diff --git a/plugin/CDN/Storage/CDNStorage.php b/plugin/CDN/Storage/CDNStorage.php index 67efb4bb0..6b4fc008c 100644 --- a/plugin/CDN/Storage/CDNStorage.php +++ b/plugin/CDN/Storage/CDNStorage.php @@ -1,468 +1,468 @@ connect('storage.ypt.me'); $CDNstorage->login($obj->storage_username, $obj->storage_password); $CDNstorage->pasv(true); } catch (Exception $exc) { _error_log("FTP:getClient fail " . $exc->getMessage()); } _error_log("FTP:getClient finish"); return $CDNstorage; } public function xsendfilePreVideoPlay() { global $global; $path_parts = pathinfo($_GET['file']); $filename = Video::getCleanFilenameFromFile($path_parts['filename']); if (in_array(strtolower($path_parts['extension']), CDNStorage::$allowedFiles)) { $paths = Video::getPaths($_GET['file']); $localFile = $paths['path']; if (!file_exists($localFile) || filesize($localFile) < 1024) { $url = self::getURL($path_parts["basename"]); header("Location: {$url}"); exit; } } } static function getFilesListBoth($videos_id) { global $_getFilesListBoth; if (!isset($_getFilesListBoth)) { $_getFilesListBoth = array(); } if (!empty($_getFilesListBoth[$videos_id])) { return $_getFilesListBoth[$videos_id]; } $remoteList = self::getFilesListRemote($videos_id); $localList = self::getFilesListLocal($videos_id, false); $searchThis = $localList; $compareThis = $remoteList; $searchingLocal = true; if (count($remoteList) > count($localList)) { $searchThis = $remoteList; $compareThis = $localList; $searchingLocal = false; } $files = array(); foreach ($searchThis as $key => $value) { $isLocal = true; if ($localList[$key]['local_filesize'] < $remoteList[$key]['remote_filesize']) { $isLocal = false; } $files[$key] = array('isLocal' => $isLocal, 'local' => @$localList[$key], 'remote' => $remoteList[$key]); } $_getFilesListBoth[$videos_id] = $files; return $files; } static function getFilesListRemote($videos_id, $client = null) { global $global, $_getFilesListRemote; if (!isset($_getFilesListRemote)) { $_getFilesListRemote = array(); } if (!empty($_getFilesListRemote[$videos_id])) { return $_getFilesListRemote[$videos_id]; } $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); //$paths = Video::getPaths($video['filename']); if (empty($client)) { $client = self::getStorageClient(); } if (!$client->isDir($video['filename'])) { return array(); } $obj = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('CDN'); $pz = addLastSlash($obj->storage_pullzone); $list = $client->rawlist($video['filename'], true); $files = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $parts1 = explode('#', $key); if ($parts1[0] == 'directory') { continue; } preg_match('/ ([0-9]+) [a-zA-z]+ [0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}/', $value, $matches); $remote_filesize = $matches[1]; $relative = $parts1[1]; $local_path = "{$global['systemRootPath']}videos/{$relative}"; $local_filesize = filesize($local_path); $remote_path = "/{$obj->storage_username}/" . $relative; $path_parts = pathinfo($local_path); $extension = $path_parts['extension']; $file = array( 'extension' => $path_parts['extension'], 'videos_id' => $videos_id, 'local_path' => $local_path, 'remote_path' => $remote_path, 'local_url' => "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}videos/{$relative}", 'remote_utl' => "https://{$pz}{$relative}", 'relative' => $relative, 'local_filesize' => $local_filesize, 'remote_filesize' => $remote_filesize, 'video' => $video); $files[$relative] = $file; } $_getFilesListRemote[$videos_id] = $files; return $files; } static function getRemoteDirectorySize($videos_id, $client = null) { $list = self::getFilesListRemote($videos_id, $client); $total = 0; foreach ($list as $value) { $total += $value['remote_filesize']; } return $total; } static function getFilesListInfo($local_path, $storage_username, $storage_pullzone, $videos_id, $skipDummyFiles = true) { global $global; if ($skipDummyFiles && filesize($local_path) < 20) { return false; } $path_parts = pathinfo($local_path); $extension = $path_parts['extension']; if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), CDNStorage::$allowedFiles)) { return false; } $videosDir = Video::getStoragePath(); $relative = str_replace($videosDir, '', $local_path); $relative = str_replace('\\', '/', $relative); $local_filesize = filesize($local_path); $remote_path = "/{$storage_username}/" . $relative; $file = array( 'extension' => $path_parts['extension'], 'videos_id' => $videos_id, 'local_path' => $local_path, 