
Border Radio Reference
Updated 1,143 Days AgoPublic

This is a reference of the current implementation of Border Radio infrastructure currently hosted in Reyboz.

Network overview

border-diagram.png (736×1 px, 41 KB)

Icecast Stream

The stream is broadcasted to the people via Icecast. The current installed version can be seen there:

It's served by the main Reyboz webserver.

It's exposed by HTTP (directly via Icecast) and HTTPs (under a frontend Apache webserver).

There is also a low-priority hidden mountpoint used by LibreTime:

Podcast Drive

This is the Border Radio Podcast drive:

Because storage is expensive, the Border Radio Podcast Drive it's a single board computer with a 1TB hard drive hidden in a LAN. It's exposed via dirty hacks like pirates (using a reverse SSH tunnel). In the future we may want to get rid of this reverse SSH tunnel and expose this host directly from Comala's LAN hacking with the port forwarding settings in the Comala's router (but actually nobody in Comala knows the router's password).

See T490: Setup Border Radio pirate podcast drive

Podcast Drive FTP

Border Radio podcast drive FTP server's configuration:

FTP server:

FTP port:

FTP modality:


  • {K21}
  • {K22}

Podcast drive SFTP

The Podcast drive can be accessed via SFTP via the ftp-border-radio user.

This is used in background to mirror stuff locally and to use podcasts in LibreTime.


The website is a WordPress instance installed via the wordpress package in Debian GNU/Linux stable (currently codename buster). This choice was done in order to keep the website secure via the package manager and do not break the website on unintended WordPress upgrades.

The current WordPress version can be seen there:

It's served by the main Reyboz webserver.

Website theme

Border Radio adopted the OnAir2 WordPress theme. To be honest under its hood is shitty (ask we why please) but, hey, it was the best we found. Moreover it's free as in freedom so we hope to patch it and improve it.


  • change homepage splash image (T581)

FTP access for the theme directory:


Border Regia remote desktop (VNC)

Change password (8 characters):

sudo x11vnc -storepasswd asdasdas /etc/x11vnc.pass

See T489: Expose VNC server and other services via SSH reverse tunnel to Border Regia.


Border Regia SSH reverse tunnel

On the Border Radio regia there is a reverse SSH tunnel opened to the Reyboz server:

systemctl status autossh-reyboz

In short it connects via:

ssh [various parameters]

See Reyboz Ports Reference.

Border Radio LibreTime

LibreTime is exposed here:

Before visiting it you must insert these HTTP Auth credentials:


To restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart libretime

More details at:

T594: Expose the new LibreTime virtual machine via Reyboz reyboz to

The source code is here:

Border Radio LibreTime live Icecast

LibreTime exposes an Icecast server to enter in live:



The logos should be show in the Visual Identity page:


Long with phrase:

Referenced Files
F1540966: border-diagram.png
Jan 25 2022, 00:45
F643879: border_radio.svg
Nov 10 2020, 16:25
F32030: border-diagram.png
May 20 2020, 21:37
Last Author
Last Edited
Jan 25 2022, 00:47

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan changed the edit policy from "Administrators" to "All Users".
valerio.bozzolan added a project: Border Radio.
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan added a project: Reyboz.
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan edited the content of this document. (Show Details)