Feed All Transactions
valerio.bozzolanT1185: Fix crash caused by null pointer in on version 1.19.1-gitdevAug 26 2023, 10:08
valerio.bozzolanT1185: Fix crash caused by null pointer in on version 1.19.1-gitdev
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:08
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.1.0)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from 1.21.x to Next Release. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:06
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.0.0)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:05
valerio.bozzolanD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 26 2023, 10:04
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecureAug 26 2023, 10:04
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan updated Reported By (original), added: fabio.mazza. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (EN) to Increased minimum required Android version from Kitkat to Lollipop also for security reasons. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan moved this task to 2.0.0 on the Libre BusTO board. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan closed this task as Resolved. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (IT) to Aumentata la versione minima di Android richiesta, da Kitkat a Lollipop, anche per motivi di sicurezza. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan created this object with edit policy "All Users". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan assigned this task to fabio.mazza. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecure
valerio.bozzolan created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanT1184: Increase API level from Kitkat to Lollipop, since Kitkat is damn insecureAug 26 2023, 10:03
valerio.bozzolanF1798649: Libre BusTO map screenshot.png
valerio.bozzolan updated the name for this file from "image.png" to "Libre BusTO map screenshot.png". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:01
valerio.bozzolanF1798649: Libre BusTO map screenshot.png
valerio.bozzolan changed the visibility from "valerio.bozzolan (Valerio Bozzolan)" to "Public (No Login Required)". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:01
valerio.bozzolanF1798646: Libre BusTO map screenshot.png
valerio.bozzolan updated the name for this file from "image.png" to "Libre BusTO map screenshot.png". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:01
valerio.bozzolanF1798646: Libre BusTO map screenshot.png
valerio.bozzolan changed the visibility from "valerio.bozzolan (Valerio Bozzolan)" to "Public (No Login Required)". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:01
valerio.bozzolanF1798653: asd.jpg
valerio.bozzolan changed the visibility from "valerio.bozzolan (Valerio Bozzolan)" to "Public (No Login Required)". 
Aug 26 2023, 10:01
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan set the cover image to F1798653: asd.jpg. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:01
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. 
Aug 26 2023, 10:00
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)Aug 26 2023, 10:00
valerio.bozzolanD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 26 2023, 09:57
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)Aug 26 2023, 09:57
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan closed this task as Resolved. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (EN) to Map: add a border to bus icons for better accessibility. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan assigned this task to fabio.mazza. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan updated Reported By (original), added: Zubyte. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan created this object with edit policy "All Users". 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan moved this task to Backlog on the Libre BusTO (2.0.0) board. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanT1183: Map: add a small black border to Bus icons (for better accessibility)
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (IT) to Map: aggiunto un bordino nero alle icone dei bus per vederle meglio. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:56
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.0.0)
valerio.bozzolan changed the default filter for the project workboard. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:51
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan changed Changelog (IT) from Mappa: non spostarsi verso Torino se non sei lì to Mappa: non spostare la visuale fuori Torino se non sei lì. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:49
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan changed Changelog (EN) from Map: do not move to your position out of Torino, if you are not there to Map: do not move the view out of Torino, if you are not there. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:49
valerio.bozzolanD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan subscribed. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan created this object with edit policy "All Users". 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan closed this task as Resolved. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan created this object in space S1 Public. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan assigned this task to fabio.mazza. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (IT) to Mappa: non spostarsi verso Torino se non sei lì. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan moved this task to Backlog on the Libre BusTO (2.0.0) board. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)". 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan updated Reported By (original), added: fabio.mazza. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan set Changelog (EN) to Map: do not move to your position out of Torino, if you are not there. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan created this task. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanT1182: Map: do not consider current geolocation if you are too distant from Torino (e.g. if you are on vacation in Timbuktu)
valerio.bozzolan triaged this task as Normal priority. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:47
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this Profile Menu Item. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:43
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.0.0)
valerio.bozzolan enabled the workboard for this project. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:43
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.0.0)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from 1.20.0 to 1.19.1. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:39
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (1.19.0)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this project from 1.19.x to 1.19.0. 
Aug 26 2023, 09:39
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (1.19.0)
valerio.bozzolan changed the default filter for the project workboard. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:42
valerio.bozzolanProfile Menu Item
valerio.bozzolan edited this Profile Menu Item. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:42
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (1.19.0)
valerio.bozzolan enabled the workboard for this project. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:42
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.1.0)
valerio.bozzolan created this project. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:22
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.1.0)
valerio.bozzolan edited this Project. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:22
valerio.bozzolanLibre BusTO (2.1.0)
valerio.bozzolan created this project. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:22
valerio.bozzolanT1014: Reimplement arrivals list as recyclerView
valerio.bozzolan moved this task from 💣 Refactor to 1.19.0 on the Libre BusTO board. 
Aug 26 2023, 08:21
valerio.bozzolanT1014: Reimplement arrivals list as recyclerView
valerio.bozzolan edited projects, added Libre BusTO (1.19.0); removed Libre BusTO . 
Aug 26 2023, 08:21
HarbormasterR4:59a3c670e91d: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 25 2023, 20:28
fabio.mazzaR4:59a3c670e91d: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 25 2023, 20:26
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. 
Aug 25 2023, 20:26
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 25 2023, 20:26
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 25 2023, 20:26
fabio.mazzaR4:59a3c670e91d: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positionsAug 25 2023, 20:26
valerio.bozzolanD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Aug 25 2023, 07:03
valerio.bozzolanD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
valerio.bozzolan accepted this revision. 
Aug 25 2023, 07:03
valerio.bozzolanD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
valerio.bozzolan added a comment. 
Aug 25 2023, 07:03
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
fabio.mazza requested review of this revision. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:14
HarbormasterD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B435: Diff 403. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:14 Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions added a comment. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:14
Restricted ApplicationD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
Restricted Application added a reviewer: valerio.bozzolan. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
Restricted ApplicationD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
Restricted Application added subscribers: Libre BusTO , valerio.bozzolan. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
Restricted ApplicationD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
Restricted Application added a project: Libre BusTO . 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
fabio.mazza retitled this revision from to Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
fabio.mazza edited the summary of this revision. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
fabio.mazza updated this revision to Diff 403. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
fabio.mazzaD126: Make new lines fragment showing each line on the map, use MQTT positions
fabio.mazza created this revision. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
fabio.mazzaDiff 403
fabio.mazza created this diff. 
Aug 25 2023, 01:11
valerio.bozzolanT1181: Lettera di incarico
valerio.bozzolan unsubscribed. 
Aug 9 2023, 15:12
iopensaT1181: Lettera di incaricoAug 9 2023, 15:06
iopensaT1177: Mandate guidelines OS-ADMAug 9 2023, 15:06
iopensaT1177: Mandate guidelines OS-ADM
iopensa added a comment. 
Aug 9 2023, 15:06
iopensaT1180: Verificare tariffe per mandati
iopensa moved this task from Inbox OD-ADM to Administration OS-ADM on the OS-ADM board. 
Aug 9 2023, 15:04