The command is:
/opt/reyboz/android/bin/ ${buildable.revision}
Source code:
This step will copy the built .apk to an indexed HTTP directory exposed by Apache:
Passed |
The command is:
/opt/reyboz/android/bin/ ${buildable.revision}
Source code:
This step will copy the built .apk to an indexed HTTP directory exposed by Apache:
1 | [INFO] including .env file |
2 | Current directory: |
3 | /var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto |
4 | Calculating sha256sum of: |
5 | ./app/build/outputs/apk/gitpull/app-gitpull-signed.apk |
6 | File info |
7 | -rw-r--r-- 1 phabricator-android-builder phabricator-android-builder 25116710 Nov 8 20:45 ./app/build/outputs/apk/gitpull/app-gitpull-signed.apk |
8 | Cleaning old builds |
9 | Update checksums |
10 | Published here: |
11 | |
12 | Cleaning |
13 | Done |
14 |
Passed |
This script is available here on accessible to the Unix user phabricator-android-builder:
In general it does that:
#!/bin/sh # BASEDIR="app/build/outputs/apk/gitpull" OUT="app-gitpull-signed.apk" APK_UNSIGNED="app-gitpull-unsigned.apk" APK_ALIGNED="app-gitpull-unsigned-aligned.apk" KEYSTORE="/home/phabricator-android-builder/private-resources/gitpullkeystore-libre-busto.jks" PASSPHRASE="<omissis> echo "Entering in $BASEDIR" cd "$BASEDIR" echo "Aligning zip" ~/bin/zipalign -v -p 4 "$APK_UNSIGNED" "$APK_ALIGNED" echo "Signing APK" # NOTE: keep keystore unsescaped ~/bin/apksigner sign --ks "$KEYSTORE" --out "$OUT" --ks-pass pass:"$PASSPHRASE" "$APK_ALIGNED" echo "Sign concluded with exit status $?"
1 | Entering in app/build/outputs/apk/gitpull |
2 | Aligning zip |
3 | Verifying alignment of app-gitpull-unsigned-aligned.apk (4)... |
4 | 87 META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/ (OK - compressed) |
5 | 196 assets/dexopt/ (OK) |
6 | 3032 assets/dexopt/baseline.profm (OK) |
7 | 3338 classes.dex (OK - compressed) |
8 | 3520168 classes2.dex (OK - compressed) |
9 | 3520585 classes3.dex (OK - compressed) |
10 | 6819104 classes4.dex (OK - compressed) |
11 | 7488921 lib/arm64-v8a/ (OK - compressed) |
12 | 11121726 lib/armeabi-v7a/ (OK - compressed) |
13 | 14327527 lib/x86/ (OK - compressed) |
14 | 18176503 lib/x86_64/ (OK - compressed) |
15 | 21952170 DebugProbesKt.bin (OK - compressed) |
16 | 21952999 LICENSE-junit.txt (OK - compressed) |
17 | 21957227 META-INF/CHANGES (OK - compressed) |
18 | 21982470 META-INF/ (OK - compressed) |
19 | 21983948 META-INF/androidx.activity_activity-ktx.version (OK) |
20 | 21984028 META-INF/androidx.activity_activity.version (OK) |
21 | 21984124 META-INF/androidx.annotation_annotation-experimental.version (OK) |
22 | 21984216 META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat-resources.version (OK) |
23 | 21984300 META-INF/androidx.appcompat_appcompat.version (OK) |
24 | 21984384 META-INF/androidx.arch.core_core-runtime.version (OK - compressed) |
25 | 21984540 META-INF/androidx.asynclayoutinflater_asynclayoutinflater.version (OK) |
26 | 21984620 META-INF/androidx.cardview_cardview.version (OK) |
27 | 21984720 META-INF/androidx.coordinatorlayout_coordinatorlayout.version (OK) |
28 | 21984796 META-INF/androidx.core_core-ktx.version (OK) |
29 | 21984868 META-INF/androidx.core_core.version (OK) |
30 | 21984960 META-INF/androidx.cursoradapter_cursoradapter.version (OK) |
31 | 21985044 META-INF/androidx.customview_customview.version (OK) |
32 | 21985132 META-INF/androidx.documentfile_documentfile.version (OK) |
33 | 21985220 META-INF/androidx.drawerlayout_drawerlayout.version (OK) |
34 | 21985316 META-INF/androidx.dynamicanimation_dynamicanimation.version (OK) |
35 | 21985404 META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2-views-helper.version (OK) |
36 | 21985480 META-INF/androidx.emoji2_emoji2.version (OK) |
37 | 21985564 META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment-ktx.version (OK) |
38 | 21985644 META-INF/androidx.fragment_fragment.version (OK) |
39 | 21985732 META-INF/androidx.interpolator_interpolator.version (OK) |
40 | 21985824 META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-ui.version (OK) |
41 | 21985920 META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-utils.version (OK) |
42 | 21986008 META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-v4.version (OK) |
43 | 21986108 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx.version (OK) |
44 | 21986204 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-core.version (OK) |
45 | 21986300 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata-ktx.version (OK) |
46 | 21986392 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-livedata.version (OK) |
47 | 21986484 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-process.version (OK) |
48 | 21986580 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime-ktx.version (OK) |
49 | 21986672 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-runtime.version (OK) |
50 | 21986764 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-service.version (OK) |
51 | 21986860 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx.version (OK) |
52 | 21986964 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate.version (OK) |
53 | 21987056 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-viewmodel.version (OK) |
54 | 21987132 META-INF/androidx.loader_loader.version (OK) |
55 | 21987240 META-INF/androidx.localbroadcastmanager_localbroadcastmanager.version (OK) |
56 | 21987316 META-INF/androidx.media_media.version (OK) |
57 | 21987400 META-INF/androidx.preference_preference.version (OK) |
58 | 21987476 META-INF/androidx.print_print.version (OK) |
59 | 21987572 META-INF/androidx.profileinstaller_profileinstaller.version (OK) |
60 | 21987660 META-INF/androidx.recyclerview_recyclerview.version (OK) |
61 | 21987736 META-INF/androidx.room_room-ktx.version (OK) |
62 | 21987816 META-INF/androidx.room_room-runtime.version (OK) |
63 | 21987896 META-INF/androidx.room_room-testing.version (OK) |
64 | 21987984 META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate-ktx.version (OK) |
65 | 21988068 META-INF/androidx.savedstate_savedstate.version (OK) |
66 | 21988168 META-INF/androidx.slidingpanelayout_slidingpanelayout.version (OK) |
67 | 21988256 META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite-framework.version (OK) |
68 | 21988332 META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite.version (OK) |
69 | 21988420 META-INF/androidx.startup_startup-runtime.version (OK) |
70 | 21988520 META-INF/androidx.swiperefreshlayout_swiperefreshlayout.version (OK) |
71 | 21988600 META-INF/androidx.tracing_tracing.version (OK) |
72 | 21988684 META-INF/androidx.transition_transition.version (OK) |
73 | 21988784 META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable-animated.version (OK) |
74 | 21988876 META-INF/androidx.vectordrawable_vectordrawable.version (OK) |
75 | 21988980 META-INF/androidx.versionedparcelable_versionedparcelable.version (OK) |
76 | 21989064 META-INF/androidx.viewpager2_viewpager2.version (OK) |
77 | 21989148 META-INF/androidx.viewpager_viewpager.version (OK) |
78 | 21989224 META-INF/androidx.window_window.version (OK) |
79 | 21989308 META-INF/androidx.work_work-runtime-ktx.version (OK) |
80 | 21989388 META-INF/androidx.work_work-runtime.version (OK) |
81 | 21989480 META-INF/ (OK) |
82 | 21989566 META-INF/gradle/incremental.annotation.processors (OK - compressed) |
83 | 21989696 META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_android.version (OK) |
84 | 21989772 META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_core.version (OK) |
85 | 21989862 META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor (OK - compressed) |
86 | 21989999 META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler (OK - compressed) |
87 | 21990146 META-INF/services/kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory (OK - compressed) |
88 | 21990271 META-INF/services/org.acra.collector.Collector (OK - compressed) |
89 | 21990539 META-INF/services/org.acra.interaction.ReportInteraction (OK - compressed) |
90 | 21990655 META-INF/services/org.acra.sender.ReportSenderFactory (OK - compressed) |
91 | 21990776 META-INF/services/org.acra.startup.StartupProcessor (OK - compressed) |
92 | 21990921 META-INF/services/org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.spi.NetworkModuleFactory (OK - compressed) |
93 | 21991100 androidsupportmultidexversion.txt (OK) |
94 | 21991200 (OK - compressed) |
95 | 21991542 google/protobuf/any.proto (OK - compressed) |
96 | 21994136 google/protobuf/api.proto (OK - compressed) |
97 | 21997118 google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto (OK - compressed) |
98 | 22000778 google/protobuf/descriptor.proto (OK - compressed) |
99 | 22012416 google/protobuf/duration.proto (OK - compressed) |
100 | 22014531 google/protobuf/empty.proto (OK - compressed) |
101 | 22015835 google/protobuf/field_mask.proto (OK - compressed) |
102 | 22019025 google/protobuf/source_context.proto (OK - compressed) |
103 | 22020277 google/protobuf/struct.proto (OK - compressed) |
104 | 22022009 google/protobuf/timestamp.proto (OK - compressed) |
105 | 22024882 google/protobuf/type.proto (OK - compressed) |
106 | 22027267 google/protobuf/wrappers.proto (OK - compressed) |
107 | 22028864 junit/runner/logo.gif (OK) |
108 | 22029884 junit/runner/smalllogo.gif (OK) |
109 | 22030825 kotlin-tooling-metadata.json (OK - compressed) |
110 | 22031177 kotlin/annotation/annotation.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
111 | 22031814 kotlin/collections/collections.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
112 | 22033409 kotlin/coroutines/coroutines.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
113 | 22033636 kotlin/internal/internal.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
114 | 22034089 kotlin/kotlin.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
