/** * Quick and dirty Android Crash Dump analyzer * * https://gitpull.it/P15 */ // base of your Phabricator define( 'BASE_URI', 'https://gitpull.it/maniphest/task/edit/form/3/?' ); // received data $data_raw = $_POST['data'] ?? null; $data_clean_text = null; $task_args = null; if( $data_raw ) { $data = @json_decode( $data_raw ); if( $data ) { $data_raw = json_encode( $data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); // some useful informations $data_clean = [ 'version code' => $data->APP_VERSION_CODE ?? null, 'version name' => $data->APP_VERSION_NAME ?? null, 'phone' => $data->PHONE_MODEL ?? null, 'brand' => $data->BRAND ?? null, 'stack' => $data->STACK_TRACE ?? null, ]; // build an human phrase $data_clean_parts = []; foreach( $data_clean as $k => $v ) { $data_clean_parts[] = "$k:\n$v"; } $data_clean_text = implode( "\n\n", $data_clean_parts ); // build query string $task_args = [ 'title' => "Fix crash when...", 'description' => implode( "\n", [ "Dear Developers,", "Please triage this crash:", '', '```', '', $data_clean_text, "\n", '```', '', '', "Thank you! :)", '', '', "> Generated with https://lab.reyboz.it/libre-busto/crash-report/", ] ), ]; } else { $data_raw = 'invalid'; } } ?> Libre BusTO - crash report dump

Libre BusTO - crash report dump


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