
Enable Dutch translation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Requested by Wouter.


Changelog (EN)
Enable Dutch translation
Changelog (IT)
Aggiunta lingua olandese

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority.
valerio.bozzolan awarded a token.
fabio.mazza claimed this task.
fabio.mazza subscribed.

The app is now open for Dutch (nl) translation:

fabio.mazza changed Changelog (EN) from Add Dutch language to Enable Dutch translation.Nov 26 2024, 10:50

The translation in Dutch is as good as done. I would have to go through the app, to see it with context, as I translated it from strings only. I wonder if anybody ever will use it, but it was a fun little project to test it once.

Wow! Well done wouter! We will mention you in the next app credits โœจ

I've seen that Weblate have not published the "translation commit":

When Weblate will publish such commit, we will prepare a demo APK so you can test the application :) Demo APK are always shared in the Telegram group, by the way:

But you are already there ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ Thanks again for your contributions

Weblate pushed the translations. You can download the latest apk at when it has finished building, it should be the "HEAD" one

@wouter I have just realized that the strings are not all translated, because arrays of strings are not supported by weblate. With the latest revision accepted, there should be more strings that you can translate in Weblate