115 | 22039412 kotlin/ranges/ranges.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
116 | 22040772 kotlin/reflect/reflect.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed) |
117 | 22042124 okhttp3/internal/publicsuffix/NOTICE (OK - compressed) |
118 | 22042352 okhttp3/internal/publicsuffix/publicsuffixes.gz (OK) |
119 | 22083837 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
120 | 22085991 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
121 | 22086833 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
122 | 22087695 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
123 | 22088537 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
124 | 22089346 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
125 | 22090137 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
126 | 22091026 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
127 | 22091801 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
128 | 22092800 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
129 | 22093752 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
130 | 22094634 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
131 | 22095455 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
132 | 22096453 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
133 | 22097290 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/internal/nls/ (OK - compressed) |
134 | 22098150 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/logging/ (OK - compressed) |
135 | 22099501 org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/package-info.html (OK - compressed) |
136 | 22102406 AndroidManifest.xml (OK - compressed) |
137 | 22107500 res/-1.xml (OK - compressed) |
138 | 22107884 res/-4.png (OK) |
139 | 22125615 res/-5.xml (OK - compressed) |
140 | 22125863 res/-7.xml (OK - compressed) |
141 | 22126284 res/-A.png (OK) |
142 | 22127124 res/-B.png (OK) |
143 | 22127445 res/-B.xml (OK - compressed) |
144 | 22127788 res/-N.png (OK) |
145 | 22128146 res/-Q.xml (OK - compressed) |
146 | 22128485 res/-S.xml (OK - compressed) |
147 | 22129655 res/-_.xml (OK - compressed) |
148 | 22129964 res/-e.png (OK) |
149 | 22138892 res/-n.png (OK) |
150 | 22164648 res/-s.png (OK) |
151 | 22165943 res/02.xml (OK - compressed) |
152 | 22166490 res/0C.xml (OK - compressed) |
153 | 22166911 res/0E.xml (OK - compressed) |
154 | 22167448 res/0K.xml (OK - compressed) |
155 | 22167711 res/0M.xml (OK - compressed) |
156 | 22168090 res/0S.xml (OK - compressed) |
157 | 22169062 res/0S1.xml (OK - compressed) |
158 | 22169638 res/0V.xml (OK - compressed) |
159 | 22170216 res/0Z.png (OK) |
160 | 22171432 res/0c.9.png (OK) |
161 | 22171739 res/0s.xml (OK - compressed) |
162 | 22172012 res/0x.9.png (OK) |
163 | 22172264 res/1I.9.png (OK) |
164 | 22174612 res/1J.9.png (OK) |
165 | 22176384 res/1O.png (OK) |
166 | 22177256 res/1O.xml (OK - compressed) |
167 | 22177609 res/1R.xml (OK - compressed) |
168 | 22177924 res/1T.png (OK) |
169 | 22188100 res/1T.xml (OK - compressed) |
170 | 22188496 res/1_.png (OK) |
171 | 22190052 res/1e.9.png (OK) |
172 | 22190263 res/1v.xml (OK - compressed) |
173 | 22190682 res/1x.xml (OK - compressed) |
174 | 22190984 res/1y.png (OK) |
175 | 22191689 res/20.xml (OK - compressed) |
176 | 22192027 res/21.xml (OK - compressed) |
177 | 22192379 res/24.xml (OK - compressed) |
178 | 22193913 res/27.xml (OK - compressed) |
179 | 22194253 res/271.xml (OK - compressed) |
180 | 22194467 res/2F.xml (OK - compressed) |
181 | 22194792 res/2K.9.png (OK) |
182 | 22195060 res/2P.png (OK) |
183 | 22195362 res/2R.xml (OK - compressed) |
184 | 22195924 res/2d.png (OK) |
185 | 22196109 res/2f.xml (OK - compressed) |
186 | 22196817 res/2i.xml (OK - compressed) |
187 | 22197065 res/2j.xml (OK - compressed) |
188 | 22197914 res/2n.xml (OK - compressed) |
189 | 22198496 res/2w.xml (OK - compressed) |
190 | 22199038 res/2x.xml (OK - compressed) |
191 | 22199416 res/33.9.png (OK) |
192 | 22199997 res/38.ttf (OK - compressed) |
193 | 22260651 res/3A.xml (OK - compressed) |
194 | 22261190 res/3R.xml (OK - compressed) |
195 | 22261534 res/3W.xml (OK - compressed) |
196 | 22261820 res/3X.png (OK) |
197 | 22263229 res/3a.xml (OK - compressed) |
198 | 22263924 res/3h.png (OK) |
199 | 22265131 res/3h.xml (OK - compressed) |
200 | 22265517 res/3t.ttf (OK - compressed) |
201 | 22313920 res/3u.9.png (OK) |
202 | 22314220 res/3x.png (OK) |
203 | 22315872 res/3z.png (OK) |
204 | 22316668 res/42.9.png (OK) |
205 | 22316922 res/46.xml (OK - compressed) |
206 | 22317344 res/49.png (OK) |
207 | 22317979 res/4B.xml (OK - compressed) |
208 | 22318284 res/4F.xml (OK - compressed) |
209 | 22318981 res/4H.xml (OK - compressed) |
210 | 22319333 res/4I.xml (OK - compressed) |
211 | 22319735 res/4M.xml (OK - compressed) |
212 | 22320165 res/4P.xml (OK - compressed) |
213 | 22320481 res/4Q.xml (OK - compressed) |
214 | 22320732 res/4S.xml (OK - compressed) |
215 | 22321155 res/4_.xml (OK - compressed) |
216 | 22321575 res/4b.xml (OK - compressed) |
217 | 22321876 res/4k.png (OK) |
218 | 22322117 res/4o.xml (OK - compressed) |
219 | 22322477 res/4q.xml (OK - compressed) |
220 | 22323421 res/4u.xml (OK - compressed) |
221 | 22323752 res/4x.xml (OK - compressed) |
222 | 22324210 res/4z.xml (OK - compressed) |
223 | 22324668 res/51.png (OK) |
224 | 22329401 res/51.xml (OK - compressed) |
225 | 22329815 res/56.xml (OK - compressed) |
226 | 22330550 res/59.xml (OK - compressed) |
227 | 22330912 res/5D.9.png (OK) |
228 | 22331224 res/5E.xml (OK - compressed) |
229 | 22331580 res/5J.xml (OK - compressed) |
230 | 22332492 res/5P.png (OK) |
231 | 22333160 res/5T.xml (OK - compressed) |
232 | 22333580 res/5U.png (OK) |
233 | 22334016 res/5Y.xml (OK - compressed) |
234 | 22334380 res/5c.png (OK) |
235 | 22334558 res/5l.xml (OK - compressed) |
236 | 22334968 res/5p.png (OK) |
237 | 22340168 res/5q.png (OK) |
238 | 22343276 res/5v.png (OK) |
239 | 22343517 res/5z.xml (OK - compressed) |
240 | 22343952 res/61.xml (OK - compressed) |
241 | 22344352 res/62.9.png (OK) |
242 | 22344604 res/65.9.png (OK) |
243 | 22344879 res/66.xml (OK - compressed) |
244 | 22345339 res/68.xml (OK - compressed) |
245 | 22345696 res/6P.png (OK) |
246 | 22345935 res/6Q.xml (OK - compressed) |
247 | 22346276 res/6V.png (OK) |
248 | 22349688 res/6d.png (OK) |
249 | 22350180 res/6h.png (OK) |
250 | 22351792 res/6t.png (OK) |
251 | 22352060 res/6w.png (OK) |
252 | 22353440 res/6x.xml (OK - compressed) |
253 | 22353740 res/71.png (OK) |
254 | 22354072 res/7C.9.png (OK) |
255 | 22354544 res/7F.webp (OK) |
256 | 22392880 res/7G.xml (OK - compressed) |
257 | 22393444 res/7H.xml (OK - compressed) |
258 | 22393720 res/7I.9.png (OK) |
259 | 22394105 res/7N.xml (OK - compressed) |
260 | 22394330 res/7R.xml (OK - compressed) |
261 | 22394540 res/7V.png (OK) |
262 | 22394836 res/7_.9.png (OK) |
263 | 22395689 res/7b.ttf (OK - compressed) |
264 | 22456212 res/7b.webp (OK) |
265 | 22475660 res/7e.png (OK) |
266 | 22480365 res/7e.xml (OK - compressed) |
267 | 22480712 res/7i.png (OK) |
268 | 22481216 res/7m.png (OK) |
269 | 22482144 res/7o.9.png (OK) |
270 | 22482709 res/7s.xml (OK - compressed) |
271 | 22483032 res/7s1.xml (OK - compressed) |
272 | 22483367 res/80.xml (OK - compressed) |
273 | 22484248 res/8B.xml (OK - compressed) |
274 | 22484728 res/8H.png (OK) |
275 | 22486656 res/8X.png (OK) |
276 | 22488122 res/8_.xml (OK - compressed) |
277 | 22488456 res/8c.png (OK) |
278 | 22492708 res/8c1.png (OK) |
279 | 22493176 res/8h.9.png (OK) |
280 | 22493424 res/8h.png (OK) |
281 | 22494410 res/8j.xml (OK - compressed) |
282 | 22495352 res/8s.png (OK) |
283 | 22497811 res/8s.xml (OK - compressed) |
284 | 22498194 res/8t.xml (OK - compressed) |
285 | 22498897 res/8y.xml (OK - compressed) |
286 | 22499385 res/9-.xml (OK - compressed) |
287 | 22499804 res/9N.9.png (OK) |
288 | 22500031 res/9O.xml (OK - compressed) |
289 | 22500556 res/9P.xml (OK - compressed) |
290 | 22500927 res/9T.xml (OK - compressed) |
291 | 22501362 res/9T1.xml (OK - compressed) |
292 | 22501831 res/9T2.xml (OK - compressed) |
293 | 22502244 res/9V.xml (OK - compressed) |
294 | 22502932 res/9X.9.png (OK) |
295 | 22503164 res/9a.png (OK) |
296 | 22522415 res/9a.xml (OK - compressed) |
297 | 22523394 res/9m.xml (OK - compressed) |
298 | 22523612 res/9n.9.png (OK) |
299 | 22523830 res/9n.xml (OK - compressed) |
300 | 22524571 res/9p.xml (OK - compressed) |
301 | 22524876 res/9w.png (OK) |
302 | 22526748 res/9z.png (OK) |
303 | 22527381 res/9z.xml (OK - compressed) |
304 | 22527654 res/A0.xml (OK - compressed) |
305 | 22528362 res/A1.xml (OK - compressed) |
306 | 22528789 res/A4.xml (OK - compressed) |
307 | 22529130 res/A5.xml (OK - compressed) |
308 | 22529788 res/A6.png (OK) |
309 | 22536684 res/AB.xml (OK - compressed) |
310 | 22537387 res/AE.xml (OK - compressed) |
311 | 22538328 res/AT.png (OK) |
312 | 22539926 res/AT.xml (OK - compressed) |
313 | 22540220 res/A_.xml (OK - compressed) |
314 | 22541470 res/Aa.xml (OK - compressed) |
315 | 22541837 res/Ac.xml (OK - compressed) |
316 | 22542300 res/Ag.png (OK) |
317 | 22542805 res/Ah.xml (OK - compressed) |
318 | 22543280 res/As.png (OK) |
319 | 22545117 res/As.xml (OK - compressed) |
320 | 22545564 res/Aw.webp (OK) |
321 | 22560584 res/B-.png (OK) |
322 | 22562087 res/B6.xml (OK - compressed) |
323 | 22562439 res/BA.xml (OK - compressed) |
324 | 22562884 res/BG.9.png (OK) |
325 | 22563114 res/BJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
326 | 22563494 res/BJ1.xml (OK - compressed) |
327 | 22563928 res/BL.9.png (OK) |
328 | 22564200 res/BM.png (OK) |
329 | 22564400 res/BT.png (OK) |
330 | 22564704 res/BT.xml (OK - compressed) |
331 | 22565055 res/BW.xml (OK - compressed) |
332 | 22565318 res/Bd.xml (OK - compressed) |
333 | 22565576 res/Be.xml (OK - compressed) |
334 | 22566456 res/Bo.webp (OK) |
335 | 22607796 res/By.xml (OK - compressed) |
