
valerio.bozzolan (Valerio Bozzolan)
The PhabriloverAdministrator


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Nov 8 2019, 13:03 (258 w, 4 d)


I'm the creator and sysadmin of - Learn more!

Personal workboard


Recent Activity


valerio.bozzolan edited the content of Benvenuto in!.
Tue, Oct 22, 23:07 ·
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of Benvenuto in!.
Tue, Oct 22, 22:53 ·

Fri, Oct 18

valerio.bozzolan closed T1238: Adapt Libre BusTO to don't be killed by new nonsense legal constraints from Google Play Services as Resolved.

Day n. 3. asd

Fri, Oct 18, 10:49 · Libre BusTO (Neeeext Release), User-valerio.bozzolan

Tue, Oct 15

valerio.bozzolan moved T1274: Replicate cURL stuck for hours and evaluate resolutions from Backlog to Done on the suckless-php board.
Tue, Oct 15, 18:49 · User-valerio.bozzolan, suckless-php
valerio.bozzolan closed T1274: Replicate cURL stuck for hours and evaluate resolutions as Resolved.


Tue, Oct 15, 18:48 · User-valerio.bozzolan, suckless-php
valerio.bozzolan committed R32:f41fb7f4e969: update boz-mw to manage stuck connections.
update boz-mw to manage stuck connections
Tue, Oct 15, 18:19
valerio.bozzolan committed R21:a2f0fad757c3: Do not stuck forever in case of dropped connections.
Do not stuck forever in case of dropped connections
Tue, Oct 15, 18:13

Mon, Oct 14

valerio.bozzolan created T1274: Replicate cURL stuck for hours and evaluate resolutions.
Mon, Oct 14, 08:18 · User-valerio.bozzolan, suckless-php

Sun, Oct 13

valerio.bozzolan committed R32:0d4bff70f40f: Catch unmanaged exceptions to report their time.
Catch unmanaged exceptions to report their time
Sun, Oct 13, 21:29

Fri, Oct 11

valerio.bozzolan claimed T1238: Adapt Libre BusTO to don't be killed by new nonsense legal constraints from Google Play Services.
Fri, Oct 11, 18:12 · Libre BusTO (Neeeext Release), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan moved T1238: Adapt Libre BusTO to don't be killed by new nonsense legal constraints from Google Play Services from 🔝 Best Task Ever to Neeeext Release on the Libre BusTO board.
Fri, Oct 11, 18:12 · Libre BusTO (Neeeext Release), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan updated the name of F2425580: DUNS not accepted in Google Play Store - Italiano.png from "DUNS not accepted - Italiano.png" to "DUNS not accepted in Google Play Store - Italiano.png".
Fri, Oct 11, 18:12
valerio.bozzolan updated the name of F2425580: DUNS not accepted in Google Play Store - Italiano.png from "DUNS not accepted.png" to "DUNS not accepted - Italiano.png".
Fri, Oct 11, 18:11
valerio.bozzolan updated the name of F2425580: DUNS not accepted in Google Play Store - Italiano.png from "image.png" to "DUNS not accepted.png".
Fri, Oct 11, 18:11
valerio.bozzolan reopened T1238: Adapt Libre BusTO to don't be killed by new nonsense legal constraints from Google Play Services as "Open".

We obtained a last-minute DUNS paying 270 EURO (MINCHIA)

Fri, Oct 11, 18:11 · Libre BusTO (Neeeext Release), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan archived Libre BusTO (2.2.0).
Fri, Oct 11, 18:10

Tue, Oct 8

valerio.bozzolan updated the summary of D170: NO BENVENUTO/ASD/æ.
Tue, Oct 8, 12:12 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan published D170: NO BENVENUTO/ASD/æ for review.
Tue, Oct 8, 12:11 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan defrocked lvps.
Tue, Oct 8, 12:04
valerio.bozzolan accepted D168: Make infomation screen more resourceful with buttons and appropriate text.

Bellæ a/e raga/A/i/e/E asd

Tue, Oct 8, 10:52 · Libre BusTO

Fri, Oct 4

valerio.bozzolan accepted D168: Make infomation screen more resourceful with buttons and appropriate text.

No malware. Middle-approval. asd

Fri, Oct 4, 19:57 · Libre BusTO

Wed, Oct 2

valerio.bozzolan closed D169: Metadata: make F-Droid icon happy.
Wed, Oct 2, 14:01 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan committed R4:0d52403f4886: Metadata: make F-Droid icon happy.
Metadata: make F-Droid icon happy
Wed, Oct 2, 14:01
valerio.bozzolan requested review of D169: Metadata: make F-Droid icon happy.
Wed, Oct 2, 13:52 · Libre BusTO

Sat, Sep 28

valerio.bozzolan committed R32:268cd1e2d9c0: README: update legacy URL - add intro paragraph.
README: update legacy URL - add intro paragraph
Sat, Sep 28, 09:41

Fri, Sep 27

valerio.bozzolan lowered the priority of T1273: Fix custom login after upgrade to MediaWiki 1.35 from Unbreak Now! to High.

Nobody cares if we cannot login now. Still important but not critical. Content is useful and updated.

Fri, Sep 27, 00:51 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan closed T1272: Install a new WordPress with the Avada WordPress theme as Resolved.

Seems that works now.

Fri, Sep 27, 00:51 · User-valerio.bozzolan, AtlasFor (Neeeext)
valerio.bozzolan closed T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye as Resolved.

Scusate se interrompo questo momento idilliaco con un report tecnico.

X Sergio: poi aiutami eventualmente a chiarire la cosa con Paolo.

Cosa stavo facendo

Per poter usare il nuovo WordPress ho dovuto applicare un importante
aggiornamento del sistema operativo.

Di preciso ho dovuto avanzare tutto il server da Debian buster (chiusa
da anni) a Debian bullseye, altrimenti non potevo installare il
componente "php7.4-curl" che permetteva di installare tutti i plugin
del tema appena acquistato.

Cosa è successo

Nel fare questo ho scatenato un incidente: per motivi totalmente oscuri
sono stati eliminati tutti i database MySQL. Questo significa che per
diversi minuti mi sono cagato addosso.

Come è stato risolto il problema

Fortunatamente sul server stesso tengo dei backup per queste evenienze,
backup che vengono comunque poi trasferiti anche sul computer in
studio, e anche su un mio server a Milano.
In breve, ho quindi passato le ultime 4-5 ore a trasferire tutti i
backup di ogni singolo database e a re-importarli e a ri-creare le
utenze e a rimetterle nei rispettivi applicativi.
La data di ultimo backup è ieri notte all'1:00 AM. Questo significa che
abbiamo recuperato tutti i dati avvenuti prima del 26 settembre 01:00

Ho appena concluso questa re-installazione dei database, e quindi non
abbiamo perso "nulla di critico", però appunto ho perso il mio lavoro
che ho fatto oggi.

Quindi ho re-installato da capo la WordPress di oggi. Quindi tutti
dovrebbero aver ricevuto (di nuovo - sigh) le nuove utenze, se ho fatto
tutto giusto.

Situazione attuale

In breve, dai backup:
Ho recuperato i dati di AtlasFor.
Ho recuperato le pagine del sito in Joomla.
Ho recuperato le versioni di fare paesaggio (quelle che ancora
Ho recuperato calendario, dati ecc in OwnCloud.
Ho recuperato le pagine del magazine.
Ho recuperato le pagine del wiki.
Ho recuperato la LimeSurvey di trento (?).
Ho recuperato aosta in bici.
Tutto il resto che non stava in un database (quindi i materiali
multimediali, foto, file, software) invece non è mai stato perso quindi
non ci sono problemi su quel fronte almeno...

Non mi risulta ci siano altre cose da recuperare.
Comunque se notate qualcosa, lo recupero / fixo.


Il nuovo sito è di nuovo online, di nuovo con il tema installato.
Le utenze sono di nuovo create suo nuovo sito.

Ilaria e Sabiana dovrebbero essere indipendenti nel gestirsi il nuovo
sito ma sono a loro disposizione.

Abbiamo perso tutti i dati di qualsiasi cosa fatta ieri (in realtà
abbiamo tutti i file, ma non abbiamo i database - quindi - per dire -
se avete caricato un video, se mi dite il nome forse lo trovo, anche se
non lo vedete magari in AtlasFor o in OwnCloud o dov'era stato caricato
perché il suo nome era probabilmente anche nei database).