'remote_path' => $remote_path, 'local_url' => "{$global['webSiteRootURL']}videos/{$relative}", 'remote_utl' => "https://{$pz}{$relative}", 'relative' => $relative, 'local_filesize' => $local_filesize, 'video' => $video); return $file; } static function getLocalFolder($videos_id) { $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $paths = Video::getPaths($video['filename']); return listFolderFiles($paths['path']); } static function getOrCreateSite() { $status = 'y'; $row = Sites::getFromStatus($status); if (empty($row)) { $row['name'] = 'Storage'; $row['url'] = 'url'; $row['status'] = $status; $row['secret'] = 'no secret'; $s = new Sites(0); $s->setName($row['name']); $s->setURL($row['url']); $s->setStatus($row['status']); $s->setSecret($row['secret']); $row['id'] = $s->save(); return $row; } return $row[0]; } public static function setSite($videos_id, $isOnTheStorage) { _mysql_connect(); $v = new Video('', '', $videos_id); if ($isOnTheStorage) { $site = self::getOrCreateSite(); $v->setSites_id($site['id']); } else { $v->setSites_id(0); } return $v->save(); } static function moveRemoteToLocal($videos_id, $runInBackground= true) { $start = microtime(true); self::addToLog($videos_id, "Start moveRemoteToLocal videos_id={$videos_id}"); $client = self::getStorageClient(); $list = self::getFilesListRemote($videos_id, $client); $totalFiles = count($list); if (empty($totalFiles)) { $msg = 'There is not file to transfer (' . $totalFiles . ')'; _error_log($msg); self::addToLog($videos_id, $msg); self::setProgress($videos_id, true, true); self::deleteRemoteDirectory($videos_id, $client); return false; } self::addToLog($videos_id, 'Found ' . $totalFiles . ' Files'); $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); if($runInBackground){ outputAndContinueInBackground(); } @session_write_close(); _mysql_close(); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); set_time_limit(0); $fails = 0; foreach ($list as $value) { $remote_filesize = $client->size($value['remote_path']); if ($local_filesize >= $remote_filesize) { self::addToLog($value['videos_id'], $value['local_path'] . ' is NOT a dummy file local_filesize=' . $value['local_filesize'] . ' Bytes'); //$client->delete($value['remote_path']); continue; } try { $response = $client->get($value['local_path'], $value['remote_path']); $msg = "File moved from {$value['remote_path']} to {$value['local_path']} "; self::addToLog($videos_id, $msg); $filesCopied++; } catch (Exception $exc) { $fails++; _error_log($exc->getTraceAsString()); _error_log(json_encode(error_get_last())); self::addToLog($videos_id, "ERROR 1 " . $exc->getTraceAsString()); self::addToLog($videos_id, "ERROR 2 " . json_encode(error_get_last())); } } if (empty($fails)) { self::deleteRemoteDirectory($videos_id, $client); self::setProgress($videos_id, true, true); _error_log("ERROR moveRemoteToLocal had {$fails} fails videos_id=($videos_id) filesCopied={$filesCopied} in {$end} Seconds"); } $end = microtime(true) - $start; _error_log("Finish moveRemoteToLocal videos_id=($videos_id) filesCopied={$filesCopied} in {$end} Seconds"); return $filesCopied; } static function deleteRemoteDirectory($videos_id, $client = null, $recursive = true) { if(empty($videos_id)){ return false; } $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); if(empty($video['filename'])){ return false; } return self::deleteRemoteDirectoryFromFilename($video['filename'], $client, $recursive); } static function deleteRemoteDirectoryFromFilename($filename, $client = null, $recursive = true) { if(empty($filename)){ return false; } $obj = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('CDN'); if (empty($client)) { $client = self::getStorageClient(); } $dir = "/{$obj->storage_username}/{$filename}"; if(!$client->isDir($dir)){ return false; } _error_log("CDNStorage::deleteRemoteDirectoryFromFilename {$dir}"); return $client->rmdir($dir, $recursive); } static function moveLocalToRemote($videos_id, $runInBackground= true) { $start = microtime(true); self::addToLog($videos_id, "Start moveLocalToRemote videos_id={$videos_id}"); $list = self::getFilesListLocal($videos_id); $totalFiles = count($list); if (empty($totalFiles)) { self::addToLog($videos_id, 'There is not file to transfer (' . $totalFiles . ')'); self::setProgress($videos_id, true, true); return false; } self::addToLog($videos_id, 'Found ' . $totalFiles . ' Files'); $client = self::getStorageClient(); $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $client->mkdir($video['filename'], true); if($runInBackground){ outputAndContinueInBackground(); } @session_write_close(); _mysql_close(); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); set_time_limit(0); self::addToLog($videos_id, 'Directory ' . $video['filename'] . ' Created'); foreach ($list as $value) { if ($value['local_filesize'] < 20) { self::addToLog($value['videos_id'], $value['local_path'] . ' is a dummy file local_filesize=' . $value['local_filesize'] . ' Bytes'); continue; } try { $response = $client->put($value['remote_path'], $value['local_path']); $msg = "File moved from {$value['local_path']} to {$value['remote_path']} "; self::addToLog($videos_id, $msg); $filesCopied++; $remote_filesize = $client->size($value['remote_path']); if ($remote_filesize == $value['local_filesize']) { self::createDummy($value['local_path']); } } catch (Exception $exc) { _error_log($exc->getTraceAsString()); _error_log(json_encode(error_get_last())); self::addToLog($videos_id, "ERROR 1 " . $exc->getTraceAsString()); self::addToLog($videos_id, "ERROR 2 " . json_encode(error_get_last())); } } self::setProgress($videos_id, true, true); $end = microtime(true) - $start; _error_log("Finish moveLocalToRemote videos_id=($videos_id) filesCopied={$filesCopied} in {$end} Seconds"); return $filesCopied; } private static function setProgress($videos_id, $isOnTheStorage, $finished) { self::setSite($videos_id, $isOnTheStorage); if ($finished) { Video::updateFilesize($videos_id); self::deleteLog($videos_id); } } static function isMoving($videos_id) { $file = self::getLogFile($videos_id); if (empty($file) || !file_exists($file)) { return false; } return true; } static function createDummy($file_path) { global $global; $path_parts = pathinfo($file_path); $extension = strtolower($path_parts['extension']); if ($extension == 'ts') { unlink($file_path); } else if (in_array($extension, CDNStorage::$allowedFiles)) { file_put_contents($file_path, 'Dummy File'); } else { return false; } return true; } static function getFilesListLocal($videos_id, $skipDummyFiles = true) { global $global, $_getFilesList_CDNSTORAGE; if (!isset($_getFilesList_CDNSTORAGE)) { $_getFilesList_CDNSTORAGE = array(); } if (!empty($_getFilesList_CDNSTORAGE[$videos_id])) { return $_getFilesList_CDNSTORAGE[$videos_id]; } $obj = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('CDN'); $pz = addLastSlash($obj->storage_pullzone); $files = self::getLocalFolder($videos_id); $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $filesList = array(); foreach ($files as $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $value2) { $file = self::getFilesListInfo($value2, $obj->storage_username, $pz, $videos_id, $skipDummyFiles); if (!empty($file)) { $filesList[$file['relative']] = $file; } } } else { $file = self::getFilesListInfo($value, $obj->storage_username, $pz, $videos_id, $skipDummyFiles); if (!empty($file)) { $filesList[$file['relative']] = $file; } } } $_getFilesList_CDNSTORAGE[$videos_id] = $filesList; return $filesList; } public function getAddress($filename) { global $global; require_once $global['systemRootPath'] . 'objects/video.php'; $obj = $this->getDataObject(); $file = Video::getPathToFile($filename); $address = array('path' => $file, 'url' => $this->getURL($filename)); return $address; } static function getURL($filename) { global $global; $paths = Video::getPaths($filename); $file = $paths['path'] . $filename; if (!file_exists($file)) { $file = $paths['path'] . $filename; } if (!file_exists($file)) { $file = $paths['path'] . 'index.m3u8'; } if (is_dir($file)) { return false; } if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } if (filesize($file) > 20) { return Video::getURLToFile($filename); } if (preg_match('/m3u8$/', $filename)) { $relativeFilename = $filename; } else { $relativeFilename = "{$paths['filename']}/{$filename}"; } $obj = AVideoPlugin::getDataObject('CDN'); $pz = addLastSlash($obj->storage_pullzone); return "https://{$pz}{$relativeFilename}"; } static function getLogFile($videos_id) { $video = Video::getVideoLight($videos_id); $path = Video::getPathToFile($video['filename']); $path .= '_cdnStorage.log'; return $path; } static function addToLog($videos_id, $message) { $file = self::getLogFile($videos_id); return file_put_contents($file, date('Y-m-d H:i:s: ') . $message . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); } static function deleteLog($videos_id) { $file = self::getLogFile($videos_id); return unlink($file); } }