336 | 22608158 res/By1.xml (OK - compressed) |
337 | 22608452 res/CH.xml (OK - compressed) |
338 | 22608840 res/CK.9.png (OK) |
339 | 22609124 res/CM.png (OK) |
340 | 22611384 res/CQ.png (OK) |
341 | 22620312 res/CV.png (OK) |
342 | 22622068 res/C_.9.png (OK) |
343 | 22622323 res/Cg.xml (OK - compressed) |
344 | 22622563 res/Ci.xml (OK - compressed) |
345 | 22623424 res/Ck.png (OK) |
346 | 22624287 res/Ct.xml (OK - compressed) |
347 | 22624543 res/D-.xml (OK - compressed) |
348 | 22625309 res/D-1.xml (OK - compressed) |
349 | 22626083 res/D4.xml (OK - compressed) |
350 | 22626474 res/D5.xml (OK - compressed) |
351 | 22626965 res/D6.xml (OK - compressed) |
352 | 22627324 res/D8.png (OK) |
353 | 22628150 res/DG.xml (OK - compressed) |
354 | 22628528 res/DL.9.png (OK) |
355 | 22628746 res/DS.xml (OK - compressed) |
356 | 22629002 res/DV.xml (OK - compressed) |
357 | 22629430 res/DZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
358 | 22630422 res/DZ1.xml (OK - compressed) |
359 | 22630656 res/D_.9.png (OK) |
360 | 22630876 res/Dw.png (OK) |
361 | 22633218 res/E2.xml (OK - compressed) |
362 | 22635120 res/EA.9.png (OK) |
363 | 22635360 res/EE.xml (OK - compressed) |
364 | 22636268 res/EP.png (OK) |
365 | 22636618 res/EZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
366 | 22636888 res/Ec.png (OK) |
367 | 22637134 res/Eg.xml (OK - compressed) |
368 | 22637728 res/Em.png (OK) |
369 | 22641583 res/Em.xml (OK - compressed) |
370 | 22641840 res/Er.png (OK) |
371 | 22648951 res/F8.xml (OK - compressed) |
372 | 22649589 res/F81.xml (OK - compressed) |
373 | 22649967 res/FR.xml (OK - compressed) |
374 | 22650628 res/FS.png (OK) |
375 | 22653769 res/FS.xml (OK - compressed) |
376 | 22654109 res/FT.xml (OK - compressed) |
377 | 22654720 res/FW.png (OK) |
378 | 22655068 res/Ff.png (OK) |
379 | 22655425 res/Fg.xml (OK - compressed) |
380 | 22655748 res/Fq.xml (OK - compressed) |
381 | 22655966 res/Fu.xml (OK - compressed) |
382 | 22656556 res/G0.png (OK) |
383 | 22656704 res/G0.xml (OK - compressed) |
384 | 22657324 res/G1.png (OK) |
385 | 22659472 res/G2.9.png (OK) |
386 | 22660755 res/G2.xml (OK - compressed) |
387 | 22661258 res/G21.xml (OK - compressed) |
388 | 22661699 res/GC.xml (OK - compressed) |
389 | 22662195 res/GD.xml (OK - compressed) |
390 | 22662789 res/GF.xml (OK - compressed) |
391 | 22663080 res/GK.xml (OK - compressed) |
392 | 22663577 res/GQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
393 | 22663954 res/GR.xml (OK - compressed) |
394 | 22664466 res/GT.xml (OK - compressed) |
395 | 22664780 res/GY.png (OK) |
396 | 22665112 res/Gc.png (OK) |
397 | 22677808 res/Gd.png (OK) |
398 | 22681676 res/Gf.png (OK) |
399 | 22682704 res/Gt.9.png (OK) |
400 | 22682946 res/Gt.xml (OK - compressed) |
401 | 22683308 res/Gx.png (OK) |
402 | 22685844 res/Gx1.png (OK) |
403 | 22687876 res/Gx2.png (OK) |
404 | 22691920 res/H-.png (OK) |
405 | 22692164 res/H1.png (OK) |
406 | 22693788 res/H4.xml (OK - compressed) |
407 | 22697684 res/H5.png (OK) |
408 | 22701729 res/HC.xml (OK - compressed) |
409 | 22702082 res/HQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
410 | 22702542 res/Ha.xml (OK - compressed) |
411 | 22702900 res/Hc.png (OK) |
412 | 22703997 res/Hd.xml (OK - compressed) |
413 | 22704304 res/Hz.png (OK) |
414 | 22705488 res/I2.png (OK) |
415 | 22706575 res/I3.xml (OK - compressed) |
416 | 22706869 res/I6.xml (OK - compressed) |
417 | 22708033 res/ID.xml (OK - compressed) |
418 | 22708492 res/IO.png (OK) |
419 | 22712842 res/IR.xml (OK - compressed) |
420 | 22713245 res/IV.xml (OK - compressed) |
421 | 22713588 res/IX.9.png (OK) |
422 | 22715172 res/Ib.xml (OK - compressed) |
423 | 22715573 res/Id.xml (OK - compressed) |
424 | 22715867 res/In.xml (OK - compressed) |
425 | 22716139 res/Is.xml (OK - compressed) |
426 | 22716664 res/Ix.xml (OK - compressed) |
427 | 22717011 res/Iy.xml (OK - compressed) |
428 | 22717936 res/J6.png (OK) |
429 | 22718118 res/J7.xml (OK - compressed) |
430 | 22718603 res/J71.xml (OK - compressed) |
431 | 22718892 res/JD.xml (OK - compressed) |
432 | 22719525 res/JD1.xml (OK - compressed) |
433 | 22719893 res/JF.xml (OK - compressed) |
434 | 22720110 res/JI.xml (OK - compressed) |
435 | 22720632 res/JJ.9.png (OK) |
436 | 22720952 res/JK.png (OK) |
437 | 22722460 res/JK1.png (OK) |
438 | 22738824 res/JP.xml (OK - compressed) |
439 | 22739214 res/JQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
440 | 22739635 res/JS.xml (OK - compressed) |
441 | 22740049 res/JT.xml (OK - compressed) |
442 | 22740408 res/JT1.xml (OK - compressed) |
443 | 22740840 res/Jh.png (OK) |
444 | 22741419 res/Jl.xml (OK - compressed) |
445 | 22741689 res/Jw.xml (OK - compressed) |
446 | 22742508 res/Jx.png (OK) |
447 | 22745850 res/Jz.xml (OK - compressed) |
448 | 22746525 res/K2.xml (OK - compressed) |
449 | 22746772 res/K4.png (OK) |
450 | 22748609 res/K5.xml (OK - compressed) |
451 | 22749261 res/K51.xml (OK - compressed) |
452 | 22749736 res/KH.9.png (OK) |
453 | 22750396 res/KJ.png (OK) |
454 | 22752976 res/KM.png (OK) |
455 | 22753431 res/KT.xml (OK - compressed) |
456 | 22753788 res/KZ.png (OK) |
457 | 22755700 res/K_.9.png (OK) |
458 | 22755956 res/Ke.xml (OK - compressed) |
459 | 22756656 res/L-.png (OK) |
460 | 22758324 res/L-.xml (OK - compressed) |
461 | 22759368 res/L6.png (OK) |
462 | 22761220 res/LA.xml (OK - compressed) |
463 | 22761620 res/LD.png (OK) |
464 | 22762775 res/LJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
465 | 22763096 res/LO.png (OK) |
466 | 22763400 res/LT.xml (OK - compressed) |
467 | 22763757 res/L_.xml (OK - compressed) |
468 | 22764136 res/Lc.png (OK) |
469 | 22764866 res/Ld.xml (OK - compressed) |
470 | 22765188 res/Lf.png (OK) |
471 | 22771533 res/Lf.xml (OK - compressed) |
472 | 22771996 res/Li.9.png (OK) |
473 | 22773815 res/Lo.xml (OK - compressed) |
474 | 22774154 res/Lt.xml (OK - compressed) |
475 | 22774512 res/Lv.xml (OK - compressed) |
476 | 22774628 res/M2.png (OK) |
477 | 22777189 res/M2.xml (OK - compressed) |
478 | 22777531 res/M4.xml (OK - compressed) |
479 | 22778267 res/M5.xml (OK - compressed) |
480 | 22778671 res/M7.xml (OK - compressed) |
481 | 22779108 res/M9.xml (OK - compressed) |
482 | 22779364 res/MD.png (OK) |
483 | 22780580 res/MF.9.png (OK) |
484 | 22783436 res/MO.xml (OK - compressed) |
485 | 22783676 res/MQ.png (OK) |
486 | 22784229 res/MU.xml (OK - compressed) |
487 | 22784566 res/MZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
488 | 22784924 res/Ma.9.png (OK) |
489 | 22785212 res/Mb.png (OK) |
490 | 22785788 res/Mc.png (OK) |
491 | 22787170 res/Mp.xml (OK - compressed) |
492 | 22787588 res/Mr.png (OK) |
493 | 22799490 res/Mt.xml (OK - compressed) |
494 | 22800048 res/N0.xml (OK - compressed) |
495 | 22800412 res/N4.png (OK) |
496 | 22801063 res/N4.xml (OK - compressed) |
497 | 22802088 res/N9.png (OK) |
498 | 22803544 res/NA.9.png (OK) |
499 | 22806089 res/NB.xml (OK - compressed) |
500 | 22806340 res/NF.xml (OK - compressed) |
501 | 22806572 res/NG.png (OK) |
502 | 22806934 res/NG.xml (OK - compressed) |
503 | 22807419 res/NM.xml (OK - compressed) |
504 | 22807683 res/NN.xml (OK - compressed) |
505 | 22808133 res/NN1.xml (OK - compressed) |
506 | 22808384 res/NZ.9.png (OK) |
507 | 22808608 res/Nb.png (OK) |
508 | 22808764 res/Nb1.png (OK) |
509 | 22813240 res/Nk.9.png (OK) |
510 | 22814056 res/Nk.png (OK) |
511 | 22815144 res/No.9.png (OK) |
512 | 22815383 res/Nu.xml (OK - compressed) |
513 | 22816126 res/Ny.xml (OK - compressed) |
514 | 22816464 res/O6.png (OK) |
515 | 22820814 res/OH.xml (OK - compressed) |
516 | 22821064 res/OJ.png (OK) |
517 | 22823760 res/OM.png (OK) |
518 | 22824184 res/OX.png (OK) |
519 | 22824599 res/OX.xml (OK - compressed) |
520 | 22824960 res/OX1.png (OK) |
521 | 22825465 res/OZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
522 | 22826238 res/Oi.xml (OK - compressed) |
523 | 22827304 res/Ol.xml (OK - compressed) |
524 | 22828024 res/Os.webp (OK) |
525 | 22832190 res/Ox.xml (OK - compressed) |
526 | 22832516 res/P6.png (OK) |
527 | 22835436 res/PQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
528 | 22835787 res/PV.xml (OK - compressed) |
529 | 22836259 res/PX.xml (OK - compressed) |
530 | 22836680 res/Pa.9.png (OK) |
531 | 22837460 res/Pb.png (OK) |
532 | 22838136 res/Pg.9.png (OK) |
533 | 22838384 res/Pk.png (OK) |
534 | 22840353 res/Pr.xml (OK - compressed) |
535 | 22840640 res/Ps.png (OK) |
536 | 22843220 res/Py.xml (OK - compressed) |
537 | 22844604 res/Q-.png (OK) |
538 | 22847948 res/Q-1.png (OK) |
539 | 22848260 res/Q9.png (OK) |
540 | 22848488 res/QC.png (OK) |
541 | 22849109 res/QD.xml (OK - compressed) |
542 | 22849473 res/QH.xml (OK - compressed) |
543 | 22849804 res/QJ.9.png (OK) |
544 | 22850033 res/QN.xml (OK - compressed) |
545 | 22850381 res/QN1.xml (OK - compressed) |
546 | 22850704 res/QZ.png (OK) |
547 | 22852533 res/QZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
548 | 22852915 res/QZ1.xml (OK - compressed) |
549 | 22853023 res/Qd.xml (OK - compressed) |
550 | 22853498 res/Qp.xml (OK - compressed) |
551 | 22853853 res/Qt.xml (OK - compressed) |
552 | 22854407 res/Qu.xml (OK - compressed) |
553 | 22854920 res/R-.png (OK) |
554 | 22859144 res/R2.png (OK) |
555 | 22866798 res/R2.xml (OK - compressed) |
556 | 22867155 res/RD.xml (OK - compressed) |
557 | 22867424 res/RG.png (OK) |
558 | 22868115 res/RH.xml (OK - compressed) |
559 | 22868549 res/RI.xml (OK - compressed) |
560 | 22868832 res/RJ.png (OK) |
561 | 22873517 res/RM.xml (OK - compressed) |
562 | 22873900 res/RO.png (OK) |
563 | 22879724 res/RT.png (OK) |
564 | 22891372 res/RV.png (OK) |
565 | 22891975 res/Ro.xml (OK - compressed) |
566 | 22892536 res/Rq.png (OK) |
567 | 22910267 res/S6.xml (OK - compressed) |
568 | 22910619 res/S8.xml (OK - compressed) |
569 | 22911146 res/SG.xml (OK - compressed) |
570 | 22911420 res/SL.png (OK) |
