Insert back the foreground service notification (and permission), complying with Play Store
Also, avoid non-stop request of trip data that simply fails to download, giving rise to less notifications on devices that run Android < 12.
Differential D161
Re-enable foreground service with special notification channel, upgrade ACRA version fabio.mazza on Apr 10 2024, 23:00. Authored by
Details Insert back the foreground service notification (and permission), complying with Play Store Also, avoid non-stop request of trip data that simply fails to download, giving rise to less notifications on devices that run Android < 12. Check nothing is broken
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions Be bop be bop. I'm a bot. Builded successfully ✨ sha256 6195f6b94e0c89c2d3607f72023e6d3dd524c62b1c87a0439872574175ad2cef Comment Actions Speriamo asd. Tested, using random actions: