diff --git a/plugin/AD_Server/AD_Server.php b/plugin/AD_Server/AD_Server.php index 22205ad54..f0ea97146 100644 --- a/plugin/AD_Server/AD_Server.php +++ b/plugin/AD_Server/AD_Server.php @@ -1,470 +1,469 @@ Help"; } public function getName() { return "AD_Server"; } public function getUUID() { return "3f2a707f-3c06-4b78-90f9-a22f2fda92ef"; } public function getPluginVersion() { return "1.0"; } public function getEmptyDataObject() { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->start = true; self::addDataObjectHelper('start', 'Show Pre-Roll ads'); $obj->mid25Percent = true; self::addDataObjectHelper('mid25Percent', 'Show Mid-Roll ads at 25%'); $obj->mid50Percent = true; self::addDataObjectHelper('mid50Percent', 'Show Mid-Roll ads at 50%'); $obj->mid75Percent = true; self::addDataObjectHelper('mid75Percent', 'Show Mid-Roll ads at 75%'); $obj->end = true; self::addDataObjectHelper('end', 'Show Post-Roll ads'); $o = new stdClass(); $o->type = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) { $o->type[$i . '%'] = "The skip button will appear when you watch {$i}% of the video"; } $o->value = '10%'; $obj->skipoffset = $o; self::addDataObjectHelper('skipoffset', 'Skip Offset', 'This is the percentage where the skip button should appear'); $obj->showMarkers = true; self::addDataObjectHelper('showMarkers', 'Show Markers', 'Check it if you want to show the yellow markers on the video, where the advertising should appear'); $o = new stdClass(); $o->type = array(1 => 'Every video'); for ($i = 2; $i < 10; $i++) { $o->type[$i] = "Show ads on each {$i} videos"; } $o->value = 1; $obj->showAdsOnEachVideoView = $o; self::addDataObjectHelper('showAdsOnEachVideoView', 'Show Ads on', 'This defines how often advertisements will appear, for example: if it is set to 2, you will see ads each 2 videos, but if it is set to 1 you will see ads on every video'); $o = new stdClass(); $o->type = array(0 => 'All positions'); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $o->type[$i] = "Show ads on {$i} random positions"; } $o->value = 2; $obj->showAdsOnRandomPositions = $o; self::addDataObjectHelper('showAdsOnRandomPositions', 'Show Ads On Positions', 'This will pick random positions to display the ads, but it will pic only the positions you have checked above. For example, if you want to have 2 random positions, but do not want to have videos on the start position, you must uncheck the start video position checkbox;'); $o = new stdClass(); $o->type = array(0 => 'Do not auto add new videos on campaign'); $rows = VastCampaigns::getAllActive(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $o->type[$row['id']] = '- ' . $row['name']; } $o->value = 0; $obj->autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId = $o; self::addDataObjectHelper('autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId', 'Auto Add New Videos In Campaign'); return $obj; } public function afterNewVideo($videos_id) { _error_log("AD_Server:afterNewVideo start"); $obj = $this->getDataObject(); if (!empty($obj->autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId)) { $vc = new VastCampaigns($obj->autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId); if (!empty($vc->getName())) { $video = new Video("", "", $videos_id); if (!empty($video->getTitle())) { _error_log("AD_Server:afterNewVideo saving"); $o = new VastCampaignsVideos(0); $o->setVast_campaigns_id($obj->autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId); $o->setVideos_id($videos_id); $o->setLink(""); $o->setAd_title($video->getTitle()); $o->setStatus('a'); $id = $o->save(); _error_log("AD_Server:afterNewVideo saved {$id}"); } else { _error_log("AD_Server:afterNewVideo videos_id NOT found {$videos_id}"); } } else { _error_log("AD_Server:afterNewVideo autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId NOT found {$obj->autoAddNewVideosInCampaignId}"); } } else { _error_log("AD_Server:afterNewVideo is disabled"); } return true; } public function canLoadAds() { //if (empty($_GET['videoName']) && empty($_GET['u'])) { - - if (isVideo()) { - $videos_id = getVideos_id(); + $videos_id = getVideos_id(); + if (!empty($videos_id)) { $showAds = AVideoPlugin::showAds($videos_id); if (!