
Ask for permissions on first run, show longest patterns first

Authored by fabio.mazza on Jan 21 2024, 17:33.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Jul 21, 14:23
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Jul 20, 17:35
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jul 17, 20:14
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Jul 16, 23:39
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Jul 15, 03:37
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Jul 15, 03:34
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Jul 15, 03:33
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Jul 15, 02:07


  • Show patterns with more stops first in LinesDetailFragment
  • Set compatibility of Java
  • Manage permissions on first run, ask for notification
Test Plan
  • use old phone with Android <= 12: no nuclear implosions (notifications work)
  • use new phone with Android > 12 and completely ignore the "Give permissions": no nuclear implosions (notifications do not work)
  • use new phone with Android > 12 and manually run the Introduction (from menu) and give that permission: no nuclear implosions (notifications work)

Diff Detail

R4 Libre BusTO
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a reviewer: valerio.bozzolan. · View Herald Transcript
Restricted Application added subscribers: Libre BusTO , valerio.bozzolan. · View Herald Transcript

Be bop be bop. I'm a bot. Builded successfully ✨


sha256 487761a3bc21cfa42ccb3b183b230f2448168ea37e85f2fe9ea24d0d4520bcec
valerio.bozzolan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

I followed the test plan, no nuclear implosions, thanks big Fabione asd


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 21 2024, 17:58