
Favorites too much verbose
Open, NormalPublic


It should be nice if the location description in the favorites station list (e.g. C.VINZAGLIO/C.VITTORIO EMANUELE II for bus stop id 31) could be hidden. The reason is: if a bus stop is in the favorites, then the user probably already knows its location, and including such a long string for every bus stop makes the favorites list too long. So, having a toggle in the settings for this should be the best option.

— by Fabio Mazza from Launchpad

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
fabio.mazza raised the priority of this task from Low to Normal.Mon, Sep 23, 12:43
fabio.mazza moved this task from Arriving 🔥 to Simple Nice to Have ✨ on the Libre BusTO board.