571 | 22911950 res/SN.xml (OK - compressed) |
572 | 22912988 res/SV.9.png (OK) |
573 | 22913239 res/SW.xml (OK - compressed) |
574 | 22913636 res/Sc.xml (OK - compressed) |
575 | 22914065 res/Sh.xml (OK - compressed) |
576 | 22914749 res/Sr.xml (OK - compressed) |
577 | 22915204 res/Su.9.png (OK) |
578 | 22915424 res/T0.png (OK) |
579 | 22916912 res/T2.xml (OK - compressed) |
580 | 22917963 res/T4.xml (OK - compressed) |
581 | 22918515 res/TB.xml (OK - compressed) |
582 | 22919210 res/TB1.xml (OK - compressed) |
583 | 22919464 res/TH.xml (OK - compressed) |
584 | 22919768 res/TJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
585 | 22920284 res/Ta.png (OK) |
586 | 22920934 res/Tf.xml (OK - compressed) |
587 | 22921276 res/Th.png (OK) |
588 | 22922104 res/Tj.9.png (OK) |
589 | 22922471 res/Tl.xml (OK - compressed) |
590 | 22923156 res/Tl1.xml (OK - compressed) |
591 | 22923542 res/Tm.xml (OK - compressed) |
592 | 22924027 res/Tn.xml (OK - compressed) |
593 | 22924460 res/Tp.xml (OK - compressed) |
594 | 22925244 res/Tr.png (OK) |
595 | 22925804 res/Tr1.png (OK) |
596 | 22926100 res/U-.9.png (OK) |
597 | 22926363 res/U-.xml (OK - compressed) |
598 | 22926802 res/U0.xml (OK - compressed) |
599 | 22926908 res/U7.xml (OK - compressed) |
600 | 22927625 res/U8.xml (OK - compressed) |
601 | 22928500 res/UE.9.png (OK) |
602 | 22928762 res/UE.xml (OK - compressed) |
603 | 22929132 res/UL.png (OK) |
604 | 22930397 res/UP.xml (OK - compressed) |
605 | 22930840 res/UR.png (OK) |
606 | 22931302 res/UX.xml (OK - compressed) |
607 | 22931601 res/Uf.xml (OK - compressed) |
608 | 22932248 res/Ui.xml (OK - compressed) |
609 | 22932664 res/Ur.png (OK) |
610 | 22933308 res/V-.png (OK) |
611 | 22933952 res/V1.xml (OK - compressed) |
612 | 22934440 res/V3.xml (OK - compressed) |
613 | 22934813 res/V7.xml (OK - compressed) |
614 | 22935027 res/VM.xml (OK - compressed) |
615 | 22935257 res/VN.xml (OK - compressed) |
616 | 22935656 res/VT.xml (OK - compressed) |
617 | 22936048 res/VW.png (OK) |
618 | 22936544 res/VY.webp (OK) |
619 | 22982940 res/Vi.png (OK) |
620 | 22983932 res/Vy.png (OK) |
621 | 22985460 res/W4.9.png (OK) |
622 | 22985720 res/W5.png (OK) |
623 | 22986232 res/WF.xml (OK - compressed) |
624 | 22986612 res/WI.xml (OK - compressed) |
625 | 22986806 res/WK.xml (OK - compressed) |
626 | 22987220 res/Wh.png (OK) |
627 | 22987432 res/Wr.png (OK) |
628 | 22987807 res/Ws.xml (OK - compressed) |
629 | 22988320 res/Wt.png (OK) |
630 | 22988720 res/Wz.png (OK) |
631 | 22988960 res/X3.9.png (OK) |
632 | 22989224 res/X4.9.png (OK) |
633 | 22989451 res/X6.xml (OK - compressed) |
634 | 22990016 res/XK.xml (OK - compressed) |
635 | 22990297 res/XW.xml (OK - compressed) |
636 | 22990405 res/XY.xml (OK - compressed) |
637 | 22990597 res/Xe.xml (OK - compressed) |
638 | 22990991 res/Xf.xml (OK - compressed) |
639 | 22991365 res/Xt.xml (OK - compressed) |
640 | 22992068 res/Xx.xml (OK - compressed) |
641 | 22992353 res/Xx1.xml (OK - compressed) |
642 | 22992747 res/Xz.xml (OK - compressed) |
643 | 22993052 res/Y-.xml (OK - compressed) |
644 | 22993820 res/Y3.png (OK) |
645 | 22994248 res/Y7.9.png (OK) |
646 | 22994500 res/Y9.png (OK) |
647 | 22995164 res/YD.png (OK) |
648 | 22995408 res/YG.9.png (OK) |
649 | 22995651 res/YG.xml (OK - compressed) |
650 | 22996060 res/YN.xml (OK - compressed) |
651 | 22996411 res/YS.xml (OK - compressed) |
652 | 22996806 res/YW.xml (OK - compressed) |
653 | 22997032 res/YW1.xml (OK - compressed) |
654 | 22997392 res/Yc.png (OK) |
655 | 22997827 res/Yc.xml (OK - compressed) |
656 | 22998459 res/Yc1.xml (OK - compressed) |
657 | 22998799 res/Yf.xml (OK - compressed) |
658 | 22999211 res/Yi.xml (OK - compressed) |
659 | 22999680 res/Yt.9.png (OK) |
660 | 22999932 res/Yw.9.png (OK) |
661 | 23000158 res/Z0.xml (OK - compressed) |
662 | 23000456 res/Z3.png (OK) |
663 | 23001672 res/Z8.png (OK) |
664 | 23002132 res/ZC.xml (OK - compressed) |
665 | 23002483 res/ZL.xml (OK - compressed) |
666 | 23002928 res/ZM.xml (OK - compressed) |
667 | 23003416 res/ZN.9.png (OK) |
668 | 23003685 res/ZN.xml (OK - compressed) |
669 | 23004216 res/ZP.xml (OK - compressed) |
670 | 23004921 res/ZW.xml (OK - compressed) |
671 | 23005826 res/Zd.xml (OK - compressed) |
672 | 23006184 res/Zg.xml (OK - compressed) |
673 | 23006604 res/_G.xml (OK - compressed) |
674 | 23006868 res/_H.xml (OK - compressed) |
675 | 23007620 res/_I.xml (OK - compressed) |
676 | 23007941 res/_K.xml (OK - compressed) |
677 | 23008316 res/_M.xml (OK - compressed) |
678 | 23008755 res/_S.xml (OK - compressed) |
679 | 23009564 res/_f.png (OK) |
680 | 23009718 res/_i.xml (OK - compressed) |
681 | 23010082 res/_o.xml (OK - compressed) |
682 | 23010312 res/_q.png (OK) |
683 | 23010528 res/_t.png (OK) |
684 | 23010704 res/_y.xml (OK - compressed) |
685 | 23011055 res/a0.xml (OK - compressed) |
686 | 23011635 res/a01.xml (OK - compressed) |
687 | 23011901 res/a1.xml (OK - compressed) |
688 | 23012552 res/a5.xml (OK - compressed) |
689 | 23012909 res/a7.xml (OK - compressed) |
690 | 23013459 res/aG.xml (OK - compressed) |
691 | 23013786 res/aJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
692 | 23014042 res/aM.xml (OK - compressed) |
693 | 23014458 res/aQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
694 | 23015180 res/aR.png (OK) |
695 | 23015843 res/aT.xml (OK - compressed) |
696 | 23016324 res/aU.9.png (OK) |
697 | 23016812 res/aU.png (OK) |
698 | 23017480 res/aW.xml (OK - compressed) |
699 | 23017588 res/aa.xml (OK - compressed) |
700 | 23017839 res/ai.xml (OK - compressed) |
701 | 23018232 res/ar.png (OK) |
702 | 23018664 res/as.png (OK) |
703 | 23027744 res/as1.png (OK) |
704 | 23039168 res/ay.webp (OK) |
705 | 23075802 res/ay.xml (OK - compressed) |
706 | 23076088 res/b6.png (OK) |
707 | 23078288 res/b6.xml (OK - compressed) |
708 | 23078672 res/bL.xml (OK - compressed) |
709 | 23079135 res/bN.xml (OK - compressed) |
710 | 23079960 res/bP.png (OK) |
711 | 23080361 res/bP.xml (OK - compressed) |
712 | 23080751 res/bQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
713 | 23081660 res/bT.xml (OK - compressed) |
714 | 23082112 res/bU.png (OK) |
715 | 23082264 res/bX.9.png (OK) |
716 | 23082548 res/bY.png (OK) |
717 | 23084368 res/bZ.png (OK) |
718 | 23086577 res/bb.xml (OK - compressed) |
719 | 23087754 res/bb1.xml (OK - compressed) |
720 | 23088040 res/bi.png (OK) |
721 | 23104408 res/bi1.png (OK) |
722 | 23104765 res/bm.xml (OK - compressed) |
723 | 23105132 res/bn.webp (OK) |
724 | 23111396 res/bt.xml (OK - compressed) |
725 | 23111859 res/c0.xml (OK - compressed) |
726 | 23112106 res/c2.xml (OK - compressed) |
727 | 23112479 res/c5.xml (OK - compressed) |
728 | 23112706 res/c6.xml (OK - compressed) |
729 | 23112931 res/cA.xml (OK - compressed) |
730 | 23113528 res/cC.xml (OK - compressed) |
731 | 23113864 res/cL.xml (OK - compressed) |
732 | 23114268 res/cV.png (OK) |
733 | 23115851 res/cV.xml (OK - compressed) |
734 | 23116153 res/cc.xml (OK - compressed) |
735 | 23116538 res/cm.xml (OK - compressed) |
736 | 23117049 res/co.xml (OK - compressed) |
737 | 23117427 res/color-night-v8/material_timepicker_button_stroke.xml (OK - compressed) |
738 | 23117714 res/color-night-v8/material_timepicker_clockface.xml (OK - compressed) |
739 | 23118008 res/color-night-v8/material_timepicker_modebutton_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
740 | 23118275 res/color-v21/abc_btn_colored_borderless_text_material.xml (OK - compressed) |
741 | 23118593 res/color-v23/abc_btn_colored_borderless_text_material.xml (OK - compressed) |
742 | 23118912 res/color-v23/abc_btn_colored_text_material.xml (OK - compressed) |
743 | 23119230 res/color-v23/abc_color_highlight_material.xml (OK - compressed) |
744 | 23119558 res/color-v23/abc_tint_btn_checkable.xml (OK - compressed) |
745 | 23119893 res/color-v23/abc_tint_default.xml (OK - compressed) |
746 | 23120325 res/color-v23/abc_tint_edittext.xml (OK - compressed) |
747 | 23120673 res/color-v23/abc_tint_seek_thumb.xml (OK - compressed) |
748 | 23120977 res/color-v23/abc_tint_spinner.xml (OK - compressed) |
749 | 23121327 res/color-v23/abc_tint_switch_track.xml (OK - compressed) |
750 | 23121697 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_dark_default_color_primary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
751 | 23122030 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_dark_default_color_secondary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
752 | 23122354 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_dark_highlighted_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
753 | 23122636 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_dark_hint_foreground.xml (OK - compressed) |
754 | 23122985 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_dark_primary_text_disable_only.xml (OK - compressed) |
755 | 23123311 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_default_color_primary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
756 | 23123641 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_default_color_secondary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
757 | 23123962 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_highlighted_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
758 | 23124240 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_hint_foreground.xml (OK - compressed) |
759 | 23124585 res/color-v31/m3_dynamic_primary_text_disable_only.xml (OK - compressed) |
760 | 23124908 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral12.xml (OK - compressed) |
761 | 23125189 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral17.xml (OK - compressed) |
762 | 23125470 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral22.xml (OK - compressed) |
763 | 23125752 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral24.xml (OK - compressed) |
764 | 23126033 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral4.xml (OK - compressed) |
765 | 23126312 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral6.xml (OK - compressed) |
766 | 23126594 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral87.xml (OK - compressed) |
767 | 23126876 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral92.xml (OK - compressed) |
768 | 23127158 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral94.xml (OK - compressed) |
769 | 23127440 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral96.xml (OK - compressed) |
770 | 23127722 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral98.xml (OK - compressed) |
771 | 23128012 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant12.xml (OK - compressed) |
772 | 23128301 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant17.xml (OK - compressed) |
773 | 23128590 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant22.xml (OK - compressed) |
774 | 23128879 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant24.xml (OK - compressed) |
775 | 23129168 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant4.xml (OK - compressed) |
776 | 23129455 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant6.xml (OK - compressed) |
777 | 23129745 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant87.xml (OK - compressed) |
778 | 23130034 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant92.xml (OK - compressed) |
779 | 23130324 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant94.xml (OK - compressed) |
780 | 23130614 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant96.xml (OK - compressed) |
781 | 23130904 res/color-v31/m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral_variant98.xml (OK - compressed) |
782 | 23131198 res/color/abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_dark.xml (OK - compressed) |
783 | 23131522 res/color/abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_light.xml (OK - compressed) |
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785 | 23132176 res/color/abc_hint_foreground_material_dark.xml (OK - compressed) |
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790 | 23133783 res/color/abc_primary_text_material_light.xml (OK - compressed) |
791 | 23134075 res/color/abc_search_url_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
792 | 23134401 res/color/abc_secondary_text_material_dark.xml (OK - compressed) |
793 | 23134707 res/color/abc_secondary_text_material_light.xml (OK - compressed) |
794 | 23135001 res/color/abc_tint_btn_checkable.xml (OK - compressed) |
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796 | 23135830 res/color/abc_tint_edittext.xml (OK - compressed) |
797 | 23136207 res/color/abc_tint_seek_thumb.xml (OK - compressed) |
798 | 23136539 res/color/abc_tint_spinner.xml (OK - compressed) |
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800 | 23137296 res/color/design_box_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
801 | 23137634 res/color/design_error.xml (OK - compressed) |
802 | 23137923 res/color/design_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
803 | 23138197 res/color/m3_appbar_overlay_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
804 | 23138477 res/color/m3_assist_chip_icon_tint_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
805 | 23138792 res/color/m3_assist_chip_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
806 | 23139200 res/color/m3_bottom_sheet_drag_handle_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
807 | 23139459 res/color/m3_button_background_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
808 | 23139781 res/color/m3_button_foreground_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
809 | 23140099 res/color/m3_button_outline_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
810 | 23140414 res/color/m3_button_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
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812 | 23141168 res/color/m3_calendar_item_disabled_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
813 | 23141446 res/color/m3_calendar_item_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
814 | 23141796 res/color/m3_card_foreground_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
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816 | 23142642 res/color/m3_card_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
817 | 23143124 res/color/m3_checkbox_button_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
818 | 23143534 res/color/m3_checkbox_button_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
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820 | 23144277 res/color/m3_chip_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
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822 | 23145092 res/color/m3_chip_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
823 | 23145486 res/color/m3_chip_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
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825 | 23146161 res/color/m3_dark_default_color_secondary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
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828 | 23147081 res/color/m3_dark_primary_text_disable_only.xml (OK - compressed) |
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830 | 23147712 res/color/m3_default_color_secondary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
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832 | 23148407 res/color/m3_elevated_chip_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
833 | 23148791 res/color/m3_fab_efab_background_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
834 | 23149115 res/color/m3_fab_efab_foreground_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
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836 | 23149820 res/color/m3_filled_icon_button_container_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
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838 | 23150439 res/color/m3_hint_foreground.xml (OK - compressed) |
839 | 23150779 res/color/m3_icon_button_icon_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
840 | 23151160 res/color/m3_navigation_bar_item_with_indicator_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
841 | 23151592 res/color/m3_navigation_bar_item_with_indicator_label_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
842 | 23152011 res/color/m3_navigation_bar_ripple_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
843 | 23152451 res/color/m3_navigation_item_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
844 | 23152778 res/color/m3_navigation_item_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
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846 | 23153690 res/color/m3_navigation_item_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
847 | 23154167 res/color/m3_navigation_rail_item_with_indicator_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
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850 | 23155228 res/color/m3_popupmenu_overlay_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
851 | 23155507 res/color/m3_primary_text_disable_only.xml (OK - compressed) |
852 | 23155819 res/color/m3_radiobutton_button_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
853 | 23156290 res/color/m3_radiobutton_ripple_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
854 | 23156754 res/color/m3_selection_control_ripple_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
855 | 23157203 res/color/m3_simple_item_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
856 | 23157574 res/color/m3_slider_active_track_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
857 | 23157880 res/color/m3_slider_halo_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
858 | 23158205 res/color/m3_slider_inactive_track_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
859 | 23158512 res/color/m3_slider_thumb_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
860 | 23158819 res/color/m3_switch_thumb_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
861 | 23159137 res/color/m3_switch_track_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
862 | 23159472 res/color/m3_tabs_icon_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
863 | 23159819 res/color/m3_tabs_icon_color_secondary.xml (OK - compressed) |
864 | 23160156 res/color/m3_tabs_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
865 | 23160608 res/color/m3_tabs_ripple_color_secondary.xml (OK - compressed) |
866 | 23161044 res/color/m3_tabs_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
867 | 23161391 res/color/m3_tabs_text_color_secondary.xml (OK - compressed) |
868 | 23161748 res/color/m3_text_button_background_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
869 | 23162073 res/color/m3_text_button_foreground_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
870 | 23162458 res/color/m3_text_button_ripple_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
871 | 23162985 res/color/m3_textfield_filled_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
872 | 23163306 res/color/m3_textfield_indicator_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
873 | 23163717 res/color/m3_textfield_input_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
874 | 23164088 res/color/m3_textfield_label_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
875 | 23164434 res/color/m3_textfield_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
876 | 23164820 res/color/m3_timepicker_button_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
877 | 23165142 res/color/m3_timepicker_button_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
878 | 23165614 res/color/m3_timepicker_button_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
879 | 23165991 res/color/m3_timepicker_clock_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
880 | 23166299 res/color/m3_timepicker_display_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
881 | 23166604 res/color/m3_timepicker_display_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
882 | 23167053 res/color/m3_timepicker_display_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
883 | 23167420 res/color/m3_timepicker_secondary_text_button_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
884 | 23167813 res/color/m3_timepicker_secondary_text_button_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
885 | 23168142 res/color/m3_timepicker_time_input_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
886 | 23168453 res/color/m3_tonal_button_ripple_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
887 | 23168820 res/color/material_cursor_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
888 | 23169065 res/color/material_divider_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
889 | 23169346 res/color/material_on_background_disabled.xml (OK - compressed) |
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892 | 23170188 res/color/material_on_primary_disabled.xml (OK - compressed) |
893 | 23170472 res/color/material_on_primary_emphasis_high_type.xml (OK - compressed) |
894 | 23170753 res/color/material_on_primary_emphasis_medium.xml (OK - compressed) |
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896 | 23171311 res/color/material_on_surface_emphasis_high_type.xml (OK - compressed) |
897 | 23171592 res/color/material_on_surface_emphasis_medium.xml (OK - compressed) |
898 | 23171864 res/color/material_on_surface_stroke.xml (OK - compressed) |
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900 | 23172446 res/color/material_personalized__highlighted_text_inverse.xml (OK - compressed) |
901 | 23172733 res/color/material_personalized_color_primary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
902 | 23173067 res/color/material_personalized_color_primary_text_inverse.xml (OK - compressed) |
903 | 23173396 res/color/material_personalized_color_secondary_text.xml (OK - compressed) |
904 | 23173736 res/color/material_personalized_color_secondary_text_inverse.xml (OK - compressed) |
905 | 23174063 res/color/material_personalized_hint_foreground.xml (OK - compressed) |
906 | 23174413 res/color/material_personalized_hint_foreground_inverse.xml (OK - compressed) |
907 | 23174774 res/color/material_personalized_primary_inverse_text_disable_only.xml (OK - compressed) |
908 | 23175108 res/color/material_personalized_primary_text_disable_only.xml (OK - compressed) |
909 | 23175433 res/color/material_slider_active_tick_marks_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
910 | 23175765 res/color/material_slider_active_track_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
911 | 23176081 res/color/material_slider_halo_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
912 | 23176416 res/color/material_slider_inactive_tick_marks_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
913 | 23176753 res/color/material_slider_inactive_track_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
914 | 23177077 res/color/material_slider_thumb_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
915 | 23177405 res/color/material_timepicker_button_background.xml (OK - compressed) |
916 | 23177731 res/color/material_timepicker_button_stroke.xml (OK - compressed) |
917 | 23178017 res/color/material_timepicker_clock_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
918 | 23178317 res/color/material_timepicker_clockface.xml (OK - compressed) |
919 | 23178601 res/color/material_timepicker_modebutton_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
920 | 23178874 res/color/mtrl_btn_bg_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
921 | 23179186 res/color/mtrl_btn_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
922 | 23179582 res/color/mtrl_btn_stroke_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
923 | 23179912 res/color/mtrl_btn_text_btn_bg_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
924 | 23180235 res/color/mtrl_btn_text_btn_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
925 | 23180630 res/color/mtrl_btn_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
926 | 23180953 res/color/mtrl_calendar_item_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
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928 | 23181614 res/color/mtrl_card_view_foreground.xml (OK - compressed) |
929 | 23181989 res/color/mtrl_card_view_ripple.xml (OK - compressed) |
930 | 23182374 res/color/mtrl_chip_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
931 | 23182758 res/color/mtrl_chip_close_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
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933 | 23183417 res/color/mtrl_chip_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
934 | 23183750 res/color/mtrl_choice_chip_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
935 | 23184139 res/color/mtrl_choice_chip_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
936 | 23184536 res/color/mtrl_choice_chip_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
937 | 23184900 res/color/mtrl_error.xml (OK - compressed) |
938 | 23185197 res/color/mtrl_fab_bg_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
939 | 23185521 res/color/mtrl_fab_icon_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
940 | 23185833 res/color/mtrl_fab_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
941 | 23186227 res/color/mtrl_filled_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
942 | 23186602 res/color/mtrl_filled_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
943 | 23186956 res/color/mtrl_filled_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
944 | 23187346 res/color/mtrl_indicator_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
945 | 23187679 res/color/mtrl_navigation_bar_colored_item_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
946 | 23188011 res/color/mtrl_navigation_bar_colored_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
947 | 23188416 res/color/mtrl_navigation_bar_item_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
948 | 23188741 res/color/mtrl_navigation_bar_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
949 | 23189240 res/color/mtrl_navigation_item_background_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
950 | 23189592 res/color/mtrl_navigation_item_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
951 | 23189947 res/color/mtrl_navigation_item_text_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
952 | 23190315 res/color/mtrl_on_primary_text_btn_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
953 | 23190631 res/color/mtrl_on_surface_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
954 | 23191001 res/color/mtrl_outlined_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
955 | 23191357 res/color/mtrl_outlined_stroke_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
956 | 23191750 res/color/mtrl_popupmenu_overlay_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
957 | 23192027 res/color/mtrl_switch_thumb_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
958 | 23192468 res/color/mtrl_switch_thumb_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
959 | 23192883 res/color/mtrl_switch_track_decoration_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
960 | 23193227 res/color/mtrl_switch_track_tint.xml (OK - compressed) |
961 | 23193671 res/color/mtrl_tabs_colored_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
962 | 23194076 res/color/mtrl_tabs_icon_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
963 | 23194399 res/color/mtrl_tabs_icon_color_selector_colored.xml (OK - compressed) |
964 | 23194721 res/color/mtrl_tabs_legacy_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
965 | 23195015 res/color/mtrl_tabs_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed) |
966 | 23195510 res/color/mtrl_text_btn_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed) |
967 | 23195903 res/color/switch_thumb_material_dark.xml (OK - compressed) |
968 | 23196202 res/color/switch_thumb_material_light.xml (OK - compressed) |
969 | 23196470 res/cr.xml (OK - compressed) |
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978 | 23203575 res/dS.xml (OK - compressed) |
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980 | 23204539 res/dX.xml (OK - compressed) |
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987 | 23207595 res/e0.xml (OK - compressed) |
988 | 23207951 res/eA.xml (OK - compressed) |
989 | 23208700 res/eD.xml (OK - compressed) |
990 | 23209094 res/eH.xml (OK - compressed) |
991 | 23209520 res/eH1.xml (OK - compressed) |
992 | 23209922 res/eK.xml (OK - compressed) |
993 | 23210217 res/eK1.xml (OK - compressed) |
994 | 23210569 res/eM.xml (OK - compressed) |
995 | 23210856 res/eN.png (OK) |
996 | 23215332 res/eR.png (OK) |
997 | 23215732 res/eT.9.png (OK) |
998 | 23216090 res/eW.xml (OK - compressed) |
999 | 23216517 res/eW1.xml (OK - compressed) |
1000 | 23217218 res/eZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
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1008 | 23225268 res/fM.9.png (OK) |
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1010 | 23235096 res/fS.xml (OK - compressed) |
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1013 | 23236918 res/f_.xml (OK - compressed) |
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1016 | 23238062 res/fp.xml (OK - compressed) |
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1021 | 23247086 res/g3.xml (OK - compressed) |
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1023 | 23248525 res/gC.xml (OK - compressed) |
1024 | 23248924 res/gD.xml (OK - compressed) |
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1037 | 23257650 res/hP1.xml (OK - compressed) |
1038 | 23258276 res/hZ.9.png (OK) |
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1069 | 23278712 res/k8.xml (OK - compressed) |
1070 | 23279405 res/k9.xml (OK - compressed) |
1071 | 23279728 res/kE.png (OK) |
1072 | 23280752 res/kJ.9.png (OK) |
1073 | 23281000 res/kM.png (OK) |
1074 | 23282555 res/kN.xml (OK - compressed) |
1075 | 23282819 res/kP.xml (OK - compressed) |
1076 | 23283212 res/kS.png (OK) |
1077 | 23283628 res/kW.webp (OK) |
1078 | 23303202 res/k_.xml (OK - compressed) |
1079 | 23303627 res/k_1.xml (OK - compressed) |
1080 | 23303925 res/ke.xml (OK - compressed) |
1081 | 23304664 res/kg.xml (OK - compressed) |
1082 | 23305141 res/kh.xml (OK - compressed) |
1083 | 23305410 res/kj.xml (OK - compressed) |
1084 | 23306181 res/kn.xml (OK - compressed) |
1085 | 23306564 res/kp.png (OK) |
1086 | 23306828 res/l2.png (OK) |
1087 | 23325348 res/lB.png (OK) |
1088 | 23328418 res/lE.xml (OK - compressed) |
1089 | 23328785 res/lN.xml (OK - compressed) |
1090 | 23329020 res/lP.9.png (OK) |
1091 | 23329254 res/lR.xml (OK - compressed) |
1092 | 23329556 res/lT.xml (OK - compressed) |
1093 | 23330389 res/lW.xml (OK - compressed) |
1094 | 23330716 res/lZ.png (OK) |
1095 | 23332007 res/lp.xml (OK - compressed) |
1096 | 23332496 res/ls.xml (OK - compressed) |
1097 | 23333050 res/lv.xml (OK - compressed) |
1098 | 23333536 res/ly.png (OK) |
1099 | 23333848 res/m-.xml (OK - compressed) |
1100 | 23334140 res/m0.png (OK) |
1101 | 23334448 res/mA.png (OK) |
1102 | 23346382 res/mA.xml (OK - compressed) |
1103 | 23346908 res/mD.png (OK) |
1104 | 23347964 res/mb.png (OK) |
1105 | 23350832 res/mm.9.png (OK) |
1106 | 23351217 res/mp.xml (OK - compressed) |
1107 | 23352008 res/mt.xml (OK - compressed) |
1108 | 23352296 res/mx.png (OK) |
1109 | 23353198 res/n0.xml (OK - compressed) |
1110 | 23353516 res/n6.png (OK) |
1111 | 23356244 res/nI.9.png (OK) |
1112 | 23356491 res/nL.xml (OK - compressed) |
1113 | 23356778 res/nP.xml (OK - compressed) |
1114 | 23357443 res/nT.xml (OK - compressed) |
1115 | 23357890 res/nX.xml (OK - compressed) |
1116 | 23358308 res/nf.png (OK) |
1117 | 23359556 res/nl.xml (OK - compressed) |
1118 | 23360135 res/nm.xml (OK - compressed) |
1119 | 23360487 res/no.xml (OK - compressed) |
1120 | 23360851 res/nu.xml (OK - compressed) |
1121 | 23361189 res/nz.xml (OK - compressed) |
1122 | 23361484 res/o-.png (OK) |
1123 | 23367768 res/o9.9.png (OK) |
1124 | 23368068 res/oI.png (OK) |
1125 | 23368704 res/oP.xml (OK - compressed) |
1126 | 23369087 res/oY.xml (OK - compressed) |
1127 | 23369736 res/o_.9.png (OK) |
1128 | 23370028 res/o_.png (OK) |
1129 | 23370719 res/oa.xml (OK - compressed) |
1130 | 23371104 res/ob.png (OK) |
1131 | 23376536 res/op.9.png (OK) |
1132 | 23376864 res/oz.9.png (OK) |
1133 | 23377860 res/p0.xml (OK - compressed) |
1134 | 23378556 res/p8.png (OK) |
1135 | 23379420 res/pA.webp (OK) |
1136 | 23398180 res/pD.png (OK) |
1137 | 23399824 res/pF.xml (OK - compressed) |
1138 | 23400241 res/pF1.xml (OK - compressed) |
1139 | 23400527 res/pU.xml (OK - compressed) |
1140 | 23400785 res/pV.xml (OK - compressed) |
1141 | 23401108 res/pY.png (OK) |
1142 | 23401256 res/pc.png (OK) |
1143 | 23427011 res/pd.xml (OK - compressed) |
1144 | 23427288 res/pk.png (OK) |
1145 | 23427603 res/pn.xml (OK - compressed) |
1146 | 23427964 res/ps.9.png (OK) |
1147 | 23428184 res/pu.png (OK) |
1148 | 23429133 res/pw.xml (OK - compressed) |
1149 | 23429680 res/py.9.png (OK) |
1150 | 23429937 res/q3.xml (OK - compressed) |
1151 | 23430216 res/q6.xml (OK - compressed) |
1152 | 23430652 res/qA.png (OK) |
1153 | 23431665 res/qA.xml (OK - compressed) |
1154 | 23431972 res/qD.9.png (OK) |
1155 | 23434848 res/qF.png (OK) |
1156 | 23441425 res/qU.xml (OK - compressed) |
1157 | 23442096 res/qp.png (OK) |
1158 | 23442333 res/qx.xml (OK - compressed) |
1159 | 23443114 res/qz.xml (OK - compressed) |
1160 | 23443584 res/r7.png (OK) |
1161 | 23449407 res/rI.xml (OK - compressed) |
1162 | 23449830 res/rJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
1163 | 23450204 res/rW.xml (OK - compressed) |
1164 | 23450549 res/rY.xml (OK - compressed) |
1165 | 23450886 res/rd.xml (OK - compressed) |
1166 | 23451232 res/rj.9.png (OK) |
1167 | 23452372 res/rl.png (OK) |
1168 | 23455442 res/rx.xml (OK - compressed) |
1169 | 23455783 res/rz.xml (OK - compressed) |
1170 | 23456052 res/s0.png (OK) |
1171 | 23456500 res/s3.9.png (OK) |
1172 | 23456788 res/s4.png (OK) |
1173 | 23456928 res/sA.9.png (OK) |
1174 | 23457180 res/sA.xml (OK - compressed) |
1175 | 23457452 res/sH.png (OK) |
1176 | 23457622 res/sO.xml (OK - compressed) |
1177 | 23458026 res/sS.xml (OK - compressed) |
1178 | 23458345 res/sX.xml (OK - compressed) |
1179 | 23458668 res/sg.9.png (OK) |
1180 | 23458934 res/sl.xml (OK - compressed) |
1181 | 23459403 res/sn.xml (OK - compressed) |
1182 | 23459660 res/su.png (OK) |
1183 | 23460876 res/t1.xml (OK - compressed) |
1184 | 23462012 res/t2.png (OK) |
1185 | 23472188 res/t8.xml (OK - compressed) |
1186 | 23472548 res/tG.png (OK) |
1187 | 23473064 res/tI.xml (OK - compressed) |
1188 | 23473359 res/tL.xml (OK - compressed) |
1189 | 23473724 res/tS.png (OK) |
1190 | 23474085 res/tS.xml (OK - compressed) |
1191 | 23474428 res/tU.9.png (OK) |
1192 | 23474680 res/tZ.9.png (OK) |
1193 | 23474920 res/td.png (OK) |
1194 | 23475160 res/te.png (OK) |
1195 | 23475478 res/te.xml (OK - compressed) |
1196 | 23475725 res/tf.xml (OK - compressed) |
1197 | 23476106 res/ti.xml (OK - compressed) |
1198 | 23477271 res/tk.xml (OK - compressed) |
1199 | 23477530 res/tp.xml (OK - compressed) |
1200 | 23477825 res/tt.xml (OK - compressed) |
1201 | 23478252 res/tv.xml (OK - compressed) |
1202 | 23479251 res/u0.xml (OK - compressed) |
1203 | 23479903 res/u01.xml (OK - compressed) |
1204 | 23480340 res/u3.png (OK) |
1205 | 23480896 res/uE.webp (OK) |
1206 | 23495216 res/uI.xml (OK - compressed) |
1207 | 23496274 res/uJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
1208 | 23496752 res/uL.9.png (OK) |
1209 | 23497758 res/uR.xml (OK - compressed) |
1210 | 23498324 res/uS.png (OK) |
1211 | 23498486 res/ua.xml (OK - compressed) |
1212 | 23498824 res/uh.png (OK) |
1213 | 23500632 res/uj.9.png (OK) |
1214 | 23500872 res/ut.9.png (OK) |
1215 | 23501668 res/uu.9.png (OK) |
1216 | 23501912 res/uy.xml (OK - compressed) |
1217 | 23503519 res/v-.xml (OK - compressed) |
1218 | 23504036 res/v4.9.png (OK) |
1219 | 23504284 res/v5.xml (OK - compressed) |
1220 | 23504608 res/vF.xml (OK - compressed) |
1221 | 23504865 res/vG.xml (OK - compressed) |
1222 | 23505501 res/vH.xml (OK - compressed) |
1223 | 23505836 res/vJ.xml (OK - compressed) |
1224 | 23506164 res/vL.9.png (OK) |
1225 | 23506427 res/vR.xml (OK - compressed) |
1226 | 23506692 res/vT.xml (OK - compressed) |
1227 | 23506920 res/vZ.xml (OK - compressed) |
1228 | 23507177 res/vf.xml (OK - compressed) |
1229 | 23507505 res/vl.xml (OK - compressed) |
1230 | 23508077 res/vq.xml (OK - compressed) |
1231 | 23508652 res/vy.xml (OK - compressed) |
1232 | 23509140 res/vz.9.png (OK) |
1233 | 23509361 res/vz.xml (OK - compressed) |
1234 | 23509612 res/w7.png (OK) |
1235 | 23509922 res/w7.xml (OK - compressed) |
1236 | 23510651 res/w9.xml (OK - compressed) |
1237 | 23510924 res/wL.9.png (OK) |
1238 | 23511404 res/wN.9.png (OK) |
1239 | 23511669 res/wP.xml (OK - compressed) |
1240 | 23512024 res/wR.png (OK) |
1241 | 23519136 res/wT.png (OK) |
1242 | 23520980 res/w_.png (OK) |
1243 | 23521236 res/wb.png (OK) |
1244 | 23527168 res/wf.png (OK) |
1245 | 23531465 res/wi.xml (OK - compressed) |
1246 | 23531840 res/wy.png (OK) |
1247 | 23532308 res/x3.9.png (OK) |
1248 | 23532560 res/xH.png (OK) |
1249 | 23532786 res/xI.xml (OK - compressed) |
1250 | 23533488 res/xM.ttf (OK - compressed) |
1251 | 23593178 res/xN.xml (OK - compressed) |
1252 | 23594014 res/xQ.xml (OK - compressed) |
1253 | 23594504 res/xR.9.png (OK) |
1254 | 23594740 res/xa.9.png (OK) |
1255 | 23595001 res/xa.xml (OK - compressed) |
1256 | 23595562 res/xd.xml (OK - compressed) |
1257 | 23596275 res/xj.xml (OK - compressed) |
1258 | 23596567 res/xo.xml (OK - compressed) |
1259 | 23596854 res/xq.xml (OK - compressed) |
1260 | 23597241 res/xz.xml (OK - compressed) |
1261 | 23598432 res/y-.xml (OK - compressed) |
1262 | 23598700 res/y3.png (OK) |
1263 | 23606402 res/y4.xml (OK - compressed) |
1264 | 23606658 res/y9.xml (OK - compressed) |
1265 | 23606926 res/yE.xml (OK - compressed) |
1266 | 23607184 res/yH.9.png (OK) |
1267 | 23607408 res/yO.xml (OK - compressed) |
1268 | 23607658 res/yT.xml (OK - compressed) |
1269 | 23607980 res/yV.xml (OK - compressed) |
1270 | 23608320 res/yY.9.png (OK) |
1271 | 23608546 res/yY.xml (OK - compressed) |
1272 | 23608832 res/ya.xml (OK - compressed) |
1273 | 23609192 res/yd.png (OK) |
1274 | 23621128 res/ye.png (OK) |
1275 | 23622324 res/yg.9.png (OK) |
1276 | 23622759 res/yj.xml (OK - compressed) |
1277 | 23623156 res/yn.png (OK) |
1278 | 23625640 res/z-.9.png (OK) |
1279 | 23625904 res/z9.9.png (OK) |
1280 | 23626364 res/zE.png (OK) |
1281 | 23626728 res/zG.xml (OK - compressed) |
1282 | 23627048 res/zL.png (OK) |
1283 | 23627296 res/zP.png (OK) |
1284 | 23645256 res/zR.png (OK) |
1285 | 23648057 res/zR.xml (OK - compressed) |
1286 | 23648544 res/zV.9.png (OK) |
1287 | 23651048 res/zZ.png (OK) |
1288 | 23657743 res/zc.xml (OK - compressed) |
1289 | 23658192 res/ze.png (OK) |
1290 | 23666547 res/zp.xml (OK - compressed) |
1291 | 23666805 res/zq.xml (OK - compressed) |
1292 | 23667116 res/zr.png (OK) |
1293 | 23669935 res/zs.xml (OK - compressed) |
1294 | 23670207 res/zu.xml (OK - compressed) |
1295 | 23671240 res/zz.png (OK) |
1296 | 23672164 res/zz.xml (OK - compressed) |
1297 | 23672356 resources.arsc (OK) |
1298 | Verification succesful |
1299 | Signing APK |
1300 | Sign concluded with exit status 0 |
1301 |
Passed |
This step will build an .apk using Gradle.
