
Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Reported By (original)
Changelog (EN)
Map: do not move the view out of Torino, if you are not there
Changelog (IT)
Mappa: non spostare la visuale fuori Torino se non sei lì

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan changed Changelog (EN) from Map: do not move to your position out of Torino, if you are not there to Map: do not move the view out of Torino, if you are not there.Aug 26 2023, 09:49
valerio.bozzolan changed Changelog (IT) from Mappa: non spostarsi verso Torino se non sei lì to Mappa: non spostare la visuale fuori Torino se non sei lì.