
Bus lines filter
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello everybody! 🖖

I'd like to filter the bus lines in order to find the one I'm looking for.

Thank you! <3


Changelog (EN)
Added search by bus line
Changelog (IT)
Aggiunta ricerca per nome di una linea

Event Timeline

fabio.mazza triaged this task as Wishlist priority.Nov 11 2023, 16:05
fabio.mazza raised the priority of this task from Wishlist to Normal.EditedSep 23 2024, 12:44
fabio.mazza moved this task from Arriving 🔥 to Simple Nice to Have ✨ on the Libre BusTO board.
fabio.mazza subscribed.

This should be fun, and very useful when you want to get, say, line 55 or 71.

Tentative Plan:

  • add a search box or a search bar in the fragment where there are all the lines (this could be done nicely with a Floating action button)
  • update the lines in the adapter, or find a similar mechanism, to show only the ones corresponding to the search

the lines have a code, like "gtt:4U" -> line 4, so it should be fairly straightforward. The barrato lines could be a problem, but we can ignore it for the moment

Probably the best thing is to include a search functionality in the action bar (the thing on top), even if it's not what I like. I'm trying to make it work with this design (see picture), but there are issues... (the search widget expands ehehehe)

Schermata_20241114_181744.png (1×590 px, 99 KB)
Schermata_20241114_181933.png (1×590 px, 138 KB)

valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (EN) to Added search by bus line.Nov 18 2024, 11:51
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (IT) to Aggiunta ricerca per nome di una linea.