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
Then aliased this gradle:
1 | Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. |
2 | Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. |
3 | /var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/gitpull/AndroidManifest.xml:4: Error: Mock locations should only be requested in a test or debug-specific manifest file (typically src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml) [MockLocation] |
4 | <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION"/> |
5 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
6 | |
7 | Explanation for issues of type "MockLocation": |
8 | Using a mock location provider (by requiring the permission |
9 | android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION) should only be done in debug |
10 | builds (or from tests). In Gradle projects, that means you should only |
11 | request this permission in a test or debug source set specific manifest |
12 | file. |
13 | |
14 | To fix this, create a new manifest file in the debug folder and move the |
15 | <uses-permission> element there. A typical path to a debug manifest |
16 | override file in a Gradle project is src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml. |
17 | |
18 | 1 errors, 0 warnings |
19 | |
20 |
1 | Found 8.1 via distributionUrl |
2 | Running /home/phabricator-android-builder/versions/8.1/bin/gradle --stacktrace assembleGitpull |
3 | > Task :app:buildKotlinToolingMetadata |
4 | > Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE |
5 | > Task :app:preGitpullBuild UP-TO-DATE |
6 | > Task :app:generateGitpullBuildConfig |
7 | > Task :app:generateGitpullResValues |
8 | > Task :app:checkGitpullAarMetadata |
9 | > Task :app:mapGitpullSourceSetPaths |
10 | > Task :app:generateGitpullResources |
11 | > Task :app:createGitpullCompatibleScreenManifests |
12 | > Task :app:extractDeepLinksGitpull |
13 | |
14 | > Task :app:processGitpullMainManifest |
15 | /var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/gitpull/AndroidManifest.xml Warning: |
16 | provider#org.acra.attachment.AcraContentProvider@android:authorities was tagged at AndroidManifest.xml:0 to replace other declarations but no other declaration present |
17 | |
18 | > Task :app:processGitpullManifest |
19 | > Task :app:javaPreCompileGitpull |
20 | > Task :app:extractProguardFiles |
21 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullJniLibFolders |
22 | > Task :app:processGitpullManifestForPackage |
23 | > Task :app:checkGitpullDuplicateClasses |
24 | > Task :app:desugarGitpullFileDependencies |
25 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullResources |
26 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullNativeLibs |
27 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullArtProfile |
28 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullShaders |
29 | > Task :app:compileGitpullShaders NO-SOURCE |
30 | > Task :app:generateGitpullAssets UP-TO-DATE |
31 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullAssets |
32 | > Task :app:compressGitpullAssets |
33 | |
34 | > Task :app:stripGitpullDebugSymbols |
35 | Unable to strip the following libraries, packaging them as they are: |
36 | |
37 | > Task :app:collectGitpullDependencies |
38 | > Task :app:extractGitpullNativeSymbolTables |
39 | > Task :app:sdkGitpullDependencyData |
40 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullNativeDebugMetadata NO-SOURCE |
41 | > Task :app:writeGitpullAppMetadata |
42 | > Task :app:writeGitpullSigningConfigVersions |
43 | > Task :app:processGitpullResources |
44 | > Task :app:optimizeGitpullResources |
45 | > Task :app:mergeExtDexGitpull |
46 | > Task :app:kaptGenerateStubsGitpullKotlin |
47 | |
48 | > Task :app:kaptGitpullKotlin |
49 | /var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/gitpull/it/reyboz/bustorino/data/gtfs/ warning: Primary key constraint on gtfsId is ignored when being merged into |
50 | private feed; |
51 | ^ |
52 | |
53 | > Task :app:compileGitpullKotlin |
54 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/ActivityAbout.kt:69:49 Parameter 'view' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
55 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/ActivityAbout.kt:79:47 Parameter 'view' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
56 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/ActivityAbout.kt:83:47 Parameter 'view' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
57 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/ActivityAbout.kt:100:13 'onBackPressed(): Unit' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
58 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/ActivityIntro.kt:49:75 Parameter 'tab' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
59 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/adapters/RouteOnlyLineAdapter.kt:34:33 Parameter 'showOnlyEmpty' is never used |
60 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/backend/mato/MQTTMatoClient.kt:208:15 Variable 'line' is never used |
61 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/backend/mato/MQTTMatoClient.kt:264:62 No cast needed |
62 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/backend/mato/MQTTMatoClient.kt:301:17 Variable 'valid' is assigned but never accessed |
63 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/data/MatoPatternsDownloadWorker.kt:58:13 Variable 'notificationManager' is never used |
64 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/data/MatoTripsDownloadWorker.kt:101:13 Variable 'notificationManager' is never used |
65 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/BackupImportFragment.kt:204:33 Variable 'updated' is never used |
66 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/IntroFragment.kt:172:43 'setColorFilter(Int, PorterDuff.Mode): Unit' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
67 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/IntroFragment.kt:178:66 Parameter 'maxDpToScale' is never used |
68 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/IntroFragment.kt:213:24 'setColorFilter(Int, PorterDuff.Mode): Unit' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
69 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:106:41 There is more than one label with such a name in this scope |
70 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:136:16 Condition 'fragmentListener == null' is always 'false' |
71 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:174:63 Parameter 'stopName' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
72 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:312:23 Unnecessary safe call on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
73 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:389:43 Parameter 'view' is never used |
74 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:586:36 Condition 'map == null' is always 'false' |
75 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:655:66 Parameter 'polyline' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
76 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:655:76 Parameter 'mapView' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
77 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:655:85 Parameter 'eventPos' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
78 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:677:13 Variable 'numStops' is never used |
79 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:750:35 Variable 'marker' initializer is redundant |
80 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:800:21 Condition 'busPositionsOverlay != null' is always 'true' |
81 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesDetailFragment.kt:857:46 'getter for zoomLevel: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
82 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/LinesGridShowingFragment.kt:203:13 Variable 'durArrow' is never used |
83 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:92:56 Parameter 'stopName' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
84 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:125:28 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
85 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:128:28 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
86 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:191:63 Parameter 'v' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
87 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:194:50 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type LocationOverlay |
88 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:199:62 Parameter 'v' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
89 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:239:17 Condition 'animator != null' is always 'true' |
90 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:263:13 Condition 'map == null' is always 'false' |
91 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:268:22 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
92 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:271:51 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
93 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:311:55 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
94 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:343:13 Condition 'mLocationOverlay == null' is always 'false' |
95 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:343:60 Condition 'map == null' is always 'false' |
96 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:346:29 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type LocationOverlay |
97 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:348:29 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type LocationOverlay |
98 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:357:34 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type ImageButton |
99 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:357:97 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type ImageButton |
100 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:395:12 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
101 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:425:32 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
102 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:486:12 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
103 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:495:12 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
104 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:503:17 Variable 'stopMarker' is never used |
105 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:504:16 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
106 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:519:12 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
107 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:530:21 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
108 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:589:21 Condition 'map == null' is always 'false' |
109 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:613:38 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
110 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:613:74 Parameter 'pattern' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
111 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:648:21 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
112 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:655:27 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
113 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:660:31 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type FolderOverlay |
114 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:661:21 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
115 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:668:12 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
116 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:695:63 Parameter 'mapView' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
117 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/MapFragmentKt.kt:707:20 Unnecessary non-null assertion (!!) on a non-null receiver of type MapView |
118 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/fragments/TestRealtimeGtfsFragment.kt:84:27 Parameter 'cont' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
119 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/map/BusInfoWindow.kt:45:36 Parameter 'view' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
120 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/map/BusInfoWindow.kt:45:42 Parameter 'motionEvent' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
121 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/map/BusInfoWindow.kt:88:17 Variable 'layPars' is never used |
122 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:185:27 'LocationProvider' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
123 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:185:44 'OUT_OF_SERVICE: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
124 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:185:72 'LocationProvider' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
125 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:185:89 'TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
126 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:187:34 'LocationProvider' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
127 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:187:51 'AVAILABLE: Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
128 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/middleware/AppLocationManager.kt:215:48 'Criteria' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java |
129 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:50:43 Variable 'map' initializer is redundant |
130 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:53:40 Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String?, Any>? |
131 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:71:51 No cast needed |
132 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:73:49 No cast needed |
133 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:75:46 No cast needed |
134 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:77:48 No cast needed |
135 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:79:48 No cast needed |
136 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:81:42 No cast needed |
137 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/util/ImportExport.kt:83:56 Unchecked cast: Any to Set<String?> |
138 | w: file:///var/drydock/workingcopy-112/repo/libre-busto/app/src/main/java/it/reyboz/bustorino/viewmodels/LivePositionsViewModel.kt:271:29 Parameter 'req' is never used, could be renamed to _ |
139 | |
140 | > Task :app:compileGitpullJavaWithJavac |
141 | |
142 | > Task :app:dexBuilderGitpull |
143 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullGlobalSynthetics |
144 | > Task :app:processGitpullJavaRes |
145 | > Task :app:mergeGitpullJavaResource |
146 | > Task :app:mergeDexGitpull |
147 | > Task :app:compileGitpullArtProfile |
148 | > Task :app:packageGitpull |
149 | > Task :app:createGitpullApkListingFileRedirect |
150 | > Task :app:lintVitalAnalyzeGitpull |
151 | > Task :app:lintVitalReportGitpull |
152 | |
153 | > Task :app:lintVitalGitpull |
154 | |
155 | > Task :app:assembleGitpull |
156 | |
157 | BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1m 44s |
158 | 45 actionable tasks: 45 executed |
159 |
Passed |
Clean Gradle directory to avoid nasty errors like:
1 | Found 8.1 via distributionUrl |
2 | Running /home/phabricator-android-builder/versions/8.1/bin/gradle clean |
3 | > Task :app:clean |
4 | |
6 | 1 actionable task: 1 executed |
7 |
Passed |
Passed |