$showAds) { return false; } } if (empty($_GET['videoName'])) { return false; } // count it each 2 seconds if (empty($_SESSION['lastAdShowed']) || $_SESSION['lastAdShowed'] + 2 <= time()) { _session_start(); $_SESSION['lastAdShowed'] = time(); if (!isset($_SESSION['showAdsCount'])) { //_error_log("Show Ads Count started"); $_SESSION['showAdsCount'] = 1; } else { $_SESSION['showAdsCount']++; } } //_error_log("Show Ads Count {$_SESSION['showAdsCount']}"); $obj = $this->getDataObject(); if (!empty($obj->showAdsOnEachVideoView->value) && $_SESSION['showAdsCount'] % $obj->showAdsOnEachVideoView->value === 0) { return true; } return false; } public function getHeadCode() { $obj = $this->getDataObject(); if (!$this->canLoadAds()) { return ""; } global $global; $_GET['vmap_id'] = session_id(); $css = '' . ''; if (!empty($obj->showMarkers)) { $css .= ''; } $css .= ''; return $css; } private static function getVideoLength() { $video_length = 3600; // 1 hour $videos_id = getVideos_id(); $video = new Video('', '', $videos_id); $duration = $video->getDuration(); if (!empty($duration)) { $video_length = parseDurationToSeconds($duration); } return $video_length; } static function getVMAPSFromRequest() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['vmaps'])) { $vmaps = _json_decode(base64_decode($_REQUEST['vmaps'])); } else { $video_length = self::getVideoLength(); $ad_server = AVideoPlugin::loadPlugin('AD_Server'); $vmaps = $ad_server->getVMAPs($video_length); } return object_to_array($vmaps); } static function addVMAPS($url, $vmaps) { if (empty($vmaps)) { $vmaps = self::getVMAPSFromRequest(); } $base64 = base64_encode(_json_encode($vmaps)); $vmapURL = addQueryStringParameter($url, 'vmaps', $base64); return $vmapURL; } public function afterVideoJS() { $obj = $this->getDataObject(); if (!$this->canLoadAds() || empty($_GET['vmap_id'])) { return ""; } global $global; $vmap_id = @$_GET['vmap_id']; $vmaps = self::getVMAPSFromRequest(); $video_length = self::getVideoLength(); $vmapURL = "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}plugin/AD_Server/VMAP.php"; $vmapURL = addQueryStringParameter($vmapURL, 'video_length', $video_length); $vmapURL = addQueryStringParameter($vmapURL, 'vmap_id', $vmap_id); $vmapURL = addQueryStringParameter($vmapURL, 'random', uniqid()); $vmapURL = self::addVMAPS($vmapURL, $vmaps); //var_dump($vmapURL, $vmaps);exit; PlayerSkins::setIMAADTag($vmapURL); $onPlayerReady = ""; if (!empty($obj->showMarkers)) { $onPlayerReady .= " player.markers({ markerStyle: { 'width': '5px', 'background-color': 'yellow' }, markerTip: { display: true, text: function (marker) { return marker.text; } }, markers: ["; foreach ($vmaps as $value) { $vastCampaingVideos = new VastCampaignsVideos($value['VAST']['campaing']); $video = new Video("", "", $vastCampaingVideos->getVideos_id()); if(!empty($video_length) && $value['timeOffsetSeconds'] >= $video_length){ $value['timeOffsetSeconds'] = $video_length-5; } $onPlayerReady .= "{time: {$value['timeOffsetSeconds']}, text: \"" . addcslashes($video->getTitle(), '"') . "\"},"; } $onPlayerReady .= "]});"; } PlayerSkins::getStartPlayerJS($onPlayerReady); $js = ''; $js .= ''; $js .= ''; $js .= ''; if (!empty($obj->showMarkers)) { $js .= ''; } return $js; } private function getRandomPositions() { if (empty($_GET['vmap_id'])) { return ""; } $obj = $this->getDataObject(); $oldId = session_id(); if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_write_close(); } session_id($_GET['vmap_id']); if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_start(); } $options = array(); if (!empty($obj->start)) { $options[] = 1; } if (!empty($obj->mid25Percent)) { $options[] = 2; } if (!empty($obj->mid50Percent)) { $options[] = 3; } if (!empty($obj->mid75Percent)) { $options[] = 4; } if (!empty($obj->end)) { $options[] = 5; } $selectedOptions = array(); if (empty($_SESSION['lastAdRandomPositions']) || $_SESSION['lastAdRandomPositions'] + 