
Award Netherite with a cute badge
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey @valerio.bozzolan, could you give me the Phabrilover badge, I really appreciate Phabricator

Thanks, @Netherite

The user Netherite wants an awesome badge. We should create a new fresh badge and assign it to Netherite.

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Wishlist priority.
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan added a subscriber: Netherite.

Awarded @Netherite with the Phabrilover badge! Yuppie!

Feel free to reopen :)

valerio.bozzolan moved this task from Tech to Welcome on the board.

We should create a new fresh badge and assign it to Netherite.

Hm, if possible, could I get a custom badge? Thanks, @Netherite

My friend, I don't know you enough to design a 100% cute badge for you.

To fix this, let's create a sub-task to organize a Pizza in Torino or Milano or nearby you, to chat a bit and learn more about what can be amazing for you.

Otherwise, feel free to suggest a badge but that's less funny.

My friend, I don't know you enough to design a 100% cute badge for you.

To fix this, let's create a sub-task to organize a Pizza in Torino or Milano or nearby you, to chat a bit and learn more about what can be amazing for you.

Otherwise, feel free to suggest a badge but that's less funny.

Sounds like a great idea, what should the sub-task be named?

It depends. If you want to visit Torino or Milano, let's call it "Netherite should have a pizza with boz in Torino or Milano to design a suitable Phabricator badge". If you want to invite me and my family in your city, let's call it "Boz should have a pizza with Netherite in place1 or place2 to design a suitable Phabricator badge".

Feel free to visit me in Milano but in the meanwhile I assigned to you another Badge. The Nice Hat badge: