
[Feature request] Add reader for GTT tickets
Open, WishlistPublic150 Points


It would be awesome to be able to read GTT tickets. It's not hard and not impossible, there is another app (open source) that is able to do it already.

Sarebbe fantastico poter leggere i biglietti della GTT, non è difficile, c'è già un'altra app open source che lo fa.


Reported By (original)
Changelog (EN)
Add ability to read GTT tickets
Changelog (IT)
Aggiunto lettore biglietti GTT

Event Timeline

fabio.mazza triaged this task as Normal priority.
fabio.mazza raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.
fabio.mazza lowered the priority of this task from High to Wishlist.Nov 20 2023, 13:13
fabio.mazza moved this task from Arriving 🔥 to Simple Nice to Have ✨ on the Libre BusTO board.
fabio.mazza added a project: Feature Request.