20 <= time()) { $_SESSION['lastAdRandomPositions'] = time(); if (empty($obj->showAdsOnRandomPositions->value)) { $selectedOptions = $options; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $obj->showAdsOnRandomPositions->value; $i++) { shuffle($options); $selectedOptions[] = array_pop($options); } } $_SESSION['adRandomPositions'] = $selectedOptions; } $adRandomPositions = $_SESSION['adRandomPositions']; if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_write_close(); } session_id($oldId); if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_start(); } //_error_log("VMAP select those options: " . print_r($adRandomPositions, true)); return $adRandomPositions; } public function getVMAPs($video_length) { $vmaps = array(); $obj = $this->getDataObject(); $selectedOptions = $this->getRandomPositions(); if (!empty($obj->start) && in_array(1, $selectedOptions)) { $vmaps[] = new VMAP("start", new VAST(1)); } if (!empty($obj->mid25Percent) && in_array(2, $selectedOptions)) { $val = $video_length * (25 / 100); $vmaps[] = new VMAP($val, new VAST(2)); } if (!empty($obj->mid50Percent) && in_array(3, $selectedOptions)) { $val = $video_length * (50 / 100); $vmaps[] = new VMAP($val, new VAST(3)); } if (!empty($obj->mid75Percent) && in_array(4, $selectedOptions)) { $val = $video_length * (75 / 100); $vmaps[] = new VMAP($val, new VAST(4)); } if (!empty($obj->end) && in_array(5, $selectedOptions)) { $vmaps[] = new VMAP("end", new VAST(5), $video_length); } return $vmaps; } public function VMAPsHasVideos() { $vmaps = $this->getVMAPs(100); //var_dump($vmaps);exit; foreach ($vmaps as $value) { if (empty($value->VAST->campaing)) { return false; } } return true; } public function showAdsNow() { if (!$this->VMAPsHasVideos()) { return false; } } static public function getVideos() { $campaings = VastCampaigns::getValidCampaigns(); //var_dump($campaings); $videos = array(); foreach ($campaings as $key => $value) { $v = VastCampaignsVideos::getValidVideos($value['id']); $videos = array_merge($videos, $v); $campaings[$key]['videos'] = $v; } return array('campaigns' => $campaings, 'videos' => $videos); } static public function getRandomVideo() { $result = static::getVideos(); $videos = $result['videos']; shuffle($videos); return array_pop($videos); } static public function getRandomCampaign() { $result = static::getVideos(); $campaing = $result['campaigns']; shuffle($campaing); return array_pop($campaing); } public function getPluginMenu() { global $global; $filename = $global['systemRootPath'] . 'plugin/AD_Server/pluginMenu.html'; return file_get_contents($filename); } public function getValidCampaignsFromVideo($videos_id) { return VastCampaigns::getValidCampaignsFromVideo($videos_id); } } class VMAP { public $timeOffset; public $timeOffsetSeconds; public $VAST; public $idTag = "preroll-ad"; function __construct($time, VAST $VAST, $video_length = 0) { if ($time === 'start') { $this->timeOffsetSeconds = 0; } else if ($time === 'end') { $this->timeOffsetSeconds = $video_length; } else { $this->timeOffsetSeconds = $time; } $this->VAST = $VAST; $this->setTimeOffset($time); } function setTimeOffset($time) { if (empty($time)) { //$time = "start"; } // if is longer then the video lenght will be END if (empty($time) || $time == "start") { $this->idTag = "preroll-ad-" . $this->VAST->id; } else if ($time == "end") { $this->idTag = "postroll-ad-" . $this->VAST->id; } else if (is_numeric($time)) { $time = $this->format($time); $this->idTag = "midroll-" . $this->VAST->id; } // format to 00:00:15.000 $this->timeOffset = $time; } private function format($seconds) { $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $mins = floor($seconds / 60 % 60); $secs = floor($seconds % 60); return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d.000', $hours, $mins, $secs); } } class VAST { public $id; public $campaing; function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; $row = AD_Server::getRandomVideo(); if (!empty($row)) { $this->campaing = $row['id']; } else { $this->campaing = false; } } }