
Screw around with 10 laptops serving as clusters :D
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Points

Event Timeline

Bukkit renamed this task from Screw around with 10 :D to Screw around with 10 laptops serving as clusters :D.
Bukkit triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.
Bukkit created this object with edit policy "Subscribers".
Bukkit lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to High.Jul 27 2021, 03:22

We could use localhost to do the bug fixes, but we DO need some sort of clusters

Actually, I think we only need 3 (test1, tf1, and media1) atm.

In the end, we could get hosted by FOSSHost if we’re popular enough.

Netherite set the point value for this task to 5.Jul 27 2021, 20:45

I have a raspberry pi lying around, could run it on there. And I have a laptop, so we can host our Phab instance there?

@Bukkit is hosting tf1, @Netherite is (most likely) hosting web servers or Phabricator, and @localhost is hosting discourse.