
Use Alerts functionality by GTFS
Open, HighPublic100 Points


Sarebbe figo poter vedere gli avvisi della GTT, che sono anche pubblicati come Alerts di GTFS (url
Si potrebbe creare una schermata apposta, mostrarli negli arrivi dei bus oppure controllare in background.

It would be cool to be able to see the GTT alerts, which are also published as GTFS Alerts (url
The app could have a separate screen, or show them in bus arrivals or check them in the background.

Event Timeline

fabio.mazza triaged this task as Normal priority.

Output della richiesta all'url (da parsare con Google Protobuf):

id: "64747492cd23a80973a31210"
alert {
  active_period {
    start: 1685451600
    end: 1685479500
  informed_entity {
    route_id: "44U"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "3425"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "3446"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "2644"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "2712"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "2713"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "2717"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "2720"
  informed_entity {
    stop_id: "8395"
  effect: DETOUR
  url {
    translation {
      text: ""
      language: "it"
  header_text {
    translation {
      text: "Linea 44 deviata"
      language: "it"
  description_text {
    translation {
      text: "Martedi\' 30 maggio dalle ore 20.30 alle ore 23 circa.\nin direzione via Don Borio (Grugliasco): da via Galimberti angolo piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII per Corso Fratelli Cervi, via Battisti, via Leonardo da Vinci, corso Torino, percorso normale; \nin direzione viale Partigiani (Collegno): da Corso Torino angolo via Leonardo da Vinci per via Leonardo da Vinci, via Battisti, Corso Fratelli Cervi, piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, percorso attuale.\nCausa manifestazione nel comune di Grugliasco."
      language: "it"
fabio.mazza changed the point value for this task from 200 to 100.May 30 2023, 16:41
fabio.mazza raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.Nov 20 2023, 13:15
fabio.mazza added a project: Feature Request.

Ok, designing.

  1. Each alert has "id" so when downloaded again it can be easily identified.
  2. Each informed_entity is either a line or a stop. This could be translated in "a bell like" notification, that is displayed when the arrivals are shown with the stop (Or the line)
  3. The description_text can be put in a nice dialog that shows when the bell icon is touched
  4. We should account for the possibility of multiple alerts on a single stop, or line