Cose meno importanti

Al momento per un aggiornamento di sicurezza importante ho dovuto
avanzare anche il wiki, che però ha perso il login centralizzato con
AtlasFor. Questo lo considero minima priorità ma cerco di lavorarci per
ri-adattarlo con la versione nuova 🌈

Mi dispiace per questa mail non esattamente simpatica.

Sentiamoci. Ciau! Notte


Fri, Sep 27, 00:51 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan closed T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye, a subtask of T1272: Install a new WordPress with the Avada WordPress theme , as Resolved.
Fri, Sep 27, 00:51 · User-valerio.bozzolan, AtlasFor (Neeeext)

Thu, Sep 26

valerio.bozzolan created T1273: Fix custom login after upgrade to MediaWiki 1.35.
Thu, Sep 26, 23:11 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.

I've lost ALL the MySQL databases O.O

Thu, Sep 26, 20:55 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.

Running apt full-upgrade

Thu, Sep 26, 19:13 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.

Run apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs successfully

Thu, Sep 26, 19:13 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.

I've upgraded first just SSH. Now I'm doing the apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs.

Thu, Sep 26, 18:45 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.

Thu, Sep 26, 18:45 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a parent task for T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye: T1272: Install a new WordPress with the Avada WordPress theme .
Thu, Sep 26, 18:45 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a subtask for T1272: Install a new WordPress with the Avada WordPress theme : T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.
Thu, Sep 26, 18:45 · User-valerio.bozzolan, AtlasFor (Neeeext)
valerio.bozzolan created T1272: Install a new WordPress with the Avada WordPress theme .
Thu, Sep 26, 18:45 · User-valerio.bozzolan, AtlasFor (Neeeext)
valerio.bozzolan created T1271: Upgrade from Debian buster to Debian bullseye.
Thu, Sep 26, 18:43 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan

Wed, Sep 25

valerio.bozzolan placed T1167: Examinate Gradle warning: warning: Primary key constraint on gtfsId is ignored up for grabs.
Wed, Sep 25, 20:43 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan created Libre BusTO (Neeeeeeeeeext Release).
Wed, Sep 25, 20:43
valerio.bozzolan archived Libre BusTO (2.1.2).
Wed, Sep 25, 20:42
valerio.bozzolan moved T1269: Show info window in the map properly from Simple Nice to Have ✨ to Neeeext Release on the Libre BusTO board.
Wed, Sep 25, 20:42 · Libre BusTO (Neeeext Release)
valerio.bozzolan moved T1270: Add dark theme from Arriving 🔥 to 🔝 Best Task Ever on the Libre BusTO board.
Wed, Sep 25, 20:40 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan accepted D167: Anchor info window for the buses in the center of the icon.

Tested. No malware. No nuclear explosions. Thanks!

Wed, Sep 25, 16:33 · Libre BusTO

Mon, Sep 23

valerio.bozzolan created T1268: Comprare una batteria da 9V ricaricabile per Kezi (gli ho inculato la sua per il basso ESC).
Mon, Sep 23, 12:48 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Valerio's stuff

Sep 21 2024

valerio.bozzolan awarded Droid Killer to recipient: davidecaminati.
Sep 21 2024, 03:12
valerio.bozzolan created P31 asd.
Sep 21 2024, 02:53

Sep 20 2024

valerio.bozzolan closed D166: Release F-Droid version 2.2.3.
Sep 20 2024, 23:47 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan committed R4:db5a39b16419: Release F-Droid version 2.2.3.
Release F-Droid version 2.2.3
Sep 20 2024, 23:47
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:19bf3b871e57: improve cuteness of Phorge comment.
improve cuteness of Phorge comment
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:4ddb04e04be6: add support to Telegram messages lol.
add support to Telegram messages lol
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:13664d677b9c: update arcanist import (we don't support Phabricator anymore but Phorge).
update arcanist import (we don't support Phabricator anymore but Phorge)
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:03e4da255f42: phab-comment: minor refactor.
phab-comment: minor refactor
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:61bcdcaff41f: fix gradle update removing --retry-all-errors.
fix gradle update removing --retry-all-errors
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:423498df3f27: update to known APK position.
update to known APK position
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan committed R65:83aaeca41ec8: publish sha256sum as Phabricator comment.
publish sha256sum as Phabricator comment
Sep 20 2024, 23:43
valerio.bozzolan requested review of D166: Release F-Droid version 2.2.3.
Sep 20 2024, 22:01 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan committed R4:814f2f6ab94d: Changelog generator: fix NULL pointer on empty Task owner.
Changelog generator: fix NULL pointer on empty Task owner
Sep 20 2024, 21:57
valerio.bozzolan closed T1264: [Bug] Title of favorite stop not showing correctly as Resolved.
Sep 20 2024, 21:56 · Libre BusTO (Neeeext Release), Bug Report

Sep 19 2024

valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1265: Increment PHP session timeout.

