbed()); } } else { $catName = @$_GET['catName']; $cat = new Category($video->getCategories_id()); $_GET['catName'] = $cat->getClean_name(); $next_video = Video::getVideo('', 'viewable', false, true); $_GET['catName'] = $catName; if (!empty($next_video['id'])) { $nextURL = Video::getURLFriendly($next_video['id'], isEmbed()); } } } $url = Video::getURLFriendly($videos_id); $js .= " player.on('play', function () { addView({$videos_id}, this.currentTime()); _addViewBeaconAdded = false; }); player.on('timeupdate', function () { var time = Math.round(this.currentTime()); playerCurrentTime = time; var url = '{$url}'; if (url.indexOf('?') > -1) { url += '&t=' + time; } else { url += '?t=' + time; } $('#linkCurrentTime, .linkCurrentTime').val(url); - if (time >= 5 && time % 30 === 0) { + if (time >= 5 && time % 5 === 0) { addView({$videos_id}, time); } }); player.on('ended', function () { var time = Math.round(this.currentTime()); addView({$videos_id}, time); });"; if (!empty($nextURL)) { $js .= "playNextURL = '{$nextURL}';"; $js .= "player.on('ended', function () {setTimeout(function(){if(playNextURL){playNext(playNextURL);}},playerHasAds()?10000:500);});"; } self::getStartPlayerJS($js); return true; } static private function prepareStartPlayerJS($onPlayerReady = "", $getDataSetup = "") { global $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady, $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup; if (empty($prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady)) { $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady = array(); } if (empty($prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup)) { $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup = array(); } if (!empty($onPlayerReady)) { $prepareStartPlayerJS_onPlayerReady[] = $onPlayerReady; } if (!empty($getDataSetup)) { $prepareStartPlayerJS_getDataSetup[] = $getDataSetup; } } static function isAutoplayEnabled() { global $config; if (isLive()) { return true; } if (!empty($_COOKIE['autoplay'])) { if (strtolower($_COOKIE['autoplay']) === 'false') { return false; } else { return true; } } return $config->getAutoplay(); } public static function getVideoTags($videos_id) { if (empty($videos_id)) { return array(); } $name = "PlayeSkins_getVideoTags{$videos_id}"; $tags = ObjectYPT::getCache($name, 0); if (empty($tags)) { //_error_log("Cache not found $name"); $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); $fileName = $video->getFilename(); $resolution = Video::getHigestResolution($fileName); $obj = new stdClass(); if (empty($resolution) || empty($resolution['resolution_text'])) { $obj->label = ''; $obj->type = ""; $obj->text = ""; } else { $obj->label = 'Plugin'; $obj->type = "danger"; $obj->text = $resolution['resolution_text']; $obj->tooltip = $resolution['resolution'] . 'p'; } $tags = $obj; ObjectYPT::setCache($name, $tags); } return array($tags); } }