Users authorized to configure Libre BusTO arbormaster.
Event Timeline
valerio.bozzolan created this object with edit policy "Project Members".
valerio.bozzolan created this object with join policy "Project Members".
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from acl*gitpull-harbormaster to acl*libre-busto-harbormaster.Aug 7 2020, 07:282020-08-07 07:28:27 (UTC+2)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from acl*libre-busto-harbormaster to acl*gitpull-sysadmins.Aug 9 2020, 22:302020-08-09 22:30:21 (UTC+2)
valerio.bozzolan removed a hashtag: #acl_libre-busto-harbormaster.Aug 12 2020, 07:342020-08-12 07:34:45 (UTC+2)