Welcome in **GitPull.it**! This is a public [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phabricator|Phabricator]] instance to allow coworking on your [[ https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html | Free ]] and [[ https://opensource.org/docs/osd | open source ]] projects!
Hey, it's a good alternative to other services like GitHub and GitLab etc.!
Join details:
* Gratis registration for bug reporters
* Gratis registration for Free as in freedom projects
* Gratis registration if you do nothing but you love Torino and its [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_Antonelliana|Mole Antonelliana]]!
* We can discuss other kind of participation
== {icon users} How to Register-in ==
We have not the time to fight for spam, so, to register-in:
* ask invitation from an already registered friend
* register via a social
* or just introduce yourself here (copy address from the image):
Telling what you like and what you want to do (write "mozzarella-mandolino" somewhere in the email to be not killed by a powerful artificial intelligence anti-spam filter. asd).
Have fun!
== {icon question-circle} I'm an Hacker and I'M IN. Now? ==
Welcome aboard, pirate! Arrrr! Now you can:
* {icon briefcase} [[ /project/edit/form/1/ | Create a Project ]] (even private!)
* {icon code} [[ /maniphest/task/edit/form/6/ | Request a Repository ]] (only Free Software)
* {icon anchor} [[ /maniphest/task/edit/form/4/?projects=gitpull.it | File a generic request for gitpull administrators ]]
* {icon envelope-open-o} [[ https://gitpull.it/maniphest/task/edit/form/7/ | Invite a friend! ]]
== {icon credit-card} Donate ==
We **don't** accept donations. This is because you are the product and we just do enough truckloads of money selling your personal data to Al-Qaeda and Topo Gigio.
NOTE: To comply with the European transparency treaties [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topo_Gigio | here ]] you should inform about our major lobbyist.