It's too difficult to apply this only for that virtualhost. lol

Sep 19 2024, 18:17 · User-valerio.bozzolan, LimeSurvey
valerio.bozzolan closed T1265: Increment PHP session timeout as Wontfix.
Sep 19 2024, 18:15 · User-valerio.bozzolan, LimeSurvey
valerio.bozzolan created T1265: Increment PHP session timeout.
Sep 19 2024, 17:05 · User-valerio.bozzolan, LimeSurvey
valerio.bozzolan abandoned D165: test asdlol.
Sep 19 2024, 01:38 · Libre BusTO

Sep 18 2024

valerio.bozzolan requested review of D165: test asdlol.
Sep 18 2024, 17:32 · Libre BusTO
valerio.bozzolan accepted D164: Fix not showing the stop name if in favorites.

No backdoors. Yeah. asd

Sep 18 2024, 14:51 · Libre BusTO

Sep 6 2024

valerio.bozzolan edited the content of First steps with boz-mw MediaWiki API framework.
Sep 6 2024, 20:05 · boz-mw: MediaWiki API client

Aug 28 2024

valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1262: Bosh Iron - WTF.

Called again today. No answer. I've sent a PEC today.

Aug 28 2024, 15:09 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Valerio's stuff
valerio.bozzolan created T1262: Bosh Iron - WTF.
Aug 28 2024, 14:57 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Valerio's stuff

Aug 26 2024

valerio.bozzolan edited P30 ILS Manager prod error.
Aug 26 2024, 23:29
valerio.bozzolan created P30 ILS Manager prod error.
Aug 26 2024, 23:27

Aug 24 2024

valerio.bozzolan added a comment to P29 WordPress MU - debug activated - crash.
diff --git a/inc/multisite.php b/inc/multisite.php
index 83c9c97..8890c9d 100644
--- a/inc/multisite.php
+++ b/inc/multisite.php
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', 'multisite_custom_css_map_meta_cap', 20, 3 );
 function multisite_custom_css_map_meta_cap( $caps, $cap, $user_id ) {
        $user_meta = get_userdata($user_id);
-       $user_roles = $user_meta->roles;
-       if ( in_array("administrator", $user_roles) ){
-               $caps = array( 'edit_theme_options' );
+       if( $user_meta ) {
+               $user_roles = $user_meta->roles;
+               if ( in_array("administrator", $user_roles) ){
+                       $caps[] = 'edit_theme_options';
+               }
        return $caps;
Aug 24 2024, 18:10
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to P29 WordPress MU - debug activated - crash.
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Stonehenge_Plugin::$parsley is deprecated in /home/sezionilocali/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stonehenge-em-osm/stonehenge/class-core.php on line 130
Aug 24 2024, 17:56
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to P29 WordPress MU - debug activated - crash.
diff --git a/inc/multisite.php b/inc/multisite.php
index 83c9c97..8890c9d 100644
--- a/inc/multisite.php
+++ b/inc/multisite.php
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', 'multisite_custom_css_map_meta_cap', 20, 3 );
 function multisite_custom_css_map_meta_cap( $caps, $cap, $user_id ) {
        $user_meta = get_userdata($user_id);
-       $user_roles = $user_meta->roles;
-       if ( in_array("administrator", $user_roles) ){
-               $caps = array( 'edit_theme_options' );
+       if( $user_meta ) {
+               $user_roles = $user_meta->roles;
+               if ( in_array("administrator", $user_roles) ){
+                       $caps[] = 'edit_theme_options';
+               }
        return $caps;
Aug 24 2024, 17:52
valerio.bozzolan created P29 WordPress MU - debug activated - crash.
Aug 24 2024, 17:48

Aug 23 2024

valerio.bozzolan created E104: Renew certificate.
Aug 23 2024, 19:21
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description for T96: Automate wildcard certificate renew for *
Aug 23 2024, 19:05 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Servizi Linux
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description for T96: Automate wildcard certificate renew for *
Aug 23 2024, 19:03 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Servizi Linux
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description for T96: Automate wildcard certificate renew for *
Aug 23 2024, 18:49 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Servizi Linux
valerio.bozzolan archived Italian Linux Society (Aprile 2024).
Aug 23 2024, 18:49
valerio.bozzolan archived Italian Linux Society (Marzo 2024).
Aug 23 2024, 18:48
valerio.bozzolan closed T501: Prepare Phabricator's Linux Day talk as Wontfix.
Aug 23 2024, 18:48 · User-valerio.bozzolan, Restricted Project
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description for T1261: Release "Midnight talk: 200 licenze in 25 minuti -Valerio Bozzolan" on
Aug 23 2024, 17:37 · Valerio's stuff, User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description for T1261: Release "Midnight talk: 200 licenze in 25 minuti -Valerio Bozzolan" on
Aug 23 2024, 17:30 · Valerio's stuff, User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1261: Release "Midnight talk: 200 licenze in 25 minuti -Valerio Bozzolan" on

For the first point, tried:

Aug 23 2024, 17:25 · Valerio's stuff, User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan created T1261: Release "Midnight talk: 200 licenze in 25 minuti -Valerio Bozzolan" on
Aug 23 2024, 17:25 · Valerio's stuff, User-valerio.bozzolan

Aug 12 2024

valerio.bozzolan edited the content of Welcome in
Aug 12 2024, 15:18 ·

Aug 10 2024

valerio.bozzolan changed the start date for E102: Maintenance Washing Machine from Sep 1 2024, 19:00 to Fri, Nov 1, 19:00.
Aug 10 2024, 23:03 · Unknown Object (Project)

Aug 2 2024

valerio.bozzolan raised the priority of T1096: Allow to translate the Category description from Low to High.
Aug 2 2024, 11:10 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan raised the priority of T1088: Allow to translate the POI "name" field from Normal to High.
Aug 2 2024, 11:09 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan archived AtlasFor (2024-07-10).
Aug 2 2024, 11:08
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1257: Update WordPress of

(Un-Debianized yesterday night - so now it's at latest version, but must be manually updated since it does not receive updates from Debian anymore)

Aug 2 2024, 10:51 · User-valerio.bozzolan, AtlasFor (2024-07-10)

Jul 21 2024

valerio.bozzolan triaged T1135: Fix crash caused by RemoteServiceException (Couldn't create icon: StatusBarIcon - on version 1.18.2 as Unbreak Now! priority.
Jul 21 2024, 10:18 · Libre BusTO (1.18.1), Bug Report

Jul 18 2024

valerio.bozzolan raised the priority of T1021: Usergroup management: add a button "re-associate all POIs from that Archive to this Usergroup" from Normal to High.
Jul 18 2024, 16:01 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan moved T1048: Allow to lock a POI from Neeeext to 2024-07-10 on the AtlasFor board.
Jul 18 2024, 16:00 · AtlasFor (2024-07-10), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan moved T1020: User List: add a Filter by "has POIs" or "has not POIs" from Neeeext to 2024-07-10 on the AtlasFor board.
Jul 18 2024, 16:00 · AtlasFor (2024-07-10), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan added a comment to T1020: User List: add a Filter by "has POIs" or "has not POIs".

This was designed to find people who do not create anything. Released today. Created yesterday night.

Jul 18 2024, 16:00 · AtlasFor (2024-07-10), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan closed T1020: User List: add a Filter by "has POIs" or "has not POIs" as Resolved by committing Restricted Diffusion Commit.
Jul 18 2024, 15:53 · AtlasFor (2024-07-10), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan raised the priority of T1088: Allow to translate the POI "name" field from Low to Normal.
Jul 18 2024, 15:23 · AtlasFor (Neeeext), User-valerio.bozzolan
valerio.bozzolan lowered the priority of T1097: Allow to translate Usergroup name and description from Low to Wishlist.
Jul 18 2024, 15:23 · AtlasFor (Neeeext)